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Passenger Olympus ©2021, Mitchel Bonnema

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Call of Cthulhu is a Trademark of Chaosium Inc. and is used with their permission via the OBS Community Content
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Introduction.....................................................1 Confrontation................................................ 12
Shelter Deck Back Cabins Inside............ 12
Keeper’s Information.......................................1 The U’randyn Awaken............................ 12
Fighting the U’randyn........................... 12
Scenario Format..............................................1 Staying Hidden..................................... 12
Running Away....................................... 12
Content Warnings............................................1 Escaping the Olympus.......................... 12

Unhearable Madness....................................... 2 Resolution & Rewards.................................... 13

S.S. Honorary.................................................. 3 Appendix A: NPC’s & Monsters.......................14

Meeting with Jonathan Bishop................ 3 Coal Heavers..........................................14
aboard the Honorary.............................. 3 Constance Brooks..................................14
Crew of the Honorary............................14
Open Waters................................................... 3 Hector García.........................................14
Jonathan Bishop....................................14
S.S. Olympus................................................... 4 Rupert Elroy.......................................... 15
Shelter Deck ........................................... 4 U’randyn (You-Rahn-Deen)................... 15
Cargo Hatches.........................................4 U’randyn newborns (group of 10)..........16
Shelter Deck Front Cabins......................4
Top of Front Cabins................................ 5 Appendix B: Handouts................................... 17
Lounge and Passenger rooms................. 5 Handout 1.............................................. 17
Shelter Deck Central Section.................. 5 Handout 2..............................................18
Surgeon room......................................... 5 Handout 3..............................................19
Hospital...................................................5 Handout 4............................................. 20
Coal Hatches...........................................6 Handout 5.............................................. 21
Chief Engineer Room..............................6 Handout 6............................................. 22
First Assistant Engineer Room...............6 Handout 7............................................. 23
Destroyed Southern Storage, Carpenter Handout 8............................................. 24
and Second Assistant Engineer rooms...6 Handout 9..............................................25
Armory....................................................6 Handout 10........................................... 26
Storage....................................................6 Handout 11.............................................27
Uptake.....................................................6 Appendix C: Character Info.......................... 28
First Officer............................................. 7
Mess Hall................................................ 7
Shelter Deck Back Cabins Outside......... 7
Top of After House.................................. 7
Boat Deck.................................................7
Office....................................................... 7
Purser’s Office.........................................8
Battery Room..........................................8
Radio Room............................................8
Captain’s Quarters..................................8
Flying Bridge........................................... 9
The Artefact.............................................9
Top of Wheel House...............................10
Upper Deck............................................10
Engineer Workshop.............................. 10
Storage.................................................. 10
Vegetable Room.................................... 10
Meat Locker.......................................... 10
Ice Machine Room................................ 10
Hold....................................................... 10
Steam Engine........................................ 10
Boiler Room.......................................... 10
Coal Bunkers..........................................11
Shaft Tunnel...........................................11
Passenger Olympus
Passenger Olympus takes about three to five hours to The Olympus can be freely explored, with many of its
finish. It’s primarily set on the steamer Olympus, as rooms and corridors containing hints as to what happened
two to four investigators try to find out what happened during the days leading up to the investigation. Some
to a cargo ship’s crew and a mysterious mermaid stored sections of the ship are locked, trapped or destroyed by
in their hold. Most of the scenario has the investigators its previous owners, so the investigators will have to be
piecing together the story of how madness took hold of careful and resourceful. Information is made more clear,
the crew, finding their remains and hints they left behind, tools can be found, and dangers can be avoided, should
and over time dealing with the same symptoms the crew the investigators piece together the story through the
was dealing with. Investigators are encouraged and descriptions of the locations and crew diary entries.
rewarded to find the clues to properly piece together the However, none of the information found this way is vital
events leading up to the moment they arrived. to the end resolution of the scenario. Investigators can
The final stretch of the scenario has the investigators gain access to the location of the mermaid without having
finding the mermaid body, and having to deal with the done any extensive gathering of clues, or decide to avoid
horrifying creature inside it in a more action packed the mermaid completely. The rear crew quarters on the
finale. Passenger Olympus is designed as a stand-alone Shelter Deck, and the mermaid stored there, are the main
scenario. draw and last section of the scenario. From that point on
the investigation will go into a more action packed format,
KEEPER’S INFORMATION as they fight or attempt to avoid the creature and its spawn.
The scenario takes place on November 9th, 1921, in the Physical and Tool related skills are more used throughout
Gulf of Mexico, near a steamer cargo vessel called the the scenario, with investigators having to overcome the
Olympus, of which the location is about two days by ship dangers of the ship itself, and its contents. However, there
south-east of the Galveston Bay docks in Houston, Texas. are Social aspects as well, such as having to deal with the
The Olympus is an eight year old steam engine cargo crazed survivors, or contacting the Honorary. The pre-
ship, employed by Fielding Transport co., usually sailing made characters, presented at the end of the scenario,
between Houston and Havana, transporting cotton to- are specifically created to accommodate this structure,
and coffee beans from these two ports. On their way back but players are free to create their own characters as well.
to Houston, the crew of the Olympus found (what they Make sure to follow some of the guidelines in Appendix C
thought was) a mermaid adrift out at sea, and hoisted it regarding player characters.
aboard their ship. They radio’d their incredible find to It is also important to note that the Keeper does not
the Houston docks. Not knowing what to do with it, they need to have extensive knowledge of how a ship such as
put the mermaid somewhere inside, with their on-board this operates, as the location descriptions will help in
surgeon wanting to inspect it. The mermaid, a mutated describing how they function, and how the investigators
Deep One, is much larger than what the crew expected. can make use of them. The ship cannot become fully
It had already been dead for a while, killed by something operational, as some of its vital parts have been heavily
much worse. Within its stomach sits its killer: a deep sea damaged. The scenario explains and addresses the
creature called U’randyn, gorging itself on the eggs inside necessary ship functionality within each room. It is advised
the mermaid, and soon to be in the process of creating to not go into too much technical detail, but encouraged
a nest for itself on the ship. Disturbed by the crew, the to make things up as you go, based on player input. Slim
U’randyn sends out an ongoing high pitched sound chance the players are nautical experts afterall.
wave, undetectable to humans, to stun and confuse its
newfound prey. The crew goes mad due to this sound, due CONTENT WARNINGS
to the human body’s failure to cope with it, and one by Passenger Olympus has graphic descriptions of
one turn on each other within the span of a few days. A mutilation, murder and suicide. The madness described
last distorted and confusing transmission was sent before is a general term for the mental state that the characters
the ship went silent, prompting Fielding Transport co. to are going through, without intending to ridicule or alter
send out a vessel to intercept the Olympus. perception of the real life counterparts of similar mental
The scenario starts with the investigators arriving with Due to the nature of the madness being a silent ongoing
another ship, called the Honorary. From this ship they sound wave aboard the ship, the investigators themselves
have to paddle a rowboat to the Olympus during a harsh will most likely be inflicted by different stages of its effects,
storm, and start their investigation into what happened to impacting their play experience throughout the session.
the crew of the Olympus. Keepers must be aware of not taking away control or

agency from the player. Depending on the group you are
playing with, decrease or alter how this impacts their play
experience. If so inclined, remove the feature entirely.
Due to the location and time period of the scenario, as
written there are no female characters as crew on either
of the ships. However, the premade investigators do have
playable female characters to choose from. It is possible to
add female crew members on the Honorary, or add guests
or stowaways on the Olympus, using the stat blocks found
at the end of the scenario, should the Keeper wishes to.

