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Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

Molecular Pathology of Primary Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

David Ilan Sustera and Mari Mino-Kenudsonb
Department of Pathology, Rutgers University, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA
Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Received for publication July 31, 2020; accepted August 13, 2020 (ARCMED_2020_1382).

Lung carcinoma is one of the most common human cancers and is estimated to have an
incidence of approximately 2 million new cases per year worldwide with a 20% mortality
rate. Lung cancer represents one of the leading causes of cancer related death in the
world. Of all cancer types to affect the pulmonary system, non-small cell lung carcinoma
comprises approximately 80e85% of all tumors. In the past few decades cytogenetic and
advanced molecular techniques have helped define the genomic landscape of lung cancer,
and in the process, revolutionized the clinical management and treatment of patients with
advanced non-small cell lung cancer. The discovery of specific, recurrent genetic abnor-
malities has led to the development of targeted therapies that have extended the life ex-
pectancy of patients who develop carcinoma of the lungs. Patients are now routinely
treated with targeted therapies based on identifiable molecular alterations or other predic-
tive biomarkers which has led to a revolution in the field of pulmonary pathology and
oncology. Numerous different testing modalities, with various strengths and limitations
now exist which complicate diagnostic algorithms, however recently emerging consensus
guidelines and recommendations have begun to standardize the way to approach diag-
nostic testing of lung carcinoma. Herein we provide an overview of the molecular genetic
landscape of non-small cell lung carcinoma, with attention to those clinically relevant al-
terations which drive management, as well as review current recommendations for mo-
lecular testing. Ó 2020 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Key Words: Molecular pathology, Thoracic, Pulmonary, Biomarkers, NSCLC.

Introduction demonstrated that most of these tumors harbor smoking-

related genetic signatures (6,7). Non-smokers are also at
Lung carcinoma is one of the most common human cancers
risk for developing lung cancer with particularly high inci-
and is estimated to have an incidence of approximately 2
dences in the East Asian female population (8e10). In the
million new cases per year worldwide with a 20% mortality
past two decades the role of adjuvant chemotherapy and ra-
rate (1). Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) is the
diation therapy has become relatively standardized for pa-
most common type of lung cancer and represents approxi-
tients with advanced NSCLC (11e13) and more recently
mately 80e85% of all lung cancers (2,3). The category of
the clinical management and treatment of patients has
NSCLC itself is comprised predominantly of adenocarci-
begun to evolve to a more targeted approach based on the
noma (ADC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and large
specific features of an individual’s lung cancer including
cell carcinoma (LCC), although some other less common
histology and molecular genetic markers (14e16).
subtypes exist (2,4,5). Smoking is the most common risk
Over the past decades the discovery that a significant
factor for the development of lung cancer and it has been
percentage of lung carcinomas harbor specific genetic alter-
ations that are amenable to targeted therapeutic agents has
Conflicts of Interest: MMK has served as a consultant/advisor for H3 increased the importance of molecular diagnostic testing in
Biomedicine and AstraZeneca and received a (institutional) research grant routine clinical practice (17e19). This has been made
from Novartis; all not related to this work. DIS has no conflicts of interest. possible by advances in molecular diagnostic techniques
Address reprint requests to: Mari Mino-Kenudson MD, Department of
Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA,
including the advent of massively parallel sequencing-
02114, USA; Phone: 617-726-2967; FAX: 617-726-7474; E-mail: based technologies such as whole exome sequencing (WES) and next generation sequencing (NGS) that have

0188-4409/$ - see front matter. Copyright Ó 2020 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
2 Suster and Mino-Kenudson/ Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

provided invaluable information on the molecular land-

scape of lung carcinoma (20e22). With the advent of these
technologies and newly found information, pathologists,
oncologists, and surgeons must adjust their clinical practice
to incorporate the plethora of new diagnostic information
available. The purpose of this review article is to provide
a synopsis of the general molecular genetic features of
NSCLC, with a focus on oncogenic driver alterations that
are amenable to newly developed targeted therapies. The
latest consensus guidelines from the College of American
Pathologists (CAP), the International Association for the
Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and Association for Molec-
ular Pathology (AMP), and recommendations from the Na-
tional Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) are
reviewed as well.

