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Name Age Species

Master Sgt. Donovan Burchelli 20 Zebra

Ash Coalblack 20 Squirrel
Corvus De La Muerta 20 Mouse
Ivan Drakonovich 20 The Race
Finnigan Fawkes 20 Squirrel
Joey Frenelli 20 Thoroughbred
Bryan "Thunder" Hawk 20 Stellar's Jay
Ransom King 20 Greater Kudu
Khaki-Klad Koyote aka TripleK (birth name not disclosed) 20 Coyote
Phoenix Nitefire 20 Skunk
Thane Niteshade 20 Fox
Finn Seaborne 20 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Shadowgryf Indeterminate Shadow Gryphon
Baron Samuel Von Montebach 30 Timber Wolf

Alejandro Montenaro 20 Mouse

Jimmy Raver 20 Felinoid
Johnny Raver 20 Felinoid
Jessy Raver 20 Felinoid
Luna Seamist 21 Unicorn
Luna Seamist 21 Nightmare
Niteshade Morgansired 22 Equine, Unknown type
Swamp Rat 20 Rat

Jessi Amouratos 20 Zebra

Jenni Amouratos 21 Generic equine
Danni Malone 20 Zebra
Spots Finnigan aka SpottyPhin 20 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Gender Occupation
Male Mech Pilot
Male Saboteur
Male Mercenary
Male Private Arms Contracter
Male Seige Engineer
Male Racehorse
Male Niteshade Operative
Male Niteshade Operative
Male Founder and current leader of Niteshade
Male Vigilante/Browncoat
Male Mercenary
Male Gamer
Male Avenging Angel
Male Financier for Niteshade

Male Mercenary
Male Starship mechanic
Male Unemployed
Female Marine Hell Jumper
Female N/A
Female Holy Terror
Male Security officer
Male Unemployed

Female N/A
Hermaphrodite N/A
Hermaphrodite N/A
Hermaphrodite N/A
Baur H-AR; P33 Pereira Revolver; BJ-2 Combat Knife; FRG-1 Grenades.
Park 52 Sniper Rifle; Takao T20 Semi-Automatic Pistol (silenced); BJ-2 Combat Knife; FRG-1 Grenades.
Race SMG; Race Carbine; Glock 18 Compact; K-Bar Combat Knife; Grenades.
Scottish Naval Dirk; Man-portable, Shoulder-fired Ballista.
Two Smith & Wesson M500 .50 cal. Revolvers (holstered on the small of Hawk's back)
Two Beretta 93R's (shoulder holsters)
Baseball bat (vintage Louisville Slugger, wooden); Browncoat Revolver (a la Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly)
Custom, Seven-Shot revolver carbine (black finish with redwood stock)
2 Great Axes; Longsword; Handseax; 2 Katars; Short bow & quiver; Light Crossbow and bolts.
Cane Sword

Malkov RK-11; Takao T20 Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Ganz HMG; Takao T20 Semi-Automatic Pistol; BJ-2 Combat Knife; FRG-1 Grenades.
Voss L-AR; P33 Pereira Revolver.

Helmet; Jumpsuit; Boots; WristComp; Dogtags; Duffel Bag.
Dark Goggles (protect sensitive eyes from bright light); Tactical Vest; Tool Belt; Baggy Cargo Shorts; Custom-fitted Boots; Sku
Shirt; Vest; Pants; Robin Hood-style hat with eagle feather; Swordbelt; Boots. (Rennaisance Era)
Light Combat Body Armor; Combat Visor with HUD, NetBat, and BattleComm; Custom Swiss Watch; Bodypaint (to show rank
Shirt; Vest; Pants; Robin Hood-style hat (no feather); Belt; Boots. (Rennaisance Era)
Racing Silks; Racing blinders; Tack; Pulsar Chronograph.
Black suit jacket; Black suit pants; White button-down shirt; Black tie; Pulsar Chronograph; Starfire Satellite Phone.
Sunglasses; White button-down shirt; Dark jeans; Black duster; Black shoes or boots; Pulsar Chronograph; rings in right ear.
Glasses (or contacts); Sunglasses; t-shirt; jeans; Khaki jacket; tan shoes; Khaki Aussie Hat (with stars and stripes bandanna an
Blue button-down shirt; Black or brown duster; jeans; boots; black, wide-brim hat; belt; belt pack
Brigandine; Steel Gauntlets; Proper Shield; Steel helm with Hellhound mask; black cloak with hood (always worn; worn over ar
Swim trunks or denim shorts; surf socks or Converse All-Stars; Laptop; Carrybag (for laptop) with assorted computer periphera
Dark jeans; black button-down shirt; black duster; black shoes (when plantigrade); sunglasses ( when humanoid); black skull-c

Jumpsuit; etc.
Jumpsuit; etc.
Jumpsuit; etc.

Cloak; Jumpsuit; etc.

Olive drab jacket; old, stained white t-shirt; Blue jeans, patched.

ogtags; Sling Bag.