The investigators will be exposed by the same high
pitched sound the crew of the Olympus went insane over.
Investigators will have to succeed on Power rolls at the
Keeper’s discretion throughout the scenario or gain a level
of Unhearable Madness. Its effects get more intense over
time, as the brain tries to cope with the sound through
false information and shutting down bodily functions.
Furthermore, people get more and more agitated as the
effects take hold. The things they see and hear will usually
have a negative connotation, such as a family member
telling them to hurt someone else because of something
small. NPC’s suffering from the effects are usually hostile,
confused, or knocked out. Only a few can still be reasoned
with. Have investigators roll whenever there’s roleplaying
opportunity, interesting scenario events, or when story
progress is made. The closer the investigators get to the
U’randyn, the more intense the sound becomes. Keep
track of players’ individual Unhearable Madness levels as
the scenario unfolds. Whenever a new level of madness is
gained by one of the investigators, consider introducing
the following examples.

Madness level:
1. Headaches, pressure in ear canal, crackling sound in
ear (annoyed).
2. Hears noises; people talking, footsteps that aren’t
there (suspicious).
3. Sees things; movement in the shadows, in peripheral
vision (paranoid).
4. Misunderstanding; Recounts or misremembers
wrong info through Keeper explanation (such as
names, objectives, etc.), has trouble reading or
interpreting scenes on low rolls (confused).
5. Edge case; Their body is stressed while near the
source of the unhearable madness. Sanity loss is
doubled, and physical activities might do one damage
if failed. People they know might appear and talk
to them in a negative manner, or familiar locations
might temporarily show themselves (angry).
6. Lessened Senses madness; The investigator’s body
does its best to shield it from harm. They gain a
penalty die on Spot Hidden and Listen rolls (enraged)
7. Deafness; Blood runs from their ears, as they become
deaf (crazed).
8. Coma; They fall to the ground, alive, but non-

S.S. HONORARY to let them take it with them. Think of a flare gun, a heavy
The steamer Honorary, led by Captain Jonathan rifle, or equipment the Honorary crew themselves might
Bishop, is a transport ship about two-thirds the size of need.
the Olympus. Though it’s not as fast as the Olympus, due Furthermore, investigators will probably want to talk
to its size it is more maneuverable. The Honorary was to the radio operator after receiving the first handout
sent by Fielding Transport co. to find out what happened from the captain. The radio operator of the Honorary is
to the crew and cargo of the Olympus. The investigators, able to pick up the broadcast signal from the Olympus,
along with a skeleton crew of 12 were summoned only the but it’s just a static. He does note that the static sounds
day before to go out to sea and survey the Olympus. interesting and different from what he’s used to. Like the
Though investigators aren’t expected to spend a lot of system has trouble interpreting the exact sound and is
time on this ship, the Keeper is to use the general layout constantly fluctuating.
of the Olympus deck plan for this ship as well, should Some of the crew are on the front section of the Shelter
specific locations have to be shown or mentioned. Deck, shining a large spotlight on the side of the Olympus.
If the investigators talk to the crew, they seem weirded out
MEETING WITH JONATHAN BISHOP about the whole thing. They haven’t seen any movement
on the Olympus, and rumors of mermaids dragging sailors
The crew of the Honorary and investigators had been
out into the sea have gone around. These sailors want no
summoned just the day before. They were to find the
part in a rescue operation and will stay on the Honorary.
Olympus out at sea, homing in on what should be the
current location of the ship. After about a day of travel on
the Honorary, the investigators, so far only having heard
about the Olympus not responding anymore, and having A winch, operated by one of the Mates of the Honorary,
sent communications two days ago about having found a lowers the Work Boat into the water. The investigators
mermaid. Currently the Honorary is next to the Olympus, can climb down the side of the ship using a rope ladder,
out at sea, but dares not to come closer as a storm has to get to the Work Boat. The Work Boat itself is simple,
picked up, moving the Olympus about in unpredictable but sturdy. Up to eight people can fit snugly on it. It’s
ways. specifically designed for rough waters, and has plenty of
Captain Jonathan Bishop sits with the investigators hand-holds should the wind and rain pose a bigger threat.
in the Officer’s Day Room when the scenario starts. The two heavy oars are fastened to the side of the boat
Rain is hitting the windows of this office in waves, as the itself, and can be rotated to the side to make transportation
wind carries it along. A few of the captain’s titles and to and from the Honorary easier. Large compartments in
pictures hang on the wall, showing Great War awards the front and back of the boat protect contents from water
and memorabilia, a few old transport contracts, pictures damage.
of crewmembers, and a baseball trophy. The room smells The salt smell of the sea is strong here as cold waves hit
of wet wood, cigars and ink. A large desk stands in the and splash over the boat. Cold rain keeps pouring down,
center, overflowing with shipment ledgers, communiques seemingly from all directions and lightning is flashing
and other work related documentation. The captain sits amidst the dark grey clouds. The waves and wind tug
on a comfortable leather chair, while the investigators sit the boat back and forth, as the rain seems to hit from all
at the other end of the table on creaking wooden chairs possible angles.
not meant for long term seating. The Olympus can be seen A crack of lightning zigzags down onto the top of the
from the office window as well, drifting in the open waters. Olympus. For a second it’s illuminated as sparks fly up
The captain hands the investigators the Communique and debris rains down. The lightning strike hits the Top
with the Houston Office (Handout 1). Captain of Wheel House section of the ship, causing a lot of
Wayne Brennan of the Olympus is a longtime personal damage.
friend of his. He asks them to find out what happened to The investigator rowing the boat should succeed
his friend. He’s sure that, if he’s still there, Wayne can on a Pilot (Boat) roll to move it out of the way of the
help them out. He then tells them that the investigators falling debris. Should they fail, a sharp chunk avoids the
are to take the work boat from the Honorary and row over investigators but cuts through the boats floor, creating a
to the Olympus. They should be able to attach it to the large leak, and having the boat sink after a few minutes
rope ladders near the Accommodation Ladder of the of making it to the Olympus. Other than this they should
Olympus, and climb on board. have a relatively safe journey to the Olympus as the waves
Should the investigators ask for it, be sure to have and weather is harch, but not impossible to navigate
Bishop give them the Olympus Crew Complement currently.
(Handout 11) as well. Later on in the scenario, when the harsh weather picks
up even more, rowing the boat across the water could
ABOARD THE HONORARY prove to be more treacherous though. See Escaping the
The investigators might want to stock up on weaponry, Olympus.
medicine, or other supplies. For example there are
flashlights, flares and engineering tools that the Honorary
crew is willing to hand over to the investigators. For
any specific, expensive, or out there request have the
investigators roll Persuade to convince crew members