General Molecular Genetic Features of NSCLC Figure 1. Molecular alterations in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell car-
cinoma subtypes of NSCLC. For copy number alterations-gene names
NSCLC is characterized by a complex genomic landscape highlighted in white represent loss of copy number while genes highlighted
with numerous underlying genetic and epigenetic mecha- in black represent copy number gains or amplifications. Data is derived
nisms involved in carcinogenesis. Tumors within the from and depicts the most common/relevant muta-
NSCLC category have been identified to have a wide vari- tions, copy number alterations, and gene rearrangements for adenocarci-
ety of genomic alterations including a high rate of somatic noma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung by collating data from
multiple large molecular genetic studies and/or data sets on lung adenocar-
mutations as well as numerous other aberrations such as cinoma (Broad, Cell 201234; MSKCC, Science 201535; TCGA, Firehose
chromosomal rearrangements leading to various oncogenic Legacy; TSP, Nature 200836; MSKCC, Cancer Discovery 201725) and
protein fusions and copy number alterations including gains squamous cell carcinoma (TCGA, Nature 201224; TCGA, PanCancer
and losses of critical cell cycle regulatory genes and chro- Atlas36).
matin remodeling genes (23e25). Epigenetic regulation of
some genes through silencing via DNA methylation, his- provide therapeutic targets when present
tone modification and nucleosome remodeling have also (23,25,28,32e36). Somatic alterations of various types
been associated with lung cancer (26,27). Although the including substitutions, insertions, deletions, and splice site
two most common subtypes of NSCLC; ADC and SCC, mutations have all been demonstrated to play a role in the
display overlap between alterations in many of the same carcinogenesis of ADC (32e36). While TP53 and LRP1B
genes and cellular pathways, significant differences exist mutations are common in all subtypes of NSCLC, ADC ap-
enough that these tumors can generally be differentiated pears to have higher rates of somatic mutations in KRAS,
by their spectrum of molecular alterations (Figure 1) EGFR, KEAP1, STK11, MET, and BRAF as compared to
(24,25,28). It is worth noting that the molecular alterations lung SCC. Mutations in these genes tend to primarily
involved in NSCLC are known to vary depending on the disrupt the RAS-MEK-ERK and PIK3CA-MTOR pathways
population studied and can change depending on ethnicity, (23,25,33,34).
race, and sex; thus incidences of specific alterations should While numerous different types of somatic alterations
be assessed in the context of a specific patient population or have been described, lung ADC harbors a group of clini-
data set, although general ranges or averages are helpful in cally relevant, targetable or potentially targetable mutations
understanding the relative incidence or general landscape of and rearrangements (see clinically relevant molecular alter-
different alterations (29e31). In addition, while these tu- ations section) including alterations in EGFR, ALK, ROS1,
mors overall are characterized by a complex molecular BRAF, HER2, RET, MET and NTRK (25,34,35). Of these
background, the clinical and therapeutic managements are ALK, ROS1, RET, and NTRK are involved in rearrange-
driven almost entirely by a smaller group of clinically ments that led to fusions with available targeted therapies
actionable molecular alterations, the majority of which (35). Lung ADC may also show numerous chromosomal
occur more commonly in lung ADC (11,12,22). gains and losses, albeit at a lower rate as compared to lung
SCC (|10% in lung ADC and 30e40% in lung SCC), most
Adenocarcinoma commonly showing deletions of chromosome 9p21.3 con-
Lung ADC is the most common subtype of NSCLC and is taining the CDKN2A and CDKN2B genes leading to dysre-
characterized by a complex genomic landscape defined by gulation of cell cycle control (23,35). Epigenetic regulation
multiple types of mutations, a lower level of copy number plays a role as well with ADC being able to be stratified de-
alterations than SCC, and some gene rearrangements that pending on the DNA methylation profile of each tumor, or
Molecular Pathology of NSCLC 3

