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Royce Wilson

“tea--1869594” courtesy of Pexels via

Noel Dowd

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Storm From A Teacup, ©2021 Royce Wilson

Newspaper Clippings and Telegrams created using Cthulhu Architect’s Handout Generator
( under CC BY 4.0 licence (
Image “maple-153162
153162” courtesy of OpenClipArt-Vectors via
Image “black-and-white
white-3816185” courtesy of Rachel Brown via
Image “Design No. 1 - 1908 Western Home Builder — V. W. Voorhees of Seattle”;; public domain via
Image “Jones Barn where Dynamite Was Found” – public domain via
Image “Ruins
Ruins of St. John's Episcopal Church in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia” (originally in colour) by Carol Highsmith, public domain
Image “Dark Spawn of Shub-Niggurath Silhoueette” by Simon Bray from Miskatonic Repository Mythos Monster Silhouettes Art Pack
Images “Collection
llection of Books”, “Arabic Coffee Pot”, “Fob Watch”, “Half Moon”, “Hip Flask” and “Brazier” by Mara Brown from
Miskatonic Repository Curious Things Art Pack

This adventure is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is entir
ely coincidental; the locations and events
depicted are the work of the author’s imagination and presented through the lens of Lovecraftian Horror.
Storm From A Teacup

TABLE OF CONTENTS POSSIBLE OUTCOMES .......................................

................................ 16

EPILOGUE ................................................................
.................................................... 17
INTRODUCTION ..................................................
.................. 3
NPC STATS & SKILLS ..........................................
................................ 17
SCENARIO OVERVIEW ................................
......................................... 3 William Kerring ...............................................................................
................................ 17
George Travis – Police Chief .......................................................
................................ 17
BACKGROUND ................................................................
.............................................. 3 Charlie The Bouncer................................
...................................................................... 17
Mr Tin – The Emporium Owner................................................. 17
DRAMATIS PERSONAE .............................................................
............................. 4 Edward Schwarzbrucke - Cult Leader ................................... 18
Tea Factory Cultists – Armed cultists ..................................... 18
ADVENTURE BEGINS ................................................................
................................. 5 Members Of The Cult Of The Black Leaves ......................... 18
Dark Young ................................................................
........................................................ 18
KERRING MANSION ................................................................
.................................... 5
Enter William Kerring ................................................................
..................................... 5

SARAH KERRING’S SITTING ROOM ................................

...................................... 6
A Conversation with Ms Kerring ................................
................................................. 6
Returning to the parlour ................................................................
................................ 7

PINEVIEW LIBRARY ................................................................

................................... 7

PINEVIEW POLICE HEADQUARTERS ................................

.................................. 8

Police Chief’s Office................................................................

.................................... 8
Meeting with the Police Chief................................
....................................................... 8

THE CRYSTAL SLIPPER .............................................................

............................. 8

THE SPEAKEASY ................................................................

.......................................... 9
A drink with Miss Margaret Fisher ................................
......................................... 10

MR TIN’S EMPORIUM .............................................................

............................. 10
STRANGE BREW ................................................................
.............................................. 11

PINEVIEW COUNTY ................................................................

................................ 12

THE DILAPIDATED FRUIT STAND ................................

..................................... 12

MORRIS FARM................................................................
........................................... 13
The Farmhouse ................................................................
................................................ 13
The Barn .............................................................................................
............................. 13
The Tea Factory ................................................................
............................................... 13

THE TEMPLE OF THE BLACK LEAVES ............................... 15

The Ritual ...........................................................................................
........................... 15

Storm From A Teacup

Over the course of the adventure, Investigators will find
themselves dealing with ‘old money’ establishment, indifferent
law enforcement, flappers and jazz-set youth, bootleggers,
Hello, and thank you for downloading Storm from a sinister cultists, dark magick practitioners and – depending
Teacup! how the investigation unfolds - potentially even a Dark Young.
Regardless of the outcome of the adventure, the
This is my first adventure for Call of Cthulhu and it’s
certainly been an engaging experience putting it together - I Investigators will have been given a glimpse behind the veil
hope you enjoy playing it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it. that separates humanity from the terrors of the Mythos –
This scenario was written as part of the Storytelling potentially shaping opportunities for further investigations or
providing valuable experience for future encounters with the
Collective Summer 2021 RPG Writer’s workshop, and since it’s
my first Call of Cthulhu adventure, it’s a relatively linear cosmic unknowable.
scenario with multiple endings – think of it as being a bit like a Just to really put the icing on the cake, however, it turns out
that the person who hired the Investigators is a senior figure of
computer game, where there’s basically one ‘main’ path
a rival Mythos cult – meaning, essentially, no matter how the
through the story but the ultimate ending depends on a few key
decisions towards the end of the story. adventure concludes, the Mythos wins.
I’m afraid the layout isn’t particularly fancy – I’m a writer
rather than a graphic designer – but I hope the adventure still BACKGROUND
proves enjoyable for Keepers and Players alike.
I should note there aren’t a huge number of handouts or The antagonists of the adventure, for want of a better term, are
detailed dialogue or literarily descriptive outcome descriptions the Cult of the Black Leaves.
in the adventure, as I tend to favour a “theatre of the mind” The cult worships Shub-Niggurath and has had a presence in
approach to RPGing – if the scenario indicates that a success the Pineview region since Colonial times; it is rather likely
means X happens, then I like to give the Keeper some flexibility connected to pretty much any and all stories of witchcraft or
and creativity on specifically how that success is the like from that era to the present.
described/plays out. They are led by Edward Schwarzbrucke, who appears to be in
To that end, I’ve also provided some additional information his late 70s but is in fact around 200 years old; his life
in the relevant sections to let Keepers adjust events for either a unnaturally prolonged by the black rituals and magicks the cult
more narrative-driven, “non-lethal” experience (which is how I uses.
envision the adventure) or a “grittier”, darker experience where The latest attempts by the cult to please Shub-Niggurath and
death is a real possibility. gain its blessing takes the form of a hallucinogenic tea blend
While the adventure has been written with the basic 1920s which is being illicitly distributed to young patrons of
Call of Cthulhu rules/setting in mind, it could absolutely be run speakeasies, dancehalls, coffee shops, and similar places.
with Pulp Cthulhu rules if you and your players want to lean When brewed, the tea produces hallucinogenic visions of the
into that aspect of it all. Feel free to do so, and don’t be afraid Mythos, with varying effects on the imbiber ranging from an
to tweak things in this adventure to suit your group’s playstyle. unsettling ‘wild trip’ all the way up to driving them completely
The most important thing is to have fun, after all! insane after exposing them to the reality of cosmic horrors.
- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; August 2021 Drinking the beverage has become something of a
fashionable pastime amongst Pineview’s youth, and the Cult of

the Black Leaves are almost ready to advance to the next stage
of their plan, which involves using the energy and essence of
youth cult members in dark magick to summon Shub-
Niggurath in order to earn their blessing as part of their plans
Storm from a Teacup is a one-shot Call of Cthulhu 7th
for long life, power, and forbidden knowledge.
Edition adventure intended for 1-3 players plus a Keeper.
Being intended as a single session (“one-shot”) scenario,
Set in and around the fictional locale of Pineview, located in
Storm From A Teacup is relatively linear but has multiple
a northern region of the US (suggested: New England or Pacific
endings with potential for expansion into follow-up adventures
North-west) in the Prohibition era (1920-1933), the adventure
as well.
concerns a mysterious new tea blend which has gained
With the one-shot nature of the scenario in mind, don’t be
popularity with the town’s ‘bright young things’, leading to
afraid to make generous use of Idea Rolls or time-tested tropes
hallucinogenic and frequently horrifying Mythos-related
such as ‘The Extremely Helpful NPC’ to keep things moving,
particularly if the Investigators are clearly wandering too far off
Is it just the latest craze in youth exuberance, or part of
the trail.
something more sinister? The Investigators have been hired by
a prominent local citizen whose daughter has been driven mad
by the brew to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Storm From A Teacup

