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Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

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Inventions, innovations, and new technologies: Flexible and lightweight

thin-film solar PV based on CIGS, CdTe, and a-Si:H
Samantha Wijewardane a,∗, Lawrence L. Kazmerski b
Clean Energy Research Center, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, United States
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), University of Colorado Boulder, United States

a b s t r a c t

This survey examines new and emerging applications and technology advancements that hold potential for effective use and market expansion of thin-film solar
photovoltaics (PV). We review recent inventions and innovations to enhance the distinctive properties and functionalities of thin-film devices for successfully adapting
in the emerging applications. Also, we present a brief review of the evolution and status of the three current major thin-film technologies, highlighting some strengths
and concerns. Selected notable patents are listed at the end. The objective is to draw attention to the inventions, innovations, and new technologies that thin-film
PV could impact, leading to a net-zero carbon future.

Introduction indicating the domination of crystalline Si, reflecting the manufacturing

Thin film solar cells shared some common origins with crystalline Si Because PV technology continues to experience evolutionary, disrup-
for space power in the 1950s [1]. However, it was not until 1973 with tive, and even revolutionary progress, a continued growth is assured-and
the onset of the oil embargo and resulting world focus on terrestrial so- even unanticipated advances can alter technology roadmaps or elevate
lar energy as a priority that serious research investments in these PV other approaches into competitive positions through innovation. This
technologies were realized [2,3]. The race to develop electric-power al- has been experienced with GaAs devices replacing Si for most space ap-
ternatives to fossil fuels facilitated the exploration of diverse materials plications [11] (although recently, SpaceX announced it plans to use
and devices. The discovery, design, and qualification processes over the commercial Si-PV technology in its space power for potential cost ben-
next decades provided a selection basis for competitive technologies. efits [11–13]). And the current high interest in hybrid-perovskites has
The arguments for thin-film photovoltaics have been based upon an ex- again opened the technology playing field. Thin-film PV remains part of
tensive list of potential benefits, from low materials use and materials the global solar markets—and can have major roles in the next genera-
and device diversity to large-scale, simplified, and low-energy manufac- tion of solar electricity required for the 100% renewable energy future
turing [4]. Products were demonstrated to be lightweight, have better [14].
operating temperature characteristics, and more efficient in collecting Production costs of thin-film solar panels are competitive and
solar energy both earlier and later in the day [5,6]. They posed advan- module efficiencies of CdTe and CIGS cells are in the same range
tages for the built environment (a sector still lacking in PV potential as the Si-leader [10]. However, thin-film PV is still waiting to ful-
power contribution [7]) in that they could be manufactured in flexi- fill its deployment potential. Although global thin-film solar markets
ble roll-to-roll production formats, with engineered transparencies, and are expected to exceed $25 billion by 2030 from $12.2 billion in
specific architectural requirements [7,8]. And in the 1990s to mid-2000s 2021 [15], this prediction is just a small fraction of that provided
with the urgencies of the environment and global climate change, thin by Si.
films were considered to become major players in world PV markets This paper examines new innovations, global economic forecasts and
[9]. However, in the 2010s, the ascendancy of Asia in manufacturing evaluates new and emerging markets and technologies that might be
impeded the investments and progress in thin-film PV. This is partially “game changers” for thin-film PV. To provide insights on potential mar-
indicated in the regional and country PV annual shipments (MWp) by ket expansions in which thin-films pose advantages, some initial analysis
technology shown in Fig. 1 [10], with a manifest rise in China’s position of where thin-film solar technology has been, its status and expectations,
in product supply. Fig. 2 presents the same data by technology, clearly as well as its advantages and limitations are presented.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Wijewardane).
Received 16 May 2023; Received in revised form 20 June 2023; Accepted 24 June 2023
2772-9400/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Solar Alliance. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

Fig. 1. Photovoltaic annual shipments (MWp /) by geographical region for 2001–2022 [After Ref. 10].

Fig. 2. Annual PV Shipments (GWp ) over period 2006–2022

comparing technologies [After Ref. 10].