Bandanna (tied around upper right arm).

ger bag (or 'saddlebags').

elvet pants; black boots (digitigrade); black musketeer hat (1 raven's feather, 1 pure white dove's feather); pendant of eight pointed star; tra
eld 2142, mouse, flash drives, external hard drive, etc.)
Short fur; long muzzle; brown eyes; close-shaved mane; largish ears; five fingers per hand.
Short fur; short hair; all black; black eyes; tail carried low; five fingers per hand; short muzzle; small ears.
Short fur; medium-length muzzle; all grey; blue eyes; black nose; short, brown hair; large ears; five fingers per hand.
Scaled; medium-length muzzle; dark green; gold eyes; semi-rigid stub tail; four fingers per hand.
Short fur; short muzzle; grey; blue eyes; black nose; five fingers per hand.
Short fur; long muzzle; Brown; White stocking on right leg; Dark brown mane and tail; brown eyes; black nose; four fingers per
Feathered; Typical Stellar's Jay coloration; Black eyes; five fingers per hand.
Varied fur lengths; long muzzle; typical kudu coloration; brown eyes; large ears; four fingers per hand.
Short fur; long muzzle; typical coyote coloration; blue eyes (+ shaped pupils when enraged); black nose; tail carried at waist he
Short fur; Black with white stripes (typical skunk coloration); blue eyes; Short, dark red hair; tail carried low; five fingers per han
Short fur; black; patchy on left side of neck due to extensive scarring; long muzzle; steel blue eyes; somewhat large ears; five f
Typical Spotted Dolphin coloration; blue eyes; three fingers per hand (four if webbed)
Natural Shapeshifter; Charcoal black; glowing blue eyes (no distinguishable pupils or irises); four fingers per hand/talon (five w

Pure white; crystal blue eyes.

All black with flaming eyes, mane, and tail.
Typical grey rat.

Colors are reversed(including hooves) from that of a normal Zebra; very light blue eyes
All black; blue eyes
Brown eyes
Typical spotted dolphin markings; very dark blue eyes
ive fingers per hand.
Furcadia Description
A young zebra in an ESC Flame Falcon jumpsuit. Do not, however, underestimate him. Behind those cheerful blue eyes is a b
He can pass unseen almost anywhere, a living shadow. His very presence can cause candles to go out and lights to dim. The s
A young warrior, he hopes to become the greatest swordsman of all mouse-kind. His saber bears the crest of his family clan.

A squirrel warrior of the highest caliber. He is well versed in many forms of battlefield tactics, including seige warfare and shado
An adventurous young stallion who likes to have fun. 6'3"; 300#; lithe, powerful build; Thorughbred; stallion; 19; A morphic tho

A young skunk senshi. A low-slung holster containing a black, seven-shot revolver carbine with redwood stock hangs at his sid

The noble baron of the house of Montebach.

A young feline mechanic... <CRASH> ....." I can fix that!" ...Aaaaannd a bit of a klutz. [One of the Raver triplets.]
[One of the Raver triplets.]
A tomboyish young marine with a love of high-caliber automatic weapons and a knack for trouble. [EDESF][Weapons Officer/L
Unicorn form.
Nightmare form. You made her mad didn't you? In this form she has every ability a true Nightmare has such as shadow-walkin
A cloaked figure steps forth from the shadows. He's grinning. His expression is unreadable. You see a glint in his eye, but is i
A typical rat. Nothing to see here.

A tall, inverted Zebra femme. [Sister to Jenni Amouratos. Half-sister to Joey Frenelli. Cousin to Danni Malone.]
A beautiful equine herm. You can have a taste (or a ride) if you can coax hir into it. [Sister to Jessi Amouratos. Half-sister to Jo
An polymorphic zebra herm in lacy, grey lingerie who can shapeshift almost any aspect of hir anatomy. (Enjoys turning hir legs
y awaiting the klaxon's call to arms. [ESC][ESC Flame Falcon][ID 2391-10][Rank: Ensign][Battlemech Pil ot: Honorable Discharge]
angs in the air around him. [USAF][USAF Zodiac][Airman E-2][Grenadier][Sniper]

mistake to underestimate his own combat abilities, however, as his knowledge of tactics has come with a life's worth of experiance in hand
n with black mane and tail. Brown eyes that seem to sparkle with mirth. Has one white stocking on his right hindleg. He wears the red and

oat and wide-brimmed hat. Don't tick him off. ...and watch out for his eighth shot.

ort Gunner] We go where even fools fear to tread. [One of the Raver triplets.]

poreal when standing in shadows or darkness), and traversing the plane of dreams.
uld go badly for you. [{DFOR-S} EDESF][Security][Ensign]

usin of Jenni and Jessi Amouratos. Cousin of Joey Frenelli.]

norable Discharge]

worth of experiance in hand-to-hand and ranged combat.

dleg. He wears the red and white racing silks of his personal stables. [Half-Brother of Jenni and Jessi Amouratos. Cousin to Danni Malone.]
Cousin to Danni Malone.]

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