The S.S. Olympus has been in service
for the past five years, starting out
as a transport vessel for parts and
machinery during the Great War. After
the war, Captain Wayne Brennan
took ownership of the Olympus and
started sailing between Houston and
Havana under contract of Fielding
Transport co., transporting general
goods such as coffee and cotton. The
ship is new, hardly damaged, and
most of its inner workings were fully
operational before the scenario’s
Currently the ship has only minimal
power. Lights on the deck outside
and inside the quarters flicker on
and off, machinery doesn’t function,
the engine itself has been blown out
due to overuse, and part of the ship
has been on fire leading to some of
the rooms becoming no more than a
black husk.
The Olympus sways back and
forth due to the bad weather, which
because of the constantly fluctuating power source.
could lead to physical activities being more difficult to
Investigators might also use a tool to wedge open the
perform. Due to the ship moving around with the waves,
doors enough for a person to squeeze through. When the
the Honorary has to adjust position to keep next to it
hatches are opened, they reveal ladders running down
constantly. The crew of the Honorary do their best to
that are bolted into the floor on either side. Investigators
stay out of the way of the Olympus, only getting closer
falling down into one of the cargo holds gain 2D8 damage.
if absolutely necessary and if communicated to them
Heavy metal doors with cranks in the center connect each
of the cargo holds with each other. Once on the floor, an
investigator can move from hold to hold with minimal
Harsh rain and wind hit the deck hard. Visibility is Inside Cargo Holds three and four are hundreds of
difficult, but the crew from the Honorary tries to shine a stacked crates filled with coffee beans placed on pallets,
spotlight to illuminate one side of the Olympus. Whenever while the others are currently empty. The pallets have
they do, it illuminates whatever they’re aiming at, but large hooks on them which connect in the center, making
also creates long dark shadows. On the wall (outside or it easy for a crane to lift it up. Even with the sealed doors,
inside) investigators can find a Map of the Olympus the smell of coffee beans is hard to miss when above or
(Handout 2) behind a glass pane. This can easily be below the Cargo bays.
opened up or broken to retrieve the map. Also, when the
investigators are inside somewhere, in an office area, or SHELTER DECK FRONT CABINS
higher ranking crew member’s quarters, let them find Sturdy wooden doors lead to an indoor area with a low
The Olympus Crew Complement (Handout 11) if wooden ceiling. The room is warm because of a small
they don’t already have it. heater placed against the wall, and the doors keeping out
The floor has a thin layer of rainwater flowing from side most of the draft. Simple round light bulbs are fastened
to side as the ship keeps bobbing around. Fire damage can in the walls, but flicker on and off as the ship rocks about.
be seen on the outside of the southern Storage, Carpenter Each time they switch off, the sound of unsteady electricity
and 2nd Assistant Engineer rooms, as soot has blackened can be heard.
sections of the walls and windows. There are few dried up blood splatters and drag marks
leading up to the door outside. This is from the First
Officer killing the Quartermaster after a disagreement
Large closed metal double doors sit on the floor of the a few days ago. The cabins themselves feature simple bunk
ship. Standing next to them are cranes connecting thick beds and closets. The lockers have some work clothing
cables to the door latches. A winch is connected to the and equipment inside of them, such as flashlights,
lower end of the cranes, which can normally be used to screwdrivers, cleaning towels and gloves. A small notepad
open the doors. They don’t currently work, as overall with the Quartermaster’s Notes (Handout 4) can be
power on the ship is malfunctioning. found in one of the cabins.
If power is restored, the cranes work sporadically. Even One of the cabin doors is locked. The Captain’s Master
if they can fully open the doors, they do this reluctantly Key, or a successful Strength or Locksmith roll opens

it up, revealing Armorer Itsuji Saito’s room. A bed and the Hospital for convenience. The door is locked, but
closet sit against the far wall. A large footlocker sits under someone has been trying to open it by force before. The
the bed. Inside are three sticks of dynamite, smuggled area near the lock is bashed in. The door can be opened
on the ship by Saito “should he ever need them”. The by force with a successful Strength roll, or the lock can
room also features a small private workbench which has a be disassembled using Locksmith. Tools such as a
number of tools stored inside. Two thin pipes and a metal screwdriver can make this a bit easier.
hacksaw lie on the counter, remnants of him sawing off There’s a desk with a chair, and a cupboard. A small
part of the shotgun he was using. round window sits above the bed, the only source of light
coming from it, as the lightbulb doesn’t seem to work.
The cupboard is filled with books on medical expertise.
A number of lights fitted into the floor and a large crane/
A successful roll of Library Use could help find a book
pulley system, with heavy rolled up chains around it,
on a specific medical procedure or condition. Should the
called a Windlass, are positioned in the center of this area.
investigators look into it, they can find the symptoms of
The lights have a switch on the side. When pulled they
what is happening to them, with a book explaining that
switch on with a loud click, but then just as fast switch
it is often a part of shellshock or the brain protecting the
off again as the power on the ship isn’t enough to sustain
body from harm.
them. The Windlass currently isn’t connected to anything,
There is a binder on the desk. Inside it are medical
and also doesn’t work due to the lack of power.
records of all the crewmates, of which no abnormalities
LOUNGE AND PASSENGER ROOMS can be found. There are also a few notes on recent cases
A large wooden door leads into a hallway up to a the Surgeon had to deal with, including a rushed note
Lounge. Engraved in the door at eye height is the word talking about the killed Quartermaster.
“Passengers”. The lounge features a large brown sofa and HOSPITAL
two dark leather seats surrounding a round table, with on
The Hospital door is slightly ajar and reveals a small room
it a book on fishing carp called “The Right Tool for the
lit with a white blinking light. A rotting stench hangs in
Job”. Since the mermaid was placed in the Mess Hall of
the hallway around it. Inside the room is a wall sized
the aft section of the Shelter Deck, none of the sailors
mirror with a bed in front of it. Hanging on the walls is
wanted to sleep there anymore. The Captain had them use
an eye test and a certificate that says “Board of Medical
these Passenger rooms instead. These rooms are much
Examiners” addressed to and signed by “Jonah Porter”.
cleaner and feature larger, more luxurious beds than
A small wooden table stands next to the bed. On it lies a
most of the other rooms around the ship. Pictures and
blood covered tin with an extracted rifle bullet. A scalpel,
drawings of different ships and a Picture of the Crew
scissors, and a few other tools are also scattered around.
(Handout 3) are hanging in nice frames on the walls.
On the bed lies the dead Quartermaster, Walter
Lighting and heating is nicely integrated in the walls, with
Simons; shot once in his gut, and once in the throat.
most of the electrical components hidden. Beds used by
Seeing the body provokes a Sanity roll (0/1D3 loss). A
the crew are unmade, and clothing is strewn over the floor
successful First Aid shows he’s been dead for at least four
of the Passenger rooms. Some extra mattresses have been
days, as the blood has dried up, and the body has started
placed on the ground, taken from their previous quarters.
decomposing, which includes the smell. The Surgeon
It looks lived in. On a small table in one of the rooms the
brought him here after the Quartermaster was shot by
Bosun’s Diary (Handout 5) can be found.
the First Officer, but could do little for him.
Heavy breathing can be heard from one of the
bathrooms. Facing the toilet is Rupert Elroy,
the Master’s Mate - with a level 7 madness.
He’s frothing at the mouth, and his clothes are
torn and body scarred. In his hand he holds a
fish skinning knife, and attacks anyone he sees
in a fit of rage. He’s deaf due to his madness,
but might see the investigators in the mirror
he’s facing, if they take too long to take action
or get out of sight.
This section features cold metallic walls and
doors. Rooms have a circular window looking
out, which is in most cases closed. The heavy
doors leading into it have no windows, and
are opened by rotating a large metal crank.
Once inside, most of the noise from outside is
softened, making it easier to speak and hear.
The doors inside are heavy wood and feature
normal handles and locks.
The Surgeon’s bedroom is placed close to

