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I will raise the issue of schools during the pandemic

Mixed (mikst) feelings as schools reopen under pandemic cloud

Excited students headed (hid) back to school this week for classroom learning
amid easing COVID-19 restrictions in Jakarta and most of Java, but they are
doing so at the persistently high risk of exposure to the Delta strain of the virus.
Last week, the government insisted there was “no other option” but to reopen
schools after it started relaxing multitiered (multi taired) community activity
restrictions (PPKM). Thousands of schools across the country's most populous
island reopened on Monday, including 610 (six hundred and ten) schools in
Jakarta, after provincial administrations greenlit the resumption of blended-
learning trials (tryls)that started in April. The trials (tryls) are a combination of
both classroom and online learning, which offer some leeway for concerned
( kensern) parents still unwilling to let their children go to school in person.

Perasaan campur aduk saat sekolah dibuka kembali di bawah awan pandemi Siswa yang
bersemangat kembali ke sekolah minggu ini untuk belajar di kelas di tengah pelonggaran
pembatasan COVID-19 di Jakarta dan sebagian besar Jawa, tetapi mereka melakukannya
dengan risiko tinggi terpapar virus jenis Delta. Pekan lalu, pemerintah bersikeras "tidak ada
pilihan lain" selain membuka kembali sekolah setelah mulai melonggarkan pembatasan
kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM). Ribuan sekolah di pulau terpadat di negara itu dibuka kembali
pada hari Senin, termasuk 610 sekolah di Jakarta, setelah pemerintah provinsi memberi
lampu hijau untuk dimulainya kembali uji coba pembelajaran campuran yang dimulai pada
bulan April. Uji coba tersebut merupakan kombinasi dari pembelajaran di kelas dan online,
yang menawarkan beberapa kelonggaran bagi orang tua yang khawatir yang masih tidak
mau membiarkan anak-anak mereka pergi ke sekolah secara langsung.
Apakah kamu setuju dengan sekolah tatap muka?

Yess, I agree, for example, elementary school students, a lot of them cannot
read because of online learning during this pandemic. even many of them are
dependent on cellphones so they are lazy to study. So we have to carry out face-
to-face school.

Mengapa sekolah tatap muka harus dilaksanakan?

because if we continue to study online, the greater the impact of learning loss in
Indonesia. Socializing is also very important for us, especially for those who are
still in elementary school.

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