It is suggested the Investigators be the sorts of people an ‘old Police Chief George Travis –
money’ member of the town’s Establishment would engage to He is the head of Pineview’s police department and is trying to
find out who is responsible for making/distributing the tea do his best with insufficient resources and competing
which has driven their daughter mad – for example, private priorities. Travis is a chain-smoker and slightly irritable, not so
Investigators, journalists, police officers (working in their spare much from temperament but from the stress of his job.
time), a member of the local clergy, potentially someone with a He is well aware of William Kerring’s position in Pineview
reputation as a trustworthy ‘heavy’. and has nothing against the man personally, but simply does
Pineview itself can be either a decent sized town or small city not view Sarah Kerring’s ‘episode’ as being worth police
depending on how you want to approach it – it’s large enough resources, especially with the wider issues of bootlegging and
to have its own hospital and police force, at any rate. regular crime to deal with.
The tea at the centre of the adventure is being blended and
distributed by The Cult Of The Black Leaves; the cult is trying Charlie The Bouncer –
to attract younger members as part of a quest for eternal youth Charlie has been the bouncer at The Crystal Slipper for several
through blasphemous dark rituals (and also because years and is respected and feared and equal measure for his no-
sometimes sowing discord can draw attention away from other nonsense approach to dealing with patrons who get out of hand
areas). or try to get into places where they shouldn’t be.
Given William Kerring is actually a senior member of the cult A former regional heavyweight boxing champion, he is very
of Dagon, his goals are to stop The Cult Of The Black Leaves to good at physically dealing with people who can’t take hints or
ensure the ascendancy of The Cult of Dagon – although the polite requests to leave.
Investigators should only realise this right as the metaphorical
curtain falls. Patrons at The Crystal Slipper –
There are several patrons in the booths at the Crystal Slipper
DRAMATIS PERSONAE who the Investigators might find themselves talking to as they
attempt to track down Margaret Fisher.
Most of them are drunk and will take up the Investigator’s
William Kerring –
time without providing useful information.
William Kerring is a 54-year old business and civic leader in
Pineview, with interests in a range of commercial and
Margaret Fisher –
industrial enterprises and involvement with a range of
Margaret Fisher is also 23 and one of Sarah Kerring’s friends.
community group.
A brunette with a slightly glazed expression from too many
His hair is distinguishedly grey but he carries himself with
late nights of partying, she feels guilty about getting Sarah onto
the air of a successful man who didn’t get to where he was by
the hallucinogenic tea, even if lots of people have been doing it.
accepting excuses or suffering absolute fools gladly.
She can be persuaded to provide the Investigators with
He has done extremely well for himself – he lives in a
where she gets the tea from, but will continue to insist she had
mansion – but there are vague rumours his good fortune isn’t
no idea it would mess anyone up as badly as it has.
entirely due to business acumen, either.
The rumours aren’t entirely baseless – although it is not an
Mr Tin –
element for most of this adventure, William Kerring is a very
The enigmatic owner of Mr Tin’s Emporium, he appears to be
senior figure in the local Cult of Dagon, and his motivations for
in his 50s or 60s, of indeterminable ethnicity, has grey hair and
calling in the Investigators are not entirely about getting to the
a short beard, and smokes a pipe.
bottom of what happened to his daughter.
He is the first Cult of The Black Leaves member the
Investigators will meet and while initially circumspect about
Sarah Kerring –
the tea, can be convinced they are trustworthy and will sell
William Kerring’s daughter, aged 23, has been driven insane by
them some, or can be intimidated into handing over the
drinking the hallucinogenic tea at the centre of the adventure.
Prior to that, she enjoyed jazz and parties, and was
Regardless of what happens, Mr Tin will alert Edward
frequently at nightclubs, dancehalls and movies with friends.
Schwarzbrucke to the fact the Investigators are on to them.
Her descent into insanity has caused a minor scandal among
Pineview’s social elite, particularly as there’s a feeling among
Bootleggers –
some of the gossipers that she would “over-party” one day and
Freddy and Tommy are independent bootleggers supplying
this would be the result.
Pineview with alcohol during prohibition.
They’re both in their late 20s and neither are hardened
criminals, seeing themselves as providing a ‘community
service’ and making some cash at the same time.

Storm From A Teacup

While they would prefer not to fight, they are armed, and are
also naturally very suspicious of people they don’t know
flagging their truck down and night and asking a lot of
questions about what they’re doing…
Edward Schwarzbrucke –
Edward Schwarzbrucke is the leader of the Shub Shub-Niggurath Read or paraphrase the following to the players:
worshipping Cult Of The Black Leaves, and the architect of the
hallucinogenic tea plan. It is early evening at the close of a late autumn day and
He appears in late 70s but is at least 150 years old thanks to there is a slight damp chill in the air. You are standing
dark magick – the use of whichch has left him with a twisted left under the porte-cochere
cochere at the front door of the Victorian-
hand. era Queen Anne-style
style mansion owned by noted Pineview
Schwarzbrucke is well spoken but only has a tentative grasp business leader William Kerring.
on reality as a result of his spellcasting and first first-hand You have been summoned to his residence by a private
knowledge of the Mythos – and in particular ShubShub-Niggurath telegram requesting your discretion and assistance with a
and the Dark Ones. “personal matter” and knowing Mr Kerring’s reputation
He is devoted to the cause and not thrilled about the and social standing in the community, have accepted.
Investigators throwing a spanner in the works at this late stage. The large wooden double doors are opened by Mr
Despite that, he is confident his machinations will succeed – Kerring’s servant and you are led through the well- well
and he may well be right. furnished and antique-decorated
decorated mansion to the parlour,
where you are offered refreshments pending Mr Kerring’s
Cultists – imminent arrival.
Members of the Cult Of The Black Leaves and worshipp
worshippers of
They come from a range of ages and backgrounds
rounds and are The parlour of William Kerring’s mansion is well-appointed
well in
a traditional style, featuring decorated wooden wall panels,
devoted to the cause, although their combat skills are (for the
tasteful carpet, and a Grandfather Clock in one corner.
most part) fairly low.
The furniture is late Victorian era and there are a range of
Dark Young – well-executed
executed but mostly unremarkable paintings and portraits
on the wall.l. A small vase of dried flowers sits in the centre of
The terrifying monster bears a strong resemblance in the dark
the coffee table, along with a copy of today’s newspaper, a story
to a tree, but smells a lot worse.
They are a proxy for Shub-Niggurath and their presence at a in which will catch the eye of anyone who flicks through it
ritual is a sure sign of blessing indeed – but not for the while they wait for Mr Kerring (see Handouts).
Ask the Investigators to make a Spot Hidden roll.
See pg 287 of the Keeper Rulebook for more details of the
Dark Young.  A successful roll will reveal that one of the
paintings, at the far end of the parlour, depicts
dep a
young woman in 18 century clothing holding a

sized fish in much the same way someone
would hold a pet cat or dog in a portrait.
 An unsuccessful roll will simply tell the investigator
that some of the paintings and portraits in the room
ar to date from the 1700s, based on the
clothing styles in them.

Enter William Kerring

liam Kerring enters the parlour, bearing the air of someone
important who is under a lot of stress. He clearly has not slept
well the previous night.
Mr Kerring explains
ains that his 23 year old daughter, Sarah, is
part of “the jazz crowd” and despite his best efforts, spends a
lot of her time with friends at speakeasies, dancehalls, jazz
clubs and late-night coffee shops.

