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Sayed Mohammad Imtiaz Murshed


 Information System Development Life Cycle

 Information System Acquisition Life Cycle
 Segregation of duty between IT and HR

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 A systems development life cycle is composed of a

number of clearly defined and distinct work phases
which are used by systems engineers and systems
developers to plan for, design, build, test, and
deliver information systems.
 Different approaches are available such as
 Traditional Approach [example: Traditional SDLC Approach,
waterfall Model, etc]
 Alternative approach [Example: Agile software development,,
rapid prototyping, etc

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 Different phases of Traditional SDLC

Phase 1 Feasibility Study

Phase 2 Requirements definition

Phase 3 Design

Phase 4 Development

Phase 5 Final Testing and implementation

Phase 6 Post implementation

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 Phase 1: Feasibility study

 Analyzing the benefits and solutions for the identified problem area
 Determines the strategic benefits of implementing the system either
in productivity gains or in future cost avoidance
 Identifies and quantifies the cost savings of the new system
 Estimates a payback schedule for the cost incurred in implementing
the system or shows the projected return on investment (ROI)
 Within the feasibility study, the following typically are addressed:
 Define a time frame for the implementation of the required solution.
 Determine an optimum alternative risk-based solution for meeting
business needs and general information resource requirements (e.g.,
whether to develop or acquire a system).
 Determine if an existing system can correct the situation with slight or
no modification (e.g., workaround).
 Determine if a vendor product offers a solution to the problem.
 Determine approximate cost to develop system to correct the situation.
 Determine if the solution fits the business strategy.

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 Phase 2: Requirements definition

 Concerned with identifying and specifying the business
requirements of the system chosen for development during
the feasibility study
 Requirements include descriptions of
 what a system should do,
 how users will interact with a system,
 conditions under which the system will operate, and
 the information criteria the system should meet

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 Phase 2: Requirements definition

◦ Sample Report outline
1. Executive Summary
2. Project Background
2.1 Project Initiation
2.2 Project Chapter
2.3 Project Scope
2.4 Project Team
2.5 Steering committee
2.6 Project Schedule
3. Current System
3.1 Description
3.2 Components and Functions
3.3 Interfaces
3.4 Strengths and weakness
4. General Operational requirement
5. Functional Requirements
5.1 Function1
5.1.1 Function1 Description
5.1.2 Function1 Requirements
5.2 Function2
5.2.1 Function1 Description
5.2.2 Function1 Requirements
6. Information Technology Requirements
7. Support Requirements
8. Next Steps

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 Phase 3:Design
 Key design phase activities include:
 Developing system flowcharts and entity relationship models
 Determining the use of structured design techniques
 Describing inputs and outputs
 Determining processing steps and computation rules
 Determining data file or database system file design
 Preparing program specifications
 Developing test plans for the various levels of testing
 Developing data conversion plans

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 Phase 4:Development
 Coding
 Coding means using the programming language to get the
computer to behave as desired.
 Each line of the code is a set of instructions for the computer.
 Debugging
 the process of identifying and removing errors from computer
hardware or software.
 Testing
 A method to check whether the actual software product matches
expected requirements
 The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or
missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements.

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 Phase 5:Final Testing and Implementation

 Final user-acceptance testing
 Prepare support structure
 Change over plan
 Data Migration

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 Phase 5:Final Testing and Implementation

Final user-acceptance testing
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a type of testing performed by the
end user or the client to verify/accept the software system before
moving the software application to the production environment.
 UAT is done in the final phase of testing after functional, integration
and system testing is done.
Prepare support structure
 New system implementation needs an efficient support structure.
 Support personnel will need to acquire new skills.
 Phase of preparing structure
 Phase-I: Develop To be Support Structures
 Gap Analysis
 Role Definitions
 Phase-II : Establishes Support Functions
 Service Level Agreement
 Knowledge transfer plan
 Training Plan

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 Phase 5:Final Testing and Implementation

Changeover (go‐live or cutover) techniques:
 refers to an approach to shift users from using the
application from the existing (old) system to the
replacing (new) system.
 Can be achieved by one of the below approaches
 Parallel changeover
 Phased changeover
 Abrupt changeover

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 Phase 5:Final Testing and Implementation

Data Migration
 Data migration is the process of
 selecting, preparing, extracting, and transforming data and
 permanently transferring it from one computer storage system to

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 Phase 6:Post‐implementation Review

 Should be performed jointly by the project development team
and appropriate end users
 objectives:
 Meet User requirement and business objective
 Evaluate the projected cost benefits or ROI
 Develop recommendations that address the system’s inadequacies
and deficiencies
 Develop a plan for implementing the recommendations
 Assess the development project process
 Methodology, standards and techniques
 Appropriate Project management techniques

