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Next Energy 1 (2023) 100004

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Perovskite solar cell developments, whatʼs next?

Qiang Fua,b,c, Alex K.Y. Jena,b,c,
⁎ ]]

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong
Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong


Keywords: In this comment, we analyze the challenges we are facing for the further development of perovskite solar cells for
Perovskite solar cells their commercialization and offer our recommendations. It includes the following aspects: upscaling of lab-sized
Perovskite solar modules devices to different sized modules, further improving their efficiencies and stability, establishing proper char-
Stability acterization tools to help understand the underlying mechanisms of defect formation and develop needed
Tandem solar cells
methods to reduce them, riding on the rapid development of several perovskite-based tandem cells to facilitate
the commercialization of perovskite PV, establishing suitable accelerated testing protocols and standards to
evaluate perovskite-based modules and panels.

The need to decarbonize current energy utilization has driven a lagged, which needs considerable attention. (3) The third challenge
vigorous search for novel photovoltaic (PV) technologies to deliver high concerns the perovskite-based tandem solar cells (TSCs). Although the
power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) at low manufacturing costs. performance of perovskite/c-Si and all-perovskite TSCs stands out
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are a promising laboratory-scale PV tech- among perovskite-based TSCs, there is a strong need to further optimize
nology with PCE reaching 25.7% for single-junction cells and 32.5% for their efficiencies, stability, and processing of large-area both wide-
tandem solar cells (TSCs) with crystalline silicon [1]. PSCs also offer bandgap and narrow-bandgap perovskite subcells and interconnection
several advantages over other established PV technologies, such as layers (ICLs) for sustaining their vibrant development for commercia-
higher power output, enhanced weak-light performance, and mechan- lization.
ical flexibility, allowing them to be integrated into various applications,
including transportation, building-integrated PV, aerospace, and the Large-area perovskite solar modules
Internet of Things [2]. Although perovskite PV has entered the pre-
liminary commercialization stage, there are still several significant Currently, the PSC with a record-high 25.7% PCE is based on spin-
technical challenges that need to be met before it can be ready for coated small-area devices (≈0.1 cm2). There is still a significant gap
commercialization. A schematic of these challenges and the possible between the efficiencies of small-area PSCs to large-area perovskite
focus of next-stage research is shown in Fig. 1. (1) One of the most solar modules (PSMs). In 2020, Panasonic demonstrated a certified PCE
critical challenges is upscaling of the efficiency of perovskite solar of 17.9% on a PSM with an area of 804 cm2. However, the PSMs made
modules (PSMs) from lab-sized devices. The commercialization of in laboratories are usually less than 100 cm2, and the highest PCE is
perovskite PV technology is dependent on the development of highly only around 21% [3]. There are several categories in photovoltaic
efficient, stable, large-area PSMs. However, the efficiency of PSMs modules, such as modules (> 800 cm2), sub-modules (200–800 cm2),
(> 200 cm2) is significantly lower than that of the small-area PSCs and mini-modules (< 200 cm2). The traditional spin-coating methods
(< 1 cm2) and much lower than those of commercial cells with similar are unsuitable for fabricating large-area PSMs (> 200 cm2). Therefore,
sizes, such as crystalline silicon (c-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe), and several scalable solution-coating techniques have been developed due
copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells. (2) The second to their high utilization rate of raw materials, low cost, and fast pro-
challenge is related to the stability and durability of these modules. duction rate, including slot-die coating (the current mainstream
While significant progress has been made in academic research on the choice), spray coating, inkjet printing, and blade coating [4]. In addi-
stability of small-area PSCs, the operational stability of PSMs has tion, vacuum coating is also adopted due to the large-area uniformity

Corresponding author at: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong.
E-mail address: (A.K.Y. Jen).
Received 30 January 2023; Accepted 30 January 2023
2949-821X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Q. Fu and A.K.Y. Jen Next Energy 1 (2023) 100004

crystallization of perovskite films.

