Step 3 Learning Chess - Brunia, Wijgerden

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Learning chess

Step 3

Rob Brunia, Cor van Wijgerden

Workbook Step 3

Name: · Date of birth:

Street: Place:

School: , Club:

Learned chess from: Chess trainer:

1st step completed: 2nd step completed:

-- - -------
Test Mix (2"d step): A

fj fj

2 Third step
Test Mix (2"d step): B

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Discovered and double check

The discovered check is a The back piece in the dis­ The front piece in a discove­
special fonn of the disco­ covered check always gives red check is not always
vered attack. The back piece check. Because of the check aimed at winning material.
of the battery (Rc 1) is in­ this attack is much stronger An attack on a. square is also
directly aimed at the king. in comparison with the a possibility.
The front piece will produce discovered attack. White plays 1. Nb4+ and this
a gain of material with l. In this position the white move forces the king to b8.
BbS+. The rook gives check rook is attacked. Thanks to After that, the knight gives
and the bishop attacks the the discovered attack White mate on a6.
queen. can ignore this attack. He
can win the queen with 1.

Doub1e check is a special Once 1. Bf6+ has been In this position a simple
form of the discovered attack. played, both black pieces are discovered check does not
Now also the king is the under attack. Nevertheless, work because the bishop on
target piece. the white pieces cannot be f3 is under attack.
Both the front piece (Be4) captured. After a double White should choose the
and the back piece (Re 1) can check, only a move by the double check with care: 1.
give check. With the king is possible. Nxb6+ Kb8 is not mate; the
surprising move 1. Ba6 Black Double check is therefore knight on e5 protects square
is checkmated . The black suitable to chase the enemy d7. However, the other
king cannot go ·out of both king in a mating net. double check delivers mate:
checks. After 1 Kg8 White gives 1. Nxc7+ Kb8 2. Na6#.
mate with 2. Rh8#.
• ...

4 Third step
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Attack on a pinned piece

There are two pins in the dia­ The rook pins the bishop on White increases the pressure
gram. d6, which is protected by the on the pinned knight with 1.
On the left Black is in trou­ king. In order to make use of Rae2. Pinning to material
ble. The pinn ed bishop the pin, White must mount a requires the same as pinning
cannot be protected and he second attack on the pinned on the king: an extra attack
will be lost. piece. on the pinned piece is
On the right, the pin is much After 1. Lc5 the black bishop necessary.
less dangerous. The bishop is is insufficiently protected and The knight may be played
protected and White cannot the two-fold attack is success­ here and White must be
profit from the pin. ful. careful with the attack. 1.
Ra5 is poor because of 1. . . .


The bishop on d5 is pinned It is tricky that the front A special form of the attack
to the square d8. Without the piece in 'material+ material" on a pinned piece is a combi­
bishop the white queen could can move away sometimes. nation of pinning and attack­
give check on this square. When the back piece is a ing.
White has to attack d5 once queen, a rook or a bishop a In the diagram the rook on
more. The move 1. Bf3 has genuine battery arises, e7 is pinned, but the rook can
no use, Black protects with making a discovered attack take the queen on e4. So the
1. . Qf5. The proper attack possible. pin is in fact useless. It is
on the pinned bishop is 1. c4. White had better give up the quite different after 1. Ra7.

It is clever to attack with the idea of 1. g4 because of 1 ... This pin has an appropriate
name: the cross pin.

pawn as it is worth less than Ng3+.

the bishop.
Pin Attack on a pinned piece: A

8 Third step
Pin Attack on a pinned piece: B

Access and mating pattern

The black formation is not weakened yet . ln

order to win, White must undermine the
castled position. He does this by capturing
with the rook on a7.
White gains access to the black king by a

The position on the right occurs after the

moves: I. Rxa7+ Kxa7 2. Qa5 mate.

On the left the defences of the kmg are

undennined in another way.
With l. Ng6+ White forces his opponen t to
open the h-file. Once again White gains
access thanks to a sacrifice.

The position on the right side occurs after the

moves: l. Ng6+ hxg6 2- Rh 1 mate.

In order to know whether you can succeed with a sacrifice, you must be able to recognize mating
patterns. If you know the mating pattern you can consequently go for it_ Here are some examples.