Historical development and technology status: a brief survey The major device type was a p-i-n structure, in which the “intrinsic
or i-layer” allowed the generated carriers to live long enough to be col-
Amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) technology lected [24]. And the a-Si:H band gap could be adjusted by composition,
mainly the amount of hydrogen incorporated into the layer. This led
Investigations of amorphous silicon (a-Si) date to the 1960s first to tandem devices and then to 3-junction architectures that could
[4,17,18]. Pure a-Si has no long-range ordering, resulting in a very absorb larger portions of the incoming solar spectrum and lead to higher
high density of dangling bonds and high carrier recombination that re- efficiencies [25–30]. The initial 2% to 5% research efficiencies in single-
stricts its semiconductor behavior. Amorphous Si exhibiting semicon- junction devices multiplied more than doubled over the first decade,
ductor properties was reported in the late 1960 to mid-1970 time frame with confirmed cell efficiencies exceeding 10% and modules >7–8% by
under certain fabrication conditions [18–21]. Although not acknowl- the 1990s (Fig. 3) [16,31].
edged initially, the growth of this thin film in the presence of hydrogen But early on, an effect was noticed when the devices were exposed
(either from the growth method or purposely introduced) produced hy- to the sun—a significant drop in the initial efficiency and power output
drogenated a-Si or a-Si:H—in which the hydrogen terminated dangling occurred, a property not desirable for solar technology. This Staebler-
bonds. This reduced the density of gap states leading to band gaps larger Wronski Effect (SWE) was identified to affect mainly intrinsic (undoped)
than c-Si (∼1.7 eV) [21,22]. In 1976, Carlson and Wronski reported the a-Si:H layers [26,27]. As noted, hydrogen passivation can reduce dan-
first solar cells with an efficiency up to 2.4% [6,16,23], giving birth to gling bond densities by several orders of magnitude. However, some of
this solar technology and later, a promising industry. the dangling bonds passivated by a hydrogen atom lose their hydrogen

S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

Fig. 3. Best research cell efficiencies as a function of time for thin-film CdTe, CIGS, and a-Si:H technologies. (Following validated data in NREL efficiency chart
[16] through June 2023.).

atom, under the influence of light and leading to this SWE. These de- gram abruptly to a halt. During this same period, a parallel effort on
fects act as recombination centers and limit efficient charge collection. the ternary was supported by the US Department of Energy at the Boe-
Despite extensive research investments to overcome the light-induced ing Corporation. That work substantially improved the cell by adding
degradation, it only could be partially engineered. This light-induced Ga (small amounts substituting for the In) to increase the voltage, pro-
degradation property led to lowering the confidence in the operating vided better uniformity using controlled deposition from separate el-
lifetime and adoption of this technology. emental evaporation sources (i.e., Cu, In, Ga, and Se), and improved
The research community observed that the “degradation” did level the processing through low-temperature post-deposition annealing. The
off after periods of initial exposures to the light. The standard device cell was confirmed with >10% efficiency in 1984 [35,36]—establishing
testing groups established procedures that would report “stabilized” ef- the potential as a higher efficiency and stability alternative to either
ficiencies, such as those presented in Fig. 3 [16,28]. Although the prob- CdS/Cux S or a-Si:H.
lem of the SWE was not ever solved, the device engineers were able to Performance progress evolved significantly in the 1980s and 1990s,
minimize the losses to single-digit percentages—and the labels on the with leading contributions from the research and industry laboratories
modules warrantied the product at a stated power, operating voltage, (NREL, the University of Stuttgart, EuroCIS, Boeing, ARCO). These pro-
and operating current with degradation (e.g., usually <15%, <11%), vided engineering and science understanding through the gradation of
and >4% respectively) of the stated specifications after some initial op- the Cu and In across the film, the control and optimization of the inter-
eration (e.g., 8–10 weeks). Failure rates have been low—and in many faces, improvement of contacting and window materials [37,38]. Cells
cases, the power degradations were less than 8–9% providing the sys- were confirmed with efficiencies above 20% by 2008. CIGS has reached
tems with higher-than-expected outputs even after a decade of operation efficiencies up to 23.6% (2023) for a small 1cm2 -area produced by
[29,30]. Evolar/Upsala University [39] [Note: Evolar was acquired by First Solar in
The record efficiency of a Si:H research single-junction cell is 10.2% May 2023], and submodule efficiency of 19.8% made by Avancis of a cell
(1-cm2 area). For multiple junctions: (1) triple-junction a-Si:H/nc- area of 665-cm2 (2021) [40]. The efficiencies of commercially available
Si:H/nc-Si:H best validated efficiency is 14% (1-cm2 ), and (2) a-Si:H/nc- larger modules are still around 16% [41]. The high efficiency of these
Si:H 12.7% (1-cm2 ) [16,31]. The champion large-area module (14,322- cells has always been one of the key motivations for its R&D, and also
cm2 ) a-Si:H/nc-Si cell was validated with an efficiency of 12.3%. This now the buffer layer can be fabricated without Cd [41]. Stability has
relatively small performance differences between laboratory-scale so- been heralded for this device, although there are light-stability issues in
lar cells and commercially produced modules shows the maturity of that the efficiencies increase for a period after sun exposure. The com-
the thin-film deposition technology. However, as can be seen from the mercial module development might have been impeded by the precipi-
Fig. 3 [16] there have been no major validated records in cell efficiency tous drop in manufacturing organizations that could not compete with
in the last two decades. This is, of course, due to the near elimination the falling prices in crystalline-Si modules from China. The closing of the
of research funding for a-Si:H, and the loss of most of the major manu- gap in efficiencies from cell level to large-area modules is one priority
facturing organizations. Of the 9.3-GW of thin-film PV shipped in 2022, for this technology’s future. Remaining issues with shading-induced hot
only about 1% was in the a-Si:H category [10]. spots and potential induced degradation depend on the quality of the
module [42]. Despite a limited commercial production capacity, ∼80
GWp was shipped into the world markets in 2022, primarily from Eu-
Copper-(indium/gallium)-selenide (CIGS) technology rope but some from the US and Taiwan facilities [10].

