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Life Expectancy Prediction using Machine Learning(ML)

and Artificial Intelligence(AI).

The primary aim of this project is to develop the life expectancy recommendation system using
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The project seeks to achieve
the following objectives:

Life span depends on various features like adult mortality, percentage expenditure, alcohol
consumption rate. Along with the prognostication of longevity, we also puzzle out how much
impact a particular area has with respect to chronic diseases. Life expectancy of the people have
direct impact on the discussed factors. We study both economical and biological aspects of
countries to foresee the expectation of life. To predict life expectancy, we use simple linear
regression, KNN, Decision tree and Random Forest algorithms. By comparing these machine
learning algorithms, we can understand which among them is more accurate to predict life


The primary objective of this project is to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence and
machine learning to develop a predictive model for estimating life expectancy. By leveraging
advanced techniques in AI and ML, we aim to create a reliable tool for forecasting life
expectancy with a high degree of accuracy.


Life expectancy is a critical indicator of public health and individual well-being. Accurate
predictions of life expectancy have far-reaching implications, including healthcare planning,
insurance pricing, and policy formulation. With advancements in AI and ML, there is an
opportunity to enhance the precision of these predictions and address the limitations of
traditional methods. This project explores the application of cutting-edge technology to tackle
this important challenge.

Life expectancy prediction has long been a topic of interest, with traditional methods relying on
demographic and historical data. These methods, while useful, have limitations in terms of
predictive accuracy. AI and ML offer a more data-driven and adaptable approach, making them
well-suited to this task.
Brief Overview of the Project:

This project will analyze life expectancy data by looking at factors such as immunizations,
mortality, finances, social factors, and other health-related issues. It will make it easier for a
country to identify the predicting factor contributing to a lower life expectancy value. This will
also aid in recommending to a country which areas should be prioritized to effectively raise the
population's life expectancy.

Use the life expectancy dataset by WHO on Kaggle for Life Expectancy Data Analysis. Power
BI visualization types such as Gauge Charts, Pie Charts, Line Charts, and Point Maps can be
used for the overview page, while Tornado Charts, Doughnut Charts, Treemaps can be used for
depicting country-wise data, etc.


Data is the cornerstone of our project. We will collect and preprocess a diverse dataset, including
variables like age, gender, lifestyle factors, and medical history. Advanced ML algorithms will
be employed to build the predictive model. The dataset will undergo rigorous cleaning, feature
engineering, and validation to ensure its quality and relevance.

Data collection will involve the integration of structured and unstructured data sources, including
electronic health records, demographic data, and lifestyle surveys. The selection of appropriate
features is crucial to the model's accuracy. Feature engineering will include the creation of new
variables that may have predictive value, such as a person's health habits and access to healthcare


We anticipate that our predictive model will yield accurate and actionable estimates of life
expectancy. The outcomes of this project hold tremendous potential for personalized healthcare
planning, optimized insurance pricing, and data-driven policy recommendations. We will
evaluate the model's performance using established metrics, such as Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE) and R-squared.

The primary expected outcome of this project is the development of a robust and validated
AI/ML model for life expectancy prediction. We aim for a model that can provide accurate
estimates for a wide range of individuals, accounting for diverse demographic and health factors.

The applications of an accurate life expectancy prediction model are multifaceted. Beyond
individual healthcare planning and insurance, it can inform healthcare resource allocation,
retirement planning, and public health initiatives. Additionally, this project aligns with the
broader trend of AI/ML integration in healthcare, which is transforming the sector's efficiency
and effectiveness.

In healthcare planning, the model can assist healthcare providers in allocating resources more
effectively by identifying areas with higher life expectancy discrepancies and directing resources
accordingly. Insurance companies can benefit from more accurate pricing models that reflect
individual risk factors, leading to fairer premiums for policyholders. On a broader scale, policy
recommendations can be based on the model's insights, leading to more informed decisions in
public health.


While the project offers exciting possibilities, several challenges must be addressed. Data quality,
especially in healthcare, can be an issue. Privacy concerns and biases in data can affect model
performance. Additionally, the complexity of AI/ML models may pose challenges in terms of
interpretability and ethical considerations. Strategies to mitigate these challenges will be an
integral part of our project.

Data privacy and security are paramount concerns in healthcare. Ensuring that sensitive patient
data is protected is a fundamental ethical requirement. Additionally, bias in data or algorithms
can lead to unfair outcomes, and efforts will be made to identify and mitigate these biases.

Model interpretability is another challenge in AI/ML. While complex models may provide
accurate predictions, they are often viewed as "black boxes" that are difficult to understand.
Efforts will be made to make the model more interpretable, especially in healthcare, where
decisions can have significant consequences.


This research represents a significant step towards harnessing the power of AI and ML in
predicting life expectancy. By overcoming challenges and applying advanced methodologies, we
aim to provide a valuable tool with far-reaching applications in healthcare and related domains.
The potential contributions of this research to the field of AI/ML in healthcare underscore its

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