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Senior High School

Personal Development
Module 5:
The Power of the Mind:
The Whole Brain Theory

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Module 5: The Power of the Mind: The Whole Brain Theory
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Richie A. Eleazar, Margie P. Nillo, and

Rhodora H. Sotelo
Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content Reviewer: Alejandra Adora Y. Mayo
Language Reviewer: Eva Ruth A. Haber
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr.
Design and Layout: Dylan C. Rufinta

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Lorna O. Gaspar, EPS in Charge of ABM
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

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LU_Personal Development_Module5
Senior High School

Personal Development
Module 5:
The Power of the Mind:
The Whole Brain Theory

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

LU_Personal Development_Module5

The brain has always been a huge fascination to us. Studies and
researches have been conducted on its different parts and their functions,
diseases and malfunctions related to it and how it works. Several theories
discussing the brain have also been formulated.

This learning material discusses the whole brain theory and its
application to learning including the key characteristics of the four quadrants
of the brain as theorized by Ned Herrmann. This also provides you activities
you can work on your own while staying at the comforts of your home because
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe and have fun learning!

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes

and functions may help in improving thoughts, behavior and feelings
2. Explore ways on how to improve brain functions for personal development
3. Develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions (EsP-PD11/12PM-Ih-6.3)

1. name different parts of the brain, its functions and the whole brain
theory and how it affects the learning process of a person;
2. illustrate the key characteristics of the four quadrants of the brain
as theorized by Ned Herrmann;
3. apply ways on how to improve brain functions for personal
4. analyze some substances that may affect the brain functions;
5. determine different ways in improving mental health; and
6. construct a personal plan to enhance brain functions.

LU_Personal Development_Module5

Hey! Can you still remember your topic on the different parts of the brain back
in Grade 10? Let’s test your brain power by doing the first activity.

Activity 1
Directions: Label the different parts of the brain and then write the name of
each part with its corresponding function in the figure below.

Figure 1: Parts of the Brain

1. Sensations and body awareness: ____________________
2. Problem solving and movement: ____________________
3. Breathing and consciousness: ____________________
4. Vision and perception: ____________________
5. Hearing and memory: ____________________
6. Posture and balance: ____________________

Were you able to answer the activity correctly? If yes, well done! If not, I guess
there’s a dire need to visit your memory!

Activity 2: Left Brain Vs. Right Brain

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Directions: Below is a word pool. Identify whether the word belongs to the
left hemisphere or right hemisphere of the brain. Write the words
on the spaces provided.

Arts Computation Dreams Emotions Facts

Imagination Logic Music Poetry Numbers
Reason Rhythm Science Words


_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

Figure 2: Brain Hemispheres

Reflection Question: Why and how did you group the words from the word
pool above?

Rubrics for Reflection

Criteria Score
Answer is correct; it is organized and complete; it explains ideas; 4
it has lots of details to show understanding of the question
Answer is correct and mostly organized; it has some details to 3
show understanding of the lesson; it explains ideas
Answer is almost right; it doesn’t have enough details to show 2
understanding of the question
Answer doesn’t make sense; it has no details; it has no 1
explanation or ideas.

LU_Personal Development_Module5

As you go on with this lesson, you will discover whether you are left-brained or
right-brained and how this fact affects your learning.

LESSON 1: Different Parts of the Brain and it’s Functions

What is the Whole Brain Theory?

In 1861, conducting a study and tests on a patient with language

problems, Paul Broca theorized that some language functions reside on the
left hemisphere of the brain.

Dr. Roger Sperry, who was awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine, explained that the brain has two hemispheres that
work differently from each other. According to him, the left-brain hemisphere
performs tasks that involve analytical thinking, critical thinking and logical
reasoning. Dr. Sperry explained this in his Split-Brain Theory.

Another neuroscientist, Dr. Paul MacLean, identified three distinct

parts of the brain namely: neocortex, limbic system and reptilian complex.
The neocortex or rational brain is responsible for language, planning,
abstraction, and perception. The limbic system or intermediate brain is
responsible for motivation and emotion in feeding, reproductive behavior, and
parental behavior. The reptilian complex or primitive brain controls self-
preservation and survival instincts. Dr. MacLean referred to his theory as the,
The Triune Brain Theory.