Following the demonstration of a CdS/single crystal copper-indium-

selenide (CIS) solar cell at Bell Telephone Laboratories [32], the first Cadmium telluride (CdTe)
confirmed thin-film CIS solar cell was reported by the University of
Maine in 1975 [33]. At the time, this technology was treated more as a Thin-film CdTe PV has been by far the most successful of these thin-
technical curiosity because the major program investments were in the film technologies gauged by commercial production and market deploy-
Cd(Zn)S/Cux S cell that eventually surpassed the 10%-efficiency level ments. In 2022, CdTe shipments accounted more some 9.2 GWp, about
in 1981 [34]. However, cell stability issues brought this thin-film pro- 98% of the thin-film product dispatched (mainly from the US, Malaysia,

S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

and Vietnam manufacturing facilities) [10]. The CdTe production ca- However, one technical barrier is that commercially available cel-
pacity was estimated to be 10.5 GW in 2022—and expected to more lulose substrates have relatively rough and porous surfaces at the mi-
than double in the next 5 years. And the 2022 global prices for these crometer scale due to their cellulose fiber 3D structure. Such surfaces
modules are reported to be among the lowest of all PV panels (ranging represent a challenge for needed uniform thin-film deposition. Smooth-
from $0.30 to $0.45/Wp) [10]. ing the paper surface can make it suitable to uniform thin-film coating by
Interest in CdTe photovoltaics dates back to the 1950–1960 time- physical vapor deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
frame with research on both single-crystal and thin-film devices technologies. Recorded paper-based efficiencies are small, even with a
[43–47]. With the focus turning toward terrestrial solar power, Bonnet textured back reflector. However, this technology is still maturing with
and Rabenhorst reported a 6% thin-film solar cell that brought credibil- indications for performance enhancement. For example, solar cells were
ity of this material at an opportune time and need [46,47]. Device de- reported on a plain white regular office copying paper (80 g/m2 ) with
velopment was led by industry research laboratories, with the first con- a 6.7% conversion efficiency [60]. The market competitiveness of these
firmed efficiency at 8.1% by Matsushita [48] (Fig. 3), followed by series disposable electricity devices could be improved, offsetting the disad-
of contributions from Monosolar, Kodak, AMETEK, and Photon Energy vantage of low efficiencies with their very low material fabrication costs
[49]. The University of South Florida provided insights into the con- in volume production.
trol of the interfaces and improved contacts leading to significant effi- Copper-Indium, Gallium-Selenide: CIGS has a history of fabrica-
ciency improvements to the 16% level in the mid-1990s [49]. In the last tion of cells and modules on both rigid glass and flexible substrates with
decade, First Solar was responsible for the major device records (22.1% comparable conversion efficiencies. For example, a 22.2% CIGS cell on
in 2016 and the current leading efficiency of 22.3% [50,51])—and 2.8 a flexible polymer film has been reported [61]. For flexible PV, ultra-
m2 -modules with >19% datasheet efficiencies [51]. This is a respectable thin flexible glass substrates might have issues with this semiconductor
demonstration of closing the gaps in performance between research de- because of dissimilar thermal expansion coefficients compared to soda-
vices and large-scale commercial panels. lime glass. However, this approach has not been investigated. Unlike the
This technology did encounter perceived concerns about toxicity as- CdTe cell design, this CIGS cell is grown on a metallic back contact that
sociated with cadmium. But because of this scrutiny, this technology is coated on the glass. However, the higher deposition temperatures re-
came to the forefront of sustainability by extensive evaluations of its en- quired for the higher efficiency CIGS devices might prove to be an issue
vironmental and performance readiness. Early installations were tightly for the softening of the ultra-thin, flexible glass substrate.
controlled (“behind the fence”) to ensure and demonstrated quality and Several commercial ventures used flexible stainless-steel substrates
safety. The major manufacturer was the first company to provide global [62,63]. Miasole had confirmed a record efficiency of 19.4% for a small
recycling of its modules—resulting in current >90% recovery of module cell and light-stabilized module efficiency of 17.1% for CIGS on SS sub-
materials. Additionally, the modules have undergone extensive testing strates [64]. However, the diffusion of impurities from the steel sub-