COAL HATCHES ran to the Armory. He rigged the shotgun as a last line
The Coal Hatches have a downward opening door on the of defence, as he couldn’t hold it anymore due to blood
outside of the ship. The chute runs down into the Coal loss. He bled out days ago after being stabbed in the gut.
Bunkers in the Hold. A successful Climb roll lets He now sits in a circle of dried blood which has stained
investigators climb up or down the chute without hurting and colored his vest and pants. The metallic taste of blood
themselves. Failing this, or otherwise falling down the hangs in the air in this small room.
chute requires a Constitution roll (1D3/1D8 loss). Two weapon racks and a chest stand against the walls
CHIEF ENGINEER ROOM of the room which normally store most of the crew’s
weaponry. There isn’t a lot left after the ship’s crew
Three engineer rooms are placed next to each other. The
ransacked it the moment they started distrusting each
Chief Engineer room’s door is open. The lock has been
other. A successful Mechanical Repair or Luck roll
shot out by the Coal Heavers, leaving a shotgun blasted
dismantles the shotgun from its rig (it still has 3 shells).
hole as a result. The room itself has been ransacked, with
Failing on this roll accidentally fires the weapon, targeting
books, clothing and bedding strewn across the floor.
anyone standing in front of it. A .22 Bolt-Action Rifle (8
FIRST ASSISTANT ENGINEER ROOM bullets), .38 Revolver (12 bullets in total) and two Carving
The door leading to the room next to it is closed, but open. Knives (Medium) can be found in the room.
It too has a large shotgun blast hole in the door, this time STORAGE
missing the lock itself. A few smaller holes penetrate the
The one remaining Storage has all manner of ship parts
door as the First Assistant Engineer shot back at the
and foodstuffs stored away in large crates, barrels, and
Coal Heavers with his revolver. A blood splatter can
hanging on the walls and ceiling. Shovels, pickaxes, thick
be seen on the Boiler Hatch wall, as one of the bullets
rope, cables, nets, bread, potatoes, wine, water, etc. A
struck the shoulder of a Coal Heaver. The bed inside the
warm smell of wood from many of the materials is mixed
room is trashed because of the shotgun blast. But other
with a strangely salty smell from the food preservatives
than that, it isn’t that remarkable, with basic furnishings
and the alcoholic tang coming from the barrels.
placed inside. An Engineering To Do List (Handout
Investigators can probably find specific equipment and
6) can be found on the table inside the room.
food in this room with a successful Luck roll.
One of the showers is still dripping water, with one of its
The Coal Heavers set these rooms alight shortly
water pipes bent and burst. The echoing sound of trickling
before they were locked up in the Boiler Room by the
water echoes around the shower area.
Engineers. With the ongoing panic aboard the ship, not
The other shower has a puddle of blood in the center,
many people helped out in dealing with the fire, leading
with 3 human teeth, from one of the crew.
to these rooms, and everything inside them, turning to
ash. Only the metallic walls remain relatively undamaged. UPTAKE
Being close to these burnt out rooms forces Constitution The Uptake is a smoke funnel leading from the Boiler
rolls. Over time as the investigators stay there, they Room up to the chimney Stack on the top of the ship. Next
inhale the smoke from the second check onwards (0/1D2 to the funnel are a number of dials for pressure, heat and
damage). toxicity and a plaque with general repair information.
Caught in the fiery blaze was Sailor Doug Stuart, who
was hiding in the Storage room when he heard gunshots.
Now he’s an unrecognizable blackened body leaning on The Galley is the cooking station of the ship. Two large
a destroyed crate. Seeing his body forces a Sanity roll stoves and an oven sit against the far wall, while tools,
(1/1D6 loss). appliances, pots and pans are stored in the cabinets on
the opposite side. A large pot stands boiling on one of the
ARMORY stoves which is still switched on. From the pot comes a
The door to this room is locked. The Captain’s Master Key rancid smell, that you can almost taste, of rotting meat.
can be used to open it though. A successful Locksmith Foodstuffs and human fluids mix and litter the ground,
roll, or a successful Hard Strength roll opens the door while streaks of blood are sprayed against the back wall.
as the investigator bashes through it. Attached to the door On top of a cabinet lies what remains of the Purser,
is a wire leading to a rigged 20-Gauge Shotgun, aimed at Alexander Fillman. The two cooks, in their madness,
the opening. When the door is about halfway opened, it cut off one of his arms, chopped it up into chunks, and put
fires in the general direction. Investigators standing in it in the pot that’s currently boiling. If an investigator is
the doorway and its line of sight must succeed on a Hard to inspect the boiling pot, they notice a few boiled fingers
Dodge roll (0/2d6 damage). and bones floating on the surface. They are forced to roll
Bullets of all kinds lie scattered throughout the room. Sanity (1/1d4 loss).
Some of the ammo boxes have fallen, but most of it has Sitting on the ground, among the filth, is Cook
been used or looted already. Investigators can do a one William Jackson, one of the Purser’s killers. Every once
time Luck roll to see if they can scrounge together 1D6 in a while William spasms and moves a little. William is
bullets of their chosen weapon. at level 8 madness and in a coma, and cannot wake up
Slumped on the ground, with his back against the corner during the scenario.
of the back wall, is Geraldo Lopez the Carpenter. Should the investigators look for usable weapons here,
Geraldo had a scuffle with another crew member and there are Small, Medium, and Large kitchen knives here,

and a few of the pans could be used as a Small Club. days before, and tried to get to the room below when he
couldn’t open the doors, somehow knowing it to be the
source of the sound. Neither the crew member or their
The First Officer’s bedroom is a mess. The circular window
pickaxe can be found though. The Docking Bridges are
in the back of the room has been smashed inward, spilling
small balconies, used to view the sides of the ship, usually
glass shards all over the floor, done by one of the crew
used when docking or interacting with other ships.
during a bout of madness. Wind and rain constantly
spill inside, making the carpeted floor a soggy mess. The
bed has been cracked in half and the sheets and pillows
lie ripped to shreds on the ground. Small feathers lie Rain hits the metal floor, walls and railing hard, making it
throughout the room. This was done by the First Officer difficult to hear much. Water washes over the ground and
Davey McAllister himself when an apparition of his falls down the sides past the barriers. Most of the rooms
mother started ordering him to do so. have large square windows, except for the Storage,
A desk stands on one end of the room. A picture of the Battery Room, and Captain’s Bathroom. The metal
First Officer and his wife stands in one corner. In one doors leading inside are sturdy to keep out the weather.
drawer two .32 bullets and the First Officer’s Diary A heavy gasoline powered blowtorch leans on one of the
(Handout 7) can be found. walls. It was used to seal the doors to the back cabins of
the Shelter Deck, but the engineers, but left on the deck
MESS HALL after their escape attempt. Due to the rain the blowtorch
Three large dining tables are spread out over the room doesn’t always work properly anymore. Whenever an
with barely enough room for all the simple wooden chairs investigator attempts to use it, they must succeed on
to be placed around them. About 24 people can sit here a Luck roll, or the blowtorch refuses to work at that
snuggly at the same time. A number of seats on one table moment.
have plates with half eaten potatoes on them. In one of The south side of the Boat Deck is partially burnt. The
the seats, hunched over with his face on his plate sits the floor and railings are safe enough, but the two lifeboats
Sailor Dirk Buchanan, killed by the Chief Cook. In there barely hang on their supports and could fall down
Dirk’s back sticks a large kitchen knife. Next to Dirk, on on the lower deck should some force be applied to the
the floor, lies the Sailor Maba, currently in a coma, at hooks and winches holding on to them.
times spasming, with a slight trickle of spit running down One of the northern lifeboats is gone. The hooks are
his cheek. lowered, showing someone managed to use it to escape.
In the corner of the room sits the Chief Cook Hector A few days ago Bosun George Cromwell, Bosun’s
García sobbing and whispering to himself. Hector is at Mate Patrick Kotabe, and Sailor Eduard Matos,
level 7 of the madness, and can’t hear anything. He’s been each having only 3 levels of madness, managed to flee the
tormented by visions for the past few days, and hasn’t ship using one of the lifeboats, knowing something on the
slept at all. He’s not immediately violent, unless he feels ship was affecting them.
threatened. He tells the investigators he killed people but Another lifeboat hangs halfway down the ship, hanging
doesn’t know why. on only one of the supports. As First Assistant Engineer
SHELTER DECK BACK CABINS OUTSIDE Russel Kovac and Second Assistant Engineer
Rodolfo Montalà, were in the process of lowering the
This area houses the mermaid and the creature inside it.
boat, Armorer Itsuji Saito shot the winch with his
If the investigators somehow get in this room, refer to the
weapon, partially releasing the boat in one go, thinking
Confrontation chapter.
they were responsible for all the things happening on
The cabins section on the back of the ship is a squat
the ship. With the support in front loosening, the two
wooden structure enforced by vertical metal beams and
engineers were launched into the ocean and drowned.
pipes running alongside it. It has no windows. The two
An extreme heat can be felt near the Stack, the chimney
heavy metal doors leading inside have to be unlocked with
of the ship, with at times even a few small licks of flame
a crank, much like those in the Shelter Deck Center
and black smoke erupting from it as the Coal Heavers
Section. However, the crank from one of the doors
are still feeding it downstairs.
seems to be missing, tossed out into the sea by one of the
A fortified window looking up, of which the inside of the
engineers. If the investigators manage to dismantle a crank
shaft runs down to the Upper Deck engine area. It has
from another door, they can use it on this door instead.
a number of pipes and machinery running up the walls
The other crank is welded to the door itself. Investigators
on the inside. To break through the fortified windows
will need to succeed on an Extreme Strength roll to
needs a successful Strength roll with a sharp tool, such
crack the welding work and turn the crank.
as a pickaxe or crowbar. Investigators can climb down the
TOP OF AFTER HOUSE shaft, using the pipes and machinery with a successful
This section of the ship is ruined. The Steering Gear is Climb roll. Failing this, or otherwise falling down the
smashed to pieces, the Compass is bent and broken, and chute requires a Constitution roll (1d3/1D8 loss).
the lights are shattered, showing only little red pulses OFFICE
every once in a while. The metal floor has dents and holes
This area smells unused and fresh, compared to most of
from someone hitting it with a pickaxe. None of the holes
the ship. Pictures of the ship, and some of the crew and
penetrate to the ceiling of the room below it though.
family hang on the walls, though it’s unclear who’s who.
Due to the rain, they’ve filled up with water, creating a
A large square wooden table stands in the center. A few
soggy mess inside. One of the crew got hold of a pickaxe