for example the recent discovery that loss of function alter- are rare and treatment currently consists primarily of
ations in genes and the subsequent loss of associated pro- chemotherapy or immunotherapy for this tumor subtype.
tein expression involved in chromatin remodeling (such
as SMARCA4) play a critical role in carcinogenesis
Large Cell Carcinoma and Other Subtypes of NSCLC
(23,26,27,36e38). At the transcriptomic level, mRNA
profiling studies have shown distinct transcriptional sub- Other rare cancer subtypes sometimes included within the
types of ADC, some of which can be correlated with spe- category of NSCLC include large cell carcinoma (LCC),
cific mutational profiles, however, for now this remains adenosquamous carcinoma and sarcomatoid carcinoma
less clinically relevant than identifying actionable muta- (48e50). Pulmonary large cell carcinoma is the third most
tions that can be targeted with specific therapies (23,25,38). common subtype of NSCLC accounting for 3e9% of
NSCLCs and is defined as a NSCLC with no overt morpho-
logical or immunohistochemical features of lung ADC or
SCC (48,51). Studies have identified that the majority of
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
historical LCCs expressed ADC or SCC markers by immu-
Lung SCC is the second most common subtype of NSCLC nohistochemistry (IHC) when re-examined and that many
and much like lung ADC is characterized by a complex mo- tumors previously diagnosed as large cell type would now
lecular background which shares many of the same molec- be reclassified as LCC-ADC or LCC-SCC (51e53). In
ular features as lung ADC but retains a group of relatively these studies, the reclassification of LCCeADC or SCC
discrete alterations that allow for some degree of differen- was almost always supported by an ADC or SCC muta-
tiation at the molecular level. One of the most comprehen- tional profile. LCC-NULL, that is large cell carcinomas
sive studies by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) of 178 without (or with unclear) expression of adeno- or squamous
lung SCC’s identified numerous recurrent somatic muta- specific lineage markers by IHC, have been reported to
tions primarily involving TP53, LRP1B, CDKN2A, PTEN, have conflicting genetic profiles. While multiple studies
PIK3CA, KEAP1, MLL2, HLA-A, NFE2L2, NOTCH1, have suggested that LCC-NULL may represent poorly
RB1, and PDYN (24) that are generally in keeping with differentiated TTF-1 negative ADC (51,54e56), some
the mutational profile described in other studies (39,40). studies have identified squamous lineage mutations in
Unlike lung ADC, lung SCCs generally do not harbor LCC-NULL as well as demonstrating that a large propor-
targetable driver mutations thus driving treatment algo- tion of LCC-NULL do not show any lineage specific ge-
rithms primarily towards immunotherapy and chemo- netic profile (52). LCC-NULL tumors without lineage
therapy, although recurrent DDR2 mutations and FGFR1 specific genetic profiles however have been shown to harbor
amplification have been reported as potential therapeutic cell cycle regulatory gene mutations, WNT pathway muta-
targets (41,42). Compared to lung ADC, recurrent gene re- tions and micro-RNA expression profiles that may be seen
arrangements occur at a lower incidence in lung SCC in adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma suggesting
(24,39,40). In addition, lung SCC shows more frequent that while they may not contain a lung ADC or SCC ‘‘pro-
amplification events, particularly at the region of chromo- file’’, they may still harbor isolated alterations seen in those
some 3q26-3q29. Genes within this region with frequent tumor types and may represent poorly differentiated
copy number gains or amplification include SOX2, PIK3- NSCLCs that only display isolated genetic alterations
CA, TP63, MAP3K13, and KLH6 as well as many others (51,57,58). When actionable mutations such as EGFR are
(43e46). In addition, lung SCC shows a higher rate of copy present in an LCC they may be amenable to targeted ther-
number loss at chromosome 9p21.3 containing the apies (51,52).
CDKN2A and CDKN2B genes compared to lung ADC Pulmonary adenosquamous carcinoma (ADSQ) is a rare
(27 vs. 11%) (23,35). Somatic mutations and copy number tumor defined by the presence of distinct adenocarcinoma
alterations in genes involved in the oxidative stress and squamous cell carcinoma components. The current
response (KEAP1 and NFE2L2 mutations) and squamous WHO classification states that each component must consti-
differentiation (SOX2, TP63 copy number gains) appear tute at least 10% of the tumor by light microscopy to
to be frequently altered in lung SCC (24,47). The PI3K- qualify for a diagnosis of ADSQ (2). These tumors
RTK-RAS signaling pathway may show a variety of alter- comprise approximately 4% of NSCLC (50). Molecular
ations including mutations (such as PTEN and PIK3CA) characterization of ADSQ has identified the presence of
and copy number alterations leading to dysregulation in many mutations also described in lung ADC and SCC,
up to 70% of SCC cases (24). Whole transcriptome mRNA including TP53, CDKN2A, PIK3CA, RB1, PTEN, and
expression profiling has also allowed lung SCC to be sepa- EGFR mutations with EGFR mutations being the most
rated into different subtypes, although the clinical signifi- common (50). Interestingly, examination of the ADC and
cance of these subtypes remains to be established (24). It SCC components via microdissection techniques in one
is worth emphasizing again that despite the genomic study identified mutations shared between the two histolog-
complexity of lung SCC, targetable actionable mutations ic types suggesting that ADSQ derive of a monoclonal
4 Suster and Mino-Kenudson/ Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