(fire, leaching, etc.) that can assure the consumer of a safe product. To strate, particularly Fe, forms deep states in the CIGS absorber and limit
date, this thin-film module is a PV model with among the lowest car- the performance. A diffusion barrier is required to block impurity mi-
bon footprints and fastest energy payback times of the entire menu of gration. Most commercial stainless-steel sheet surfaces contain deep
large-scale PV products. grooves, spikes, and cavities. This requires surface polishing, coating,
or processing for reasonable device yields. It should be noted that early
Recent innovations: flexible and lightweight PV technology portable PV products with CIGS on stainless steel were successfully in-
troduced by Global Solar for military and recreational use [62,63].
Innovation, growth in clean electricity demands, and tenaciousness Organic substrates such as polyimide films can be used to temper-
continue to drive research and commercial progress with the thin-film atures of ∼450 °C, offering an alternative for flexible CIGS. Polyimide
PV community. In this section, we survey some recent and noteworthy films are insulating and have an advantage over metal foils to enable
science and technology advancements relevant to two major aspects of direct monolithic interconnections. This approach can be effective for
strength for thin-film PV— flexibility and lightweight. A list of selected a semi-transparent flexible CIGS panel. However, the limitation in pro-
recent patents related to flexible PV is appended in Section 7. Flexible cessing temperatures is one disadvantage over rigid glass approaches.
and lightweight PV may have some special purpose and relevance to Additionally, the alkali elements (e.g., Na that would normally come
emerging and new applications discussed in Section 4. from processing on a soda lime glass) has to be supplied by postdepo-
Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon: A-Si:H thin film technology is sition treatment. An efficiency of 20.8% [65] was achieved by optimiz-
a mature, high-throughput technology that built its strength on flexible ing alkali post deposition parameters/sequence and by using heat-light
modules fabricated mainly on metallic [21,26] but also polymeric and soaking (HLS) treatment the efficiency is increased to 21.4% [31]. Fur-
other substrates [52]. The ability to fabricate a-Si:H modules on long rol- ther, by modifying the composition of the absorption layer and increas-
lable flexible substrates at low temperatures with a very high frequency ing the grain sizes, the record efficiency of 22.2% has been achieved
(VHF) PECVD deposition process makes a-Si:H one of the most success- [16,31].
ful manufacturable flexible solar cell products. Flexible a-Si:H cell tech- Flexible CIGS modules face a number of major challenges. Maintain-
nology has been demonstrated to be robust, with Uni-Solar modules still ing the higher efficiencies under longer outdoor operating conditions
in operation and within specifications after more than 30 years in the has yet to be proven. The encapsulation with polymeric layers that have
field [30,53,54]. The amorphous nature of the material keeps its phys- to endure high-UV levels and elevated moisture conditions requires ad-
ical flexibility longer, an advantage of this type of cell. Uninterrupted ditional science and engineering investments. Some recent reports of
20–30 m long solar foils fabrication has been demonstrated by Uni-Solar, very thin oxides (e.g., Al2O3) that show promising results under acer-
PowerFilm, and Hyet Solar [52–55]. Interestingly, a-Si:H has the lowest ated aging tests may provide a durable encapsulation [66].
efficiency loss with up-scaling, and therefore these films have a certain CdTe: Conventional, CdTe solar modules are fabricated on rigid
advantage for large-area applications. glass substrates with their main deployments for power plants. Higher-
From an environmental consideration, these films have been success- temperature (500–650 °C) deposition techniques such as closed-space
fully deposited on cellulose/paper substrates [56–58]. Cellulose/paper sublimation (CSS) and vapor transport deposition are used for best-
is a low cost, biodegradable, and disposable material. The substrate ac- performance (efficiency, reliability) commercial products [67].
counts for ∼50% of total material costs in the commercial counterpart These higher temperatures are challenges for the polymer substrates,
[59]. Therefore, the use of this substrate holds potential for the “very a preferred choice for flexible substrate. The best-performing polymer
lower-cost” thresholds needed for a broad range of disposable consumer substrates (such as Upilex-S, and CPI [Crystal Clear] Kapton® by Du
products. Pont) typically have ∼450 °C temperature limits [68,69]. Although low