After drawing from the studies of Dr. Sperry, Ned Herrmann, an

engineer at General Electric, came up with Brain Dominance Theory.
Herrmann explained that although the human body is symmetrical and
paired in almost all aspects, we normally have a more dominant part of our
bodies. It could be a stronger right arm and a weaker left arm for a right-
handed person or a stronger left arm and a weaker right arm for a left-handed
person. However; the weaker parts support the stronger parts. He further
concluded that the brain not only has two parts but four, namely: left
cerebral hemisphere, left limbic system, right limbic system and right
cerebral hemisphere. Hermann is known as the Father of Brain Dominance

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Herrmann’s Four Dominant Quadrants

Ned Herrmann labelled the

four quadrants of the brain as:

1. Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode


2. Lower Left (B) Limbic Mode


3. Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode


4. Upper Right (D) Cerebral Mode Figure 3: Herrmann’s Four

Key Word: IMAGINATIVE Quadrants of the Brain

The whole brain model emphasizes the fact that there really are four
quadrants of the brain where dominance exists. The Herrmann Brain
Dominance Instrument (HBDI) was based on this model. The HBDI is a 120-
question survey instrument that measures the preference strengths in each

Whole Brain Theory in Learning

How does the whole brain theory affect learning?

Brain dominance leads to preferences in thinking styles. This

impacts what a person pays attention to and how he learns best. Each
quadrant has preferred learning and thinking activities as shown in the table.

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Table 1: Preferred Learning and Thinking Activities in the Four
A Quantifying, Analyzing, Theorizing, Logical processing,
collecting data, Problem solving, Judging ideas based on
facts, and Using statistical and scientific data
B Sequencing, organizing schedules, Evaluating, Practicing and
implementing, Collecting data, Planning, Time management
C Internalizing, listening to and sharing ideas, Moving, Being
involved or personal interaction, Teaching and expressing
D Exploring, Discovering, Conceptualizing, Synthesizing,
looking at the big picture, Causing change, Brainstorming

A person has varying degrees of dominance in these quadrants. He

is typically more dominant in one of the four areas. But based on research,
an individual often uses at least two of the quadrants. Thus, Herrmann
advocated for whole brain thinking or using the four thinking styles. This
means enhancing the weaker styles through regular practice and usage while
using the stronger styles.

An individual has both primary and secondary preferences for

quadrants. These preferences are the ones he is comfortable with and
accesses when necessary. There are also preferences that he has difficulty
accessing or avoids using it.

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Here is a simple test to find out the quadrant a person’s dominant
traits are found.
Table 2: Dominant Traits in Each Quadrant
Knows and works with numbers Impulsive and takes risks
Knows and understands money Discovers and explores
Knows how things work Has a vivid imagination
Logical thinker Likes surprises
Down-to-earth Visual learner
Analyzes data Breaks rules
Quantifies Experiments
Realistic Curious
Critical Flexible
Creates and establishes procedures Likes to teach and share knowledge
Reliable in getting things done Uses physical movement
Takes preventive action Talks a lot
Plans and organizes Supportive
Submits on time Expressive
Get things done Emotional
Organized Sensitive
Plans Sociable
Neat Tactile

Figure 4. Brain Functions

LU_Personal Development_Module5

LESSON 2: Improving Brain Functions

Ways in Improving Brain Functions for Personal Development

It is very important to know about the different ways on how to improve

brain functions for personal development because this will give an impact in
the life of a person. According to Doug Postels, there is a consensus among
researchers that brain cells regenerate throughout life. He also explained that
the size of the brain doesn’t increase much after 3 years. It is during the first
three years of life that the brain experiences most of its growth and develops
most of its potential in learning.

Inhalants such as glue, paint, gasoline and aerosols destroy the outer
lining of the nerve cells and make a person unable to communicate with one
another. Studies have found out that marijuana use hinders memory,
learning, judgement, and reaction times while steroids can cause aggression
and violent mood swings. Scientists also found out that drug destroys
neurons that make serotonin, a chemical crucial in controlling sleep, violence,
mood swings and sexual urges.

Some Ways in Improving Mental Health

1. Exercise- Exercise not only benefits your brain health and cognition but it
can also improve your memory.
2. Get some sunlight- Getting too little sunlight is not good for your brain.
Higher levels of vitamin D in your system allow you to perform
better and can even slow down the aging of your brain.
3. Build strong connection- If you often feel lonely, it can result in
psychological and cognitive decline as these feelings can have
a negative impact on your sleep, increase your blood pressure,
contribute to depression and even lower your overall well-
4. Meditate- It can prevent age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's or
Dementia. Taking a mere 10 to 15 minutes out of your day to
practice meditation could extend your cognitive longevity and
allow you to reduce your overall stress levels too.
5. Sleep well- Sleep is required to consolidate memory and learning. If you
don't get enough sleep, you'll have less brain in your head.