origin (50). The presence of targetable mutations such as alterations in specific genes can often be associated with
EGFR also indicate that some of these tumors may be specific clinical or histological characteristics but that they
amenable to targeted therapies (50). can also occur independently of those associations.
Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma is a diverse category
within the World Health Organization (WHO) classification
that contains multiple tumor subtypes including pleomor-
phic carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma, giant cell carci- The prototypical gene amenable to targeted therapy in lung
noma, pulmonary blastoma and carcinosarcoma (2). adenocarcinoma is the epidermal growth factor receptor
These tumors are incredibly rare, representing less than (EGFR) gene. The EGFR gene encodes for the epidermal
3% of primary lung malignancies and they may be difficult growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein, which is a member
to classify as the definitions are based on proportions of the of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTKs) family and is
different tumor cell components (2). Of the sarcomatoid involved in numerous cellular pathways including the
carcinomas, pleomorphic carcinoma represents approxi- PI3K-AKT-mTOR and RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathways
mately 70e80% of cases and in most cases the conven- (Figure 2) (66). EGFR mutations in lung adenocarcinoma
tional NSCLC component can easily be identified (59). occur in 10e50% of NSCLC depending on the population
Molecular studies of sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung studied, tend to be more common in female, Asian, non-
have identified many shared mutations with conventional smokers with lepidic and/or papillary histology, and cluster
NSCLC including frequent mutations in TP53, KRAS, around exons 18, 19, 20, and 21 (67). Some mutations, such
KMT2, EGFR, STK11, NOTCH1, NRAS, and PI3KCA as the EGFR L858R point mutation on exon 21 or deletions
(59e61). KRAS mutations have been described to be a of exon 19 (del 19), confer sensitivity to targeted therapies
marker of poor prognosis in pulmonary sarcomatoid carci- with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), while other muta-
noma (62). Some studies have also reported a relatively tions, such as the EGFR T790M point mutation on exon
high frequency of MET exon 14 mutations, although the to- 20 or exon 20 insertions, confer resistance (68,69). Patients
tal number of cases examined was small (63,64). Sarcoma- with sensitizing mutations may also respond differentially
toid carcinomas with mixed morphology where the spindle, to TKI therapy depending on the specific mutation present
giant and conventional epithelial cell components have (70,71). EGFR mutations are typically mutually exclusive
been micro-dissected and subjected to molecular testing with KRAS mutations and some other driver alterations,
have shown a high concordance between the mutations although they can co-occur in some populations, particu-
identified within the different histological areas supporting larly as resistance mechanisms in patients being treated
the idea that the sarcomatoid areas represent poorly differ- with TKIs (72,73). While the clinical significance of the
entiated components of NSCLCs (60). The presence of co-occurrence of other gene mutations or even between
actionable mutations found in conventional NSCLCs in sar- specific variants within a single gene remains to be
comatoid carcinomas with minimal conventional epithelial completely defined, many changes related to resistance
components also supports the idea that many of the tumors mechanisms have been shown to have great clinical impact.
in the sarcomatoid carcinoma category represent poorly Genetic changes related to TKI therapy serve as a rela-
differentiated NSCLCs. Sarcomatoid carcinomas have also tively well described model of resistance mechanisms to
been demonstrated to harbor chromosomal-level changes targeted therapies. Resistance to a targeted therapy may
such as amplification events similar to NSCLC (64). Iden- be primary, resulting from concomitant alterations present
tification of an actionable mutation in a sarcomatoid carci- at the time of therapy initiation, or acquired, resulting from
noma or poorly differentiated carcinoma also suggests that mutations that manifest after treatment with a particular
there may be some role for targeted therapies in the treat- therapy has occurred. Concurrent resistance alterations
ment of this tumor type (64,65). are varied and can be generally separated into gene-
dependent (that is occurring within the original gene tar-
geted by treatment, aka ‘‘on target’’) and gene-
Clinically Relevant Molecular Alterations with Available
independent (that is alterations in genes other than the orig-
Targeted Therapies
inal gene targeted by treatment, aka ‘‘off target’’). One of
While NSCLC shows a high degree of genomic complexity the first, and currently most common, gene-dependent alter-
as described above, current treatment regimens rely primar- ations discovered was the EGFR T790M point mutation on
ily on targeted therapies directed at a much smaller group exon 20 (73,74). This alteration substitutes a methionine for
of so-called clinically relevant (sometimes called actionable a threonine at amino acid position 790 that leads to disrup-
or targetable) genetic alterations (Table 1). Specific gene tion of drug binding and increases the ATP affinity within
names are sometimes colloquially used as umbrella terms, the EGFR ATP-binding pocket (74). This secondary on-
but it is worth noting that multiple different types of genetic target resistance mutation has been identified in approxi-
alterations within one gene can lead to similar downstream mately 60% of EGFR-mutant NSCLC treated with 1st and
effects within a cell. It is also worth mentioning that 2nd generation TKI’s (erlotinib, gefitinib and afatinib)
Molecular Pathology of NSCLC 5

Table 1. Clinically relevant molecular alterations in non-small cell lung carcinoma

Most common molecular Available targeted

Full name Gene abbreviation alterations Resistance mechanisms therapies

Epidermal growth EGFR - Exon 21 L858R mutation - EGFR T790M mutation Erlotinib
factor receptor - Exon 19 deletions - EGFR C797S mutation Gefitinib
- Exon 18 mutations - EGFR Exon 20 insertion Afatinib
- Exon 20 mutations - Various other EGFR mutations Dacomitinib
- Mutations and CNV in other path- Osimertinib
ways (including P53, PIK3CA/KRAS,
cell cycle)
- Small cell transformation
- Secondary fusion events

Anaplastic ALK - ALK-EML4 fusion - ALK L1196M mutation Crizotinib

Lymphoma Kinase - Multiple other fusion - ALK G1269A mutation Brigatinib
- ALK G1202R mutation Certinib
- Various other ALK mutations Alectinib
- ALK copy number gains Lorlatinib
- Alternative pathway activation
(EGFR, MET, AXL, SRC and others)
- Off target mutations
- Small cell transformation

ROS Proto-oncogene ROS1 - ROS1 fusions - ROS1 G2032R mutation Crizotinib

1, Receptor - Multiple fusion partners - Various other ROS1 mutations Ceritinib
Tyrosine Kinase - Off target mutations (TP53) Entrectinib

