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Elena Metlina

Crochet pattern
Designer: Metlina Elena

Elena Metlina

Dear crocheters!!!
Thank you for choosing my pattern!
This pattern contains detailed description of making the
Scarecrow toy. It includes the description of how to make a
Scarecrow, its clothes and a hat. The toy has wire skeleton,
but you can make your toy without it.
The pattern is the author’s design. It is destined for private
use only. Resale, copying, translating into other languages,
sharing in the Internet without author’s permission are
prohibited! When publishing the finished toy, please tag me
as the pattern designer – Metlina Elena.
Level of difficulty - average. In the pattern I use the US
I hope that you will not have any difficulties while
crocheting. I have tried to describe all the steps of making
the toy in details, and I think that you will succeed! If you
have any questions, don’t be shy to write to me, and I will
gladly help you.
my e-mail

Elena Metlina

Tools and materials:

1. Yarn:
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 84 mustard
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 40 brown
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 01 white
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 80 grey
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 69 light-green
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 48 capuccino
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 54 dark-blue
YarnArt JEANS (50gr/174yds) – 07 beige
Gazzal Baby Cotton (50gr/174yds) - 3454 tile-red
You can use equivalent yarn with the same width and color
2. Stuffing material – I use hollofiber
3. The hook of appropriate size – I use Clover B (2mm)
4. Eyes dia=8mm
5. Strong cotton thread of the similar color as for the
pumpkin for sculpting (I use СОСО)
6. Scissors
7. Wire dia= 1.7mm
8. A needle for sewing details to each other
9. Dry pastel for toning
If you use these materials, the toy will be 30cm tall.
I crochet with stitches of mixed type: yarn under then
yarn over.

Elena Metlina


CH – chain
SL ST – slip stitch
SC – single crochet
HDC – half-double crochet
DC – double crochet
Dec – decrease
Inc – increase
Sl st – slip stitch
(…) – the whole number of stitches in the round.
Br – Bridge – the thread formed with the yarn over in the
previous round
FLO – crochet through front loops only
BLO – crochet through back loops only

Elena Metlina

The pumpkin head:

Start in brown color. Crochet back-and-forth with
turning ch at the end of every row.

1. Make 31 CH, from the 2nd loop from the hook 30sc

Elena Metlina

2. 30sc BLO (30)

3. 30hdc FLO (30)

Elena Metlina

4. 30hdc through BR (yarn over) of the 3rd row (30)

Elena Metlina

Crochet the 4th row through bridges formed with yarn

over of HDC in the 3rd row, do not pull through the stitches of
the 3rd row. Thus, both back and front loops of the 3rd row will
form the braid in the wrong side of the piece.

5. 30hdc BLO (30)

Elena Metlina

6. 30sc BLO (30)

Elena Metlina

Rows from the 1st till the 6th form set1.

7. 30sc BLO (30)
8. 30sc FLO (30)
9. 30hdc FLO (30)
10. 30hdc through Br (yarn over) of the previous row
11. 30hdc BLO (30)
12. 30sc BLO (30)
Rows from the 7th till the 12th form set2. Now we
continue repeating set 2.
Repeat set2 6 more times. You will get 8 repeats with
48 rows in common.
In the end, fasten off and cut the thread, leave a long
tail for sewing. Sew the side edges together, as shown in the

Elena Metlina

Attach the thread of the same color to the edge of the

detail and crochet sc along the edge. 1 vertical row – 1 sc, you
will get 48 sc in total, which equals the vertical rows number.

Change the color to brown.
1. 24dec (24)
2. (2sc, 1dec)*6 (18)
3. (1sc, 1dec)*6 (12)
4-5. 12sc (2 rounds)
6. (1dec, 2sc)*3 (9)
7-8. 9sc (2 rounds)
9. (1dec, 1sc)*3 (6)
10-11. 6sc (2 rounds)
Fasten off and cut the thread. Hide the tail.

Elena Metlina

Stuff the detail, but not very tight.

Tighten the hole with the needle as shown in the photo
using the strong cotton thread of the same color as the
pumpkin. Take the protruding loops of every row with the
needle, pull the thread through them and tighten, make a knot.

Elena Metlina

As the fabric is rather dense, you may not be able to

tighten the hole from the first attempt. Take the protruding
loops of the tightened hole with the needle again and tighten
once more. You will get neatly tightened hole.

