1019-Revision Midterm 1

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MIDTERM REVISION – GRAGE 8 Student’s name: ………………………

Class: ……………………………………
Task 1. Past tense, Past Continuous
1. Peter ___________________ (play) a video game when his brother, Jack, ___________________
(enter) the room.
2. I ________________ (study) for my English test when my mother ________________ (come) home
from work.
3. Emma ___________________ (wash) the dishes when the telephone ___________________ (ring).
4. I ________________ (ate) a sandwich while my parents _______________ (drink) coffee.
5. I _______________ (watch) a DVD when my cat ________________ (jump) on me.
I ______________ (not hear) the thunder during the storm last night because I _____________ (sleep)
6. It be) ___________________ beautiful yesterday when we ___________________ (go) for a walk in
the park. The sun ___________________ (shine). The birds ___________________ (sing).
7. My brother and sister ___________________ (talk) anout something when I ___________________
(walk) into the room.
8. Tom ___________________(go) to his friend’s house, but the boys ___________________ (not be)
there. They ___________________ (play) soccer in the vacant lot down the street.
9. The little boy _______________ (fall) asleep while his mother _________________ (read) him a story.
10. I really ___________________ (enjoy) my holiday last January. While it ___________________ (snow)
in Iowa, the sun ___________________ (shine) in Floria.
11. It ___________________ (snow) when I ___________________ (leave) home this morning.
12. It was a sunny afternoon and people ___________________ (sit) on the grass in the park. Then
suddenly it ___________________ (start) to rain.
13. My brother ___________________ (talk) on the phone when I arrived, but when he
___________________ (see) me, he ___________________ (finish) the call. Perhaps he thought that I
___________________ (listen) to his conversation.
14. We ___________________ (climb) the wall when the gardener ___________________ (see) us.
15. Susan ___________________ (play) the piano while Mary ___________________ (sing)
16. _______________ (you/ listen) to the teacher when she _________________ (explain) this exercise?
17. Linda ________________ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock _________________ (ring).

Task 2. Past tense/ Present Perfect Tense

1. I ______ (not/play) tennis since I was at school but I _____ (be) very good at it back then.
2. A: ______ you ________________ (choose) a dress for the party yet?
B: Yes, I ______ (buy) one yesterday.
3. I think our teacher ______ (forget) about the test! He ___________________ (not/ say) anything about
it in the last season!
4. A: ____________________ (you/ sell) your house yet?
B: Yes, some people _______ (see) it last month and ________________ (buy) it.
5. They __________________ (lose) their cat. It ___________________ (run) away last week.
6. __________________ Helen ever __________________ (try) sushi?
7. __________________ you __________________ (go) to the wedding last night?
8. I __________________ never __________________ (be) to Paris
9. This year I __________________ (travel) to Athens 3 times so far.
10. Paul and Judith __________________ (be) married since 1998.
11. __________________ you __________________ (finish) your homework yet?

12. Last night aunt Betty __________________ (come) by. She __________________ (tell) us that this
summer they are going to Hawaii.
13. I __________________ (visit) many different countries so far. Last summer I __________________
(go) to Italy and 3 years ago I __________________ (be) in Spain. I __________________ (not/ visit)
Germany yet.
14. When __________________ you __________________ (come) to Greece?
15. I __________________ (come) in 2007.
16. __________________ you __________________ (watch) the film E.T. yesterday?
17. They __________________ already __________________ (leave) the train station
18. How long __________________ you __________________ (know) Jonathan?
19. I __________________ (meet) him in 2009, so I __________________ (know) him for 3 years
20. What __________________ (happen) to Lucy last night?

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. served B. required C. intended D. lived
2. A. educated B. resulted C. produced D. needed
3. A. ignored B. responded C. cleaned D. used
4. A. dials B. downloads C. laughs D. compares
5. A. food B. suit C. put D. rule
6. A. group B. book C. look D. cook
7. A. food B. put C. tune D. rude
8. A. look B. book C. foot D. blue
9. A. activist B. music C. anosmic D. blind
10. A. sensation B. sense C. smell D. resident

B. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
1. A. connection B. describe C. identify D. resident
2. A. fascinate B. profession C. important D. beautiful
3. A. speciality B. usual C. famous D. active
4. A. vision B. careful C. information D. energy
5. A. simultaneous B. apparently C. amaze D. belief
6. A. absolutely B. comfortable C. indigo D. obvious
7. A. knee-length B. collect C. idea D. inform
8. A. simultaneous B. tournament C. media D. patterned
9. A. generally B. obviously C. apparently D. gadget
10. A. interview B. affirmative C. amazingly D. instruction
11. A. expensive B. continuous C. important D. interested
12. A. anosmic B. irregular C. connection D. flavour
13. A. resident B. company C. sensation D. hopeful


1. Jean really loves wearing silk, especially _______ silk.
A. obvious B. absolute C. apparent D. patterned
2. _______ has changed the way people communicate and consume information.
A. TV B. Life C. Craze D. Social media
3. I _______ my friends in Sapa this time last year. The weather was really cold.
A. to visit B. visit C. visited D. was visiting

4. They saw a robbery while they were shopping _______ the market.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
5. What do you think of these trousers? – “_______”
A. I hope to get a new one. B. They are not really my styles.
C. I think I’ll take the shirts. D. You can find a lot of these in this shop.
6. When Simson _______ home, everyone was singing and dancing happily.
A. come B. came C. comes D. coming
7. “I’m going to a wedding party next week, but I don’t know what to wear.” – “_______”
A. Let’s meet at a new clothing store on Sunday. We can find what suits you.
B. You can call me next week.
C. I’ll buy my sister a new dress.
D. Don’t worry. I’ll go on holiday that day.
8. I always _______ new clothes before buying them.
A. try in B. try on C. try as D. try to
9. We _______ football together every Sunday, but now we don’t anymore.
A. played B. play C. used to play D. use to play
10. The ______ was surrounded by fans and paparazzi.
A. celebrity B. gadget C. craze D. fame
11. My grandfather always tells me about how he ______ five miles to school every day when he was a kid.
A. walks B. used to walk C. walk D. walking
12. Do you have a favorite clothing brand? – ‘___________________’
A. My favorite store is nice. I visit it all the time.
B. I have a few clothing brands that I really like, but I wouldn't say I have a favorite.
C. I really like my clothing brand.
D. I hope they will open new branches soon.
13. ______, the concert is sold out and we can't get tickets anymore.
A. Technically B. Hopefully C. Apparently D. Beautifully
14. Fidget spinners and TikTok dances are some of the recent crazes ______ youngsters.
A. about B. for C. from D. at
15. This shirt is so nice. I will try it ______.
A. with B. for C. on D. at
16. I need to find a new ______ for the party tonight.
A. them B. outfit C. fashion D. elegance
17. 50 years ago, only rich people ______ TVs, but most of them were black and white.
A. can not afford B. could not afford C. could afford D. can afford
18. What's your go-to outfit for a job interview? – ‘___________________’
A. For a job interview, I’m always on time. B. I usually wear a suit and tie.
C. I don’t mind changing clothes. D. I like our outfit too.
19. While John ______ in the office, his boss ______ him.
A. work/ called B. was working/ called C. was working/ calls D. worked/ calling
20. I ______ (live) in this city for five years.
A. had lived B. lived C. live D. have lived
21. I ______ (not eat) sushi before.
A. did not eat B. ate not C. have not eaten D. had not eaten
22. He ______ (work) at that company from 2010 to 2015.
A. worked B. work C. had worked D. has worked
23. An ______ is someone who works actively to bring about social or political change.
A. activist B. anosmic C. alpaca D. blind

24. We ______ (not see) each other since last year.
A. had not seen B. seen not C. have not seen D. did not see
25. What do you like to do in your free time?
A. I have three siblings. B. It's a sunny day today.
C. I enjoy reading books and playing video games. D. My favourite colour is blue.
26. I cannot smell anything because I am ______.
A. hearing B. deaf C. touch D. anosmic
27. The ______ sense allows us to perceive objects by touching them.
A. smell B. touch C. taste D. sight
28. She ______ (just/buy) a new car.
A. has just bought B. just bought C. had just bought D. just buy
29. They ______ (not go) to that restaurant for a long time.
A. had not gone B. gone not C. have not gone D. did not go
30. High-tech _______ are everywhere in our modern world.
A. utensils B. fad C. pole D. gadgets

