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Genre and the Performance of Publics

Anis Bawarshi, Mary Jo Reiff

Published by University Press of Colorado

Bawarshi, Anis and Mary Jo Reiff.

Genre and the Performance of Publics.
1 ed. University Press of Colorado, 2016.

For additional information about this book

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Acknowledgments  vii

Introduction: From Genre Turn to Public Turn: Navigating the

Intersections of Public Sphere Theory, Genre Theory, and the
Performance of Publics
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi   3

Pa r t I : T h e I n t e r d i s c u r s i v i t y o f P u b l i c
G e n r e s : Dy n a m i c s o f Up ta k e s , Ag e n c y, a n d t h e
Performances of Public Life

1 Genre as Interdiscursive Performance in Public Space

Vijay K. Bhatia   25

2 Between Genres: Uptake, Memory, and US Public Discourse on

Anis Bawarshi  43

3 Disambiguating Uptake: Toward a Tactical Research Agenda on

Citizens’ Writing
Dylan B. Dryer   60

Pa r t II : H i s t o r i c i z i n g P u b l i c G e n r e s : I n v e n t i o n ,
E vo l u t i o n , a n d E m b o d i m e n t o f P u b l i c

4 Defining Moments: Genre Beginnings, Genre Invention, and the

Case of the English-Language Dictionary
Lindsay Rose Russell   83

5 Geographies of Public Genres: Navigating Rhetorical and

Material Relations of the Public Petition
Mary Jo Reiff   100

6 Bodily Scripts, Unruly Workers, and Public Anxiety: Scripting

Professional Embodiment in Interwar Vocational Guides
Risa Applegarth  117
vi   C o ntents

Pa r t III : I n t e r m e d i a r y P u b l i c G e n r e s : M o b i l i z i n g
K n o w l e d g e a c r o s s G e n r e B o u n da r i e s

7 Uncovering Occluded Publics: Untangling Public, Personal, and

Technical Spheres in Jury Deliberations
Amy J. Devitt   139

8 Discourse Coalitions, Science Blogs, and the Public Debate over

Global Climate Change
Graham Smart  157

9 Multiple Intertextual Threads and (Un)likely Uptakes: An Analysis

of a Canadian Public Inquiry
Tosh Tachino  178

Pa r t IV: D i g i ta l P u b l i c G e n r e s : M e d i at i n g P u b l i c
E n g a g e m e n t a n d E x pa n d i n g P u b l i c Pa r t i c i pat i o n

10 Appropriating Genre, “Taking Action” against Obesity: The

Rhetorical Work of Digital Genre Systems in Public Discourse
Monica M. Brown   201

11 Exigencies, Ecologies, and Internet Street Science: Genre

Emergence in the Context of Fukushima Radiation-Risk
Jaclyn Rea and Michelle Riedlinger   219

12 Spreadable Genres, Multiple Publics: The Pixel Project’s Digital

Campaigns to Stop Violence against Women
Jennifer Nish  239

About the Authors  257

Index  259

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