MET Proto-oncogene MET - Exon 14 skipping muta- - MET Y1230 C mutation CrizotinibCabozantinib
receptor Tyrosine tions-MET amplification - MET D1228 N mutation Capmatinib
Kinase - Other MET alterations
- Off target alterations

Human Epidermal HER2 (aka ERBB2) - Exon 20 insertions and - HER2 C805S mutation Trastuzumab
Growth Factor duplications
Receptor 2 - PIK3CA mutations
- HER2 copy number gain
- Off target alterations

RET Proto-oncogene RET - RET-KIF5B fusion - RET V804L mutation Cabozantinib

Tyrosine-Protein - Multiple fusion partners - RET G810A mutation Alectinib
Kinase Receptor - Various other RET mutations Apatinib
- EGFR, AXL bypass signaling Vandetanib

Serine/Threonine- BRAF - V600E mutation - MAPK signaling reactivation Dabrafenib/trametinib
Protein Kinase - Non V600E mutations - EGFR signaling Vemurafenib/trametinib
B-Raf - Elevated YAP1 expression

Neutrophic Receptor NTRK NTRK1-fusions - IGF1R pathway activation Larotrectinib

Tyrosine Kinase - Multiple partner genes - Various NTRK mutations Etrectinib
- NTRK3 fusions

Modified and reprinted with permission from Suster D, Suster S. Biopsy Interpretation of the Lung, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wil-
kins, 2020. Chapter 12: Epithelial Neoplasms; pp. 285-349.
^aka 5 also known as, CNV 5 copy number variations.

(73e75). Resistance to this mutation was overcome with the resistance (76e78). Off-target resistance mechanisms are
development of newer TKIs such as osimertinib, however it numerous and include alterations of several genes including
was found that tertiary EGFR mutations such as the EGFR TP53 and PIK3CA amongst others, secondary fusion events,
C797S mutation could then develop that provided additional copy number variations such as MET amplification,
6 Suster and Mino-Kenudson/ Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

Figure 2. Simplified schematic of EGFR cellular signaling and resistance mechanisms. Green arrows indicate alterations that support cell proliferation, red
arrows indicate inhibitory signals. The epidermal growth factor family of receptor tyrosine kinases consists of four genes, EGFR (erb1), HER2 (erb2), HER3
(erb3) and HER4 (erb4). Intracellular signaling is mediated by a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain. Activation of EGFR to leads to the formation of homo-
or heterodimers with other receptor tyrosine kinase family members which activates the kinase domain leading to downstream cellular signaling with various
functions. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy can block EGFR signaling, although numerous resistance mechanisms may develop; including secondary mu-
tations (EGFR, PTEN, BRAF mutations etc), secondary gene amplifications (MET, HER2), secondary fusion events (ALK ), and small cell transformation as
well as other less common resistance mechanisms.

dysregulation of cell cycle genes, and alterations of some nu- and alterations that were once prominent, such as T790M,
clear transcription factors (such as MYC and NKX2-1) will occur with less frequency.
(79e89). Another, less common, resistance mechanism that
occurs in TKI treated NSCLC is transformation to different
histologies, such as small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC)
morphology (90) that is likely driven by specific underlying Genetic alterations in the anaplastic lymphoma receptor
genetic alterations (91e93). These resistance mechanisms tyrosine kinase (ALK ) occur in approximately 2e7% of
may occur in isolation or in combination with each other NSCLC patients (94,95). These occur primarily in the form
and therapeutic management of patients must be constantly of chromosomal rearrangements; the most common being
updated to accommodate changes occurring within a specific an EML4-ALK rearrangement that leads to an oncogenic
tumor, furthermore, as new therapies are developed, the fusion protein with the downstream effect of increased tyro-
landscape of resistance mechanisms will shift with them sine kinase activity (94). Studies have reported several
Molecular Pathology of NSCLC 7