I used the strong cotton thread СОСО folded twice. The
color is similar to the color of the pumpkin.
Put the threaded needle into the tightened hole in the
bottom, pull it out where we changed the color to brown.
Choose a recessed vertical row and run the thread on the
outside back into the center of the bottom.

Elena Metlina

Repeat these steps 7 more times to make the pumpkin

sections. You will get 8 sections in total.

Elena Metlina

Crochet in brown color.
Make CH31 and crochet 30sc from the second chain
from the hook. Cut the thread, leaving a long thread tail for
sewing. Sew it to the pumpkin stem.

The final stage of the pumpkin details is toning. I
tone the pumpkin with dry pastels. Make brown and
black tints on the pumpkin sections along the needle
sculpting lines, giving them depth.

Elena Metlina

Pumpkin details:
Outline the location of the eyes, nose and mouth with

The eyes are located just above the midline

horizontally. One empty section of the pumpkin remains
between the eyes. Sew on the eyes. In a section in the middle

Elena Metlina

between the eyes, embroider the nose. Under the nose

embroider the mouth. Also, embroider eyebrows. I tinted the
places near the eyes, nose and eyebrows. With a white thread
embroider the whites of the eyes and a white spot on the nose.

Elena Metlina

Make 2 pieces.
Stuff as you go.
Start in beige color.
1. 6sc into MR
2. 6inc (12)
3-26. 12sc (24 rounds)
Fasten off and cut the thread. Hide the tail.

Make 2 pieces. Stuff as you go. Start in black color.
1. 7ch, from the 2nd loop from the hook: 1inc, 4sc, 3sc
into 1, 5sc (14)
2. 2inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 1inc (20)
3. (1sc, 1inc)*2, 4sc, (1sc, 1inc)*3, 5sc, 1inc (26)
4. (2sc, 1inc)*2, 4sc, (2sc, 1inc)*3, 6sc, 1inc (32)
5. (3sc, 1inc)*2, 4sc, (3sc, 1inc)*3, 7sc, 1inc (38) + 3sc –
shift stitches.
Cut the insole of appropriate size of a carton or plastic

Elena Metlina

6. 38sc BLO
Change color to brown:
7. 38sc BLO
8-9. 38sc (2 rounds)
10. 13sc, 6dec, 13sc (32)
11. 32sc
Put the insole into the boot.
12. 10sc, 6dec, 10sc (26)
13. 26sc
14. 7sc, 6dec, 7sc (20)
15. 8sc, 2dec, 8sc (18) BLO
16. (7sc, 1dec)*2 (16)
Leave the brown thread uncut, attach the beige one.
17-22. 16sc (6 rounds)

Elena Metlina

Go back to the 15th round where we have the brown thread

left. Crochet the 15th round: 20sc FLO. Fasten off and cut the
brown thread. Hide the tail.

Crochet the sole: Attach the black thread to the 6th round
and crochet sl st through the front loops of the 6th and 7th
rounds. Fasten off and cut the black thread. Hide the tail.

Elena Metlina

Go back to the 22nd round and continue:

23. (7sc, 1inc)*2 (18)
24-27. 18sc (4 rounds)
28. (8sc, 1inc)*2 (20)
29-31. 20sc (3 rounds)
32. (9sc, 1inc)*2 (22)
33-35. 22sc (3 rounds)
36. (10sc, 1inc)*2 (24)
Fasten off and cut the thread on the left leg. Hide the tail.
On the right leg do not cut the thread and continue to crochet
the body.

Elena Metlina

Continue on the right leg: 8sc. Then cut the beige thread
and put in two new colors, I use white and grey. Attach the
grey thread.
37. 3ch from the right leg, join to the left leg 2 stithes
before the marker thread, 24sc along the left leg, 3sc
along the cha, 24sc along the right leg, 3sc along the
other side of ch (54)

Put in the marker thread for the body.