Storm From A Teacup

He is concerned about her activities and pursuit of the Sarah Kerring has been driven completely mad by the Mythos-
“flapper” style, but says that she is legally an adult so there is related visions she has experienced as a result of drinking
not much he can do except voice his disapproval about her substantial amounts of the hallucinogenic tea.
choice of social circle and recreational activities. She will switch between relatively lucid (albeit frightened of
The reason he has called the Investigators into his mansion the horrors she has glimpsed) and babbling nonsensically
is because something terrible has happened to his daughter, about the subjects of her hallucinations, including but not
likely due to her “flapper” lifestyle, and she appears to have limited to:
completely lost her mind following a night out the previous
week.  A monster with a thousand children
Kerring explains his daughter has had “something of a  A chalice containing a drink brewed by “the Devil
rebellious and free-spirited streak” ever since she was little so herself”
the discovery she was out partying and generally seeking a  “The trees will walk to hunt their prey”
good time was not really a surprise, “Although like any doting  The Forest of Two Thousand Eyes
father I have had my share of sleepless nights over her”.  The Messenger Who Travels From The Centre Of
As far as he has been able to gather, she had been drinking Space
some “vision tea” before the hallucinations snapped her mind,  He Who Sleeps In The Ruined Ocean
and firmly believes this is responsible for her current mental  Those who wash with the blood of youth to live forever
If any of the Investigators ask about the painting of the A combined Occult and Cthulhu Mythos roll should be
woman with the fish, Kerring will state it has been in the family taken by Investigators who would have a legitimate in-
a long time and he has always assumed the fish was a character reason to suspect Sarah’s ravings might have more to
whimsical element on the part of either the artist or the them than mere “hysteria” or overindulgence in recreational
subject. alcohol/drugs.
Having provided the Investigators with as much information A success at Occult will tell the investigator Sarah is not just
as he can, we will ask them to go upstairs and speak with Sarah babbling, but that she is talking about an element of at least
Kerring herself to find out more – and get a better idea for how one local legend.
they should begin their investigation. Success at Cthulhu Mythos will tell the investigator one of
the things Sarah reports from her hallucinations is connected
Success at both will provide both pieces of information – and
Sarah Kerring’s sitting room is upstairs in the mansion could possibly provide further evidence for an Investigator’s
adjacent to her bedroom. hypothesis that the Mythos and some of the local legends are
It is finished in a well-appointed style but the blinds and connected.
curtains are perpetually drawn, limiting the light into the room While lucid, Sarah will say she and her friends used to drink
and casting it with a permanent pall. the tea while at “the nightclub” and one of her friends used to
The room smells of cigarette smoke, suggesting the windows bring it with them; she is vague about the details but the
have not been opened for a few days, and is somewhat untidy, Investigators will not be able to ascertain if that is because she
as if the occupant was not expecting visitors – or did not care is covering for that friend or genuinely cannot recall as a result
about the state of the room. of losing her mind.
Sarah herself has no knowledge of the Mythos as a concept,
A Conversation with Ms Kerring just that she has seen some terrifying, horrifying things as a
result of drinking the tea, and her sanity has completely
Sarah Kerring is sitting in a high-backed chair next to a small deserted her as a result. She does not know the names of the
table, located adjacent to the window. If the blinds were open, entities she has seen, and the horror of what she has seen has
it would be an excellent spot for reading, needlework, or caused her mind to blank most of the details out.
drawing. They are closed, and there is an ashtray A successful Psychology or Medicine roll will tell the
Sarah is 23 years old and has unkempt dark blonde hair. She Investigator that her insanity is a defence against some
is wearing a crumpled sleeping robe, her skin is pallid, she has unutterably terrible thing she has seen or experienced and
dark rings under her eyes, and she is clearly not altogether believes can harm her and those she cares about.
present mentally. She is also chain-smoking cigarettes.
The Investigators can interview Ms Kerring to see what
information they can get from her.

Storm From A Teacup

Sarah Kerring’s room contains a few clues which will PINEVIEW LIBRARY
reward investigators who take the time look about it.
A Spot Hidden roll will turn up one of the following: A character who has established Sarah Kerring’s ravings may
 A matchbook from The Crystal Slipper be connected to local myths and legends is likely to head to the
nightclub (on the dresser) municipal library to investigate further.
As libraries
ibraries go it is fairly unremarkable for somewhere of
 A torn open brown wax packet tied with black
string, which bears
ars a small black leaf emblem Pineview’s size; it has a good assortment of modern books,
on it (in the rubbish bin) classics, and a small reference section with some leather-bound
books dating back to the early days of settlement and no doubt
 A photograph of Ms Kerring with another
donated by prominent families es over the years.
woman about the same age – they are both
A Library Use roll should uld be made to ascertain if the
smiling and it appears to have been taken at an
Investigator discovers anything pertinent.
event of some sort (On a writing desk in a
Skill Roll Outcome Result

If the Investigators show Sarah the wax packet remains from The Investigator discovers useful
the bin, she will recoilil from it, declare it to be “The black information which connects local
leaves!” and make reference to it being “The first of the dark legends to at least one of Sarah
waters where the cosmos swim”. Kerring’s hallucinations

Keeper Note
Be as creative as you like when describing Sarah Kerring’s Investigator finds information on
ramblings – whether you want nt to portray her as quie
quiet and local legends but nothing that
appears to tie into any of Sarah
twitchy with a thousand-yard stare, or one step below needing
Kerring’s hallucinations.
a straightjacket, the main thing is to get across to the players
that whatever is in this tea, it is serious and clearly is connected
to something sinister.
Some of the information
ation a successful research trip
might turn up include:
Returning to the parlour
 The legend of the forest children; creatures
who live in the forest and appear out of the
Havingg spoken with Sarah Kerring, William Kerring’s servant
darkness to eat travellers at night
will discreetly request the Investigators rejoin Mr Kerring in
the parlour downstairs.  The tree-walkers;
walkers; trees that get up and move
Mr Kerring will ask the Investigators if they have any around on their own
insights they can share.  A local tribe
ribe of Native Americans who
If so, he will express relief the investigation is off to a good worshipped a fish god
start and ask them to keep him posted on further
developments. If they do not, he will say he feared as much and
The library-visiting
visiting player will also find a story in the
express hope the investigation will prove fruitful soon.
newspaper from a few days ago talking about the existence of
He will then suggest the Investigators talk to both the
the tea and its hallucinogenic effects (see Handouts).
Pineview police chief (“He has been avoiding my messages
and I’m not convinced he is taking this matter seriously”
seriously”) and
some of Sarah’s friends, who have been disappointingly
reluctant to visit since her ‘health issues’ manifested.
He will remind the Investigators of the need for discretion in
the matter – “There’s quite enough attention on my family at
the moment without exacerbating the situation” – and tells the
Investigators they are welcome to call him at any time during
the day if they discover anything pertinent.
At this point, the Investigators will likely want to discuss the
reward or payment on offer for the job.
William Kerring will tell the Investigators he is willing to pay
$700 each, on a successful Credit Check roll the Investigators
will also
so persuade him to cover their expenses and incidentals
as well.

