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(WI Teacher Standards #1, 2)

State or district standard: Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.

Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number.

Instructional objective(s): Students will identify the factors of a given whole number in the range of 1100.


(WI Teacher Standard #8)

How will you determine if the lesson objective was met? Students will create their own tests choosing numbers in a given range, exchange with a partner and solve for the factors. When completed the students will exchange papers back and assess their partners answers for understanding or careless mistakes. When Im working with the third group and I observe that they are understanding, I will have them begin to work independently. (WI Teacher Standard #3)

Materials Needed:
Math Notebook Pencil White Board Markers List of example problems

List all of the materials you will need to teach this lesson. Include those you designed.

Total time needed: Total time needed:

45 mins


Procedures: Procedures:

(WI Teacher Standard #7)

Introduction: Begin by asking for the definition of factor and multiple. If students do not know, give

definition. Show on the board 5*2= 10; identify ten as the multiple and 5 and 2 as the factors. Model thinking for factors of 12: every multiple has factors of 1 and itself because 1 times any number will give you that number. 1*12=12, so 1 and 12 are factors of 12. Next, I noticed that twelve is an even number; all even numbers are divisible by 2. We can say 2 divided by what equals 12, 6, so 2 and 6 are factors of 12. I also know that 3*4=12 so 3 and 4 are factors of 12. Now lets say I think 9 is a multiple of 12. In order to check I will use the division process we were working on last week. 12/9=? 1R3, since the quotient contains a remainder, 9 is not a factor of 12. This will come in handy for when we get into bigger numbers like 243. We call this the guess (picking a number we can guess is a factor) and check (doing the division). Steps for instruction: Intro (10-15 minutes) Grouping (5 minutes): Group One- Karina, Lessly, Isabel, Tatyana, Diana A, Bryanda (move to left) Group two- Mary Carmen, Yeheila, Diana T, Mia, Evelyn, Kiomara (move to back) Group three- Natalia, Ana, Kate, Jackie (move to front right) Explanation of activity (5-10 minutes): As Im walking around, in your math notebooks solve for factors of 18. Group three: Natalia grab 4 white boards and Ana grab the markers, do the factors of 18 on the boards. Group one: partner up and create a test of 15 numbers (20 to 100), exchange tests, solve, when both partners are finished exchange back and assess for carless or understanding mistakes. Group two: same as group one but numbers range from 100 to 200. Work with Group 3 (10 minutes): Move chairs to white board Check answers of factors of 18 Show how to check to see if answers are correct Do factors of 6 and 24 (check in with other groups) Assess boards to see who gets it If they are ready to work independently have them create tests with 5 numbers ranging from 20 to 80. Check in/ closure (5 mins): Go around to each group, see how its going. Wrap it up. Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: (WI Teacher Standard # 3) I have the students paired up with people who are at their same level. Group three contains students who either need a high level of support or who learn best through white board interaction. Group two contains the students who will be able to do the work as long as it is with familiar multiples. The final group is the students who catch on really quickly and will be able to work with 3 digit multiples. Closure: Next week when I come we will be playing factor bingo, so keep working on identifying factors of multiples so you can win some cool prizes.

Name: Andrea Derrick Date: 12/6/10

Content Area: Math Grade Level: 5

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