dirty coffee cups roll around on the floor. On the wall is able to send and receive signals. It also features a
hangs a large Picture of the Crew (Handout 3). number of connection cables and sockets, similar to a
telephone operator, with which it can connect to different
parts of the ship. Currently this is impossible though, as
This room is nicely carpeted and has a faint smell of
the U’randyn’s sound makes it impossible to connect to
aftershave. In front of the window looking out stands a
any other part. Putting a connector in a different socket
large dark brown desk with next to it a filing cabinet, a
simply generates the same static noise from before.
trash bin, a safe, and a comfortable chair.
A separate radio and speaker phone are connected to it
A typewriter, a few pens, some paperwork and a pair of
by wires, both of which are currently lying on the desk.
glasses sit on the desk. Most of the paperwork consists of
To understand the machine’s functionality and usage,
contracts and goods manifestos. The most recent goods
investigators will need to succeed on an Intellect roll or
manifesto sits on top of the pile, displaying information
appropriate skill.
on what the ship brought from Havana. This is currently a
A high pitched static can be heard from the radio
large shipment of coffee beans.
phone without needing to be close to it. This sound is
The safe’s door is slightly opened. There is nothing
what the machine picks up from the creature below. If
an investigator decides to put the speaker near their ear
STORAGE to listen, they believe they hear Captain Jonathan
This storage area has a few boxes stacked on top of each Bishop tell them to get back to the Honorary. When
other. Much of what is stored here are spare clothes, they listen again, try to talk back using the phone, or have
cleaning supplies and spare materials to repair sections someone else listen as well, it is instead just static. If they
of the ship such as chains, rope, hooks, nets. The room at some point realize that it might not have been Bishop
isn’t used often, as there’s a layer of dust on both the at all, have the investigator do a Sanity roll (1/1D3 loss).
ground and most of the crates. Investigators can find The transmitter can be switched off using a large power
these general items by opening up a number of crates. For switch on its side. It can also be used to search for signals,
anything specific they will need to succeed on a Luck roll. though the high pitched static seems to interfere with it
A successful Spot Hidden roll notices that some of even if successful. An investigator trying to connect to
the dust has recently been disturbed. Hiding behind one an outside radio source, such as the Honorary, will need
of the larger crates, in the back of the storage room, sits to succeed on a Hard Luck, Mechanical Repair, or
Radio Operator Constance Brooks. He’s currently at Electrical Repair roll.
level 6 madness and is constantly talking about how the CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS
radio talks to him.
The door leading into the captain’s quarters smashes
BATTERY ROOM closed and opens as waves of wind pass through it. The
This room has no windows. The thick metal door needs lock has been shot out, leaving a large shotgun blast sized
to be opened using an orange lever. Next to the lever is a hole in its place. The Captain’s Office is wet with rain
small square sign showing a lightning bolt. continuously being blown in.
The inside of the room is cramped. A constant hum can On top of the soggy carpet stands a fancy wooden desk.
be heard coming from the big rectangular chunk of metal On the desk, amidst the captain’s now ruined contractual
standing on the other end of the room. Different meters papers, lies the deceased Armorer Itsuji Saito in a pool
and switches move about, while cables run through the of blood - shot in the heart by the captain. Investigators
walls and floor. A few holes puncture the machine itself, seeing the aftermath of this firefight need to succeed on a
causing it to malfunction. With a successful Electrical Sanity roll (0/1D3 loss). Still clutched in his right hand is
Repair roll, an investigator can reroute some of the a 12-gauge Shotgun (2B sawed off) with one shell inside.
functions, sending out a steady flow of power again. Lights A wooden door leads to the captain’s room. A bed,
won’t malfunction as much, and most of the equipment nightstand and closet stand on one side of the room. On
here and the deck above will partially work again. the nightstand lies the Captain’s Logbook (Handout
On the wall is a small instruction pamphlet on how 9). On the other side of the room stands a small round
to switch on and off this machine. It also shows what table with a bottle of half finished liquor and a whiskey
it is connected to, which boils down to a number of glass. Next to the table stands a large comfortable living
topside functions, like the radio room, lights and some room chair. In it sits what remains of Captain Wayne
of the information dials on the bridge above. Switching Brennan. He shot himself with his .41 Revolver after
the battery machine off stops these from functioning having fended off the Armorer, and not being able to deal
completely. with his personal madness anymore. The revolver lies on
the ground and still has 4 bullets in its chambers. On the
floor next to it lies the Master Key which can open up all
A simple desk and chair stand against one of the walls of doors on the ship. A large splatter of blood sits on the wall
the room. A clock hangs on the wall. A Communique behind the chair. This gruesome sight requires a Sanity
Notepad (Handout 8), placed on the desk, lists some roll (0/1D4 loss).
of the real and not so real messages the radio operator The Captain’s Bathroom has a small stained one
picked up and wrote down before he went to hide in the person bath with a boiler next to it, a square mirror, and
Storage Room. some basic hygiene supplies such as a toothbrush and a
Next to the desk stands a large apparatus with dials and shaving razor.
interconnected machinery inside. This large transmitter

FLYING BRIDGE The Officer’s Day Room features two desks opposing
The rain hits even harder on this deck, as it splashes off each other. A strange iron statue of a sitting humanoid
and runs down the large square windows around the creature sits on one desk. See The Artefact. The
building. Though it’s dark inside, it’s not difficult to look Captain and his First Officer had taken the artefact
in, revealing a relatively undisturbed area. The two metal from the mermaid’s hands when they hoisted it on the
doors leading into the bridge section also have large ship, and brought it here for inspection. A closet with
windows in them. some of the captain’s memorabilia is placed against one
The bridge itself has a large steering wheel and wall. It features a miniature steamer on a pedestal, a
controls, and a telephone connected to the Radio Room picture of some family members, some dice, a cigar case
downstairs. If the connectors in the radio room are put set and lighter, and a pair of boxing gloves.
in the correct socket, the telephone generates the same THE ARTEFACT
static noise. The ship itself is mostly dead in the water.
The artefact is a statue the size of a person’s head, in the
Rotating the wheel, or altering the speed or other levers
form of a slumped over Mi-Go. Why the mermaid had
don’t do anything, as the engine itself has been blown to
it in its hands is unclear. Investigators recognize the
pieces. Dials and information displays don’t show any
creature depicted with a successful Cthulhu Mythos
data, or are constantly fluctuating. Anyone with any kind
roll, but won’t be able to find out what function it has. The
of repair skill, who takes a minute to check out this area
statue itself doesn’t do anything and has no otherworldly
can see that the ship can’t be operated from here, and that
or magical properties, but it can be used to enhance
there’s nothing wrong with the controls itself, but rather
the imagination of the players and investigators. If the
the engine and power supply.
investigators have one or more levels of Unhearable
The Chart Room has a single square table in the
Madness, play it up as if they can see the statue move and
center with a number of maps spread out on top of each
speak, or that they hear its voice in their mind. The statue
other, and some rolled up. Pencils, measuring tools, and
might give wrong advice such as that the other ship’s
a compass sit on one of the maps. All of the maps depict
crew is already dead, or that there’s a traitor among the
different sailing paths throughout the Gulf of Mexico,
investigators, willing to take out the others and take with
and near some of the docks this ship seems to frequent.
them the secret of what has happened here.
Though there are some notes one some of the maps,
nothing of interest is displayed on them.