Understanding the crystallization kinetics in complex environments
and establishing guiding rules for controlling the thin film crystal-
lization process is essential for developing high-quality large-area per-
ovskite films. In addition, it is vital to develop appropriate quenching
methods for rapid and controllable solvent removal from the large-area
film, such as combined gas quenching and high-temperature deposition,
anti-solvent immersion, and vacuum quenching.
Then, low-cost, highly stable charge-transporting and interfacial
layers should also be developed for large-area coating. Currently, the
guiding rules for the development of optimal charge-transporting layers
and interfacial materials are still lacking since most of the research
community employs a trial-and-error strategy. The development of
multifunctional interfacial materials that can simultaneously suppress
defect states, enhance carrier extraction, and prevent device degrada-
tion is urgently needed. Moreover, developing materials containing
various functional groups or Lewis acids/bases that can help passivate
defects and ion fixation will be a big plus. Using a two-dimensional
perovskite layer or a hydrophobic polymer should also be able to help
suppress moisture permeation. In addition, interfacial materials must
also have inherent chemical and thermal stability and low cost to fa-
cilitate long-term operation and reduce overall cost.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the technical challenges facing perovskite PV commer-
cialization and the focus of next-stage research.
It is also imperative to design optimal device structure and laser
scribing process with improved consistency of PSM manufacturing
process to facilitate industrialization. The device structure of PSC is
and low requirements for substrate flatness [5]. mainly divided into normal and inverted structures. The normal-
As a potentially competing technology to c-Si PV, the levelized cost structure PSC shows a slightly higher PCE (25.7%). However, the PCE
of electricity (LCOE) of perovskite PV is a critical factor in determining of inverted PSCs has caught up rapidly in recent years, reaching close to
its future for commercialization [6]. To further reduce LCOE, it requires 25%. Inverted PSCs also offer better operational stability and compat-
the simultaneous optimization of cost, efficiency, and lifetime. It is ibility for fabricating tandem solar cells. The industry should commu-
crucial to establish high-throughput production without bottlenecks for nicate with academia the preferred structure (normal or inverted) for
lowering manufacturing costs. Vacuum coating usually has higher industrialization in order to accelerate research progress.
equipment cost, slower production rate, and lower compatibility with Finally, it is essential to also develop novel characterization tools for
adjustment of perovskite formulations. Therefore, the slot-die coating studying perovskite crystallization during large-area coating, estab-
method may be a good option for upscaling perovskite PV due to its fast lishing accurate macroscopic and microscopic defect detection and
production rate and higher equipment compatibility, including the roll- evaluation methods, forming empirical guidelines for achieving uni-
to-roll process [7]. form large-area film formation, and shortening the time cycle for
To achieve full coverage, large-area perovskite films with smooth technology development [8].
surface, high crystallinity, and low defects, it needs to maintain both
physical and chemical consistency of crystallization. Due to limited Stability
research in preparing perovskite films through the slot-die coating, it is
challenging to achieve high-quality perovskite films that can duplicate Although an excellent lifetime of small-area cells has been reported,
the success achieved through spin-coating for smaller-sized devices. the lifetime of PSMs remains questionable for technology commercia-
Therefore, more comprehensive studies on perovskite crystallization lization. Compared with the small-sized PSCs, large-area PSMs have
kinetics under the influence of additives and solvent engineering are more degradation pathways due to increased active area and more
needed to achieve optimal perovskite films. complicated module structure, which tends to significantly affect their
Based on the advances made so far in fabricating large-area per- long-term stability. It is critical to understand the device degradation
ovskite PVs, the following tasks for narrowing the efficiency gap of mechanisms under different aging tests and to develop accelerated
large-area PSMs are recommended. The first task is to ensure re- stress test (AST) standards for PSMs. The commonly accepted standard
producibility can be achieved in preparing high-quality perovskite for large-scale commercial cells is to pass the International
layers using the employed upscaling methods. The second task is to Electrochemical Committee (IEC) tests, which include thermal cycling,
ensure cost-effective and scalable ways can be selected for depositing damp heat, damp freezing, mechanical load, hail test, ultraviolet light,
low-cost charge extraction/transport layers, as well as bottom and top and outdoor testing. In addition, the International Summit on Organic
electrodes. The third task is to ensure optimal structural designs of Photovoltaic Stability (ISOS) standards (e.g., ISOS-L-2 light immersion
PSMs can be used to achieve high PV performance. test) have also been applied for perovskite PV.
To accomplish these tasks, optimal perovskite precursor inks should The instability of perovskite PV often originates from two sources:
be developed first to enable the fabrication of high-quality, large-area the inherent instability of perovskite material itself under stresses, such
perovskite films. This includes the development of proper compositions as temperature, light, and bias voltage; and the external factors, such as
and multifunctional additives that can stabilize precursor solutions, humidity and oxygen in ambient air. The degradation of perovskite
modulate the crystallization of perovskites, passivate bulk phase de- caused by ion migration and phase separation cannot be prevented by
fects, and inhibit ion migration and phase transition. Fast nucleation encapsulation. In addition, the instability of the transport layer and
and slow crystallization are critical for fabricating high-quality, uni- electrodes in perovskite PV can also limit the stability of the whole
form films with full coverage through the solution-based deposition. device. Although the current encapsulation technology for c-Si cells has
Solvent properties, including vapor pressure, boiling point, interactions been adapted to encapsulate PSMs, moisture and oxygen can still de-
with perovskite precursors (or complex formation), annealing condi- grade them if the encapsulation fails after long-term operation. The
tions, and additives, are essential parameters for controlling large-area commonly used 85%RH/85 °C damp heat test and maximum power

