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Nama Mahasiswa : Tri Agus Widodo

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 045022592

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PBIS4115 / Structure II

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 41 / Purwokerto

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.2(2023.1)



SEMESTER: 2022/23.2 (2023.1)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4115/Structure II
Tugas 1

No. Soal
1. 1. Buatlah kalimat Anda sendiri menggunakan Coordinate Conjunctions (or, but, atau and) dengan
memasukkan unit gramatika di bawah ini:
a. (or) : Would you like tea or coffee?
b. (but) : He wants to travel on holiday, but he doesn't have enough money.
c. (and) : He likes to read books, and he also enjoys watching movies.
d. (but) : The food looks delicious, but it doesn't taste very good.
e. (and) : I need to finish my homework and then I can play video games.

2. Buatlah kalimat Anda sendiri dengan menggunakan Subordinate Conjunctions berikut ini:
a. Indicating Time (whenever, before, since) :
 Whenever I see a spider, I scream and run away.
 Before I go to bed, I like to read a book.
 Since I started working from home, I've been able to spend more time with my family.

b. Subordinate Conjunction Indicating Place (where, wherever, no matter)

 Wherever I go, I always bring my water bottle with me.
 No matter how far we travel, we always come back home.
 I'll go with you to the party, where you go.

c. Subordinate Conjunction Indicating Cause (because, since, as)

 Because it was raining, we decided to stay home.
 Since she was feeling sick, she went to bed early.
 As it was getting late, we decided to leave the party.

d. Subordinate Conjunction Indicating Contrast (although, whereas, while)

 Although it was hot outside, I wore a sweater because the AC was too strong.
 Whereas my sister likes to read, I prefer to watch movies.
 While some people enjoy spicy food, I can't handle it.

e. Subordinate Conjunction Indicating Condition (if, unless, in case)

 If it rains tomorrow, we'll have to cancel the picnic.
 Unless you finish your homework, you can't go out and play.
 In case of an emergency, dial 911.

3. Buatlah kalimat Anda sendiri dengan menggunakan Correlative Conjunctions berikut ini:
a. both...and... : The recipe requires both flour and sugar.
b. not only... but also... : She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.
c. either...or... : We can either go to the beach or the mountains for our vacation.
d. neither... nor... : Neither John nor Peter came to the class.
e. both...and... : The dress is both beautiful and comfortable to wear.

4. Buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan Transitions berikut ini:

a. Addition (furthermore dan moreover) :
 The book is well-written, furthermore, it has beautiful illustrations.
 The restaurant has delicious food, moreover, they have excellent service.
b. Time (immediately dan meanwhile)
 The storm hit the city, and immediately the power went out.
 She went to the store, meanwhile, her husband was cooking dinner.

c. Place (here dan there)

 Here in the city, there are many restaurants to choose from.
 I'm going to travel the world, and there I'll see many new places.

d. Contrast (otherwise dan nonetheless)

 You need to study hard, otherwise, you'll fail the exam.
 The movie received mixed reviews, nonetheless, it was a commercial success.

e. Conclusion (to sum up dan to conclude)

 To sum up, we need to invest more in renewable energy to combat climate change.
 The report shows that there is a need for better education, to conclude, we need to focus on improving it.

2. 1. Analisa kalimat di bawah ini dengan menentukan apakah termasuk sebagai Simple Sentence jika
belum tulislah kembali menjadi kalimat Simple Sentence.
a. Michael visited Paris last week.
The sentence "Michael visited Paris last week" is a Simple Sentence, as it contains only one independent clause.
b. We postponed travel to Japan this year because there is a Pandemic.
The sentence "We postponed travel to Japan this year because there is a pandemic" is not a Simple Sentence,
as it contains a dependent clause ("because there is a pandemic") and an independent clause. To write it as a
Simple Sentence, we can say "We postponed travel to Japan this year."
c. James and Timmy were spending their holiday in Bali.
The sentence "James and Timmy were spending their holiday in Bali" is a Simple Sentence, as it contains only
one independent clause.
d. I cleaned the garage and my father cut the grass.
The sentence "I cleaned the garage and my father cut the grass" is not a Simple Sentence, as it contains two
independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction. To write it as a Simple Sentence, we can say "I cleaned
the garage" or "My father cut the grass."
e. Jack and Richard wrote many popular books.
The sentence "Jack and Richard wrote many popular books" is a Simple Sentence, as it contains only one
independent clause.

2. Analisa kalimat di bawah ini dengan menentukan apakah termasuk sebagai Compound Sentence
jika belum tulislah kembali menjadi kalimat Compound Sentence.
a. Jack and his brother usually go fishing on the weekend.
The sentence "Jack and his brother usually go fishing on the weekend" is not a Compound Sentence, as it
contains only one independent clause. To rewrite the sentence as a Compound Sentence, we can add another
independent clause that is related to the first clause, for example:
"Jack and his brother usually go fishing on the weekend, and they always bring back a big catch."
b. Mrs. Sherly teaches English but she never goes to England.
The sentence is a Compound Sentence, as it contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating
c. I will take Sociolinguistics or Phonology course next semester.
The sentence is not a Compound Sentence, as it contains only one independent clause. To write it as a Compound
Sentence, we can say "I will take Sociolinguistics next semester, or I will take Phonology."
d. I helped my sister's Math project in the morning and I finished my English presentation materials in the
The sentence is a Compound Sentence, as it contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating
e. Ahmad watched TV and Samanth read a novel.
The sentence is a Compound Sentence, as it contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating

3. 1. Tentukan main clause dan sub-clause pada kalimat Complex Sentences di bawah ini:
a. I enjoy learning online because the time of studying is flexible.
Main Clause: "I enjoy learning online." Subordinate Clause: "because the time of studying is flexible."
b. When the Pandemic is over, I will visit my grandparents in Aceh.
Main Clause: "I will visit my grandparents in Aceh." Subordinate Clause: "When the Pandemic is over."
c. Since I knew her personality, I kept away from her.
Main Clause: "I kept away from her." Subordinate Clause: "Since I knew her personality."
d. Even though the plane was delayed because of the weather, we still waited for the next flightschedule.
Main Clause: "We still waited for the next flight schedule." Subordinate Clause: "Even though the plane was
delayed because of the weather."
e. Felicia won the speech competition, while Angel was not.
Main Clause: "Felicia won the speech competition." Subordinate Clause: "while Angel was not."