Elena Metlina

38. 24sc, 3inc, 24sc, 3inc (60)

39-40. 60sc (2 rounds)
Attach the white thread:
41. 11sc, 1dec, 28sc, 1dec, 17sc (58)
42. 58sc
Change color to grey:
43-44. 58sc (2 rounds)
45. 11sc, 1dec, 27sc, 1dec, 16sc (56)
46. 56sc
Change color to white:
47. 56sc
48. 11sc, 1dec, (12sc, 1dec)*3, 1sc (52)
Change color to grey:
49. 52sc
50. 11sc, 1dec, 24sc, 1dec, 13sc (50)
51. 50sc
52. 10sc, 1dec, 23sc, 1dec, 13sc (48)
Change color to white:
53. 48sc
54. (6sc, 1dec)*6 (42)
Change color to grey:
55-58. 42sc (4 rounds)
Change color to white:

Elena Metlina

59-60. 42sc (2 rounds)

Change color to grey:
61-63. 42sc (3 rounds)
We will attach the arms to the body in the next round.
I used one more marker thread, two in total, so that they
go right along the side of the body.

64. 8sc, 6sc with the arm, 6sc, 1dec, 6sc, 6sc with the other
arm, 6sc, 1dec (40)

Elena Metlina

Change color to white:

65. 1dec, 4sc, 1dec, 6sc along the rest arm loops, 1dec, 4sc,
1dec, 3sc, 1dec, 6sc along the rest arm loops, 1dec, 5sc

66. 4sc, 1dec, (6sc, 1dec)*3, 4sc (30)

Prepare a wire for the arms: take a wire 50-55cm (20-
22yds) long, and bend so that the edges meet in the middle.

Elena Metlina

Twist the bended parts; they should be of the same length as

the arms. Then twist the free edges of the wire. Put the
skeleton into the arms. I do not stuff the arms, but you can
fill it with stuffing material a bit if necessary.

Change color to grey, cut the white thread:

67. (3sc, 1dec)*6 (24)
68. (2sc, 1dec)*6 (18)
Change color to beige, cut the grey thread:
69. 18sc
70. (1sc, 1dec)*6 (12)
71-75. 12sc (5 rounds)
Fasten off and cut the thread. Leave
a long tail for sewing. Sew the head on.
The twisted edge of the wire should
be inserted into the head.

Elena Metlina

Use dark-green and light-green color for the pants. Make
two similar pieces. The main detail is crocheted back-and-
forth with 1 turning ch in the end of every row. Start in dark-
1. 26ch, from the 2nd loop from the hook 25sc (25)
2. 25sc BLO (25)
3. 25sc
Change color to light-green:
4. 25sl st FLO
5. 25sc
Change color to dark-green:
6. 25sc BLO
7-9. 25sc (3 rows)

Elena Metlina

Change color to light-green:

10. 25sl st FLO
11. 25sc

Rows 6-11 form 1 rapport. I made 5 more of them. There

are 6 rapports in total for 1 trouser-leg. Make the second
trouser-leg the same way.

Elena Metlina

Sew on the detail till the middle.

Then apply the trouser-legs to each other and sew them

on as shown in the photo.

Belt: attach the dark-green thread to the upper edge of

the pants and crochet sc along the edge – I have got 70sc (you
can get more of fewer of sc, that is alright).

Elena Metlina

(5sc, 1dec)*10 (60)

(4sc, 1dec)*10 (50)

Fasten off and cut the thread, hide the tail.

Crochet sc along the lower edges of the trouser-legs.

Put the pants on the scarecrow.

Elena Metlina


You can choose any color you want. Crochet back-and-forth

with 1 turning ch in the end of every row.

1. 26ch, from the 2nd loop from the hook: 3sc, 3sc into 1, (5sc,
3sc into 1)*3, 3sc (33)+ 1ch (turning chain)
2. 4sc, 3sc into 1, (7sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 4sc (41)

3. 5sc, 3sc into 1, (9sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 5sc (49)

4. 6sc, 3sc into 1, (11sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 6sc (57)
5. 7sc, 3sc into 1, (13sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 7sc (65)
6. 8sc, 3sc into 1, (15sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 8sc (73)
7. 9sc, 3sc into 1, (17sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 9sc (81)
8. 10sc, 3sc into 1, (19sc, 3sc into 1)*3, 10sc (89)
9. 12sc, skip 21 stitches, 23sc, skip 21 stitches, 12sc (47)

Elena Metlina

10-12. 47sc (3 rows)

13. 11sc, 1inc, 24sc, 1inc, 11sc (49)
14. 24sc, 1inc, 24sc (50)
15. 12sc, 1inc, 24sc, 1inc, 12sc (52)
16-17. 52sc (2 rows)
18. 1inc, 11sc, 1inc, (8sc, 1inc)*3, 11sc, 1inc (58)
19-20. 58sc (2 rows)
21. 13sc, 1inc, (14sc, 1inc)*2, 14sc (61)
22-23. 61sc (2 rows)
Do not cut the thread.