S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

temperature processes such as thermal evaporation can be used on these tages over building applied PV (BAPV) have been recently reported [7].
polymer substrates, the achievable efficiency is likewise lower. The effi- The blending of the energy needs and the architectural aesthetics are
ciency of only 13.8% has been reported [70], but less development time becoming more important—and is the area that thin film photovoltaics
has been invested in these approaches. can have significant impact.
To overcome the temperature limitations of polymer substrates, ul- Thin film PV technology would seem to be well suited to a rapid im-
trathin (WillowR ) flexible glass (alkali free borosilicate glass), with a plementation of BIPV. Of course, crystalline-Si has been effective in this
thickness of 100-𝜇m, has been used as a substrate with much improved relatively small current, but thin film PV poses some advantages for light
efficiency [71]. These glasses are stable at required higher temperatures. control, electricity generation, weight, and architectural value. BIPV is
Rance et al. [72] reported an efficiency of 14.05% made by CSS at tem- certainly an area that can add value to a building—but as for energy and
peratures above 600 °C. The same group reported an efficiency of 16.4%, for aesthetics. Some examples of thin film PV integration have been re-
the highest efficiency reported to date for CdTe on flexible substrate alized successfully using a-Si:H, CIGS, and organic PV. Advanced Solar
[73]. The higher transparency is achieved by sputtering the CdS hetero- Power has been focused on this special BIPV market in China, with CdTe
junction layer. “thin-film” glass customized in size, color, pattern, shade, and transmis-
Transferring CdTe stacks fabricated on a rigid substrate to flexi- sion for several major commercial buildings [81]—as well as for curtain
ble substrates through a lift-off method instead of directly depositing walls in Sweden and Colombia. The company claims “panel” efficiencies
them on flexible substrates is an alternate method for flexible CdTe cell in excess of 13% and warranties covering 25 years. The arguments are
fabrication. Scarification layer-assisted lift-off and water-assisted lift-off clear: these thin-films can lower energy costs, provide clean electricity,
methods have gained recent interest [74,75]. The water-assisted lift-off improve power generation capacities, control building temperatures and
method is recently reported by Wen and co-workers for lifting epitax- light ingress, enhance people comfort—and add to the value of the site.
ial CdTe films off from a muscovite mica (K2 O·Al2 O3 ·SiO2 ) substrate
[76]. Although epitaxially growth films are known for good quality and Transportation
exhibit less stress, the reported efficiency in this work is only 9.59%. An-
other group has improved the performance of previous work and obtain Though transportation accounts for about 1/3 of the energy demand
a PCE of 12.6% [77]. Because of the moisture sensitivity of mica, this this past year, renewable electricity accounted for only about 0.4% of that
group has introduced a cadmium chloride (CdCl2 ) vapor treatment for sector’s energy consumption in 2021–2022. With the worldwide targets
the cadmium sulfide (CdS) film to remove the moisture before the CdTe being established for clean energy vehicles and renewable power, so-
deposition. Although the highest achieved PCE for the lift-off method lar PV is expected to have significant market growth in battery charg-
even on rigid superstrate device is 15.5% [78] and still less than the ing, green hydrogen production, and niche vehicle electrical demands
highest efficiency achieved by a direct deposit method, there is much [80,81].
room for improvement. Photovoltaics is already an important player in powering charging
For some applications such as “space,” lightweight and high specific stations. But thin film PV has also been evaluated for direct integra-
power (W/kg) are important. CdTe cells with a higher bandgap have tion into various moving vehicles, such as buses, refrigerated trucks,
