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Assignment 08

Meeting & Documentation: Notice, Agenda & minutes

Date: 5th October 2023 Class/Branch: TE/ELEC. Roll No.: 57


Date: 23/10/2023
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: SFIT, Language Lab, 703.

Subject: Presentation on "How to Deal with Fake News"

Dear Members,
We are pleased to announce an upcoming presentation on the topic of "How to Deal
with Fake News." In today's digital age, the spread of misinformation and fake news
has become a significant concern. This presentation aims to equip you with the
knowledge and tools to critically evaluate information and combat the spread of false
or misleading content.
Key topics to be covered in this presentation include:
● Understanding the Impact of Fake News
● Identifying Fake News Sources
● Fact-Checking Techniques
● Responsible Sharing of Information
● Promoting Media Literacy
We encourage all members to attend this informative session, as it will not only help
you navigate the information landscape more effectively but also contribute to a
more informed and responsible community.
Please mark the date and time in your calendars. We look forward to seeing you
there and engaging in a productive discussion on this critical issue.


Amir H. Vernekar.

Presentation on "How to Deal with Fake News"

Date: 23/10/2023
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: SFIT, Language Lab, 703.

1. Welcome and Introduction

● [Time: 02:00 - 02:01]
2. Opening Remarks
● [Time: 02:01 - 02:03]
● Presentation by:- Rahul Yadav
3. Understanding the Impact of Fake News
● [Time: 02:03 - 02:05]
● Presentation by:- Amir H. Vernekar
4. Identifying Fake News Sources
● [Time: 02:05 - 02:07]
● Presentation by:- Om Sardesai
5. Fact-Checking Techniques
● [Time: 02:07 - 02:10]
● Presentation by:- Ezam Sheikh
6. Responsible Sharing of Information
● [Time: 02:10 - 02:12]
● Presentation by:- Sunil Vaishya
7. Promoting Media Literacy
● [Time: 02:12 - 02:14]
● Presentation by:- Gauran Sawant
8. Q&A Session
● [Time: 02:14- 02:18]
9. Closing Remarks
● [Time: 02:18 - 02:20]

Please note that the agenda is subject to change. We look forward to your active
participation in this event and hope to engage in a meaningful discussion on
combating fake news.
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting: Presentation on "How to Deal with Fake News"

Date: 23/10/2023
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: SFIT, Language Lab, 703

1. Amir H. Vernekar
2. Om Sardesai
3. Ezam Sheikh
4. Rahul Yadav
5. Gaurang Sawant
6. Sunil Vaishya


1. Welcome and Introduction

- The meeting commenced at 2:00pm.
- Rahul Yadav welcomed all attendees and introduced the purpose of the meeting.

2. Opening Remarks
- Rahul Yadav provided opening remarks, emphasizing the importance of
addressing fake news in today's information landscape.

3. Understanding the Impact of Fake News

- Amir H. Vernekar delivered a presentation on the impact of fake news,
highlighting the consequences it can have on individuals and society.

4. Identifying Fake News Sources

- Om Sardesai discussed strategies for identifying fake news sources and provided

5. Fact-Checking Techniques
- Ezam Sheikh explained various fact-checking techniques and tools available to
verify information's accuracy.

6. Responsible Sharing of Information

- Sunil Vaishya discussed the importance of responsible information sharing on
social media and other platforms.

7. Promoting Media Literacy

- Gauran Sawant highlighted the significance of media literacy and ways to
improve critical thinking skills.

8. Q&A Session
- Attendees engaged in a question-and-answer session, seeking clarifications and
sharing their thoughts on the presentations.

9. Closing Remarks
- Amir H. Vernekar delivered closing remarks, thanking the attendees and the
guest speaker for their participation and insights.

Action Items:

- Attendees were encouraged to apply the knowledge gained from the presentation
to combat fake news and misinformation in their personal and professional lives.

- Amir H. Vernekar expressed interest in organizing follow-up workshops or

information sessions on media literacy and fact-checking techniques for those who
wish to delve deeper into the subject.

- Om Sardesai and Ezam Sheikh volunteered to help organise and promote such
follow-up events.

- Sunil Vaishya suggested creating a resource document summarising the key

takeaways from the presentation for distribution to all members.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm.

Next Meeting:
The possibility of a follow-up meeting or workshop was discussed but not finalised.

Respectfully submitted by,

Amir H. Vernekar.

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