Elena Metlina

Crochet sc along all the lower and side edges of the shirt,
then along the collar and the other side edge.

When you finish crocheting the edges, make 1ch and turn; it’s
time to make the buttonholes on one of the sides: 3sc, (5ch -
skip 2 rows of the edge, 6sc)*2, 5ch - skip 2 rounds of the
edge, 1sc.

Cut the thread.

Elena Metlina

Sleeves: attach the thread to the armhole as shown in the

photo. Crochet in spiral rounds with 1 sl st and 1 turning ch in
the end of every round.
1-2. 2ch, 21dc (2 rounds)
3. 2ch, (5dc, 1dec)*3 (18)
4-8. 2ch, 18dc (5 rounds)
9. 1ch, 18sc
Fasten off and cut the thread, hide the tail. Make the same
sleeve the same way.

Sew the buttons on the shirt. I used the buttons of

different colors.

Elena Metlina

Shirt patch: crochet in cappuccino color back-and-forth
with 1 turning ch in the end of every row.
1. 6ch, from the 2nd loop from the hook: 5sc
2-4. 5sc (3 rows)
Fasten off and cut the thread, leave a long tail for sewing.
Sew the patch to the shirt.

Pants patch: crochet in cappuccino color back-and-forth

with 1 turning ch in the end of every row.
1. 8ch, from the 2nd loop from the hook: 7sc
2-5. 7sc (5 rounds)

Elena Metlina

Fasten off and cut the thread, leave a long tail for sewing.
Sew the patch to the pants.

Elena Metlina

You can use any color you want. I have chosen YarnArt
Jeans of colors 48 and 70.

1. 6sc into MR
2. 6sc
3. (1sc, 1inc) *3 (9)
4-5. 9sc (2 rounds)
6. (2sc, 1inc) *3 (12)
7. 12sc
8. 3sc, 5sc BLO, 4sc (12)
9. (3sc, 1inc) *3 (15)
10-11. 15sc (2 rounds)
12. (4sc, 1inc) *3 (18)
13-16. 18sc (4 rounds)
17. 6sc, 5sc with front loops of the 7th round, 7sc (18)

Elena Metlina

18. (2sc, 1inc) *6 (24)

19. 24sc
20. (2sc, 1inc) *8 (32)
21-22. 32sc (2 rounds)
23. (3sc, 1inc) *8 (40)
24. 40sc
25. 40sc BLO
26. (4sc, 1inc) *8 (48)
27. 48sc
Now we will make the brown decoration stripe on the
Attach the brown thread to the 24th and crochet 24 sc
around the hat through front loops only. Make 2 more rounds
with the same thread:
1. (4sc, 1inc) *8 (48)
2. 48sc, cut the brown thread. Go back to the 26th

Elena Metlina

28. 48sc – crochet with the basic color through the

back loops of the 2nd round of the brown stripe

29. (5sc, 1inc) *8 (56)

30. 56sc
31. (6sc, 1inc) *8 (64)
32. 64sc
33. (7sc, 1inc) *8 (72)
34. 72sc
35. (8sc, 1inc) *8 (80)
36. 80sc
37. (9sc, 1inc) *8 (88)
38-39. 88sc (2 rounds)
Make reverse sc along the edge. Fasten off and cut the

Elena Metlina

I used red tile and green colors for the scarf. You can use
any colors you want. I crochet a scarf as a hollow cord of 5
loops, switching 5 or 6 rounds of red color with 1 of green one.
My scarf is 55 cm (21.5 yds) long.

You can also crochet the scarf back-and-forth. Start in

1. 5sc, from the 2nd loop from the hook: 4sc
2-4. 4sc (3 rows)
Change color to green:
5-6. 4sc (2 rows)
Change color to red:
7-10. 4sc (4 rows)
Change color to green:
11-12. 4sc (2 rows)
Now repeat rows 7-12 (with changing the color) until you
reach the appropriate length (about 50cm or 20 yds).

Elena Metlina

I also made some final touches: decorated the shoes with

stitches as shoelaces and made the fringe in the hat to imitate
The scarecrow is ready!

you enjoyed
the crocheting processes.

Elena Metlina


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