Task 5. WORD FORM - Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. It is __________________ to stay hydrated while exercising in hot weather. (importance)
2. She is always so __________________, even after a long day at work. (energy)
3. She sat __________________ in the armchair, enjoying the warmth of the fire. (comfort)
4. The soft blanket provided warmth and __________________ on a cold night. (comfortable)
5. She sang the song __________________, hitting all the high notes with ease. (amaze)
6. It's important to _________________ your style from others to stand out. (different)
7. She danced __________________, full of energy and enthusiasm. (energy)
8. Some people _________________ that fashion is a form of self-expression. (belief)
9. The team worked __________________ to complete the project on time. (collect)
10. It's important to take good _________________ of your clothes to make them last longer. (carefully)
11. The two brothers approached the problem __________________, coming up with very different
solutions. (different)
12. __________________, the best time to visit the beach is in the summer. (ideal)
13. The __________________ between the two paintings was striking. (different)
14. The __________________ of the issue cannot be overstated. (important)
15. She walked __________________ across the icy sidewalk, trying not to slip and fall. (care)
16. The guide explained the history of the building __________________, providing many interesting
details. (inform)
17. __________________, it is a good idea to get regular exercise for good health. (importance)
18. She had a brilliant __________________ for a new invention. (ideal)
19. She always looks so __________________ and stylish in her outfits. (fashion)
20. The __________________ provided in this conference was very helpful. (inform)
21. The device requires a lot of __________________ to operate. (energetic)
22. It was __________________ that he had not prepared for the presentation. (obviously)
23. She always dresses so __________________, no matter what the occasion. (fashion)
24. The view from the top of the mountain was __________________. (amaze)
25. __________________ speaking, it is best to avoid eating too much sugar. (general)
26. The __________________ for the prize was fierce, with many strong __________________. (compete)
27. The antique vase was very valuable and highly __________________. (collect)
28. He __________________ had no idea what he was talking about. (obvious)
29. He has a large stamp __________________. (collect)
30. The magician's trick was met with gasps of __________________. (amaze)
31. The weather was __________________ for a day at the beach. (idea)
32. The bed was so __________________ that she fell asleep almost immediately. (comfort)
33. She always keeps up with the latest __________________ trends. (fashionable)
34. Many brands _________________ with each other to be the most popular. (competition)
35. Fashion magazines _________________ readers about the latest trends. (information)
36. The bright __________________ of the flowers attract many bees. (colourful)
37. She handled the delicate vase with great __________________. (care)
38. She __________________ refused to change her mind, no matter what anyone said. (absolute)
39. His __________________ in the success of the project never wavered. (believe)
40. You can _________________ a black and white photo to make it more interesting. (colour)
41. Loose clothing can provide more _________________ during hot weather. (comfortable)
42. Fashion trends help people to _________________ their style. (general)
43. The article was very __________________ and provided a lot of useful information. (inform)
44. The two sisters couldn't be more __________________ in their personalities. (difference)
45. The garden was full of bright and __________________ flowers. (colour)
46. The sun on my skin created a warm ________________. (sense)
47. The speaker presented the topic ________________ and kept the audience engaged throughout.
48. The athlete participates ________________ in a variety of sports to stay fit and healthy. (active)
49. The Internet has made it easier to stay in ________________ with people all over the world. (connect)
50. As a doctor, he chose to ________________ in paediatrics and has been practicing for over 10 years.
51. She was ________________ by the way the machine worked and wanted to learn more. (fascinate)
52. I can ________________ that something is wrong and I'm not sure what it is. (sensation)
53. She achieved ________________ and fortune as a successful singer and actress. (famous)
54. Please ________________ the car you saw in as much detail as possible. (description)
55. The cake was decorated with ________________ care for the birthday celebration. (specialty)
56. Please make sure your device is ________________ to the Wi-Fi network before you start streaming.
57. The city plans to ________________ the park by adding more flowers and trees. (beauty)
58. Teaching is a highly respected ________________ that requires specialized training. (profession)
59. The natural ________________ of the landscape was breathtaking. (beautify)
60. She tried to ________________ the steps needed to complete the project before starting. (visual)
61. Please ________________ the soup and let me know if it needs any additional seasoning. (tasty)
62. The country is highly ________________ and has a strong economy. (develop)
63. Many countries around the world are considered ________________ because they have not yet
reached their full economic potential. (develop)
64. It's important to ________________ the efforts of others and express gratitude for their hard work.
65. I think it's ________________ to always be honest with oneself. (importance)
66. He had excellent ________________ and could read small print without glasses. (visible)
67. I love listening to all types of ________________. (musical)
68. He dressed ________________ for the important job interview, wearing a sharp suit and tie. (smart)
69. The painting had an ________________ texture that made it stand out from the others. (usually)
70. She is a ________________ singer with a voice that can captivate any audience. (beauty)
71. She was _____________ quiet during the meeting and didn't contribute much to the discussion. (usual)
72. She is a talented ________________ performer who has won many awards. (music)
73. The soup had an unusual ________________ that I couldn't quite identify. (tasty)
74. The movie received ________________ reviews for its outstanding performances and gripping
storyline. (sense)
75. He is an ________________ member of the local community, volunteering his time to help others.
76. He feels deeply ________________ to nature and spends a lot of time outdoors. (connect)
77. She is a human rights ________________ who fights for justice and equality. (active)
78. The dancer moved ________________ across the stage, mesmerizing the audience. (beautiful)
79. The restaurant offers a wide ________________ of dishes to suit every taste. (choose)
80. The film was stunningly ________________ beautiful and captured the essence of the story. (visual)
81. The logo is easily ________________ even from a distance. (recognize)
82. He is a ________________ basketball player who has played for several teams. (profession)
83. Her ________________ of the sunset was so vivid that it felt like I was there. (describe)
84. The exhibit held my ________________ for hours with its unique artifacts and displays. (fascinate)
85. I need to ________________ which college I want to attend next year. (choice)
86. I need to ________________ my phone in order to use its features. (active)
87. Italian cuisine is his ________________, and he makes the best pasta dishes. (special)
88. The idea of traveling to different countries to explore new cultures continues to ________________ me.
89. The company plans to ________________ a new product that will appeal to a wider audience.
90. She received a certificate of ________________ for her outstanding contributions to the organization.
91. The Mona Lisa is one of the world's most ________________ paintings. (fame)
92. Can you help me ________________ the person in this photograph? (identify)
93. The city has plans for a new ________________ project that will bring more businesses and jobs to the
area. (develop)
94. The designer created a ________________ representation of the new building. (visualize)
95. The pizza was so ________________ that I had to order a second slice. (taste)
96. The race was very __________________, with many runners finishing within seconds of each other.
97. She is always very __________________ when handling fragile objects. (care)
98. It is a __________________ rule that one should always wear a seatbelt while driving. (generally)
99. The new collection of the designer _________________ everyone with its creativity. (amazement)
100. Wearing the right outfit can _________________ the need for accessories. (obvious)