Mate Mate in two (access): A

4 mating patterns with 2 rooks

4 mating patterns with queen and


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The square of the pawn

On the left we count two By counting in this way we In this diagram the king is
squares ahead of the pawn on have determined the square inside the square of the pawn
a6 to the promotion square, of the pawns. (b4-b8-f8-f4), but will not
then also two squares to the The square of the pawn on capture the pawn. His own
side of the pawn. a6 are the coordinates a6-a8- pawn is in the way so that
On the right we do the same c8-c6 and the square of the the king must make a detour:
with the pawn on e5. Three pawn on e5 are the coordi­ 1. bS KeS 2. b6 Ke6 3. b7
squares ahead and three nates e5-e8-h8-h5. Kd74. b8D.
squares to the side. On both sides the black king
stands outside the square of
the pawn. White to move
promotes to queen. If it is
Black's move, the king steps
inside the square of the pawn
and can stop the pawn.

The black king is in the The black king is in the We can see at a single glance
square of the pawn, but he square of the pawn, but now if the king is in the square of
cannot stop the g-pawn the pawn gets support from the pawn or not.
anymore. The white king his own king. From the pawn we lead a
shoulders off the black one: After 1. c6 Ke6 2. c7 Kd7 3. diagonal to the other side in
1. g5 (or immediate I. Ke5) Kb7 the white kings helps to the direction of the enemy
1 .. Kd5 2. Kf5 Kd6 3. Kf6 promote the pawn . king (square f8 in this case).
Kd74. Kf7 and the pawn Supporting (helping) is
. .

There we find the upper

can walk through unhin­ another way to eliminate the comer of the square.
dered. enemy king. So the square is f8-f5-c5-c8.
Shouldering off the enemy The black king is just
king is a handy move in positioned outside.
pawn endings. In this way
you eliminate your strongest

14 Third step
Pawn ending The square of the pawn: A

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Test Repetition: A

16 Third step
Test Mix: C



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Elimination of the defence


If the knight were not on c6 White could checkmate with l. Rd8.

The knight is therefore an important defender. After l. Bxc6 the
square d8 is no longer protected so that after 1. . . bxc6 2. Rd8
can be played. Of course, Black does not have to pennit check­

mate; he can create a flight square for the king with 1. ... g6. A
piece is then lost, however.

We call this combination capturing+ mate.

The square h7 is attacked twice and defended twice. The knight

on f6 protects against mate on h7.
With a sacrifice 1. Rxf6 White can capture the defender. since
after 1.... gxf6 the square h7 is no longer sufficiently protected
and mate on h7 can follow. Here again, Black does not have to
recapture, but in that case loses a piece.

Capturing+ mate: White captures the defender in order to give


Luring away

The white rooks could give mate

on c8 and e8 if the bishop were not
on e6. The bishop protects c8 and
obstructs the way to e8. After the
move 1. ReS+, Black must take the
rook and White can give mate on e8.
The defender has been lured away by
a rook sacrifice.
We call this combination: (luring) away+ mate

Chasing away

White has a strong attack along the g-file. Unfortunately he can­

not give mate on g7, since the knight on e6 is defending. With 1.
d5 White chases the knight away and can now checkmate. If
Black plays 1 . . . . g6 to prevent mate, White wins a knight.
(Chasing) away+ mate: a defender is chased away in order to
give mate.
Luring away takes place by means of capturing or a sacrifice,
chasing away by an attack on an undefended piece or a piece with
a higher value.

18 Third step
Elimination of the defence Capturing + mate: A

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Eli m ination of the defence C has i ng away + mate: A

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Defe n d i n g agai nst the double attack

The double attack by the queen is a dangerous offensive weapon. However, in some cases there are
possibilities to mount a defence.

LL ___ _

Interposing+protecting .�oving away+ protecting Capturing (exchanging)

The black queen gives check Both black pieces arc threa­ Black threatens both mate on
and also attacks the bishop tened by the white queen. fl and the rook on g5. With
(king+ material). Black plays his knight to d6. 1. Qxf4 White exchanges the
White defends with 1. Rf4. He defends by moving away queens and after 1. . . Rxf4
he prevents checkmate on fl

He is no longer in check and in such a way that the bishop

the bishop is defended by the is defended. by 2. h3.