Q. Fu and A.K.Y. Jen Next Energy 1 (2023) 100004

point tracking (MPPT) test for small-area devices can also be applied for perovskite/c-Si TSCs, the conformal growth and uniform deposition of
large-area PSMs. However, additional issues for large-scale PSMs are large-area WBG perovskite film and functional layers on the silicon
interconnection and the effect of hot spots. For the former, the per- surface are critical that must be solved before commercialization. (2)
ovskite at the interconnect may degrade under heat, light, and hu- For all-perovskite TSCs, developing suitable and effective deoxidizers
midity. For the latter, once a small dot in the PSMs fails to function such as Lewis base/acid additives or novel reducing agents to obtain
correctly, it will cause excess electrons to accumulate at the small dot, high-quality, low-defect-density Pb-Sn hybrid NBG perovskite films is
leading to severe heating of PSMs to degrade them. most critical. In addition, cation doping, additive engineering, or hybrid
Strategies to further improve 85% RH/85 °C damp-heat stability low-dimensional materials can also be used to maximize the perfor-
and MPPT stability can be summarized in the following aspects: (1) mance of NBG subcells. (3) For perovskite/CIGS TSCs, like perovskite/
Develop a high-quality perovskite layer having less microscopic de- c-Si TSCs, the biggest challenge is to deposit uniform and dense WBG
fects to improve PSM’s stability to water, oxygen, light and heat, perovskite films on the surface of the rough CIGS film. (4) For per-
considering the combined effects of elevated temperature, humidity, ovskite/organic TSCs, developing near-infrared active layer materials
and light. Some CsFAMA-based mixed-cation systems have been re- with high performance and a broad spectral response range over
ported as promising candidates recently. Also, some passivation 1000 nm is critical. In addition, it is critical to developing effective
strategies to improve the homogeneity and crystallinity of perovskite strategies to inhibit the severe phase segregation of I/Br ions in WBG
films play a crucial role (including 2D/3D perovskite, multifunctional perovskites during device operation.
additives, etc.). (2) Develop stable CTLs with fast charge extraction to
avoid degradation caused by charge accumulation at the interface. What is next
The utilization of multifunctional interfacial layers that can prevent
UV irradiation, moisture erosion, etc., is another promising strategy Although the research on developing high-efficiency and stable PSCs
to improve stability and device performance simultaneously. (3) is quite vibrant, the progress on developing PSMs with similar effi-
Develop robust encapsulation technology based on specific proces- ciencies and stability as commercial solar panels is relatively slow.
sing and applications. The development of suitable encapsulation Fortunately, more and more companies are trying to commercialize
materials and methods will reduce perovskite decomposition during perovskite PV. It is time for the PSC research community to pay attention
operation. In addition, the encapsulation process should also be to improving the efficiency and long-term stability of perovskite PV,
compatible with the roll-to-roll process, using either ultraviolet-cur- especially at larger-sized cells (module scale), to achieve cost-effective
able adhesives to laminate barrier films or by printing methods. With commercialization. It is essential to (1) Develop efficient and stable
these developments, better PSM stability can be achieved to facilitate perovskite materials, functional additives, interfacial materials, and op-
perovskite PV commercialization. timal device structures to improve the PCE of single-junction cells to
∼28%. It is also critical to develop optimal perovskite ink formulations
Tandem solar cells and device processing protocols to support the development of large-area
PSMs to facilitate industrialization; (2) Invest significant efforts in de-
Although the PCE of formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) based veloping suitable tools and protocols for making mini-modules
single-junction PSCs has reached 25% [9], most of the light in the near- (< 200 cm2). Compared with the commonly used spin-coating process,
infrared region still cannot be effectively used, which prohibited further mini-modules should adopt the same film deposition processes that can
PCE advancement in recent two years. The tandem solar cells composed be generally used for making sub-modules (200–800 cm2) and modules
of multiple active layers with different bandgaps (Eg) that can absorb a (> 800 cm2). The experience gained in optimizing perovskite materials,
broader range of light are promising to break through the bottleneck of ETL, HTL, and encapsulation for fabricating mini-modules should also be
Shockley-Queisser (S-Q) limit efficiency of single-junction PSCs. applicable to developing PSMs to facilitate faster material and module
The current mainstream two-terminal (2 T) tandem solar cells process optimization; (3) Develop robust testing procedures to accurately
(TSCs) are composed of a wide bandgap (WBG) subcell at the top and a assess the long-term stability of perovskite PV, especially PSMs. Although
narrow bandgap (NBG) subcell at the bottom. The top subcell is re- MPPT is the leading test technique for perovskite PV, the research
sponsible for absorbing high-energy photons while the bottom subcell community should continuously improve testing procedures to establish
absorbs low-energy photons. Therefore, 2 T-TSCs can expand the utili- proper standards for accelerated aging tests. Outdoor stability testing
zation range of the solar spectrum, making more rational use of photons with varying humidity, temperature, and airflow should also be added,
in the full spectral range and reducing thermal energy loss [10]. Ac- including day/night cycles, etc., to accurately assess the degradation of
cording to the active layer materials used in NBG subcells, 2 T-TSCs are perovskite PV over time in real-world applications; (4) Establish close
mainly divided into the following four types: 2 T perovskite/crystalline collaborations between companies and academia to address the pressing
silicon (perovskite/c-Si) (certified PCEmax = 32.5%), perovskite/per- issues in developing large-sized PSMs (> 800 cm2). This will also provide
ovskite (all-perovskite) (certified PCEmax = 29.0%), perovskite/copper proper tools, facilities, and processes to validate and adapt the results
indium gallium selenide (perovskite/CIGS) (certified PCEmax = 24.2%), and ideas from developing mini-modules in the lab to speed up com-
and perovskite/organic (certified PCEmax = 23.1%) monolithic TSC. mercialization; (5) Pick the low-hanging fruits since 2 T perovskite/c-Si
The development of high-performance WBG subcell and inter- TSCs stand out as the closest perovskite-based tandem PV technology for
connection layer (ICL) are the keys for achieving efficient and stable commercialization with PCE > 32% in the lab scale. It is critical to also
2 T-TSCs. To achieve these, the following development should be em- achieve PCE > 30% based on a commercial c-Si panel with the stability
phasized: (1) WBG subcells with high open-circuit voltage through of more than 20 years. All-perovskite TSCs have recently made rapid
component regulation and interface passivation, solving the critical advancements in PCE, which also have the potential to be lower cost and
problem of their high energy loss in 2 T-TSCs. (2) Multifunctional defect be the ultimate perovskite-based TSCs after solving the stability and
passivation materials and optimized thin-film deposition process to upscaling problems.
suppress phase separation of mixed halogen perovskites during opera-
tion, solving the prevalent instability problem in WBG subcells. (3) Declaration of Competing Interest
Robust and low-cost ICLs with high light transmission, high con-
ductivity, and low series resistance to reduce optical parasitic absorp- Alex K. Y. Jen thanks the sponsorship of the Lee Shau-Kee Chair
tion and VOC/FF losses of 2 T-TSCs. Professor (Materials Science), and the support from the APRC Grant of
Based on the current progress of 2 T-TSCs with different NBG sub- the City University of Hong Kong (9380086), the TCFS Grant (GHP/
cells, several respective challenges are analyzed below: (1) For 2 T 018/20SZ) and MRP Grant (MRP/040/21X) from the Innovation and