demonstrated good stability against proton and electron irradiation. To boats, railways, and automobiles—and thin-films have had some suc-
reduce the weight and improve the specific power output, commer- cesses [82–85]. For example, PV power can be used in a vehicle roof or
cially available yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YSZ), a ceramic sunroof of a car to power fans to cool the vehicle while it is parked to
substrate which is compatible with high temperature processing, has re- lower the internal temperature, lessening the need for air-conditioning
cently been used to fabricate CdTe cells [79]. Specific power of 6 kW/kg when it is started. The form factor for thin films makes this technol-
and an efficiency of 11.2% has been achieved with 20-𝜇m thick 3YSZ ogy particularly adaptable to curved surfaces, able to blend with the
ceramic substrate. aerodynamic wind-resisting design, and provide better power output in
higher vehicle surface temperatures conditions. Such niche market ap-
Emerging applications plications present opportunities for small power contributions that can
lower carbon emissions and add to human comfort.
In a sense, we have adapted ourselves with existing PV “module”
technology and geometries for our intended applications. Rectangular Aquatic solar power
PV modules are fitted as well as possible on irregularly shaped, angled,
and oriented roofs. We make do with adjusting the separation of square, Most solar power applications have been land based. The use of the
opaque cells (losing power) to let in a fixed amount of light on a façade, world’s extensive aquatic areas provides some interesting opportunities
window, a greenhouse, or skylight. We design our floating PV with the and challenges to increase the clean power production that also add to
same general constraints as our land-based power plants on bulky raft- the environmental values of lakes, reservoirs, and oceans.
like structures. And we settle for acquiring the technology for electric-
ity, not considering the value of aesthetics. The future requires some Floating solar photovoltaics (FPV)
paradigm shifts in many phases and formats of PV technology that may Floating solar photovoltaics (FPV), termed “floatovoltaics,” is boom-
foster novel approaches and thin-film markets. ing with a rapid growth rate [86]. The scarcity of land and high land
prices are the main motivations behind this growth. Thin-film solar pan-
Building-integrated PV (BIPV) els have some advantages over conventional rigid silicon solar panels to
be used in FPV. The main advantage is that these floating structures can
The building sector accounts for about 1/3 of the world’s energy be made flexible with thin film solar modules. The flexible structures can
consumption—of which solar electric power supplies only about 1.5% yield to incoming waves more effectively by dispersing the waves and
[80]. By comparison, PV currently supplies about 6% of the solar power minimizing the energy absorption than rigid structures can. This pre-
segment—its major contribution. To approach 100% renewable energy, vents the usage of large and high-cost strong structures to sustain wind
PV is positioned to make major contributions to this sector. And thin damages. Also, the direct contact with the water surface will cool down
film technology can play an important role in true BIPV [7]. the panels, thus improving the cell efficiency. Also, since the PV system
Certainly, in the roofing area, this has already been experienced with is lightweight and floating, the entire array can move and rotate with
a-Si:H designed for roofing shingles in the format of metal seam roofs less energy. The basic concept of flexible thin film PV is demonstrated in
[21]. This was an early introduction into the roof-integrated (not build- Fig. 4 [87]. There are few suggested innovations to realize this concept.
ing applied PV) markets. The issues for BIPV and the needs and advan- Norwegian Ocean Sun has fabricated a floating thin-film photovoltaic

S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

Fig. 4. Basic concept of floating flexible thin film PV [86].