Attack on the king Attack on material Attack 011 a square

The white queen attacks two The queen threatens mate on The white rook and bishop
pieces. Black can save them c8 and attacks the rook on arc in trouble. With l. Rdl
by giving check. He can b 1. Black has a iinc defence White can threaten mate, so
choose between: in l. ... Lb7 after which the that Black has no time to
I . Bb5+ queen is pinned. capture the bishop.
1 . . Rd8+
. ..

An unfortunate choice would

l .. Rg3+ be l. Rc I, since l. ... Qxb5

. .

will follow and White cannot

give mate.

22 Third step
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Insufficient material

On the left White has a knight and Black a bishop. Neither player
can force checkmate.
On the right White has a two knight advantage, but still cannot
force checkmate. Although it is possible to checkmate with two
knights, but then the second player must play follishly.
Draw through insufficient material:

®�· <t>��·
�tt:J�· �ttJttJ�·

Perpetual check

On the right White can move the king to b I. but the black queen
can give check on d l . We then get l. Kbl Qdl+ 2. Ka2 Qa4+.
etc. This could go on forever; in chess we usc the name perpetual
On the other side White keeps giving check on g6 and h6 without
the black king being able to escape. Tf you arc behind in material,
or you arc in danger of losing. perpetual check can provide a

Perpetual attack

White is behind in material on the left-hand side, and is thus

happy with a draw. Black rescues his rook with 1. . Rb8, White

responds with 2. Qc7 and the rook must return to a8. White forces
a repetition of position.
On the right, White is also do\\-n in material. He again is lucky to
draw. The threatened black queen has to move to h8, and White
pursues here with 2. Ng6 . Draw by repetition of position.


Although both sides are equal in material. Bl�ck seems to be in

better position, since the king has penetrated white's position. But
what must black do now? White continues to move his bishop
from f7 to g8. A draw is agreed upon since neither player can
expect to win.
Beware: lt is only allowed to offer a draw if it is your move. You
play a move and you offer a draw.

26 Third step
Draw Perpetual check: A

f !:!:,

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t!:,fj � t!:,fj
t:jj _ __1t � l:.i

Draw Stalemate: A


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28 Third step
Draw Mix: A

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- •. =::...J

The rook on cl gives check The attack by the bishop On the left White wins the
and the enemy king must re­ works through the king to the exchange with 1. Bb5+.
treat. The rook on c8 is lost. knight, which will be lost. The rook is worth more than
The attack by the white rook Sometimes the X-ray check the bishop.
works right through the king, needs support from one of its In such a position it doesn't
like an X-ray, thus the appro­ own pieces. It is essential make much difference
priate name is X-ray check. that the back piece is not whether the back piece can
protected. be protected or not by the
front piece.
On the right Black wins
material thanks to the X-ray
check. Not a whole queen
because the king can protect
the queen with 2. Kg4.

l i. i.


The rook attacks the bishop The queen must step aside, Thanks to the X-ray possibi­
on b7. If this bishop moves, after which the knight on e7 lities of pieces like queen,
the other one will come is under attack: an X-ray rook and bishop the X-ray
under attack. Here we have attack. The rook looks right works well with other com­
an example of an X-ray through the queen. He has binations.
attack, not on the king, but two vital helpers in this posi­ In the diagram White plays
on other pieces. tion: the bishops. One is pro­ 1. Bd5+ and he delivers a
The rook attacks less valu­ tecting the rook and the other double attack with the bis­
able pieces. In this position it is attacking the knight. The hop. Because of the black
is essential that the bishops knight is not protected well queen the bishop is protec­
are not protected. Front and enough after a move by the ted.
back piece cannot protect queen. The name: X-rayprotection.
each other.

30 Third step
Double attack X-ray check: A

• •

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Test Repetition: B

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Test Mix: D

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34 Third step
Test Mix: E

• I


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Defend ing against the pin

The black queen i s pinned to

The black rook is in an an­ The knight is pinned and is
the king by the bishop. With noying pin against the king. attacked twice. With 1. . ..

1. ... Nd6 Black moves his By taking the bishop with the Nf6 Black saves his knight,
knight between the bishop knight the pin is removed. removes the pin and protects
and the queen. The pin is his rook.
made harmless by: The pin is made harmless by: The pin is made harmless by:

interposing capturing moving away with protecting

� � _gi, ��
_g� __j
_ _ __ - -- -�- ___L - - �

The pinned black rook is The pin on the knight on d5 The bishop on d5 is in
about to fall. Black can save is problematic. By threate­ danger. White threatens 2.
himself, however, with the ning checkmate on e 1 with 1. Bf3. But Black is to move
intermediate check 1. ... ... Re8, the pin can be and since the rook on d2 is
Qg6+. After the king's move removed. Attacking the unprotected he can defend
to hI, Black moves the rook bishop with 1 .. Rb8 is also
. . himsel f with the move l. . . .

away. a defence, but less forcing. Bxg2+.