associated clinical features in tumors with ALK rearrange- to induction of downstream cellular pathways including
ments including a younger, never or slight smoking patient PI3K-AKT-mTOR, STAT, and MAPK (121). In NSCLC
population and advanced tumors with more aggressive dis- this most commonly occurs through intronic splice donor
ease (96,97). Tumors with ALK alterations have also been site alterations, including substitutions and insertion-
associated with mucinous cribriform histology or solid deletions, that affect the normal MET gene splicing mech-
pattern with abundant signet ring cells (98e101). ALK rear- anism and lead to the loss of MET exon 14 (referred to as
ranged tumors are sensitive to multiple generations of TKIs, MET Exon 14 ‘‘skipping’’ mutations) (119). MET amplifi-
although like EGFR-mutated NSCLC, ALK-rearranged cation and increased copy number, in part as a mechanism
NSCLC is known to harbor multiple resistance mecha- for resistance to TKIs, in NSCLC has also been described
nisms. Secondary on-target ALK resistance mutations (121). MET alterations are generally mutually exclusive
include the ALK L1196M and G1269A variants that with other driver alterations. Studies examining MET alter-
develop following crizotinib therapy, although these two ations have associated them with older patient populations,
variants only develop in a low percentage of crizotinib- tobacco use, and a poor prognosis when MET amplification
treated tumors, likely due to the fact that crizotinib is not is present (although not with isolated MET exon 14 ‘‘skip-
a potent inhibitor of ALK (102). However, other resistance ping’’ mutations) (122e126). These studies have also re-
mutations in ALK, such as the G1202R mutation, occur at a vealed that MET alterations can be identified in nearly all
higher frequency following treatment with newer genera- histologic subtypes of NSCLC, but that they appear to be
tion ALK inhibitors (ceritinib, alectinib, brigatinib) enriched in the sarcomatoid carcinoma subgroup, particu-
(102,103). Copy number variations in ALK and off- larly MET exon 14 ‘‘skipping’’ mutations (63). MET alter-
target alterations in other genes may also occur ations are amenable to therapy with MET inhibitors such
(104,105). Small cell transformation as a resistance mech- as crizotinib and capmatinib, although like other genes,
anism in ALK-rearranged NSCLC has also been described numerous ancillary resistance mechanisms have been docu-
(106,107). mented (Table 1) (127e129).

Chromosomal rearrangements in the c-ROS proto- Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) alter-
oncogene 1 (ROS1) gene occur approximately 1-2% of ations are found in approximately 1e5% of NSCLC and
NSCLC patients (108,109). The ROS1 gene encodes a re- include mutations and amplification events. HER2 is also
ceptor tyrosine kinase that is part of the insulin receptor known as Erb-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 (ERBB2) and
family with downstream RAS-MAPK pathway signaling is a member of the RTK gene family (130,131). HER2 al-
function (109). ROS1 can become rearranged with multiple terations in NSCLC have been described to occur in an old-
other genes including CD74, FIG, SLC34A2 and SDC4 er patient population (O60 years old) the majority of which
(110,111). ROS1 rearranged NSCLC shows a similar clin- are never smokers and occur almost exclusively with
ical phenotype to ALK rearranged carcinomas, although adenocarcinoma histology (132,133). The most common
some studies have reported lower rates of extrathoracic HER2 alteration appears to be an exon 20 insertion,
metastasis, including fewer brain metastases (112). Tumors although other mutations and amplification events, some-
with this alteration may also display solid pattern with sig- times in combination with alterations in other genes, have
net ring cell morphology and/or mucinous cribriform been observed (134). HER2 altered NSCLC is known to
pattern and have been found to be responsive to crizotinib be sensitive to chemotherapy regimens as well as some tar-
(107,113e115). The predominant resistance mechanism geted therapies (135). As with other genes, both on-target
to crizotinib treatment occurs in the form point mutations and off-target resistance mechanisms have been described
in ROS1, with the G2032R variant being the most common. and HER2 amplification itself is a reported resistance
The G2032R variant is thought to result in steric hindrance mechanism in EGFR mutated NSCLC treated with TKI
to crizotinib (116). Newer generation kinase inhibitors are therapy (Table 1) (134,135).
becoming available (ceritinib, entrectinib) or under devel-
opment (DS-6051b) that will allow for treatment of crizoti- RET
nib resistant ALK-rearranged NSCLC (117,118).
Ret proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor (RET )
rearrangements occur in 1e2% of NSCLC (136). More
than 10 different fusion partners have been identified,
Alterations in the Met proto-oncogene (MET) occur in although the most common appears to be KIF5B (137).
approximately 1e5% of NSCLC (119,120). The MET gene The resulting fusion protein affects numerous downstream
encodes for the MET receptor tyrosine kinase (also known cellular pathways, many of which are shared with other
as mesenchymal epithelial transition factor and hepatocyte genes mutated across NSCLC (137). RET rearrangements
growth factor receptor). Constitutive MET activation leads are found almost exclusively in the adenocarcinoma
8 Suster and Mino-Kenudson/ Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