1. It took the artist two weeks to draw this painting.
The artist spent __________________________________________________________________
2. My father worked for that company. However, he now teaches math at the college.
My father used __________________________________________________________________
3. We were taking landscape photos when it started to rain.
It started _______________________________________________________________________
4. Many teenagers have interest in environmental campaigns nowadays.
Many teenagers are ______________________________________________________________
5. Max enjoyed surfing the internet, but now he doesn’t.
Max used ______________________________________________________________________
6. We usually went swimming when we were young.
We used _______________________________________________________________________
7. She started learning English 4 years ago.
She has ________________________________________________________________________
8. These red trainers are more expensive than the blue ones.
These blue _____________________________________________________________________
9. She has prepared lunch for 2 hours.
She started______________________________________________________________________
10. This is the first time she’s seen a tiger. (never)
She ___________________________________________________________________________
11. Many teenagers like posting photos and videos on social media.
Many teenagers are ______________________________________________________________
12. Why don’t we go to this department store next Sunday?
How about ______________________________________________________________________
Let ____________________________________________________________________________
Why not ________________________________________________________________________
13. John has been studying French for two semesters.
John started learning French ________________________________________________________
14. Marie Curie discovered polonium and radium.
Polonium and radium _____________________________________________________________
15. Mary has been living in London for six months.
Mary began _____________________________________________________________________
16. Jack has not played the guitar for ten years.
Jack stopped ____________________________________________________________________
17. Susy has worked at the local supermarket for 3 months.
Susy began _____________________________________________________________________
18. I have never seen such a beautiful coastal village before.
This is the first time _______________________________________________________________
19. Tim started playing soccer 3 years ago.
Tim has ________________________________________________________________________
20. The last time we met her was 3 months ago.
We haven’t _____________________________________________________________________

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