TOP OF WHEEL HOUSE be cooled by the ship’s cold air venting system running
A fenced off roof section acts as the highest point of the behind it through its pipes. When the engine ran as hot
ship, next to the chimney close to it. Heavy rain clatters as it did, the meat was the first to rot. Stuck in this sealed
on the flat roof, and flies off over the sides with every room, its contents had no way to vent, leading to a rotten
crash of water that hits the ship below. A thunderstorm smell of meat and salt preserves that makes your eyes
flashes above showing sparks of lightning between sets of water.
clouds. The search light, compass and engineer telephone When the investigators open the door, have them roll
are fried due to a recent strike of lightning. Investigators for Constitution (0/1 damage) as the pungent smell is
can piece this together with a successful Intellect roll, or carried out.
other appropriate skill. ICE MACHINE ROOM
Should the investigators stay here for too long, an
This room features a large machine hooked up to internal
electric strike might hit again, killing them instantly. If
tubes. On the pull of a lever it normally spits out small
the investigators stand here for more than 5 minutes,
chunks of ice which land in a metal container on the floor.
have them roll Luck. If at least half of them fail, lightning
Fishermen use this to preserve the fish they caught for
hits the rooftop for 4D10 damage, hitting anyone standing
longer periods of time. Due to the heat, the container
only has a shallow layer of lukewarm water. Pulling the
lever on the side of the machine forces a few sputters of
UPPER DECK lukewarm water, rather than ice.
Metal stairs go from the Shelter Deck to the Upper
Deck - every step down echoing throughout the corridor. HOLD
The central room is a wide open space pitched in darkness. The metal stairs leading down into the Hold’s Boiler
A lone little light sits in the center of the ceiling, but only Room are covered by thick round hatches with a crank.
periodically flickers on for a second before dimming The Engineers have bent and stuck metal rods through
again. Cables and pipes run along the sides, blistering hot them to keep the hatches from being opened from the
to the touch. This whole deck is hot. Being here for a few other side. The rods can be removed quite easily, but
minutes makes you sweat. It’s almost as if the ship itself they’ve kept the Coal Heavers from going topside.
is sweating as well, as hot droplets of condensation drip When near the hatches leading to the Boiler Room,
from pipe to pipe and floor. the yelling and praying of the Coal Heavers can be
The Coal Heavers downstairs are still adding more coal heard pretty well, though not understood due to the fury
to the fire constantly, which can be felt coming through grinding noise from the Boilers.
the floor. With a successful Listen roll, investigators can The Hold is even hotter than the Upper Deck, as the
hear their yelling and praying coming from the Boiler three boilers keep on burning. Investigators here for longer
Room downstairs. than 10 minutes need to succeed on a Constitution roll
(0/1D3) as the heat puts enormous pressure on their
This room features a large workbench with all manner of
repair tools, from a blowtorch, to screwdrivers and tape. STEAM ENGINE
On the walls are a few wooden racks with small plastic The engine of the ship is composed of a number of
containers containing screws and the like. Investigators interconnected systems, many of which are non-
should be able to find generic repair equipment here. This functional at the moment. You’d expect this room to be
used to be where the engineers would repair ship parts loud, but the only grinding noise is coming from the back
that didn’t need fixing on location. wall, near the Boilers.
The Condenser, which can normally be used to
regulate temperature, is a large light grey tube with pipes
The storage room on this floor smells of rusted old metal. flowing in and from it. Small displays with readings show
Surprisingly the soft white light bar on the wall still works, everything to be at zero.
lighting the whole room evenly from one end. Stored here The Steam Engine itself is a large chunk of square
are mostly parts used by the engineers to repair different metal, featuring dials, vents, pipes, cranks and levers.
ship machinery and functions. Eight large crates are It’s readings also show everything to currently be at zero
placed near each other. Each of them filled to the brim performance.
with cogwheels, chains, pipes, connectors, levers, and The Generator is a half circle metallic structure,
more. seemingly embedded into the floor. When it’s normally
VEGETABLE ROOM powered, a cog spins around inside, generating energy
Due to the heat, the racks of crated vegetables along the for the ship’s engines and supporting systems, such as the
wall have started rotting. A horrible smell like that of dead cargo doors.
plants, coupled with the high temperature, forces its way BOILER ROOM
into your nostrils. All the vegetables are soggy and nasty. The only light sources in this room are coming from the
Grabbing on to a carrot squishes it to mush. It’s obvious Boilers, as they bake everything in a red hot color. Lights
this room was never meant to be this hot. have stopped working altogether here due to the heat, and
MEAT LOCKER natural light can’t get to this location.
A heavy metal door opened with a red lever, stands at The Boilers themselves are like large semicircle
the end of the Vegetable Room. This freezer used to furnaces, reaching up into the ceiling. A feeding tray

of sorts in front of the Boilers holds debris and coal
remains. The different little meters attached to the boilers
have either cracked or are constantly displaying the
maximum amount.
The four Coal Heavers that roam this area have gone
insane, and have miraculously survived together during
all this time since they were locked up by the engineers.
They’ve tried several times to climb up the coal shafts,
and have tried destroying the doors to the deck above, but
to no avail. They share similar aspects of their madness,
where they feel like they are being watched by a fire god.
The now deceased Chief Engineer, Jacobus van
Aalderen, has been strapped to the central Boiler using
chains. There’s not much left of his body, other than his
bones and scorched flesh, burnt away by the heat coming
from the Boilers.
The Coal Heavers aren’t in that great a state either,
suffering from the seventh level of madness and an extreme
case of heat stroke. Scorched black by coal and heat, with
their skin peeling off showing red flesh underneath. They
carry their shovels and chains, constantly praying to
the Boilers, feeding it more and more coal, and in turn
heating up the room and ship. In their madness they’ve
managed to keep the U’randyn at bay though, as it wants
to steer clear of the heat as much as possible.
Piles of coal sit on the back walls of these corridors. Two
of the piles are nearly empty, having been used up by the
heavers these last few days. The other two still have quite
a bit in them - enough for the heavers to keep going for
another day or two.
A long circular tunnel leads to the back of the ship,
running below the Cargo Holds. The investigators
cannot stand upright inside it, and can pass each other.
The heat coming from the Boilers is horrible in this tight
squeeze. It’s walls are burning hot to the touch.
The tunnel leads to an open area in between the cargo
hold and ship engine rotor. This open area has a ladder
leading up to the Upper Deck, to the cargo hold above,
and even further up to the Shelter Deck into the back
Mess Hall, where it opens up to a small hatch in the