Storm From A Teacup

PINEVIEW POLICE HEADQUARTERS He will say that his focus is currently on reports of
bootleggers operating into Pineview, and while he personally
The Pineview police headquarters is a two-storey Civil War-era doesn’t support prohibition and would be happy to look the
brick building located not far from the main square. other way as long as “things don’t get out of hand”, the Bureau
As a functioning police station, it has moderate activity in the of Prohibition are breathing down his neck about the issue and
main area when the Investigators arrive, and the desk sergeant that’s what he needs to be prioritising right now.
– a gruff man who has a stack of papers next to him for A successful Persuasion roll will result in Travis telling the
processing – will ask what they want and state the chief is a Investigators that the Crystal Slipper nightclub is most likely
busy man and probably doesn’t have time to talk to them on where whatever Sarah Kerring imbibed can be found, since it’s
account of the issues with bootleggers and the Feds being on the major hangout spot for Pineview’s ‘bright young things’.
his case about it. A failed roll will not elicit that information straight away, but
The Investigators should roll a Charm or Persuade skill Travis will say he doesn’t really care how the Investigators
check; success means they convince the desk sergeant to make handle their enquiries as long as it doesn’t cause any problems
a call to the police chief and arrange for them to come in for a for the Pineview police, or more specifically Travis himself.
short visit. If asked about any other victims of hallucinogenic teas,
Failure means the desk sergeant will tell them the chief is Travis will say he’s not aware of any but given the presence of
unavailable but to take a seat and he’ll see them when he has a ‘bathtub gin’ and other potentially dangerously home-brewed
moment. alcohol in the region, it’s entirely possible there have been
The Investigators will be waiting 1d4 hours before the police other cases.
chief comes downstairs to check in with the desk sergeant and An Idea roll can be used by Investigators some time after
asks the Investigators what they want, or a message arrives leaving the police HQ to deduce there can’t be that many
from Mr Kerring informing the station staff the Investigators nightclubs in Pineview, and to ask around coffee shops or
are working for him on the matter. acquaintances until someone suggests The Crystal Slipper.

Keeper note
Police Chief Travis is not part of any cult or conspiracy – he
The office of Pineview Chief of Police George Travis has glass really is just an overworked, under-resourced police
windows facing out over the town square and a wooden desk department head who honestly feels that Sarah Kerring going
with a well-used but comfortable chair behind it. insane from what he presumes is recreational drug use is not a
On the desk are assorted folders and files, and a candlestick priority issue to be devoting police time to.
telephone which has been taken off its hook. He also resents William Kerring applying political pressure
An ashtray on the desk contains a pile of cigarette butts and a on him to investigate the matter and is dragging his heels on
still smoking cigarette, while a fan rotates lazily overhead the issue as a result.
distributing cigarette smoke around the office ceiling.
Bulletins, wanted posters, and informational posters are
tacked to boards on the wall – some of which have clearly been THE CRYSTAL SLIPPER
there for a while.
In the corner is a coat stand and hat rack with spare uniform The Crystal Slipper is Pineview’s current “place to be seen” and
on it, while the wastebasket has several empty cola bottles in it. features a large neon sign above the entrance showing a
Clearly, the police chief is an overworked man. woman’s shoe, along with the establishment’s name.
The entrance features two brass-framed glass doors and the
interior is a fashionable Art Deco style, with the dancing area
Meeting with the Police Chief
and stage brightly lit by a large and elaborate glass chandelier.
Police Chief Travis has the look of a man who works long The refreshment counter (bar) offers coffee, soda, water and
hours, sleeps little, and spends a lot of time stretching thin fruit juice, while there is full table service for meals and non-
resources even further. alcoholic beverages.
While he will not be particularly rude or brusque to the A Spot Hidden roll will show that some of the guests are
Investigators, he will make no secret of the fact that he has surreptitiously adding alcohol to their ‘soft’ drinks from small
considerably more important things to devote his time, hip flasks – a common practice in the Prohibition era.
resources and officers to than “some flapper who got into the A successful Credit Rating check will result in the maitre d’
jazz cabbage and fried her brain from too much of a good giving the Investigators an excellent table with views of the
time”. dining area, refreshment counter, dancefloor, and stage.
To the right of the stage area is a corridor which tastefully
leads to the restrooms.

Storm From A Teacup

Ask the Investigators to make an INT roll – on success, they THE SPEAKEASY
will notice that people, including couples, will make their way
to the restrooms but don’t come back out again (or if they do, However the players gain access to the speakeasy, they will find
it’s after a much, much longer than would be appropriate). it is a rather lively place, with its own stage on one side, a small
Perhaps the characters have noticed a particularly attractive or dancefloor in front of it, a seated drinking area, and a bar with
eye-catching person who has visited the restrooms but doesn’t actual alcohol – both imported (smuggled) commercial brands
appear to have returned? and home-brewed drinks of lesser quality – on the other.
A successful Charm or Persuade roll asking the waiter if The décor is somewhat more muted than the ‘dry’ club out
anything stronger might be available will elicit a “I’m sorry, but front, but a jazz band is playing an upbeat tune and the people
this is a law-abiding establishment and we do not serve alcohol here are obviously enjoying themselves; the bar is busy and the
here; we do have an excellent range of soft drinks to players will have to make at least one Dodge roll with a bonus
accompany your meal however” with a whispered “Talk to die to avoid knocking over (or being knocked over) by a
Charlie” as the waiter refills a water glass on the table. boisterous partier with a tray full of drinks.
None of the guests, even those on the dance floor, are There are a small number of private booths near the rear of
obviously intoxicated, hallucinating, or otherwise acting the speakeasy, all with happy guests in them having a good
erratically or unusually. time as the band plays – and all in the right age/style to be
At some point, either due to the successful INT roll above, a friends of Sarah’s
call of nature, the Investigators will need to make their way If one of the Investigators passes a hard Know roll, they will
down the corridor where the restrooms are located. recognise one of the women at the table as the woman from the
At the end of the corridor to the restrooms is an aqua-green photograph in Sarah Kerring’s room. Otherwise, they’re going
door, accompanied by a solidly-built man in a tuxedo who also to have to work out which of the people at the booths might be
appears to be a restroom attendant but is in fact Charlie The her.
Bouncer. Roll 1d4 to determine which of the tables the Investigators
Charlie will politely explain the area through the door is will visit first; re-roll if the result is a table the Investigators
“closed for a private function” and unless the Investigators are have already visited.
on the guest list (they aren’t, because there isn’t one), they
won’t be able to enter.
The door leads to the nightclub’s speakeasy and the 1d4 Die Roll Result
Investigators will need to gain entrance somehow to proceed to
the next part of their investigation. Workers at an office supply firm
out for a night on the town; they
don’t know Sarah Kerring or her
This is an opportunity for the Investigators to get friends and don’t drink tea.
creative in their efforts to gain entrance to the
speakeasy. A few options include: A rowdy hen’s night; They are
 A female Investigator can attempt a Charm extremely drunk and not sure if
roll to persuade George to let the group in they know Sarah Kerring or not,
and will argue among themselves
 A journalist, police officer, or similar can
about who she is (all their
attempt a hard KNOW roll to remember the 2
suggestions are wrong). They will
passphrase for this week to enter the speakeasy also insist the Investigators join
 A Listen check can be used to try and overhear them for a drink, particularly if
someone giving George the current passphrase any of the Investigators have an
APP above 70.
 A particularly tough character can try a hard
Intimidate roll against George
The group at this table are on
 Perhaps there’s another way in, such as around
holiday from Quebec and do not
the back through a fire escape or a window? speak fluent English; a Language
Locksmith or Mechanical Repair could be (other) - French roll will allow
useful skills… the Investigator to establish that
the group genuinely do not know
Sarah Kerring and would like to
get back to their drinks in peace.
Charlie is a large, strong man with plenty of experience
dealing with drunks, gangsters and police officers. Engaging
him in physical combat would be unwise. 4 Margaret Fisher’s table