LU_Personal Development_Module5
6. Eat well- Nutrition plays a significant part in your brain health.
Antioxidants and amino acids are particularly important, and
vitamin E can also be beneficial. What's good for your body also
tends to be good for your brain.
7. Quit Smoking
8. Think Positive


LESSON 3: The Power of the Mind

It is important to know the different parts of the brain, its functions,

and ways to improve brain functions in order to enhance the skills for
personal development to achieve your goals and ambition in life. The reason
for planning your personal development is very simple: only you know what
you want to achieve and do several actions.

Basic Elements of Personal Development Plan

1. Goal Setting - this is very important element in planning because it serves
as a guide or “blueprint” towards your expected result.
2. Identify your needs - it is essential to identify your target as to what aspect
you are going to enhance. What skills do you want to
develop? It is important to make sure that the skills you are
targeting are clearly linked to your purpose.
3. Time frame - this is the expected time that you are going to implement
your actions (month, day, year, and specific time)
4. Actions - these are the executions of your goal or your tasks to achieve
your goals. What series of actions are you going to do to
solve your problems/needs?
5. Resources - it can be your budget in doing the activity, the persons
involved, the materials you are going to use, etc.
6.Desired outcome - these are probably your results after the
implementation of your actions.
7. Assessment - test your work if the goals/objectives are met.
8. Feedback - these are the comments/suggestions towards your actions for
better result.

LU_Personal Development_Module5

Have you maxed out your brain power? Hold on because you are yet to explore!

Activity 3: What’s Your Style?

Directions: Based on Table 2, choose ten (10) of the descriptions found in the
quadrants. The highest number of descriptions in a quadrant is
your dominant thinking and learning style.
1. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________
2. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________
3. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________
4. ____________________________ 9. ____________________________
5. ____________________________ 10. ____________________________

Reflection Questions:
1. To which quadrant/s do you belong? What does this/ do these tell about
you and your thinking and learning styles?

2: How do your thinking styles affect your learning styles? Give a concrete
situation to explain your answer.

Rubrics for What’s Your Style? and Reflection

Criteria Score
Answer is correct; it is organized and complete; it explains ideas; 4
it has lots of details to show understanding of the question
Answer is correct and mostly organized; it has some details to 3
show understanding of the lesson; it explains ideas
Answer is almost right; it doesn’t have enough details to show 2
understanding of the question
Answer doesn’t make sense; it has no details; it has no 1
explanation or ideas.

LU_Personal Development_Module5

Your deeper understanding of the topics discussed will help you discover more
about yourself and other people. Now, let us try exercising more your brain by
doing the activities below.

Activity 4: Oh, My Brain!

Directions: Illustrate the different ways in improving your brain functions for
personal development. Follow the steps and guidelines in making
the mind map. In three to five sentences, discuss each way you
enumerated on how it affects the brain processes. A rubric will be
used to rate your work.

How to draw a mind map:

1. Use a long bond paper. Landscape. With a one-inch margin in all sides.
2. Draw the central image. Topic: Ways on Brain Development
3. Add branches representing the subject’s main topics or themes using key
words. You can use any colored materials to represent each branch.
4. Write the words clearly.
5. Discuss each subtopic how it was linked on the main topic.
6. Use line/arrows to connect ideas.

LU_Personal Development_Module5
Rubrics: Oh, My Brain!

(3) (2) (1)
Organization Student Student displays Student displays
and Neatness displays 95- 80-94% neatness less than 80%
100% neatness and organized neatness and
and organized thoughts. organized
thoughts. thoughts.
Label & 90% of the 80% of the items Less than 70% of
Features items are are labeled and the items are
labeled and located correctly. labeled and
located located correctly.
Attractiveness Makes excellent Uses bare font, Uses font, color,
use of font, color, graphics, graphics but
color, graphics, etc. to enhance these may
etc. to enhance the presentation distract from the
the presentation of
presentation content
Spelling/ 90-100% of 80-89% of words Less than 79% of
Capitalization words on the on the map are words on the
map are spelled spelled and map are spelled
and capitalized capitalized. and capitalized.
Originality/ Project shows a Uses other No originality
Creativity large amount of people’s ideas and creativity at
original but there’s little all.
thought. Ideas creativity.
are creative and

LU_Personal Development_Module5

Tap on more of your brain power because you’re almost done! Answer the item
below. Good luck!