system that uses a thin polymer membrane placed on a circular floater soil is more prone to maintaining moisture. However, with the develop-
to carry the customized PV modules [88]. However, the mechanical tests ment of transparent/semitransparent or particularly thin-film PV mod-
performed at offshore (North Sea) showed that the flexible CIGS mod- ules with frequency-dependent transparency, the concept of agrivoltaics
ules deteriorate significantly under the wave induced strains [89]. The has reached new dimensions. Not all the plants are equally sensitive to
flexible floaters made of double wall fabric couldn’t block the strains different visible frequencies for photosynthesis process. Different types
been transferred to the PV modules. Therefore, more innovative design of plants use different forms of chlorophyll for photosynthesis [92].
is required to use this technology in harsh environments such as North Therefore, with thin film PV modules with frequency-dependent trans-
Sea. Also, more innovations such as a method for sun tracking are re- parency it is possible to let the highest sensitive frequency range pass
quired for better adaptability. through the cells for photosynthesis process while the rest of the visible
frequencies with UV and infrared produce power.
Underwater applications: submerged PV
Conventional crystalline silicon solar cells with a band gap of 1.1 eV
Space applications
convert near IR radiation more effectively than visible or ultravio-
let. However, water molecules absorb IR radiation within very shal-
Space, PV’s first major application, continues to be a significant mar-
low depths and thus limit the efficiency of conventional crystalline
ket for solar power and one that as it expands into new dimensions may
silicon solar cells under water. High bandgap PV materials would be
provide opportunities for thin films. In 2021, thin-film cadmium tel-
more appropriate for submerged PV as these materials convert higher-
luride solar cells on ultra-thin glass (100 μm) have tested for the first
frequency visible and ultraviolet more effectively than conventional
time for space applications [93]. Three-yearlong orbital test results eval-
silicon solar cells. Amorphous silicon-based thin film solar cells with
uated the durability of the technology. The results showed an excellent
a band gap of 1.8 eV outperform conventional traditional monocrys-
performance, other than the decrease in shunt resistance due to the gold
talline silicon PV by more than 20–25% under water [90]. Although
diffusion to absorber layer and front interface from the rear contacts.
there are few higher band-gap solar cells available such as organic so-
Currently GaAs cells are used in space applications because of the very
lar cells, the maturity of technology, stability and reliability of amor-
high efficiency and high-power density. However lightweight ultra-thin
phous silicon solar cells make it more appropriate for underwater
CdTe PV, with higher specific power (W/kg) and lower cost, has the
potential for replacing high-cost GaAs cells.

Recent commercialization
PV had been criticized for taking valuable land that was crucially
needed for feeding our populations. In many situations, the proper inte- One of the main challenges in commercializing solar PV application
gration of PV into the agricultural sector has been shown to be effective is the difficulty of integration with existing architecture/structures with-
in augmenting crop production in addition to co-providing electricity out degrading its functionality and aesthetics. However, recently there
for irrigation, water pumping, water treatment, powering and control- are many successful instances that overcame the above challenge. Solar
ling sunlight for greenhouses, and augmenting the electricity demands Cloth UK has integrated CIGS flexible modules in sailing fabrics with
of the farmhouse or neighboring communities [80]. This “agrivoltaics” the same encapsulation technique used for the production of polyester
which is sharing land for both solar PV and crop production simulta- webs, the fabric of the sail itself [94]. Stainless steel-based CIGS flexible
neously is not a new concept, having been proposed by Zastrow and PV modules are incorporated in Renault trucks to meet the growing de-
Goetzberger and in 1981, showing crops and solar PV had mutual ad- mand for electricity on board and increase battery life [95]. The project,
vantages [91]. In conventional agrivoltaics, the crops are grown un- “Rolling Solar” in the Netherlands is demonstrating the innovative in-
der the shade of solar panels. Plants that are vulnerable to high heat tegration of flexible thin solar PV in road infrastructure such as road
and UV damage yield higher crop production under the PV panels. The surfaces, guardrails and noise barriers [96].

