Guidelines of Format of Web Site: Strokerecoveryedmonton - Ca

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September 4, 2011

John C. Anderson 11-9-4 8:55 AM Deleted: August 20th, 2011 John C. Anderson 11-9-4 8:55 AM Deleted: August 20th, 2011

Guidelines of Format of Web Site:

John C. Anderson

Guidelines of Format of Web Site:

This article is only about the format of the Content Management System and the connection between the format and the content. The content is covered in another document. This article has to be read by the Administrator(s) but the Board members can read it and can ask questions if needed. The colored words indicate tasks and problem priorities: Blue == Good usually do nothing, Orange == OK, TBD, fix it but later, Red == Who will do it?, - important problem. You will have to fix it. I. Proposal- - Good. 1) Given to Board members in my home in early April. 2) Accepted by the Board in the end of April meeting. II. Tools Useful for the Website Development. Good. 1) Get free tools if possible (most are free). 2) Convert from PDF to raw text or Word: i. PDF Converter Free - for the Mac. ii. Big jobs use They will charge 1GB and up; so far of our documents is << 1GB. 3) Art , Graphics and Repairs Fix-up. i. Excellent - Pixelmator from costs approx $30. I use personal tasks and our site tasks. Adobe & Corel for the real artist but the cost is many $$$$. 4) Task List & Rules for our Website Organization. i. Use simple iMacMail as the database (called Reminders) e.g. an entry: Task 0036 2011/5/15 Tweet -- important or not??? ii. Other options look at various bug databases. I have used before Bugzilla and Trac:

B. North, Joomla! A User Guide, Prentice-Hall, 2010. Fixed using; URL sometimes it is too long or it includes special characters.

III. Accounts for Good. 1) Frontend: i. public -- no password required. Can read public document(s). ii. registrator -- password required; can read registered document(s). iii. author -- password required; add new unpublished document(s). iv. editor -- password required; modified unpublished document(s). v. publisher -- password required; can change from unpublished to published. 2) Backend: i. sraedmon -- Called the Admin. Has the right to invoke all tasks including publisher tasks and maintain the site. New account added if needed. 3) for the Admin: i. Calendar(very important) and various useful utilities. ii. Statistical utilities Google Analytics free & useful. About Us now has Statistics 4) for the Admin: i. Bugs database; have 29 bugs (by Aug 12th). We have good response from (but only by e-mail) and all bugs are closed right now. ii. Payment for 1 year: 1. Paid - Basic Joomla! Instance site - 04/22/2011 $95.52 USD 2. Paid - Domain Registration - 04/22/2011 $29.99 USD 3. Renewal next year, Instance + Domain, before 04/22/2012 IV. Password Rules - Good. 1) Public no password required. 2) Registered weak password acceptable. 3) Author medium password acceptable. 4) Editor strong password preferred. 5) Publisher strong password preferred. 6) Admin strong password required and generate by

John C. Anderson 11-9-4 8:51 AM Deleted: now Unknown 11-9-4 8:36 AM Deleted: I think they are very good; TBD but later.

Read (from IBM Hacking techniques)

V. Accepted Various Input Format 1) Raw text (e.g. Markdown + pictures Good (even excellent). 2) Microsoft Word + pictures -- Good. 3) PDF usually Good but Ill have to convert via PDF Converter Free ( for the Mac) or big jobs use Some possible errors will occur so just fix up by hand. 4) Other formats e.g. Open Office, WordPerfect, usually OK but I can do it. E-mail me a little even before then I can try it, if there are problems, I can fix it. VI. Global Font & Style & Color Good. 1) (Currently) the site: i. Heading is Helvetica blue = #0000FF. ii. Body text is Helvetica black = #000000. 2) We will use the html format such that: i. The body text font is Helvetica/12 points. Most people can read 12pts. ii. The heading font is Helvetica between 12 pts to 36 pts. 3) With a few exceptions, URL address to be converted and hidden to plain English with the blue color. 4) Style is whatever you want but if you have a specific style we will accept APA, AMS, ACM, or IEEE. As well we use Chicago Manual of Style CRIB SHEET VII. Search Engine Keywords Meta-Words bad; Google Terms good. - TBD 1) 10 years ago the meta-words are very good for guiding the browser search (e.g. ischemic and so on). With Google new algorithm is very different (and very good). Joomla manual including the meta-words algorithm/term but they will encourage you to use the Google algorithms/terms. (Ill have to read and understand Chapter 8, B. North Joomla! A User Guide). VIII. Calendars 1) We have a separate account through & for calendar tasks. See III.3)i 2) Need -- time/date/location/description (i.e. 2 or 3 sentences) i. Gary bowling - Good. ii. John darts - Good. iii. Gail or Bev or ?? SRAE regular meetings and including events e.g. Zak iv. ??? special meeting e.g. My Life is Not a Tragedy....