The pin is made hannless by The pin is made harmless by The pin is made harmless by
a counterattack, in this a counterattack, on a square a counterattack, in this case
position on the enemy king. or on material. by a discovered attack.

• interposing
• capturing
Defending against a pin by: • moving away with protecting
• counterattack on the king, material or square
• counterattack by a discovered attack

36 Third step
Defend ing Defend ing against a p in: A

• • .I • .l i• •
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.t. �.�.
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!'it'� 8
Ill .t.
b� I
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Defending Defending against a pin: B

. �-- .

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38 Third step

On an empty board the queen in the centre can move to no less than 27 �quares; from a corner she can
still go to 21 squares. On a board with more pieces this will never be possible: the opponent controls
some squares and its own pieces can be in the way. The mobility of a piece depends on:
• its place on the board (by preference not on the edge or in the corner)
• the number of enemy pieces
• the presence of one's own pieces and pawns

it!J [!J
[jjit!J �

� I
[!J -- � J

We take a look at the mobi­ The black king and the rook The knight on b7 can jump to
lity of the pieces: on h8 are in bad shape. They c5. It would be much better
:'\laS: poor due to the position cannot play a single move. there than on b7. White to
on the board (tempora­ Also the bishop on h6 cannot move notices this and plays
rily) be played. Yet, there is a big 1. b4!
'\b3:poor due to enemy difference: the bi�hop is very Suddenly the knight has no
pawns (temporarily) active because he controls future. because jumping to
Bt3: poor due to one's own two pieces. d8 and f7 is no improvement.
pawns which arc in the Although Black is two ex­ The white bishop can no lon­
way (permanent) changes up. his position is ger go to b4. That is a pity,
Bg7: poor due to one's own bad. but closing in the knight is
pawns which are in the more important.
way (some future via f8)

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' '
[!J [!J [!J[!J
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_Jd _.,__�··�- g _j
You can trap enemy pieces In your own games it is use­ Sometimes it seems that you
with little mobility. In the ful to look for a piece of your cannot trap a single piece. In
upper left part, Black traps opponent that has few this position you can easily
the knight: 1. . .. Kb7. squares to go to. You must attack the queen but she still
In the bottom left part, the take care that: has 6 squares to go to. All
knight will be lost after 1. • you attack this piece these squares are positioned
Kbl. On the right, the bishop • you control all squares on the 5 rank. A line piece
is protected, thus the attack where the piece can go to like a rook can attack the
with a piece of less worth is In this position White traps queen and control all squares
sufficient: 1. . .. f4. the black queen with 1. Nc6. with one move: 1. Rb5.

Mob ility Trapping: A

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.t..t. .t.
.t. £j .t.
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�: � u

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� .t.
� � i .t.
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--- � ttJ I;1 :a.
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.!• •

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.t. I .t. ..t ; ..t
.t.�/t\ £j It\ I .t.
£j It\ b £j
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� £j /j/j /j�/j �: I £j �� �
1:. 1:<;it l:a. � � <;it �ttJ :a.
- -�- ·-··---- -·- ' ··- ��- - ��--

40 Third step

' 1J'
: CF> -�tr� � _,___, Cf> !Iff. II ltr · � L' tr
. vv
I \7 rv \7 rv v \7 v 9vvv hi. )) C?7
T � I L-._J L \!J C?7 !Iff. v
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v T C?7 9 Hif..i 'Q -
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'! x T • l r �� 'i T.
!l::t � .. -r y- -� f1I-
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T . � v C?7 ' Iv C?7 -vFr
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,_J_Lvv v v j_- 'I I cp
v ))
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C?7 )) v C?I'W C?7 !Iff.
C?7 v
v' �
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vv� � ' '
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Key squares

The standard winning If the king is on the sixth Before moving the pawn for­
position. rank in front of his own ward, the king must occupy
The king is on the 6 rank in pawn, White also always the sixth rank.
front of his pawn. The king wins. After 1. Kf6 victory is sim­
also may stand on d6 or f6. White needs only to move ple.
White always wins! the pawn forward in order to A poor move is 1. f5, since
reach the position of the after 1 . . Kti, White can no
White to move:
. .