Storm From A Teacup

A drink with Miss Margaret Fisher Along with the tea, the seller will also provide the
information that “The Tin in Man’s shop has lots more” –
Margaret Fisher is the woman in the photograph in Sarah enabling them to track down Mr Tin’s Emporium.
Kerring’s room and is a long-time friend of hers..
Like Sarah, she is a ‘flapper’ and fond of a good time, and has
the slightly glazed expression of someone who has taken a fair
share of recreational substances in her time.
Her reaction
ction and demeanour towards the Investigators will
depend on their ages and occupations – she will react positively
to characters in their 20s or 30s from an “interesting” job like
“private investigator”, but will not nearly be as keen to talk to
someone in n their 40s or 50s from a job like “antiquarian”.
If shown the tea packet, she will ask where the Investigators
got it from and will enquire after Sarah when they tell her.
“Is it as bad as I heard? Apparently she just stays in her
room all day, doesn’t wash, sh, hardly eats, just babbles nonsense
and goes on about monsters she sees when she closes her eyes”
As to why Margaret hasn’t been to visit:
“I feel a bit responsible – I was the one who got her onto the
tea. I told her to be careful with it because it can
an get a bit wild,
but I didn’t know it’d send her crazy.”
A Charm or Persuade roll (hard roll for characters in the MR TIN’S EMPORIUM
disliked category) will convince her that the characters are
either trying to help Sarah or looking to try the tea for Read the following to the players:
themselves, and she will give them the details for Mr Tin’s
Emporium – reluctantly. Mr Tin’s Emporium is located just down a
Margaret will explain she visited Mr Tin’s emporium initially reasonably well-litlit alley at the fringe of the
some months ago because she was having strange dreams and Pineview commercial district.
wanted something to help her sleep and “take the edge off” The shopfront itself features a handpainted
things, and heard from “a friend” (“you “you know, just someone wooden sign which appears to date from the late
from around”) that the Emporium might stock something 1800s, and there is an assortment of exotic and
which could help. antique items in the window – old globes, a
It did (the tea) and after experiencing
periencing some ‘good
‘good-kind-of- telescope, a sextant, an Asian vase of some sort, a
strange’ wild trips with it, she started recommending it to some statue from Egypt, a dusty leather-bound
leather book
of her friends, and it soon becameme the “in” thing to try. sealed with a brass clasp, and so on.
In the past fortnight or so, however, the visions have been A bell jangles as you enter the store, and the air
getting less ‘strange’ and more ‘scary’, culminating in the has an unusual aroma that is difficult to place
episode with Sarah Kerring being driven totally mad by but not exactly unpleasant
npleasant either.
whatever it is that she saw. The store’s wood-panelled
panelled interior is a veritable
“I saw some monsters and stuff too, but I didn’t think they cornucopia of the eclectic and unusual,
unusual with
were real. Everyone says I have an active imagination”, she everything from mounted deer trophy heads to
will explain. posters for old Broadway plays to antique
At this point, some of her friends at the table will chime in furniture to Civil War uniforms to china and
with their own experiences, which will range from swirling tableware occupying the floor space between the
lights and colours to mind-twisting
twisting horrors from out of time front window and the counter.
and space. Behind the counter, a grey--haired man with a
Given that without finding Mr Tin’s Emporium the long beard whose age appears somewhere
investigation will likely come to a dead end, the characters between late middle aged and elderly is smoking
should eventually encounter someone either at the speakeasy a long-stemmed
stemmed churchwarden pipe.
or while getting a coffeefee the next day, who will offer to sell He looks up as the Investigators enter.
them a sample of the tea for $8; a Charm or Persuade roll “Hello there; can I help you?”
will get the cost down to $6 while an Intimidate roll will
provide it for free.

Storm From A Teacup

Mr Tin is the mysterious owner of the eponymous Emporium Success with any of the three above options will net the
and is also a senior member of the Cult of The Black Leaves, Investigators the last packet of ‘special tea’ in the Emporium,
using his shop as a front for some of the cult’s ‘business and the details (date, time, location) of the place Mr Tin is
dealings’. supposed to collect the next shipment. (“They never bring it
The store is actually a legitimate business in most respects, here, I have to go to them”).
and in addition to strange antiques and objets d’art, it also Mr Tin realises there is nothing to be gained by trying to
stocks incense, herbal teas, and ‘natural remedies’, as well as keep the existence of the tea secret – there are already rumours
old books on the occult. around and it’s only a matter of time before the truth gets
While most of the books are not Mythos related, there is a discovered, after all.
copy of Edward Derby’s Azazoth and Others (see Keeper
Rulebook, pg 225) as well as a copy of Nameless Cults (see
Keeper Rulebook, pg 230) on the shelves in amongst all the
other books.
It is entirely possible the Investigators may actually want
to brew the tea themselves to try it out, and they most
Option 1: “The Easy Way” certainly can.
From a gameplay perspective, the Hallucinogenic Tea
Using this approach, the Investigators attempt to Persuade,
functions similarly to the Black Lotus Powder artefact (see
Charm or Intimidate (opposed rolls) Mr Tin into providing
pg 268 of the Keeper Rulebook).
the information they are seeking.
A character who drinks the tea will essentially lose 1d10
The Investigators can only use one of the skills each on Mr
sanity points, become temporarily insane for 1d10 hours
Tin – so if one of them fails an Intimidate roll, they cannot
and gain 1d4 points of Mythos Knowledge.
then try to Charm him.
Some of the hallucinations the character might experience:
Success means he will confirm he does, in fact, have a special
 A black forest with 2000 eyes ’blinking the wrong
something available for “discriminating customers with a taste
way’ peering out
for adventure”
 Having conversations with domestic animals
(cats, dogs, birds, hamsters etc), in which the
Option Two: “The Hard Way”
animals foretell terrible events that conclude with
horrifying statements like “You will wish you
One or more of the Investigators will use physical force (eg
were eaten first”
punching or hitting) Mr Tin to get him to reveal the
information.  Hearing “coded messages” from gramophones or
Mr Tin might look like a harmless shopkeeper but he is not a wireless sets
complete pushover and will fight back.  Believing a mundane object such at telephone
The relevant roll for percussive questioning-inclined players booth or postbox is plotting against them
is Brawl; it is essentially a (somewhat one-sided) combat  Eating a newspaper, magazine, or book to
situation. (See the NPC Stat Blocks/Skills section for Mr Tin’s “internalise its knowledge”
combat information)  Fleeing in terror from trees in a park which the
Investigator believes are following them
Option Three: “The Hard Boiled Way”

“You can get further with a kind word and a gun Option Four: “The Empty Handed Way”
than you can with just a kind word alone”
– attributed to Al Capone In this situation, the Investigators have failed to convince Mr
Tin to provide the information, do not wish to beat him up, and
do not have (or do not wish to use) a weapon to threaten him
This method lacks finesse but it will be effective – one or more
of the Investigators threaten simply threaten Mr Tin with a
After leaving the Emporium, the Keeper should find some
firearm (or other weapon) and make it very clear he’s going to
reason for the Investigators to remain in the area for a few
get a case of lead poisoning if he does not immediately provide
minutes – perhaps a motorist needs help changing a tyre or a
them with all of the information they require.
disabled person needs help crossing the road?
Mr Tin might be a cultist, but he is also human and does not
The Investigators will then see Mr Tin hurriedly leaving the
want to get shot, knifed or beaten, so will capitulate and
Emporium and making his way to the nearest phone booth.
provide the Investigators with the information they demand.

