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SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI ......................



Tema :: Bahasa
Bahasa Inggris
Inggris Nama
Nama :: …..……………………
Hari // Tanggal
Tanggal :: ......................................
...................................... Nomor
Nomor :: ......................................
Waktu :: ………………………..
……………………….. Nilai
Nilai :: ......................................
I. Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer !
1. Complete this dialogue !
Ilma : Where are the students ?
Yogi : . . . in the labolatory.
Ilma : What are they doing ?
Yogi : They are doing experiment.
Ilma : What lesson do they get ?
Yogi : They get natural Science.
a. They
b. They are
c. We are
d. The student
2. Candra : Who is Mr.Brilliant?
Ninik : He is a . . . .
Candra : What is he doing?
Ninik : He is teaching math.
a. teacher
b. soldier
c. doctor
d. gardener
3. Figiko likes reading a book in the . . . in her spare time.
a. canteen
b. parking area
c. library
d. toilet
4. Every Monday the school holds a . . . .
a. flag ceremony
b. discussing
c. reading a book
d. sweeping the floor
5. Mr. Parto Wijaya works in the library.He helps the students to borrow the books in the library.
He is a . . . .
a. headmaster
b. gardener
c. teacher
d. librarian

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 1

Read the text to answer number (6-10)
It’s English time.The students are studying in the classroom.They are listening to the
teacher.The teacher is explaning the English lesson.The lesson is about public places.
The bell is ringing.It’s break time.The students are buying meals in the canteen.Some students are
in the library.They are reading and borrowing books.

6. The students are studying . . . .

a. English
b. Math
c. Science
d. Indonesian
7. The students are. . . meals in the canteen.
a. taking
b. making
c. buying
d. selling
8. Who is borrowing the books in the library?
a. the teacher
b. the students
c. the headmaster
d. the librarian
9. What is lesson about ? It’s about . . . .
a. school
b. number
c. profession
d. public place
10. Who is explain the lesson ? . . . is.
a. the students
b. the headmaster
c. the teacher
d. the gardener
11. The students must have a . . . to borrow the book in the library.
a. library card
b. identity card
c. money
d. book
12. Rearrange these words into a good sentence !
comfortable – and – library – is – My – school - big
a. My library is school big and comfortable
b. Library is my big shool and comfortable
c. My school is big and library comfortable
d. My library school is big and comfortable

13. Yesterday is Monday.Mrs.Asih explaned about goverment to the students.So,Mrs Asih is . . .

a. Art and culture
b. Natural science
c. Civic education
d. Math

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 2

14. Don’t return the book lately!You can get . . . .
a. tax
b. fine
c. prize
d. fee
15. The students look for the . . . to find the title of the books.
a. library card
b. time table
c. Cupboard
d. catalogue
16. Adi buys a suit and Rudi Buys a wallet.So the wallet is . . . and the suit is. . . .
a. Rudi’s ,Adi’s
b. Adi’s , Rudi’s
c. Rudi , Adi
d. Adi , Rudi
17. Teacher : whose ball is this ?
Fikri : It belongs to Andri.
The ball is . . . .
a. hers
b. his
c. him
d. their
18. Anton : “Where are you going?”.
Trio : “. . . going to the library.”
a. You are
b. We are
c. They are
d. I am
19. Cayla : How many sister do you have ?
Diny : . . . two sisters.
a. You have
b. He has
c. I have
d. I has
20. Lina : “Whose sun glasses is this ?”
Dita : “It belongs to Mirna ?”
The sun glasse is . . . .
a. his
b. hers
c. mine
d. yours

21. Whose picture is it ? It is . . . picture.

a. his
b. me
c. it
d. us
22. Can we borrow the books from the library ?
Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 3
a. no,we can
b. yes,we can not
c. yes, we can
d. no,not we can
23. Is Mrs.Tini teaching in the classroom ?
a. No,he is not
b. Yes,he is
c. Yes,she is
d. Yes,i am
24. A person who teach in the school is a . . . .
a. doctor
b. gardener
c. soldier
d. teacher
25. A person who leads school is a . . . .
a. teacher
b. leader
c. headmaster
d. gardener
26. I go to the stadium on Sunday morning.I bring ball.I like . . . .
a. singing
b. playing football
c. reading
d. playing music
27. Roni : “What do you like?”
Jalal : “ . . .”
a. You like cooking
b. I like playing basketball
c. We like reading
d. They like singing
28. Trio : “What do they like?”
Andi : “ . . . .”

a. They like playing football

b. He likes playing football
c. She likes playing basketball
d. I like playing table tennis

29. Arya : “ What do you like ?”

Amanda : “ I ike cycling . . . “.
Arya : “ What do you need for cycling ?”
Amanda : “ I need . . . . “
a. ball
b. ropes and tent
c. a bicycle
d. racket

30. The sister of my mother is my . . . .

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 4

a. aunt
b. uncle
c. niece
d. nephew
31. Mrs. Antin is my aunt, Mr.Dany is her husband, so Mr.Dany is my . . . .
a. father
b. aunt
c. uncle
d. son
32. Mrs.Suyati is Mrs.Lina’s mother.Mrs.Lina is Dita’s mother,so Mrs Suyati is Dita’s . . . .
a. mother
b. aunt
c. sister
d. grandmother
33. Luna is Mr.Tanto’s daughter.Rinto is Mr.Tanto’s son.
Luna is Rinto’s . . . .
a. brother
b. sister
c. father
d. mother
34. The suitable sentence to discribe the picture is . . . .

a. Mr. Ahmad is Agus’s son

b. Mr. Ahmad is Agus’s brother
c. Mr. Ahmad is Agus’s grandfather
d. Mr. Ahmad is Agus’s grandson
35. Look at the picture below!
Mr.Budi is Mrs.ani’s . . . .

a. wife
b. daughter
c. son
d. husband

II.Fill in these blank below !

Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 5

36. Mr.Joko is a teacher,he is teaching in the . . . .
37. Brilliant likes reading a book in the . . . in his spare time.
38. You can’t borrow the book in the library if doesn’t have . . . .
39. We can see the . . . to know where the book is.
40. This bike is belong to Edo.This is . . . bike.
41. She has an umbrella.It is . . . umbrella.
42. They like . . . .

43. Mr.Damang is a guitarist.He can play . . .well.

44. My aunt has a husband.He is my . . . .
45. My uncle has a son.He is Anton.Anton is my . . . .

III. Answer the question below!

46. Mention three kinds of school activities !
47. Mention three kinds of books in the library !
48. Write and Complete this column !
Adjective Pronoun
My ....
Your ....
His ....
Her ....
Our ....

49. Rearranges these words into correct sentences!

I – to – with– go – campsite – holiday – on – friends - my
50. Complete these dialogues !
Nanang : “ Is he your father ? ”
Nita : “ No,. . . .He is my uncle.”
Nanang : “ Is he your mother’s brother ?”
Nita : “ Yes, . . . .
Nanang : “ What is he . . . ?”
Nita : “ He is a teacher.”

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Penilaian Akhir Tahun 2018-2019 | Bahasa Inggris 7

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