subtype of NSCLC and tend to correlate with never- Genetic Alterations in NSCLC without Targeted Therapies
smoking status, younger age and more aggressive disease
While targetable alterations in NSCLC have increased the
(137,138). Studies have shown RET-rearranged NSCLC to
median overall survival of patients with advanced disease,
be sensitive to a number of inhibitor agents, although it is
a large proportion of patients remain who have no action-
unclear whether there is variation in treatment response de-
able driver alterations and who must receive alternative
pending on the fusion partner present (137e141). Resis-
therapies such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy. Howev-
tance mechanisms to inhibitor therapy in RET-rearranged
er, continued research into the molecular landscape of
NSCLC consist of various on-target secondary RET muta-
NSCLC has the potential to uncover additional targetable
tions as well as off-target bypass signaling mechanisms that
driver alterations and many known alterations currently
result in RAS-MAPK pathway activation (142,143).
have ongoing clinical trials. Because they are sometimes
associated with specific clinical or histopathologic charac-
teristics and because some may one day become actionable
B-raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase (BRAF ) mu- mutations, it is worth becoming familiar with the currently
tations are found in 1e3.5% of NSCLC (144). Mutations non-targetable alterations that occur in NSCLC. Some al-
occur at both the well characterized amino acid 600 posi- terations, such as TP53 and LRP1B occur at a high rate
tion (BRAF V600E) and at other positions on the BRAF across many of the NSCLC subtypes and can be co-
gene (144). This has clinical implications as V600E altered with other genes (23,24,163). Other alterations have
mutated NSCLCs are sensitive to inhibitor therapy with been shown to have specific characteristics such as NF1 and
dabrafenib and vemurafenib, while non-V600E tumors are RASA1 preferentially co-mutating and showing some sensi-
resistant (145,146). While pre-clinical evidence suggests tivity to MEK inhibitors or the presence of certain patient
that non-V600E mutations may be targetable with alterna- characteristics in KEAP1 and NFE2L2 mutated NSCLC
tive therapies, such as MEK inhibitors, there is currently (164e172). Some alterations such as KRAS and SMARCA4
no clear consensus guidelines of the management of non- have been associated with specific histology and may be of
V600E mutated NSCLC (147,148). Studies have reported benefit with regards to the diagnosis of NSCLC
conflicting clinicopathological characteristics for BRAF- (36,173,174). KRAS mutations, particularly KRAS G12C,
mutated NSCLC that appear to shift depending on the pop- provide an excellent example of how currently untargetable
ulation examined and whether the mutation present is gene alterations may one day provide future avenues for
V600E or non-V600E (149,150). Various resistance mech- targeted therapy; currently numerous clinical trials are un-
anisms have also been identified including off-target muta- derway (AMG 510 and MRTX849) with additional trials
tions and alternative pathway signaling (151e155). for novel inhibitors (JNJ-74699157 and LY3499446)
entering phase I (175e177). See Table 2 for an expanded
NTRK list of molecular alterations without currently approved tar-
geted treatments.
The neutrophic receptor tyrosine kinase gene (NTRK ) is a
member of the tropomyosin-receptor kinase family of
Molecular Diagnostics in NSCLC
RTKs that includes NTRK1, NTRK2 and NTRK3 (156).
NTRK alterations, primarily rearrangements in NTRK1 Molecular diagnostic testing has rapidly advanced in the
and NTRK3, have been identified in NSCLC and are present past decade with the advent of new massively parallel
in 0.2e3% of cases (157,158). Studies examining the clin- sequencing technologies such as next generation
icopathologic characteristics are limited by the small num- sequencing and whole exome sequencing. In 2013 the Col-
ber of reported cases with NTRK fusions, however it lege of American Pathologists (CAP), the International As-
appears that NTRK fusions tend to be mutually exclusive sociation for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), and the
with other driver alterations and may be enriched in mini- Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) created a set
mal or never smoker patient populations (158). Fusions of guidelines for the molecular testing of lung carcinoma
can occur within the squamous cell and adenocarcinoma specimens (178). In 2018 the guidelines were updated
subtypes of NSCLC and have also been described in a pul- and then endorsed by the American Society of Clinical
monary neuroendocrine carcinoma (158). Although rare, Oncology (ASCO) (179,180). The guidelines state that mo-
NTRK rearranged NSCLCs are amenable to targeted ther- lecular testing should be available at centers where patients
apy with the tyrosine kinase inhibitors entrectinib and laro- with lung cancer are treated and recommend that EGFR,
trectinib (159e161). Resistance mechanisms in NTRK ALK, and ROS1, at a minimum, should be tested on non-
rearranged cancers have already begun to be identified squamous NSCLC as well as SCC with clinical features
and include on-target NTRK mutations as well as alternative associated with a higher probability of an oncogenic driver
pathway signaling, although some early data suggests that mutation being present (young age, never or light smoking
resistance can be overcome with alternate drugs such as ca- history). BRAF, MET, RET, ERBB2 (HER2), and KRAS
bozantinib (162). should be offered as well if possible, with ASCO stating
Molecular Pathology of NSCLC 9

Table 2. Additional molecular alterations in non-small cell lung carcinoma without currently approved targeted therapy

Gene Most common molecular

Full name abbreviation alterations Notes

Tumor Protein P53 TP53 - Multiple frameshift, nonsense - Most common mutation present in lung adenocarcinoma
and missense mutations (|50%) and squamous cell carcinoma (|80%) subtypes of
- Commonly co-mutated with other driver alterations in

Low-density Lipoprotein LRP1B - Multiple missense mutations - Commonly identified in lung adenocarcinoma and squa-
Receptor-related Protein 1B mous cell carcinoma subtypes of NSCLC
- Some frameshift or nonsense - LRP1B mutated tumors associated with increased muta-
mutations tional burdens and early evidence suggests increased
response to immunotherapy and better patient survival

Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral KRAS - G12C, G12V, G12D missense - KRAS co-mutation with KEAP1/NFE2L2 reported be an
Oncogene Homolog mutations independent prognostic factor, predicting shorter survival and
response to chemotherapy and immune therapy.
- KRAS mutations associated with mucinous histology
(particularly invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma)
- Mutually exclusive with EGFR mutations

Kelch-like ECH Associated KEAP1 - Loss of function mutations - Common in lung adenocarcinoma subtype of NSCLC
Protein 1 (various) - Alterations in KEAP1 co-occur with mutations in other
- Less prevalent in non-smokers

Serine/threonine Kinase 11 STK11 - Loss of function missense - Common in lung adenocarcinoma subtype of NSCLC
- Some deletions and trun- - Commonly co-mutated with KRAS and TP53 and may
cating mutations portend worse prognosis and suppression of immune

SWI/SNF-related, Matrix SMARCA4 - Loss of function mutations - SMARCA4

Associated, Actin Dependent (various)
Regulator of Chromatin,
Subfamily A, Member 4
- Deletions - deficiency associated with a distinct clinicopathological
group of poorly differentiated NSCLC with aggressive

- Loss of heterozygosity
Lysine Methyltransferase 2 C/D KMT2C/D - Loss of function f rameshift - KMT2C and KMT2D mutations more common in (various)
and nonsense mutations squamous cell carcinoma subtypes of NSCLC
- KMT2D mutations reported to be associated with poor
prognosis in NSCLC compared to wild type KMT2D

Phosphatidylinositol-4,5- PIK3CA - Exon 20 mutations - Occurs in both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carci-
bisphosphate 3-kinase noma subtypes of NSCLC
Catalytic Subunit a - Limited data exists suggesting the presence of PIK3CA
mutations may confer a survival advantage

Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2 e NFE2L2 - Gain of function missense - Commonly co-mutated with KEAP1-Enriched in a
Related Factor 2 mutations (various) subgroup of Male Japanese patients with squamous cell
carcinoma subtype of NSCLC
- Associated with chemotherapy resistance and rapid pro-
gression in lung adenocarcinoma subtype of NSCLC

RAS GTPase Activating RASA1 - Loss of function mutations - Preferentially commutated with NF1 in a subset of NSCLC
Protein 1 (various) - May confer sensitivity to MEK inhibition

(continued on next page)

10 Suster and Mino-Kenudson/ Archives of Medical Research - (2020) -

Table 2 (continued )
Gene Most common molecular
Full name abbreviation alterations Notes

Discoidin Domain Receptor DDR2 - Gain of function missense - DDR2 mutations identified in approximately 4% of squa-
Tyrosine Kinase 2 mutations (various) mous cell carcinoma

- DDR2 mutations may confer sensitivity to dasatinib

Neuregulin-1 NRG1 - NRG1-CD74 fusion - Described in 25-30% of invasive mucinous lung adenocar-
cinoma subtype
- Other fusion partners - May respond to ERBB3 targeted therapy

Fibroblast Growth Factor FGFR3/TACC3 - FGFR3-TACC3 fusion - Described in 3-4% of squamous cell carcinoma and rarely
Receptor/Transforming Acidic in some adenocarcinoma samples
Coiled-coil Containing - FGFR signaling is involved in the RAS/MAPK pathway
Protein 3 - Numerous ongoing clinical trials underway for FGFR
pathway inhibitors

that BRAF should be offered as a stand-alone test on all ability to provide information on tumor mutational burden
lung cancer patients. The National Comprehensive Cancer which is an emerging biomarker that may indicate patient
Network (NCCN) maintains similar recommendations and responsiveness to immunotherapy (182) The advantage of
also recommends PD-L1 testing to guide potential immuno- smaller directed panels is that they tend to be more rapid
therapy (181). In general, testing can be accomplished (some small targeted panels such as the PCR-based Idylla
either by comprehensive molecular panels (usually assay can return results in as little as a few hours) and allow
sequencing based panels) or with sequential testing using for faster clinical decision making (183).
smaller panels (including smaller targeted sequencing as- Multiple diagnostic modalities are required to arrive at a
says, fluorescent in-situ hybridization [FISH] and/or poly- complete diagnosis of advanced NSCLC including histo-
merase chain reaction-based assays). The advantage of logical assessment, primary IHC testing for the diagnosis
larger comprehensive sequencing panels is the ability to of NSCLC, NOS morphology, secondary IHC testing
identify fewer common alterations not tested for by smaller including PD-L1, and ALK and ROS1 in the appropriate
directed panels, but which have available therapies, such as setting, as well as molecular testing. Given that these all
NTRK rearrangements. In addition, large panels have the require tissue from the patient sample, specimen handling

Figure 3. Suggested simple schematic for appropriate triage of biopsy specimens from advanced NSCLC patients. When limited tissue is available the min-
imal amount of IHC required for primary diagnosis and PD-L1 testing should be ordered followed by molecular studies. According to current guidelines
EGFR, ALK, ROS1 and BRAF should be included in the first round of molecular testing.
Molecular Pathology of NSCLC 11

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