Q. Fu and A.K.Y. Jen Next Energy 1 (2023) 100004

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[1] 〈〉. Qiang Fu received his B.S. in 2016 from Lanzhou University and his Ph.D. in 2021 from
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[3] M.A. Green, E.D. Dunlop, G. Siefer, M. Yoshita, N. Kopidakis, K. Bothe, X. Hao, Solar His research is mainly focused on solar-energy conversion, including perovskite solar
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[4] Y. Cheng, Y. Peng, A.K.Y. Jen, H.-L. Yip, Development and challenges of metal
halide perovskite solar modules, Sol. RRL 6 (3) (2022) 2100545. Alex K.Y. Jen is the Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor and Director of Hong Kong Institute for
[5] H. Li, J. Zhou, L. Tan, M. Li, C. Jiang, S. Wang, X. Zhao, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Ye, Clean Energy of the City University of Hong Kong. He also served as the Provost of CityU
W. Tress, C. Yi, Sequential vacuum-evaporated perovskite solar cells with more than during 2016–2020. Prior to CityU, he served as the Boeing-Johnson Chair Professor and
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[7] T.D. Siegler, A. Dawson, P. Lobaccaro, D. Ung, M.E. Beck, G. Nilsen, L.L. Tinker, The was elected as a Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Washington State Academy
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[8] Y. Zhou, L.M. Herz, A.K.Y. Jen, M. Saliba, Advances and challenges in

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