Storm From A Teacup

One of the Investigators may follow at a discreet distance (no The truck will pull up next to the fruit stand;
stand the characters
Stealth roll required, in the interests of ensuring the can see the flare of a match
ch and the glow of cigarettes as the
adventure doesn’t get derailed unnecessarily) and attempt to two bootleggers light up and wait for their contact.
listen in on the conversation via a hard Listen roll.
Option one:
Skill Roll Outcome Result
In this approach the Investigators bail up Tommy and Freddy
and use non-violent
violent means to extract the information they
Character hears Mr Tin calling
Edward Schwarzbrucke and
require – including Persuade, Intimidate,
Int or similar.
Success warning him the Investigators are Using Intimidate is a risky gambit, as Freddy is highly
onto them, and asking for strung and unless the player passes a Hard skill check, will lash
directions on how to proceed. out with fists or a melee weapon, effectively implementing the
next element (described below).
Investigator cannot overhear the Other non-violent options include bribery, trickery, or
conversation, but can see Mr Tin distracting the bootleggers while one of the Investigators goes
is visibly agitated
ated and nervous looking for a shipping manifest/details
anifest/details in the truck’s
truck’ cabin.
about something

Option Two: Fight At the Dilapidated Fruit Stand

On his way back to the Emporium, a piece of paper will fall out
of Mr Tin’s pocket, providing a date, time and location – In this option, the Investigators and bootleggers
boo have come to
presumably for a meeting of some kind? Only one way to find blows and are engaged in a fight (either with fists, fi melee
out, and that’s by being there to see what happens… weapons or firearms – see the Keeper Note).
Regardless of whether the characters manage to overpower,
scare off, or kill the bootleggers, they will find the tea-crate
tea in
Keeper Note
This is the same rendezvous details the characters would have the pickup,
ickup, and on the dashboard of the cabin is a clipboard
gotten from one of the first three approaches. They will not get with a farm about an hour’s drive away circled. A red line on
the hallucinogenic tea sample from this outcome, however. the map covers a back-roadroad route from the farm, to the fruit
If the Investigators have succeeded in one off the first three stand, then to Pineview.
options for getting the rendezvous details, and are still hanging A note underneath the circled farm on the map reads
around near the Emporium for an appreciable period of time “Thursday/Friday/Saturday, 8.15pm”
after leaving the shop, they will see Mr Tin leaving the
Emporium to make the phone call and can attempt to liste listen in Keeper Note
on it; however they will not receive the piece of paper with the There are a few ways this encounter can play out, depending on
meeting details on it since they already have them. your group’s playstyle and how they approach the situation.
The bootleggers are not hardened thugs, but they do know
what they’re doing and are not ot keen on being captured; they
PINEVIEW COUNTY will attempt to escape in the truck (leading to the potential for
The next chapter of the adventure takes place in the rural area
a countryside car chase) or on foot, trying to evade the
outside Pineview. It is predominantly farmland and distinctly
rustic in setting – wooden farm fences and barns, windmill
If you are trying to avoid lethal outcomes, then the
pumps, and so on.
bootleggers may be armed with clubs,club batons or similar blunt
melee weapons.
T STAND If you are going for a grittier experience, then the bootleggers
will be prepared for a proper fight; Freddy will be armed with a
The meeting with the bootleggers transporting the tea (they do sawn-off 12ga double-barrelled
barrelled shotgun, while Tommy will
not know what it is) is scheduled for 10.30pm the following have a .32 calibre Colt M190303 Pocket Hammerless pistol.
night at the Old Fruit Stand, a dilapidated (but still functional
during the day) fruit stand on a secondary (but paved) road
heading northwards from Pineview.
The bootleggers – Tommy and Freddy – are driving a pickup
truck with two barrels of alcohol and eight crates in tthe back.
Seven of the crates contain bottles of premium whiskey; the
eighth contains packets of the hallucinogenic tea and has the
black leaf emblem stencilled on it.

Storm From A Teacup

MORRIS FARM Letters on the kitchen table are addressed to a “Mrs Gertrude
Morris” and a Spot Hidden roll will unearth a receipt book in
The Morris Farm is down a bumpy driveway off an unpaved a bureau drawer in the parlour, with receipts for rental
rural road north of Pineview,, and has obviously seen better payments from a Mr E. Schwarzbrucke of $100 per month.
days. Cows and barnyard animals are in the fields, but the Mrs Morris is not part of the cult; she is a widow who takes
paint is peeling from the barn, some of the further
further-out fields money from Mr Schwarzbrucke and the bootlegging syndicate
appear overgrown, and an ancient tractor is parked against a for use of the buildings on her farm and does not ask any
woodpile near the main farmhouse. questions (or really care) about what they are doing as long as
There are wheel tracks leading to the barn,, which is locked they pay the rent on time and in full.
with a heavy-duty padlock and chain - a Locksmith roll will
enable the Investigator
estigator to pick the lock and gain access to the
About 100 yards away, just in front of the treeline which
leads to a heavily wooded area, is a wooden storage building
with a tin roof and shuttered windows – which seems oddly
illuminated by either the he sun or moon, depending when the
Investigators visit.
The farm is eerily quiet;; there are no people about and the
wind is completely still.

Keeper Note
Thisis part of the adventure needs to take place at night; so it is
suggested you find a way to ensure the Investigators do not
arrive until the crescent moon has risen.
The decisions/outcomes from the events at the Morris Farm
will directly affect which of the endings the Investigators will
experience. The Barn
Investigators should proceed into the forest with cau caution,
The barn is a mostly unremarkable traditional wooden barn
because that is the location of the Cult Shrine and at least one
that has not been actively maintained for some time.
Dark Young; the chances of them escaping with their sanity
Old hay covers the floor,, and there are oil lamps (unlit but
and their lives decreases considerably the more they
fuelled) on the posts supporting the loft.
see/experience at the Shrine.
There are approximately 100 barrels of alcohol here – mostly
Investigating the farmhouse is a logical course
urse of action for
beer, but some spirits. There are
re also two dozen wooden crates
the Investigators, but it is a red herring – there is nothing
of foreign commercially produced liquor, mainly Canadian
significantly relevant to the adventure in it.
whiskey but also some Scotch whiskey and rum from the
The barn contains a bootlegger stash of alcohol. It is also
Caribbean. If any of the Investigators wish to take some of the
unrelated to the cult, but depending on the characters and their
alcohol for themselves, they can.
ivations, they may decide to photograph the interior and/or
The barn also contains
ontains a few standard tools – an axe, saws, a
report it to the authorities, pretend they didn’t see anything,
rake, shovels, a crowbar, rope, and so on.
destroy the alcohol barrels/crates, or even set fire to the entire
Near the barn’s double doors is a 44 gallon drum full of
petrol for a motor vehicle, along with a manually operated
pump with a refuelling hose attached.
The Farmhouse Up in the loft, a Spot Hidden success will find a loaded
Winchester Model 94 carbine and a cloth bag with 50
The Farmhouse is a stereotypical two-story design,
esign, pretty much
cartridges in it, both concealed under a rug by the window
exactly the sort of thing you would expect to find on a rura rural
which overlooks the farmhouse and the driveway to the road.
farm in the 1920s.
It is not locked, so the Investigators will be able to enter it
without trouble. No-oneone is home, but the house appears lived The Tea Factory
in – there is food in the cupboards,
ards, wood loaded into the stove,
The door to this building (which resembles
resem a run-of-the-mill
and a copy of The Age Of Innocence by Edith Wharton sitting
farm building), is inexplicably
plicably unlocked and opens to a small
on the table next to a reading chair.
room with some chairs, coathooks, and a small table with a
There is no electricity or telephone in the residence.
copy of yesterday’s newspaper on it.