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 Family of similar development processes that adopt a

nontraditional way of developing complex systems.
 12 principles:
1. Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
3. Working software is delivered frequently
4. Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
5. Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be
6. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-
7. Working software is the principal measure of progress
8. Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
10. Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is
11. Self-organizing teams
12. Regular adaptation to changing circumstance
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 characteristics:
 The use of small, time‐boxed subprojects or iterations
 Re‐planning the project at the end of each iteration
 Relatively greater reliance on tacit knowledge
 Heavy influence on mechanisms to effectively disseminate unstated
knowledge and promote teamwork
 A change in the role of the project manager. The role will be
facilitator and advocate. Responsibility of planning and control is
delegated to team members

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 Most widely recognized Agile framework
 Comprised of a series of short iterations – called sprints - each of which
ends with the delivery of an increment of working software.
 Three roles:
 Product Owner [primary business representative]
 Scrum Master [maintain Scrum process and overall health of the team]
 Scrum Team [cross-functional group, responsible for delivering software]
 Four ceremonies:
 Daily Standup Meeting [to provide a status update to team members]
 Sprint Planning Meeting [Each sprint begins with a two-part sprint planning
meeting, the activity that prioritizes and identifies stories and concrete tasks for
the next sprint]
 Sprint Review [A meeting held at the end of each sprint in which the Scrum team
shows what they accomplished during the sprint; typically this takes the form of a
demo of the new features.]
 Retrospective [A timeboxed meeting held at the end of an iteration, or at the end
of a release, in which the team examines its processes to determine what
succeeded and what could be improved. ]
 Three artifacts:
 Burndown charts [Representation of the amount of stories completed]
 Product backlog [A collection of stories and tasks the Sprint team will work on at
some point in the future. ]
 Sprint backlog [A list of features, user stories or tasks that are pulled from the
product backlog for consideration for completion during the upcoming sprint.
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Phase 1 Feasibility Study

Phase 2 Requirements definition

Phase 3 Software selection & Acquisition

Phase 4 Configuration

Phase 5 Final Testing and implementation

Phase 6 Post implementation

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 Phase 3: Software selection and Acquisition

 Four types:
 AS-IS implementation:
 Customization over a standard application
 Develop by vendor.
 Software as a Service (SaaS)
 Vendor selection criteria should be based on
 Reliability
 Financial stability
 Team structure
 Commitment to service
 Commitment to provide training
 Commitment to provide future technical support
 Commitment to provide documentation for its product
 Past experience

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 Phase 3: Software selection and Acquisition

 Steps for software selection and Acquisition
 Depends on policy of the organization
 Example

Awarding the
Prepare RFP/ITT Agreement with vendor

Publish RFP/ITT Price Negotiation


Bidder submits Bid [eligibility check,

Technical evaluation,
Financial evaluation]

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 Phase 3: Software selection and Acquisition

 Request For Proposal [RFP] vs Invitation To Tender [ITT].
 RFP can be used when requirement is more towards solution and
related support and maintenance where capacity, experience and
approach can be measured. Example: ERP or SCM
 ITT can be used when the product or service is known in advance,
where combination of price and service needs to be measured.
Example: Hardware, network product or database.

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 Phase 4: Configuration
 System configuration consists of defining, tracking and
controlling changes in a purchased systems to meet the
needs of the business
 For ERP systems, the task often involves the modification
tables as well as some development
 System configuration is supported by the change
management policies and processes, which define
 Roles and responsibilities
 Classification and prioritization of all changes based on business
 Assessment of impact
 Authorization and approval of changes by the business process
owners and IT
 Tracking and status of changes
 Impact on data integrity

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Roles Organization SOD

Project Manager Client or Vendor IT or Business
Functional manager: Client Business
Operational Manager Client Business
System Analyst Both IT
Business Analyst both Business

QA Manager Client IT or Business

Change Control Board/change manager both Both
Client Client Both

Client Project Manager Client IT or Business

Solution team/software architect Vendor IT
Process Analyst: Vendor Business

Test analyst/Tester/test Engineer Client or Vendor Both

Software Architecture: Vendor IT
Database Administrator Both IT
Developer Vendor IT
Project Team Both Both

Sponsor (Executive Sponsor and Project Sponsor) Cleint Business

Stakeholder Both Both
Steering Committee Both Both
Subject Matter Expert Both Business
Suppliers / Vendors Vendor Both
Tester Both Both 28

Users Client Business


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