CONFRONTATION attacking. Should the investigators go on a rampage,
What happens when the investigators find the mermaid destroying warts, then read The U’randyn Awaken.
The investigators can get into the cabin section at THE U’RANDYN AWAKEN
the back of the ship in a number of ways. They could’ve There are a number of ways this scene could play out.
forcefully opened one of the heavy doors, managed to The investigators could destroy a number of the warts,
find a crank to fit on one of the heavy doors, or climbed could read the medical examination, open up or attack
through the Tunnel Escape and came out of a small the mermaid to see what’s inside, set the room alight or
hatch in the back of the Mess Hall. make a run for it. Investigators might attempt to blow up,
or set alight this section of the ship using dynamite or a
SHELTER DECK BACK CABINS INSIDE blowtorch. If they are aware of the U’randyn, or if they are
This area reeks of rotting flesh and wood. Dark green doing their best not to disturb the scene, such as when
mossy growth has spread over almost every surface, placing dynamite in certain spots, have the investigators
spreading from the mess hall. Cabbage sized black warts roll Stealth, to see if they accidentally step on one of the
sit amidst the moss on the walls and ceiling. Rain pours warts, have their leg crash through the soft floor, or push
in from the sides and drips through the ceiling. The metal over a loud object. All this can start the final segment of
floor above this area had been penetrated by a pickaxe. the scenario, where the investigators are confronted by
Now the rainwater pours through the holes and into this the U’randyn and its offspring.
area’s ceiling. Once triggered, the mother U’randyn stretches its
The wooden walls of this inner section have started spider legs upwards, out of the mermaid’s stomach, places
cracking and splitting. The interior of all the rooms has them to the sides of it on the table, and lifts the rest of its
rotten away, leaving only vague reminders of what was body out of the mermaid. It sends out a screech, signaling
once a bed, closet or chair. Every wood surface feels soft the warts to open up, revealing a few hundred smaller
and wet to the touch as the heat and dampness affects it. versions of itself. The mother U’randyn and its children
Slowly everything becomes mush. attack and attempt to kill any who are close to them, but
In the center of the room stands a large rectangular are slowed by intense heat from the lower sections of the
dining table. On it lies the massive mermaid creature, as ship.
if waiting to be dissected. It too has been affected by the FIGHTING THE U’RANDYN
moss, but not as badly as its surroundings. The mermaid Fighting the mother U’randyn is dangerous, but not
mostly looks malnourished rather than rotting. It’s mouth impossible. It can latch onto the walls and ceiling using its
is agape, its eyes blank, and its stomach swollen. A large spider legs, and can poison attackers with its stinger. It is
and deep vertical cut runs over its stomach. however easily distracted by heat or flanking maneuvers.
Clinging on the floor, walls and ceiling are five hardly Its children are a bigger problem, moving about as a large
recognizable human corpses embedded into the moss and group. Getting rid of them is much more difficult as the
torn to shreds. There is little left of them, as if they had investigators will need to damage multiple targets. Fire,
rotten away to their bones. This whole scene is probably electricity or explosives work well against them. They are
unlike anything the investigators have seen before. Have even more afraid of heat from the lower decks than their
them roll Sanity (1/1D8 loss) when they enter the room. mother.
Three of the decomposing bodies are those of Surgeon
Jonah Porter and Sailors Diego Noriega and Michael
Brauch. The Surgeon, with the help of his two assisting The different rooms in this section of the ship create a
Sailors, wanted to investigate the mermaid creature, lot of hiding spots. The rotting furniture and walls can be
never having seen anything like this before. Surprisingly, hidden behind if needed. The only problem is movement,
the rotting hand of the Surgeon still holds a binder with as the soggy and wet moss covered floor creates wet
papers inside, which is only partially affected by the rot. squeaking noises with every step. Investigators should roll
This Medical Examination (Handout 10) details Stealth to stay hidden and quiet while moving around
the findings of the Surgeon before his demise by the from location to location.
U’randyn. Though the mother U’randyn is strong and agile, its
The two other corpses are those of Master at Arms senses aren’t on land as they are underwater, as it relies
Patrick Weaver and Corporal Baxter Evans. mostly on its unhearable stunning sound. Investigators,
A light hum can be heard on a successful Listen roll, when staying still, have a large chance of avoiding the
coming from the mermaid and the black warts. Now that U’randyn. Its children are the same, but due to their
the investigators are closer to it, they have a chance of sheer amount the chance is higher that they happen to
actually hearing parts of the sound. touch a hiding investigator.
The black warts are eggs. There are about 50 of them RUNNING AWAY
spread throughout this section of the ship, each of them Characters can escape through the doors, should they
holding between 2 and 5 unborn U’randyn. Investigators have been unlocked, or go down the Tunnel Escape.
can open up a wart with a sharp tool, or crush/squish it The U’randyn are sure to follow, though will slow down
by succeeding on a Strength roll. Opening or destroying in the tunnels due to the heat.
a wart produces a thick slimy pus liquid, and reveals
the young U’randyn within. They are either dead or ESCAPING THE OLYMPUS
defensive to whatever is close to them, rather than outright The bad weather has only gotten worse. Investigators

will have to put more effort into braving the powerful RESOLUTION & REWARDS
waves, wind and rain to get to the Honorary. Investigators If the investigators survived, award the following boons
rowing a boat need to succeed on Pilot (Boat) or a Hard or banes depending on their actions and results.
Strength roll to be able to make it to the Honorary safely. • Surviving the scenario: +1D6 Sanity
Should they fail, some might fall overboard based on a • Destroying the U’randyn nest: +1D4 Sanity
failed Luck roll, or it might take them longer to get to the • Killing the mother U’randyn: +1D4 Sanity
Honorary. • Getting living crew members off the ship (based on
Based on how much the U’randyn have been how hostile things got during the scenario), such as
antagonized, they might follow the investigators on to the ones currently in coma: +1D2 Sanity
the Honorary and attack its crew. If the investigators fail • Leaving the Olympus without dealing with the
their rowing roll, the U’randyn catch up to them and U’randyn: -1D6 Sanity
attack their boat. The U’randyn might also have already • Getting all or most of the Honorary crew killed
boarded the Honorary when the investigators get there. indirectly: -1D6 Sanity
The investigators should quickly come up with a plan
once they reach the ship, or be overwhelmed and killed.
They could lock themselves up behind one of the heavy
doors, could do something with flames or heat, though
difficult during this heavy rain, or they can attempt to kill
a number of them before they disperse.

STR 70 CON 60 SIZ 65 DEX 65 INT 45
A bit of a group of outliers. A crew within the crew. DB: 1D4 Build: +1 Move: 8 MP: 10 Luck: N/A
Strange methods and beliefs tied to their work, even down
to how the coal should be stacked and limiting themselves Attacks per round: 1
to certain kinds of food believing this would improve their Brawl 65% 1D3+1D4
strength. A group that would be difficult to become friends Brawl (Knife) 65% 1D4+2+1D4
with, but once you do, you’re in. .32 Pistol 45% 1D8
Currently: The madness increased their group thinking .30 Carbine 40% 2D6
tenfold, merging and transforming their strange beliefs
Dodge 55%
and customs to an almost religious nature. Together
they saw fire spirits and heard the heat talking. Now they
constantly yell prayers to their fire god, chucking more
Climb 35%, Elec Repair 35%, First Aid 40%, Intimidate
and more coal into the furnace. The heat has caused their
30%, Language (English) 45%, Listen 35%, Mech Repair
skin to start blistering and fall off, revealing pink and red
35%, Natural World 25%, Navigate 45%, Op Hv Machine
flesh under the black soot.
30%, Pilot (Boat) 40%, Spot Hidden 45%, Swim 40%.
STR 65 CON 65 SIZ 60 DEX 65 INT 45
DB: +1D4 Build: +1 Move: 9 MP: 13 L u c k : Age 42, Chief Cook
N/A Hector is always in disagreement with the rest of his crew
(even the other cook) about the food he prepares. He likes
Attacks per round: 1 hot spices, smuggling them on board when they forbid
Brawl 60% 1D3+1D4 him to, trying to force hot food on the others. His English
Brawl (Shovel) 60% 1D6+1D4 isn’t good both in pronunciation and understanding,
Dodge 45% leading him to often just do his own thing, away from
official orders. The others, though often in disagreement,
Skills ultimately let him do his own thing, as he is a good cook.
Climb 35%, Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) 40%, First Aid Currently: Deranged, protective, and untrustworthy
(45%), Intimidate 30%, Language (English) 35%, of people willing to help, as they might be apparitions
Mechanical Repair 40%, Natural World 25%, Pilot (Boat) of his mind. Hector knows all too well what he did, but
15%, Spot Hidden (40%), Swim (35%). isn’t directly willing to fully accept it. He wouldn’t kill his
friends like this, would he?
Age 25, Radio Operator APP 75 POW 85 EDU 55 SAN 50 HP 11
Constance never really felt like he belonged with this crew. DB: - Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 17 Luck: N/A
He was glad he had his office near the Captain, as he’s
the only who he can talk to. The rest are just too rough Attacks per round: 1
and wild for him, shouting, drinking, and generally being Brawl 50% 1D3
obnoxious. No, the radio room is good. Just him and his Brawl (Knife) 50% 1D4+2
equipment, where no one is allowed to bother him. Dodge 60%
Currently: Scared and in hiding, because his fear of
the rest of the crew exponentially increased. Strangely, Skills
Constance has been relatively ok compared to some of Art/Craft (Cooking) 75%, Charm 50%, Climb 30%,
the others, mostly retreating into himself. His hideout is Fast Talk 30%, History 20%, Language (Spanish) 55%,
perfect though. He’ll just wait it out, whatever is going on. Language (English) 15%, Library Use 25%, Listen 35%,
STR 35 CON 50 SIZ 45 DEX 40 INT 80 Medicine 40%, Natural World 30%, Sleight of Hand 55%,
APP 60 POW 80 EDU 85 SAN 40 HP 9 Spot Hidden 40%, Stealth 50%, Survival 25%, Swim 40%.
DB: - Build: 0 Move: 7 MP: 11 Luck: N/A
Attacks per round: 1 Age 53, Captain of the Honorary
Brawl 50% 1D3 Jonathan is a kind hearted but huge dark skinned bear
Brawl (Knife) 50% 1D4+2 of a man, with quite a few sailing years behind him. Well
Dodge 60% known across the region, and having done business with
most of the large sailing corporations in the area, Jonathan
Skills just wants to take things slow in his later years. He feels
Elec Repair 65%, History 50%, Language (English) 85%, the years catching up to him and now has a tendency to
Law 45%, Library Use 60%, Listen 80%, Mech Repair stick to the things that work and the people he likes. Many
50%, Persuade 30%, Sleight of Hand 40%, Spot Hidden would describe it as him having lost his edge, but Jon sees
40%, Stealth 60%, Swim 55%. it simply as gained experience.