Storm From A Teacup

If any of the Investigators pick it up, they will notice a story They are armed with, depending on how the scenario is
with the headline “Strange Jazz Affliction” (see Handouts). being run, knuckledusters and switchblades (for a less-lethal
A curiously old wooden door with old-fashioned wrought adventure) or machetes and .38 or .45 calibre handguns (for a
iron features leads from this room to the rest of the building’s more dangerous experience).
interior. Schwarzbrucke will introduce himself, explain he is the
It is deathly quiet, and a Listen roll will cause the Exalted Leader of the Cult Of The Black Leaves, and that they
Investigators to note they cannot hear anything on the other exist to serve Shub-Niggurath.
side of the door either. He will further (in grand villain style) explain that the point
Pushing through the wooden door, which is surprisingly of the tea is to “open the minds of the impressionable to the
heavy, the Investigators will find themselves in the area where wonders of the Mythos” and that “The blessings of Shub-
the hallucinogenic tea is blended. Niggurath are available for all”.
Read the players the following text: The idea for the tea was revealed through communion with
their deity, he will go on, and already it has brought people to
The room beyond is lit with flickering candles and oil the fold and “pleased our beloved Black Goat of the Woods
lamps, causing shadows to dance menacingly across immensely”.
the walls and furniture. “Why stop at a thousand Young, when we could have five
The shadows hint at grotesque and horrifying shapes, thousand, or ten thousand? A million, even?”, he will say.
with glinting reflections that could be metal, glass… or It will be clear from the conversation that Schwarzbrucke is
eyes. not sane, but also genuinely does not believe he is doing
A pungent odour tinged with a not unpleasant floral anything wrong, and is very much looking forward to the
aroma is on the air, and hits your nostrils almost as results of the tea project bearing fruit.
soon as you step into the room. He will also say that at this point, there is nothing to be
Wicker baskets of leaves are positioned around a huge gained by killing the Investigators as the ritual is nearly upon
round wooden table in the centre of the room, which them, and they are just in time to watch the creation of the
itself has candles positioned at key points. most recent batch of the tea for this phase.
A blood-red pentagram is marked on the table, and at The cultists in the room will be covering the Investigators to
the centre of the table is a brilliant green crystal atop a ensure they don’t try anything funny – although they can if
small pedestal. Tea leaves and unidentifiable other they want, and probably will given the situation
flowers, leaves and the like are piled up in a mount If they attack the cultists or Schwarzbrucke, Schwarzbrucke
around the pedestal. will cast a Fog Of The Woods spell (Create Mist of R’lyeh, pg
Above the table hangs the carcass of a black goat with 253 of Keeper Rulebook) on himself after the first round and
its throat recently slit, blood dripping onto the crystal escape to the Temple of the Black Leaves (unless the
and the leaves heaped around it. Investigators managed to kill/incapacitate him in this first
It is abundantly clear that nothing wholesome or round), leaving the cultists and Investigators to fight If the
desirable takes place in this room, and you find a Investigators watch the tea ritual, at its conclusion
shiver running down your spine – just as the door Schwarzbrucke will cast the Fog Of The Woods spell followed
slams shut behind you, and an educated voice from the by Implant Fear (Keeper Rulebook, pg 259) on one of the
gloom beyond the table speaks. Investigators, and in the resulting fog and panic, he and the
“Welcome. We’ve been expecting you.” cultists will escape and make their way to The Temple Of The
Black Leaves (see next section).

The Investigators must make a SAN check; failure results in Keeper Note
Obvious hint for the players: There’s a lot of open flames in the
the loss of 1d3 sanity points from viewing the terrible scene in
tea blending room, and some of the stuff there in looks pretty
front of them.
flammable too…
Standing on the far side of the table, just visible in the
candle/lamp light, is Edward Schwarzbrucke, the leader of the
Pursuing Schwarzbrucke and other cultists into the forest will
Cult of the Black Leaves. He is immaculately dressed, wearing a
give the Investigators more information, but also expose them
Dracula-style black cape with red lining, fastened with an onyx
to horrifying rituals and the presence of a Dark Young; at a
stone brooch.
minimum the Investigators are likely to take a significant
Two or three cultists (depending on the number of
sanity hit, possibly be driven insane, and if they try and engage
Investigators) stand on opposite sides of the door behind the
the cultists or Dark Young in combat, they will likely be killed
Investigators, wearing less impressive black robes.
in the process.

Storm From A Teacup

The scene before the Investigators would be like something

out of a lurid dime store novel if it wasn’t happening right in
front of them.

Keeper Note
If the Investigators want to get away now with their lives and
what remains of their sanity intact, this is their last chance –
they can successfully retreat back to the farm without the need
for skill checks, and then the story will proceed to
t one of the
first two Outcomes (depending
depending on whether or not they decide
to destroy the Tea Factory before they leave).

If the Investigators want to move to a better position for a shot

at Schwarzbrucke or get closer for some reason, have the player
make a Stealth roll – failure means one on of the cultists has
heard them and will start looking for the source of the
t noise.
A second successful Stealth roll will enable the Investigators
to avoid detection for that search.
The Temple le Of The Black Leaves was, once upon a time, a
Upon detection, the cultist will cry out to the others; others
stone church deep in a clearing of the forest at the n
northern tip
Schwarzbrucke will ll tell the cultists “Don’t let them stop The
of Pineview County, about 300 yards into the forest behind the
Ritual! We are so close now!”
tea factory.
he Dark Young will rear up and ululate a terrifying cry
Long abandoned, the church has fallen into decay and ruin
while thrashing its tentacle-arms
arms about, smashing nearby trees
and been n partly reclaimed by the forest, with gnarled trees and
and knocking down part of the ruined church wall.wall
their roots growing and twisting out from its roofless and
With the exception of the two cultists from the tea factory (if
ruined walls.
they survived), none of the cultists at the Temple are armed
The church’s stone altar has been repurposed by the cult for
with anything except improvised weapons (eg tree trunk or
sacrificial purposes and is stained red with blood; the walls
torch) or maybe pen-knives – they were not expecting trouble,
behind it are decorated with goat skulls and hanging banners
after all.
with arcane symbols on them.
The Dark Young will take part in the pursuit for 1d4 rounds,
The Investigators will find themselves taking cover about 25
and will unleash a Mindblast (Keeper Rulebook, pg 260) spell
yards from the main altar – out of base range for handguns and
on one of the Investigators before it breaks off the chase.
shotguns, but not a rifle such as the Winchesterter Model 94 one
The retreat through the forest back to the farm with cultists
of the keen-eyed
eyed Investigators may have found in the barn
on their tail should be treated as a Chase; the cultists will stop
pursuit at the edge of the forest following some unearthly cry
from the Dark Young which appears to be summoning them
The Ritual
back to the Temple.
When the Investigators arrive there will be a ritual in progress
involving the sacrifice of a black goat on the altar, with
Schwarzbrucke leading the dark ceremony ny and a Dark Young
standing to the left of the altar, watching the proceedings with
evident satisfaction,, judging from the way it’s “arms” are
Approximately a dozen cult members are present, although
at first they will not be aware of the Investigators
ators presence.
The ceremony is accompanied by a great deal of rhythmic
chanting in an ancient and otherwise forgotten tongue
As part of the ritual, what appear to be novices or acolytes
are led up to the altar and anointed with the goat blood before
drinking from a cup filled from an antique copper kettle which
has been heating on a brazier next to the altar.
As the acolytes drink, they will collapse to the ground and
write, speaking in a combination of incomprehensible ‘tongues’
and understandable references nces to Mythos entities – in some
cases, the same references Sarah Kerring spoke of.

Storm From A Teacup

Depending on the playstyle (non-lethal or gritty), if the Kerring will be pleased the tea factory has been destroyed
players are captured; the cultists will attempt to render them and that he at least has some idea what happened to his
unconscious to deal with later (after the ritual). daughter; the Investigators will get the reward they were
Some possible options (but not the only ones) here: promised at the start, although he will comment it is a shame
the perpetrators couldn’t be held to account
 The Investigators wake up in the bootlegger’s barn a
few moments before a raid by Prohibition Agents Outcome 2: The Price of Failure
and/or Pineview police. Incriminating evidence directly
linking the Investigators to the bootlegging has been In this outcome, the Investigators do not destroy the tea factory
planted there and it’s going to take a lot of time, money but do decide to get out while they can (even if they have been
and legal wrangling to iron the situation out. If the to the temple) and report back to the police and William
Investigators manage to Persuade anyone to Kerring.
investigate the temple, the forest will have become be The first police unit sent to investigate the farm will simply
far too overgrown for them to get anywhere near the vanish, and the subsequent reinforcements will be injured or
ruined church, and whichever police officer or agent killed in a mysterious explosion which will be described as “a
who goes to look will simply report there’s nothing in bootlegger’s illegal still exploding” in press reports of the
the forest except “a lot of trees”. incident, which later becomes part of local legend.
 The Investigators are awoken by the spread of the fire Kerring will not be pleased with the outcome and will only
from the Tea Factory, and drag themselves to (relative) pay the Investigators a fraction of what they were promised,
safety – there is no sign of the Dark Young or the before having them unceremoniously kicked out of his
cultists (see Possible Outcome 1) mansion.
 The Dark Young devours the unconscious Investigators A week later, Kerring will be found dead, apparently
(game over; see Possible Outcome 3) drowned in his bath, with the words DAGON DRINKS FROM
 The Investigators simply vanish; whether they are dead, THOSE WHO FAIL scrawled on the tiles in some sort of
transported to a different part of the cosmos, or have greenish fluid.
escaped are in hiding is up to the Keeper and players to Sarah Kerring will insist a “Walking Fish” forced its way into
decide. the mansion drowned her father; but given there is no question
of her insanity, she will be packed off to a comfortable private
mental asylum for care and what passes for treatment in the