S. Wijewardane and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Compass 7 (2023) 100053

Manufacturing prospects CN112663019B: Synchronous control structure for roll-to-roll

conveying of CIGS co-evaporation method
The manufacturing and processing advantages for thin films have com/patent/CN112663019B/en?q=(CIGS)&after=priority:20,200,
already been discussed. However, the current trends in PV commercial 101&page=2
operations present some significant opportunities for thin films. Analysts US20220173262A1: See-through thin film solar cell module and
have recently reported that the current almost “single country sourcing” method of manufacturing the same
of the major components of PV modules has important disadvantages US20220173262A1/en?q=(CIGS)&country=US&after=priority:
and burdens [10]. It is forecast that the prices for PV panels could not 20, 200, 101
only discontinue the downward trends but increase significantly. This CN114005904A: Flexible copper indium gallium selenide solar cell
can be due to disruptions of the PV value chain components and the and preparation method thereof
products themselves because of political interruptions and forced and CN114005904A/en?q=(CIGS)&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=3
oppressed labor practices [10,97]. It has always been noted that the cost KR102021571B1: Flexible thin film solar cell comprising pretreated
of PV is lowest if produced near its point of use. So recently there has flexible substrate for removing oxygen
been a significant shift toward country production of PV and diversifying patent/KR102021571B1/en?q=(CIGS)&country=US&after=priority:
supply chains, certainly highlighted by the activities in the U.S., India, 2, 020, 010
Europe, and Brazil [98–101]. CN114512559A: Flexible large-area laminated solar cell and
Thin-film PV has advantages in this scenario. Thin film PV manu- preparation method thereof
facturing could be initiated rapidly, even in the developing world and CN114512559A/en?q=(CIGS)&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=4
emerging PV markets. In most cases, there is not competing crystalline- CN112786713A: Efficient ultrathin copper indium gallium selenide
Si manufacturing. The feedstocks and supply chains for these technolo- thin-film solar cell and preparation method thereof https://patents.
gies can be easier to supply in many regions. The critical component
for current thin-films is the glass—which is mitigated in the case of thin 20, 200, 101&page=4
films with use of flexible substrates. As world manufacturing expands WO2022175276A1: Foil for use with a double curved so-
with the country specific targets, thin-film PV has opportunities to com- lar panel
pete. q=(CIGS)&country=WO&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=1
CN112626455A: Vacuum system for controlling reactive sput-
Summary and conclusions tering plume of flexible CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide)
This survey highlights the evolution and recent innovations in flex- &after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=5
ible CIGS, CdTe and a-Si:H technologies. The recent 50th IEEE Photo- WO2022114330A1: Method for planarizing cis-based thin film,
voltaic Specialists Conference, June 2023 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, held cis-based thin film manufactured by using same, and solar cell com-
a surprising number of papers pointing toward the advantages of thin prising the cis-based thin film
film PV (especially flexible) for both terrestrial and space applications. WO2022114330A1/en?q=(CIGS)&country=WO&after=priority:
This included some highlights on the building and transportation sec- 20, 200, 101&page=1
tors. These highlighted not only the 3 technologies in this paper, but also CN114672784A: Flexible reel-to-reel CIGS evaporation plume con-
hybrid perovskites and tandems with Si, CIGS, and CdTe alloys, as well trol structure
as perovskite/perovskite tandems [102]. Current progress in improving q=(CIGS)&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=7
the electrical power performances of these solar devices have been dis- WO2022087543A1: Three dimensional concave hemisphere so-
cussed. Silicon technology certainly remains the dominant leader for lar cells
the PV power sector, however with the rapid advancements and ex- (CIGS)&country=WO&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=1
pansion of needs and applications for clean power, new markets (niche CN112599612A: Laser scribing method of metal electrode and thin-
and large) are being introduced. And thin film PV has opportunities film solar cell
to serve these better with special form factor, weight, temperature, so- q=(CIGS)&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=8
lar response, and manufacturing advantages. In Section 7 we present a WO2022061295A1: Transparent conducting layers and photo-
selected thin film PV patents since 2020 and reference [103] reviews voltaic devices including the same
patent trends for thin-film PV. WO2022061295A1/en?q=(CIGS)& country=US,WO&after=priority:
20, 200, 101
Selection of recent thin-film PV patents and inventions (since US20220060142A1: Three-Dimensional Photovoltaic Charging
2020) System
(Flexible+CdTe)&country=US&after=priority:20, 200, 101&page=1
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