I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
___1. Which theory explains the existence of the left and right hemispheres of
the brain that perform tasks independent from one another?
A. Brain Dominance Theory B. The Triune Brain Theory
C. Whole Brain Theory D. Split-Brain Theory
___2. Who concluded that the brain has four quadrants?
A. Dr. Paul MacLean B. Dr. Roger Sperry
C. Ned Herrmann D. Paul Broca
___3. Which word best describes Quadrant B learners?
A. Analytical B. Imaginative
C. Interpersonal D. Organized
___4. According to Maclean, which part of the brain controls aggressiveness
and will to survive?
A. Reptilian complex B. Limbic system
C. Brain stem D. Neocortex
___5. What is the importance of knowing one’s thinking and learning styles?
A. You can build better relationships with other people.
B. You can ridicule the learning styles of other people.
C. You can avoid working with other people.
D. You can easily manipulate other people.
___6. Jane loves the outdoors and is not afraid to take risks. Which quadrant
of the brain are these traits found?
A. Quadrant A B. Quadrant B C. Quadrant C D. Quadrant D
___7. Jehane is such a sweet, caring and bubbly girl. To which quadrant of
the brain does her description fit in?
A. Quadrant A B. Quadrant B C. Quadrant C D. Quadrant D
___8. Jean wants to get things done on time and at all costs. Which quadrant
manifests in Jean’s trait?
A. Quadrant A B. Quadrant B C. Quadrant C D. Quadrant D

LU_Personal Development_Module5
___9. John utilizes his right brain more than the left. Which of these
characteristics best describes him?
A. He performs a lot of experiments.
B. He loves to work with numbers.
C. He likes to organize parties.
D. He beats project deadlines.
___10. Juan is left-brained. Which of these activities does he prefer to do?
A. Engaging in mobile photography
B. Listening to classical music
C. Grooving to a dance music
D. Strumming the guitar

II. Directions: Develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions. Supply

the necessary information. Use the format below.

Name: ______________________________________________
Year & Section: _____________________________________


Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Brain Cerebellum

Lobe Lobe Lobe Lobe Stem

Area of
Things to
Time frame
Action/s to
be taken

LU_Personal Development_Module5

CONTENT (3) (2) (1)

1. Goals Shows original Shows clear Shows goals
- Is it concise and and clear goals goal but not that are not
effectively written? original clear and
2. Things to improve Identify (3) Identify (2) Identify (1)
- Does the target match to “things to “things to “thing to
its classification (parts of improve” improve” improve”
the brain)?
3. Time frame Shows Shows not Shows no
- Is it achievable? (month, achievable achievable time frame/
date, day, time, year) time frame time frame not
that follows that follows following
standards. standards. the
4. Actions to be taken Indicates (3) Indicates (2) Indicates (1)
- Is it realistic? Could it actions to be actions to be action to be
address the needs? taken taken taken
5. Resources Properly cites Properly cites Cites only
- It could be person, (3) needed (2) needed (1) resource.
materials, organization, resources resources
budget, etc.
6. Desired Outcome Illustrates (3) Illustrates (2) Illustrates
– It refers to results after desired desired (1) desired
the implementation of outcomes outcomes outcome
your actions.

*Note: Additional factors

• Neatness……………………….. 2
• Margin design ………………… 2
• Colorful work …………………. 2
• Penmanship …………………… 2
• Spelling and capitalization ….2
• Completeness …………………. 2
TOTAL POINTS = ……………….30

LU_Personal Development_Module5
LU_Personal Development_Module5
Activity 1:
Figure 1: Parts of the Brain
Parietal Lobe Cerebellum
Temporal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
1. Sensations and body awareness: Parietal Lobe
2. Problem solving and movement: Frontal Lobe
3. Breathing and consciousness: Brainstem
4. Vision and perception: Occipital Lobe
5. Hearing and memory: Temporal Lobe
6. Posture and balance: Cerebellum
Answer Key
LU_Personal Development_Module5
Activity 2: Left Brain Vs. Right Brain
Arts Computation Dreams Emotions Facts
Imagination Logic Music Poetry
Reason Rhythm Science Words Numbers
Figure 2: Brain Hemispheres
Computation Arts
Facts Dreams
Logic Emotions
Numbers Imagination
Reason Music
Science Poetry
Words Rhythm
Multiple Choice
1. D 6. D
2. C 7. C
3. D 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. A 10. D

Printed Materials
Santos, Ricardo R. (2016). Personal Development First Edition (pp87-94). Rex Book
Store, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines

Department of Education (2016). Personal Development Reader First Edition (pp. 36-
45). Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc. South Triangle. Quezon City,

Department of Education (2016). Personal Development Teacher’s Guide (pp. 42-52).

Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc. South Triangle. Quezon City, Philippines

Online Resources
Department of Education. K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with
Corresponding CG Codes
Brain Functions. Retrieved July 23, 2020 from
Roche, Bryan. (2014). 10 Way s to Improve Your Brain Health. Retrieved on
July 23, 2020 from
Smale, Thomas. (2015). 8 Ways to Improve Your Brain Power
RetrievedonJuly23, 2020from

LU_Personal Development_Module5
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management Section
Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City La Union 2500
Telephone: (072) 607 - 8127
Telefax: (072) 205 - 0046
Email Address:

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