There are four ‘main’ outcomes from this adventure, described

below. They are not the only outcomes, however, so feel free to Outcome 3: Into the Unending Abyss
adjust them depending on how your adventure has played out.
This outcome will be reached if the characters are driven
insane by what they see at the Temple, or are killed either by
Outcome 1: The Pineview Tea Party
cultists or the Dark Young during the final chapter.
It is essentially Game Over, although as Keeper you may like to
In this outcome, the Investigators, realising that something
tell the players their deaths/descent into insanity form the
unholy, terrifying and deeply beyond their abilities to handle is
elements of a “local legend” that is still doing the rounds in the
afoot, destroy the tea factory (likely by burning it down) then
Pineview region even today.
return to Pineview to report the events they have witnessed to
the police and William Kerring.
By the time anyone is able to return with reinforcements (eg Outcome 4: Dead or Alive, You’re Coming With Me
police, Prohibition Agents) the fire (either one the Investigators
started or a more mysterious one) has spread to the forest The Investigators in this outcome manage to kill or
behind the factory and it will not be possible to go to the Black incapacitate/capture Schwarzbrucke, and get him to the
Leaves Temple; when the fire eventually burns itself out there authorities (or summon the authorities to the farm).
will only be the charred stones of the ruined church and no Kerring will be absolutely delighted with this, paying out the
signs of Schwarzbrucke, the cultists, the Dark Young, or full amount he promised the Investigators and even adding in
anything sinister. something extra for their trouble – not necessarily money, but
This outcome is the same regardless of whether the it could be something like a contact at Miskatonic University, a
Investigators follow Schwarzbrucke and the cult to the temple new(er) vehicle, an expensive wristwatch, a wireless –
or not. whatever would be suitable the characters, really.

Storm From A Teacup

EPILOGUE Charlie – The Bouncer

Assuming the characters survived the adventure, read the Getting into a physical altercation with Charlie The Bouncer is
players this text after their final meeting with William Kerring. not a good idea at all - but in case someone
some decides to try, the
following may prove useful.

As you walk out the front gate of Kerring Mansion, you STR 80 CON 75 SIZ 75 DEX 70 INT 40
notice a man in a trenchcoat and fedora smoking a APP 50 POW 45 EDU 40 SAN 50 HP 15
cigarette, half-illuminated
illuminated by the streetlight. DB: 1D4 Build: 1 Move: 6 MP: 6 Luck: N/A
Seeing you pass, he nods in casual greeting, drops his
cigarette on the ground and stubs it out under his shoe, Attacks per round: 1
before making his way up the path to the porte cochere at Brawl 70% (35/14),
), damage 1D3+DB
the mansion’s front door. Brass Knuckles 70% (35/14), damage
dama 1D3+1 + DB
A waft of something ing that smells like rotting seaweed Dodge: 35%
follows him, and Kerring’s servant has an expression of Skills: Intimidate 50%,, Persuade 40%,
40% First Aid 40%
distaste when he opens the door.
The man removes his hat to reveal he appears to have fish
Mr Tin – The Emporium Owner
fins for ears, with gills just behind them. STR 45 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 45 INT 70
“Tell Mr Kerring that the Counciluncil of Dagon representative APP 50 POW 45 EDU 60 SAN 45 HP 9
is here for the project update,” he says. DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 6 Luck: N/A
“He is expecting me. All glory to The Waters That Nourish
the Children of Dagon!” Attacks per round: 1
Brawl 25% (10/3), damage
mage 1D3
Dodge: 22%
NPC STATS & SKILLS Skills: Cthulhu Mythos (35%), History (60%), Library Use
(60%), Charm (40%), Fast-Talk
Talk (35%)
The following stats and skills are provided as a guide; feel free
to tweak or adjust them to suit your group’s playthrough.
Tommy and Freddy – Bootleggers
ay them as individuals but use the same skills; if using
firearms one will have a sawn-off
off shotgun and the
th other a .32
William Kerring – Concerned Father
calibre handgun.
STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 45 INT 78
STR 45 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 60 INT 50
APP 50 POW 45 EDU 70 SAN 38 HP 5
APP 50 POW 45 EDU 50 SAN 50 HP 10
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 3 MP: 6 Luck: N/A
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 6 Luck: N/A
Attacks per round: 1
Brawl 20% (10/3), damage 1D3 Attacks per round: 1
Dodge: 23% Brawl 25%% (10/3), damage 1D3
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 25%, Library Use 50%, Persuade 50%, Club 25% (10/3), damage 1D8
History 25% .32 Colt M1908 pistol 35% (12/5),
(12/5) damage 1D8
12ga sawn-off shotgun 35% (12/5) damage 4D6/1D6
Dodge: 30%
George Travis – Police Chief Skills: Drive Auto 50%, Fast-talk
talk 40%, Intimidate 35%
STR 50 CON 65 SIZ 55 DEX 55 INT 73
APP 50 POW 45 EDU 50 SAN 62 HP 11
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 6 Luck: N/A

Attacks per round: 1

Brawl 60% (30/12),
), damage 1D3
Police Baton 60% (30/12) damage 1D6
.38 Service Revolver 50% (25/10), damage 1D8
12ga Pump Shotgun 50% (25/10),
0), dmg 4D6/2D6/1D6
Dodge: 28%
Skills: Law 40%, Persuade 35%, Spot Hidden 50% 50%,
Anthropology 25%, Drive Auto 30%, Accounting 15%

Storm From A Teacup

Edward Schwarzbrucke - Cult Leader

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 45 INT 75
APP 50 POW 90 EDU 70 SAN 20 HP 5
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 4 MP: 20 Luck: N/A

Attacks per round: 1

Brawl 25% (10/3), damage 1D3
Dodge: 23%
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 50%, Charm 40%, Persuade 40%
Spells: Summon Dark Young, Call Shub-Niggurath,
Niggurath, Create
Mist of R’lyeh, Implant Fear, Enthrall Victim, Create Barrier
of Naach-Tith, Cloud Memory.

Tea Factory Cultists – Armed cultists

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 45 INT 50
APP 30 POW 35 EDU 45 SAN 30 HP 10
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 3 Luck
Luck: N/A

Attacks per round: 1

Brawl 35% (17/7), damage 1D3
Knuckledusters 35% (17/7), damage 1D3
Switchblade 35% (17/7), damage 1D4
.38 revolver 30% (15/5), damage 1D10
.45 pistol 30% (15/5) damage 1D10+2
Dodge: 22%

Members off The Cult Of The Black Leaves

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 45 INT 45
APP 50 POW 30 EDU 40 SAN 25 HP 5
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 3 Luck: N/A

Attacks per round: 1

Brawl 25% (12/4), damage 1D3
Burning Torch: 25% (12/4) Damage 1D6+Burning
Dodge: 22%

Dark Young
See pg 287-288 of the Keeper Rulebook.


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