IX. Banners Good. 1) Currently (Aug15): 17 banners = 13 good + 4 done. 2) Format is 60x160 pixels; readable but not irritating. 3) Edmonton e.g. Picnic + commercial e.g. MyVoice. I think we can double it (i.e. 40 banners and useful). Who can do it??? 4) Do it or not; I propose we will try until the summer 12?? X. Static Articles 1) Weekly/Month = SRAE+bowling+darts Good. 2) Services = 7 articles (include links to hidden 17 other sites). Recently converted to blog. More articles? Good??? 3) Learn About Stroke = 1 new article + 7 articles borrowed from SSAO (I send 3 e-mail to SSAO, no response). Recently converted to blog. Borrowed articles are excellent but the links change regularly needs to check links and update. OK. Who will fix it?? 4) How to be an Author 1 article public and 1 article registered Good. XI. Schedule Articles: 1) Monthly Newsletter Good. i. Purpose -- (Nearly) ever month they will tell "clients" new important news about stroke around Edmonton and Alberta. ii. Written by -- The SRAE Board or people hired by SRAE Board. iii. Format Word or PDF. iv. Size Usually about 10 pages in A4 + pictures. v. Timing: 1. A draft of the whole newsletter delivered on Sunday 2 weeks + 1 day before the regular SRAE meeting. 2. The next 12 days, we will convert to the html format. You can add/delete newsletters article but you have to tell me a) the title and b) the page # and sometimes c) new/modified text. 3. We will publish the week before the regular SRAE meeting.

XII. Dynamic Articles Good. 1) At least 1 article per week, delivered on random date. i. I can publish immediately except, say, << 5%. In 5% articles Ill ask professional advice by Gail??/Sharon??/ Or Ill wait for the approval all articles of the Board?? 2) Various authors Sharon, Rhonda, E.Kim, Randa, T.Paslawski, Gail, Hopefully they are even more available. 3) Pics newsletters with the first page Gary , but a like other nice pics e.g. Fraser holding a trophy. Lets take more pics!. 4) Strong articles and some weak articles but, so far, it is not canned (unpublish).

XIII. Web Links Good. 1) Thanks especially Dr. E. Kim and Rhonda. They beefed it up from so-so links to a very good page of links. 2) Added News Feeds to every link possible and E. Kim help to do an article Stroke How-To-Do News Feeds. 3) Change to plan English from html format. XIV. Archive Newsletters Good. 1) Use a matrix: rows = years, columns = months, entries = . 2) Entry link to the specific .PDF. 3) We have 2008 to now. XV. YouTube OK. 1) We have only about 1/5 of video on YouTube on stroke. 2) To put in the video we have to review it, to see it is good (hospital, doctors, ) and bad (approx 1/10 scams, ). Who will review the videos?? 3) We have a weak classification. Who will fix it up?? XVI. Front Page Good. 1) Very similar to the regular newspaper. They are in the front page and News / Articles. Take an article off the front page at some arbitrary date/time!! 2) I propose: we will put an article on the front page for exactly 1 month; weak articles we will put on the front page only for 1 week. 3) Gail proposes a new category for weak articles (I named it the pseudoScience; I sure a better name can be devised!). XVII. Cloak E-mail Good. 1) Board members with cloak e-mail and deleted the phone#. 2) Members/Associates are done September 1st. XVIII. Section/Category 1) TBD List all section/category and the definition & purpose. 2) Note: Joomla v1.5 to v1.6 change section/category to category n with n=1 Very nice, simple and no complication (See MacLane S., Categories for the Working Mathematician, Springer-Verlag, 1971).

Unknown 11-9-4 8:48 AM Deleted: go/not go Unknown 11-9-4 8:48 AM Formatted: Superscript

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