2. Kombinasikan kalimat di bawah ini menjadi sebuah kalimat Compound-Complex Sentence.

a. Mrs. Jennie conducts a painting class for the children who live in the neighborhood. They meether on the
weekend after she finishes taking care of her family in the morning.
Compound-Complex Sentence: "Mrs. Jennie conducts a painting class for the children who live in the
neighborhood, and they meet her on the weekend after she finishes taking care of her family in the morning."
b. Because the weather yesterday was sweltering, we decided to go to the beach. We went home inthe night.
Compound-Complex Sentence: "Because the weather yesterday was sweltering, we decided to go to the beach,
and we went home in the night."
c. She is taking an IELTS course to prepare for her studying abroad, and she looks hard for that.She failed
the test last year.
Compound-Complex Sentence: "She is taking an IELTS course to prepare for her studying abroad, and she looks
hard for that, because she failed the test last year."
d. Ben left this town last week, and he moved to the city. He got a better job there.
Compound-Complex Sentence: "Ben left this town last week and moved to the city because he got a better job
e. George accepted a big house after he received the heritage from his parents. He didn't feel happy.
Compound-Complex Sentence: "George accepted a big house after he received the heritage from his parents,
but he didn't feel happy."

4. 1. Tentukan Independent Clauses dan Dependent Clauses pada kalimat di bawah ini:
a. Hammer found a beautiful lake, and he told us about it when he traveled to a small village last month.
Independent clauses: "Hammer found a beautiful lake," "he told us about it when he traveled to a small village
last month."

b. The students protested to the university since there was challenging to find a parking area for their cars.
Independent clause: "The students protested to the university." Dependent clause: "since there was
challenging to find a parking area for their cars."

c. The sun rose brightly, and the view of the trees looked freshly.
Independent clauses: "The sun rose brightly," "the view of the trees looked freshly."

d. James suddenly stopped talking after the professor entered the classroom.
Independent clause: "James suddenly stopped talking." Dependent clause: "after the professor entered the

e. The meeting didn't reveal the way out, but the time was almost up.
Independent clause: "The meeting didn't reveal the way out," dependent clause: "but the time was almost up."

f. They bought uniforms whenever the academic year changes.

Independent clause: "They bought uniforms," dependent clause: "whenever the academic year changes."

g. A politeness attitude is crucial even though the class is in an online environment.

Independent clause: "A politeness attitude is crucial," dependent clause: "even though the class is in an online
h. Mark will take biology, or he will take art after graduating from his senior high school.
Independent clauses: "Mark will take biology," "he will take art after graduating from his senior high school."

i. Winter came early last year, and people preferred to stay at home.

Independent clauses: "Winter came early last year," "people preferred to stay at home."

j. The singer was singing a beautiful song as the audience listened carefully to her.
Independent clause: "The singer was singing a beautiful song," dependent clause: "as the audience listened
carefully to her."

2. Buatlah Tree Diagram dari kalimat berikut ini:

a. We must pay attention to our health during this Pandemic because the Coronavirus has claimed many
must pay attention
| |
we Coronavirus
| |
during this Pandemic claimed many lives

b. The students of English Education primary skills should master involve listening, speaking, reading,
and writing.
primary skills
| | | |
listening speaking reading writing

5. 1. Buatlan kalimat Pronominal Questions dari jawaban pertanyaan berikut:

a. I live in Jakarta.
Where do you live?
b. She has been teaching English for ten years.
How long has she been teaching English?
c. Mr. Handoko was the bus driver this morning.
Who was the bus driver this morning?
d. I wore a sweater all day long because the weather was too cold yesterday.
Why did you wear a sweater all day long yesterday?
e. The Post office is closed at 03:00 PM.
When is the Post office closed?

2. Rubahlah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi sebuah pertanyaan (Verbal Questions).

a. The scenery of Kuta beach in the morning is beautiful for foreigners.
Is the scenery of Kuta beach in the morning beautiful for foreigners?
b. We can use augmented reality as a medium of teaching English.
Can we use augmented reality as a medium of teaching English?
c. We will study offline when the Pandemic is over.
Will we study offline when the Pandemic is over?
d. You may send an email to get further information.
May you send an email to get further information?
e. She had many cats before her husband passed away.
Did she have many cats before her husband passed away?

3. Buatlah kalimat Negative Questions dari kalimat berikut:

a. I couldn't find my wedding ring.
Couldn't you find your wedding ring?
b. She won't join this group anymore.
Won't she join this group anymore?
c. I told her about him because I care.
Don't I tell her about him because I care?
d. I'm not sure to submit this assignment.

Aren't you sure to submit this assignment?
e. I think this food is not delicious.
Don't you think this food is delicious?

4. Lengkapi kalimat pertanyaan berikut dengan Tag Questions

a. I'm not disturbing your time, am I?
b. Open the window at this moment, will you?
c. He had returned you the money, handn’t he?
d. John had proposed Cherly for their marriage, hadn’t he?
c. We must keep clean in the office, mustn’t we?

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