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SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI ......................


Tema :: Bahasa
Bahasa Inggris
Inggris Nama
Nama :: …..……………………
Hari // Tanggal
Tanggal :: ......................................
...................................... Nomor
Nomor :: ......................................
Waktu :: ………………………..
……………………….. Nilai
Nilai :: ......................................
I. Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer !
1. Complete this dialogue !
Lisa : The floor is dirty. Can you sweep it ?
Rina : . . . I can not.
Lisa : It’s all right. But can you lend me the broom ?
Rina : Sure.
Lisa : Wait, before you leave ,would you like closing the window ?
Rina : Okay.
a. Thank you
b. I am sorry
c. Okay
d. All right
2. Sandra : Excuse me, I want to sharpen the pencil. Can you lend me a . . . , please?
Lily : Okay. Please take it on the table !
Sandra : Thank you.
Lily : You are welcome.
a. broom
b. pencilcase
c. ruler
d. sharpener
3. My mother is preparing fried rice for breakfast. She is . . . in the kitchen.
a. cook
b. cooking
c. clean
d. cleaning
4. The students have a mathematic in the classroom. They want to draw a line. They need a . . . .
a. eraser
b. ruler
c. blackboard
d. sharpener
5. Mr. Raka is an english teacher. He wants to begin his lesson. He needs a . . . to write on the
a. pencil
b. chalk
c. marker
d. pen

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 1

Read the text to answer number (6-10)
The belll rings at seven o’clock. Sinta and her friends in the class and have the lesson. At the
first period, they have mathematic. Mrs. Susi is their teacher, she is patient and kind. All of the
students love her.
The next session starts at eight o’clock, Mr. Santo comes in to the class. He teaches english.
The students study english seriously because they want to speak english well. At nine o’clock,
they have a break.

6. What time does the bell ring ?

a. 06.00
b. 07.00
c. 08.00
d. 09.00
7. Sinta and her friends like to study with Mrs. Susi. Is she a nice person ?
a. Yes, I am
b. Yes, she is
c. No, I am not
d. No, she is not
8. At the first period, Sinta and her friends have a mathematic subject. Who teaches mathematic ?
a. Mrs. susi
b. Mr. Santo
c. Sinta
d. Sinta’s friend
9. Sinta and her friends have a break after English lesson. What time do the students have a rest ?
a. 07.00
b. 08.00
c. 09.00
d. 10.00
10. Does Mr. Santo teach English ?
a. Yes, I do
b. Yes, he does
c. No, I do not
d. No, He does not
11. My classroom is very big and clean. The students always sweep te floor everyday.
They need . . . to clean the tables and the chairs.
a. a broom
b. an eraser
c. a duster
d. a rubber
12. Rearrange these words into a good sentence !
newspaper – is – father – a – My - reading
a. My father is reading a newspaper
b. a newspaper my father is reading
c. My father reading newspaper a is
d. Reading my father is a newspaper
13. It is like a horse. It has black and white stripes. It is a wild animal but not dangerous. It is . . . .
a. an elephant
b. a zebra
c. a rhinoceros
Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 2
d. a giraffe
14. It is a wild and dangerous animal. It has long body. It has sharp fangs. It also has venom. It is
scary. What is it ?
a. snake
b. crocodile
c. lion
d. tiger
15. We have a special day on April the twenty first. It is a . . . .
a. Heroes day
b. New year day
c. Education day
d. Kartini’s day
16. Galuh and Candra are in the classroom. They . . . Indonesia Pusaka song right now.
a. is reading
b. is singing
c. are reading
d. are singing
17. Teacher : Students, please open your homework ! Fitra, where is your homework ?
Fitra :....
Teacher : Do it next time !
Fitra : Yes sir.
a. Here you are
b. Excuse me, sir !
c. Pardon me, sir !
d. I am sorry, sir. I forget it.
18. Today is an Independence Day. The students have a flag ceremony at the school yard.
It is on . . . .
a. August the seventeenth
b. August the seventh
c. August the twenty seventh
d. April the twenty first
19. Carla : I forget to bring my ruler. May I . . . your ruler ?
Disty : Certainly, I have two rulers. You can use one of them.
Carla : Thank you.
a. take
b. buy
c. borrow
d. give

20. The day before Saturday is . . . .

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 3

a. Friday
b. Sunday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
21. The number after sixteen is . . . .
a. twenty
b. seventeen
c. eighteen
d. twelve
22. The month before April is . . . .
a. March
b. May
c. June
d. July
23. There are . . . days in a week.
a. nine
b. Five
c. seven
d. four
24. There are . . . months in a year.
a. ten
b. twelve
c. eleven
d. twenty
25. The month after July is . . . .
a. June
b. May
c. August
d. December
26. We usually see crocodile in the . . . .
a. house
b. zoo
c. hospital
d. market
27. Ray : “Are there Rhinoceros?”
Jack : “ . . .”
a. Yes, there are
b. No, there is not
c. Yes, there do

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 4

d. No, there do not
28. Rio : “What are those?”
Roi : “ . . . .”
a. That is a dog
b. Those are five cats
c. Those are five goose
d. There are four tigers
29. Audia : “ This is a peacock?
Aulia : “ No, . . . “.
a. that is not
b. this is not
c. that is
d. this is
30. The classroom is dirty. Your teacher ask you to . . . it.
a. wash
b. read
c. write
d. clean
31. Mr. John is my uncle, he is a tailor, he is . . . the dress.
a. repairing
b. working
c. cleaning
d. sewing
32. The Students are . . . the book in the library.
a. burning
b. buying
c. borrowing
d. writing
33. My grandmother is sick.
She is drinking the . . . . three times a day.
a. medicines
b. coffee
c. tea
d. softdrink

34. The suitable sentence to discribe the picture is . . . .

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 5

a. Mr. Ahmad is praying
b. Mr. Ahmad is reading
c. Mr. Ahmad is eating
d. Mr. Ahmad is singing
35. Look at the picture below!
They are . . . football in the yard.
a. playing
b. working
c. sweeping
d. cleaning
II.Fill in these blank below !
36. A shark live in the . . . .
37. Cow, goats, and buffalo eat . . . .
38. Generally, the colour of zebra is . . . and . . .
39. The School begin at . . . .o’clock.

40. I usually play football at . . . o’clock.

41. This month is the . . . month of the years.

42. Kartini’s Day is celebrate on . . . .
43. We have . . . on August the seventeenth.
44. They . . . a traditional dance.

45. Andrea . . . a dangdut song.

III. Answer the question below!
46. Mention three kinds of animals those are eat grass !
47. Mention three kinds of things you can save on your pencil case!
48. Write the date when you was born!
49. Rearranges these words into correct sentences!
many - There - things – are - classroom - the - in
50. It is a quarter to six. Make a picture based on this time !

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 6

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 7

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