What To Say When Customers Say No

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What To Say When They Say No Cards ​.

1. Time (I Don’t Have Time or I Need More Time)

○ Objection: I’m not ready to do this right now
○ Rebuttal: I understand you want to wait, but what is really going to change
over time? What can change if we get started right now?
○ Objection: It’s just bad timing for me
○ Rebuttal: I understand why you feel that way, but how did we end up on
our call today? What problem were you looking to solve?
○ Objection: I don’t have time to do this
○ Rebuttal: I understand you’re very busy, but are you willing to sacrifice for
what you want/need? What activities could you sacrifice to make time for
○ Objection: I don’t have the time
○ Rebuttal: I can understand that time may be an issue for you. Are there
ways that you could free up your time in order to help your business grow?
○ Objection: I don’t have the time
○ Rebuttal: I understand you don’t have the time for this, what takes up the
most time for you day to day?
○ Objection: I don’t have the time.
○ Rebuttal: I can understand that. Can I ask you a personal question? How
does it make you feel to not have the time to do this? What other areas in
life do you not have time for?

2. Money
○ Objection: I can’t afford this.
○ Rebuttal: I know this is a big investment for you, but if we could put ​cost
aside, would you move forward today? Why?
○ Objection: I don’t have the money
○ Rebuttal: I know this is a big investment, but is the money literally not
there? Or does it just make you really uncomfortable to invest this much?
○ Objection: This is just out of my budget
○ Rebuttal: I understand you budget your money, but ​when is the last time
you went over budget for something you needed? What happened?
○ Objection: That’s more than I’m looking to spend right now
○ Rebuttal: I would hate for you to pay less and not get what you need. Do
you trust that we can solve your problem? Is it worth it to fix this?
○ Objection: This is over budget
○ Rebuttal: I totally understand that, but you have lots of bills that cost more
than you want, but you still pay them every month! Let’s do this!
○ Objection: That’s too much money
○ Rebuttal: I understand that this is a lot of money, but when’s the last time
you spent this amount of money? Did it help put money back in your
○ Objection: Too much money
○ Rebuttal: I understand this is large investment for you, let’s do this!

3. Doubt/Fear
○ Objection: I don’t think this will work for me
○ Rebuttal: do you consider yourself an average person? Do you think you
can get above average results?
○ Objection: my industry/company is different.
○ Rebuttal: what are the most successful people in your industry doing? Do
you think we can help?
○ Objection: I’m scared to make this big of an investment
○ Rebuttal: I understand that! On a scale of 1-10, how important is it that you
solve this problem? Would you agree it can be uncomfortable to grow
sometimes? Do you believe this will help you grow?

4. Business Partner or Spouse

○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: I understand that you want to run this by your spouse, but what
would your spouse say if they were on this call with you?
○ Objection: check with your spouse
○ Rebuttal: Hey, I understand that, but you told me how important this was,
do you think they would support you if you went ahead with this?
○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: if your business partner was on this call in your place, and the
roles were reversed, what do you think they would say to you?
○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: you told me you believe this will work, will your partner support
you in your beliefs and support your decision if you went ahead with it?
○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: would you agree it can be easy for someone who is making their
decision on price alone to say no? What are you going to say?
○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: what will happen if your business partner says no? Will you
agree with their decision based on what we discussed? I want to help you,
let’s move forward right now!
○ Objection: I need to check with my spouse/business partner first
○ Rebuttal: Hey, if you’re anything like me, asking forgiveness is easier than
asking permission. Will it be easier for your spouse to just support you on
this, if you forward anyway?
○ Objection: I need to talk to my spouse
○ Rebuttal: ​Try and combat this early by asking:​ “Is there anyone else you’d
like on the phone before making a decision today?” ​If so, schedule a time
to speak with the both of them.

5. Trust
○ Objection: How do I know this will work?
○ Rebuttal: I understand you want this to work! If I showed you some
previous results of mine, do you trust that we can do this for you too?
○ Objection: I heard this didn’t work for someone else
○ Rebuttal: I understand that you're concerned this won’t work, but what do
you think we can do differently to ensure this works for you?
○ Objection: do you offer a money back guarantee?
○ Rebuttal: I understand your worried you might spend this money and not
get what you need, but we are here to solve problems, I would rather work
with you until we figure this out. Would you agree that would be more
helpful than returning your money back?
○ Objection: I don’t know much about your services.
○ Rebuttal: I understand that. Microsoft, Amazon, and Google were all once
products no one knew about. What do you know about them now that
people didn’t know initially?
○ Objection: How do I know this will work?
○ Rebuttal: I understand that you may not know or trust me yet. But many of
our customers were in the same boat when they signed up and they were
able to take a leap to get the results they needed.

6. Think About It
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: I understand you want to think about this, but what was the
reason we got on the call today?
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: I understand you want to think about this, but what kind of coach
would I be if I let you go when I am so sure we can help you?
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: I understand you want to think about this, but let’s take a step
back, why did you want to do this in the first place?
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: What was special about today? Why are we on this call right
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: Would you agree it may be best to make decisions based on
where you want to be, and not where you are right now?
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: Do you mind if I ask you 3 questions that have helped many
others make this decision? 1. Does this product get you what you want?
Can you afford this product? Are we the team you want to be working
with? If its a yes to all three… Let’s do this!
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: Okay, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being “I’m in today”, where are you
at? ​(wait for answer) ​What would make it a 10?
○ Objection: I just need to think about it first
○ Rebuttal: Ok... I understand how you are feeling, I have been here myself.
In my case, it’s usually 1 of 3 things. 1) I was not on the right product 2)
The money or terms were not right for me OR 3) There are some
concerns that were not addressed yet. Which is it for you?

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