previous diagram. longer win. See for yourself:

Kf6 Kf8 2. e6 Ke8 3. e7
1. 2. f6 Kf8!
Kd7 4. Kti Kc7 5. e8Q. The king must move straight
backwards! Remember this
Black to move: move!
1. ... Kf8 2. Kd7 Kti 3. e6+ 3. Ke6 Ke8 4. ti+ Kf8 with
Kg7 4. e7 Kf6 5. e8Q. a draw.

If the white king stands on The key squares for the d4- White's king occupies a key
one of the marked squares, pawn are: c6, f6, and e6. The square. How to continue? On
White wins. For the pawn on white king must thus first 1. Kg6 follows l. . . . Ke5.
b2, these are the squares a4, occupy one of these squares. With the pawn on f4 the key
b4, and e4. For the f5-pawn, This can be accomplished by squares are e6, f6 en g6.
the squares are e6, f6, and 1.Kd5! Black must move After 1. f4 Kti White calU1ot
g6. The squares on which the with the king: 1. ... Kc7 2. occupy one of these key
king must stand in order to Ke6 Kd8 3. d5. The king squares. But after 2. Kf5 he
win are called key squares. remains on a key square. For again gains control over one.
It is not important who is to
pawns on the 5 rank they Have a look: 2... Kg7 3.

move. are directly in front of the Ke6 with an easy win.

Be aware of the difference! pawn.
The key squares for pawns 3 Ke8 4. d6 Kd8 5. d7
• ...

on the 5 rank or higher are Kc7 6. Ke7.
directly in front of the pawn.

42 Third step
Pawn end ing Marking the key squares: A

. -··· · · .

Pawn end ing Key squares: A

44 Thirdsrep
A pinned piece is not a good defender

In the diagram the knight on The bishop on g7 is pinned. When a piece is pinned to an
d7 is pinned and cannot White takes advantage of important square it is a great
move. Without this ab i l i ty to this by p laying 1. Rxf6 . deal restricted in his
move, the knight cannot B lack can recapture with 1 . functions. White can win the
carry out its protection of the . Bxf6 but loses a piece bishop w ith 1. N xd5 . B lack
after 2 . Rxg8.

bishop and the queen can cannot recapture with the

simply capture the b ishop. In case of pinning to material c-pawn because of 2. Q c 8
A pinned piece is not a good there is a choice: not to take mate. Th�: c-pawn i s thus
defender. That is espec i a l ly or to lose the back p iece. In pinned and i s unable to ful fi l
the case with a pin to the this position it makes no its protection on d5.
king . d i fference. Black will lose Pinned pieces (and pawns)
material anyway. are not good defenders.

The rook on g 7 is pinned to A l l types of the double attack The three types of the pin
the k i ng by the bi shop on c 3 . are taking advantage of (pin, attack on a pinned piece
H e cannot play a s ingle pinned pieces. and a pinned p iec�: i s not a
move. Pinned p ieces or pawns good defender) can be com­
White profits by playing 1 . agai nst the king cannot bined into one.
Qh7 mate . defend at a l l . White profits with I. d5 by
A piece which is pinned to In the diagram White w ins pinning the e-pawn and at
the king cannot cany out its the queen with the knight the same time attacking the
protective function. fork: I . Ne5+. pinned bishop. White w i ns a
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Orientation Identify the threat: B

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Pawn e n d i ng Key squares : B

-- ---'

I �

Th ird si�>J'
Pawn ending Key squares: C
Test Repetition: C

X • •

.t .t .t. .t. .t.

I .t. ..
'li' ; .t. .t.
� jl, t::, I

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54 Third �tcp
Test Mix: F

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Test M ix: G

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56 Third step
Learning chess Step by Step

The Step by Step learning system is an officially acknowledged method by the Dutch Chess
Federation. It has been successfully adopted by the maj ority of chess clubs and schools in the
Netherlands and Belgium.
The whole system consists of workbooks with exercises and manua ls for teachers and trainers.

Appeared in English up till now:

Manual for chess trainers: Step 1, Step 2

Workbook: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4

You will find updated information on our website at:

ISBN 90-77275

9 789077 275 3

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