Currently: Even Jon is feeling more on edge than usual, U’RANDYN (YOU-RAHN-DEEN)
ever since they got in range of the Olympus. This isn’t The U’randyn was named so by Norwegian sailors coming
his first rodeo, so why is it difficult to think straight? His across it in European waters. It terrorized settlements
main worry right now is the crew of both his ship and the along the coast during the winters before disappearing
Olympus, especially since the other captain is a friend of again during the summer heat.
his. It has a body the size of a person’s torso with six long
STR 65 CON 30 SIZ 50 DEX 50 INT 70 spider legs twice the body’s length. The creature shines
APP 70 POW 50 EDU 75 SAN 50 HP 8 as if made out of plastic, with a thin layer of exoskeleton
DB: - Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 10 Luck: N/A covering most of its back. Its stomach curves down like
that of a lobster, with its two hind legs hardly touching
Attacks per round: 1 the ground. Its mouth opens up to the left and right side
of its face, showing 4 rows of hooked teeth meant to
Brawl 50% 1D3
latch on and rip open their prey. Four small black spots
Brss Knuckles 50% 1D3+1 in its frontal armor serve as its eyes. Below its face, on
.41 Revolver 70% 1D10 the stomach, is a set of 6 small soft dome shapes. It can
Dodge 40% produce an extremely high pitched sound undetectable by
most human ears. This sound stuns its prey over time, and
Skills drives them mad, confused and defenceless in the process.
Charm 40%, Elec Repair 20%, Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) Protruding from its stomach is a pincer which can expand
40%, First Aid (40%), Intimidate 40%, Language to twice its size in the fraction of a second, meant to ingest
(English) 75%, Law 15%, Mechanical Repair 25%, Natural a stunning poison into a target. The creature is aquatic
World 40%, Navigate 65%, Op Hv Machine 20%, Pilot by nature, and thrives underwater, where the sounds it
(Boat) 70%, Stealth 30%, Swim (30%). generates can be targeted even better, instantly stunning
its prey from afar.
RUPERT ELROY The U’randyn does not like heat, avoiding it if it can, as
Age 23, Master’s Mate long exposure to the sun melts it from within, due to its
Rupert only recently joined the crew, when his parents already high body temperature.
decided to move to America. Not much a learner, he had
found his dream job. Still, it was difficult to follow in the STR 100 CON 150 SIZ 80 DEX 110 INT 45
Quartermaster’s footsteps. It’s like he always messes up APP - POW 185 EDU - SAN - HP 23
somewhere. DB: 1D6 Build: 2 Move: 9 MP: 37 Luck: N/A
Currently: Rupert lost it. Frothing at the mouth, yelling
and hitting himself because of his deafness. He lost all
control, and sure as hell doesn’t trust anything he sees Attacks per round: 1 (teeth or pincer)
anymore. He needs some long term professional help, as The U’randyn’s movement slows down to Move 7 when
everything is attack-on-sight, like a cornered animal, for it is near a potent heat source, or in direct sunlight. Its
him right now. attack rolls will also gain a Penalty die.
STR 65 CON 65 SIZ 50 DEX 65 INT 45 Bite 70% 1D6+1
APP 60 POW 65 EDU 35 SAN 25 HP 12 Poison Pincer 70% 1D6+1
DB: 1D4 Build: +1 Move: 9 MP: 13 Luck: N/A The victim will need to succeed on a Constitution roll. If
failed, the victim will feel a burning sensation slowly move
Attacks per round: 1 over the stabbed area to other parts of their body. This
Brawl 65% 1D3+1D4 burning sensation makes the affected areas of their body
Brawl (Knife) 65% 1D4+2+1D4 numb. After 5 minutes the sensation moves throughout
Dodge 50% the rest of their body, then paralyzes the victim for 1D3
hours. If they were stabbed in the arm and failed their roll,
Skills the victim could cut it off, preventing further spreading.
Climb 35%, Elec Repair 30%, First Aid 45%, Intimidate Dodge 40%
30%, Language (English) 35%, Mech Repair 35%, Natural
World 25%, Op Hv Machine 30%, Pilot (Boat) 35%, Spot
Hidden 40%, Swim 35%.

Scorpion type creatures, the size of a person’s fist, with
long thin spider legs, skitter across the floor and walls.
Their legs have small fin nets in between them connecting
them together, which can stretch to support the legs’
intricate movement. They’re not much of a threat on their
own, but in small groups, quite a hassle to deal with, as
they move around like a hivemind, each approaching the
target from a different direction.
They prefer the water and swim rapidly with similar
movements as schools of fish. Their finned legs expand
and move back onto its body to create momentum.
Newborns hatch from black warts strangely resembling
a cabbage. Though they are mostly aquatic, the warts and
creatures within can thrive as long as the area is moist
enough. A green mossy substance spreads from the warts,
transferring any sustenance in the area through small
veins back to the warts.

STR 50 CON 60 SIZ 40 DEX 80 INT 20

APP - POW 100 EDU - SAN - HP 23
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 9 MP: 20 Luck: N/A

Attacks per round: 1 (teeth or pincer)

The U’randyn’s movement slows down to Move 7 when
it is near a potent heat source, or in direct sunlight. Its
attack rolls will also gain a Penalty die.
Overwhelm (mnvr): As a group, the creatures may assault
and overwhelm using the fighting maneuver rules, and
because of their numbers, they gain one bonus die to the
Such an attack involves swarming over the target, biting
and stabbing.
Fighting 40% 1D3
Overwhelm 40% 2D6
Dodge 40%












Included in the scenario are 5 premade characters. Each
has their own reason for being there, in most cases being
forced by the company they work for; Fielding Transport

Derrick Bradford is a company man, mostly sitting

a desk. His boss, who he has the utmost respect for, said
it’d be a good idea for him to tag along with this venture,
to make sure the company wouldn’t be impacted in any
negative way.

Samuel Briggs is a coastguard who still had some debts

to pay. Now he’s freelancing as muscle for this job. He
prefers to think this is a coastguard operation though.

Riona Byrne got wind of the mermaid story through

some of her sources, and forced her way onto the
ship through blackmail. This could finally provide an
interesting story for her to work on.

Gretchen Avery was chosen as a on-site mechanic for

the job. Reluctantly she tagged along, not even getting
access to the tools she’ll probably need. Here’s to hoping
it’s an easy job.

Pascual Álvarez is part of the Honorary crew and is sent

along by his captain, off the record. Sometimes you just
need an inside man, and Pascual is all too happy to do
something else for a change.


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