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Issues related to Indian Universities:

 The current background information:

 In recent times, there has been a notable emergence of intense discourse surrounding the
topic of academic freedom within the institutions of India. The current discussion holds
significant relevance due to the remarkable growth observed in the higher education
sector, encompassing all establishments dedicated to advanced education and scholarly

 Is academic freedom essential for universities in India?

 According to data provided by UNESCO, India exhibits the highest level of public
expenditure per student in higher education compared to basic schools.
 There is occasional confusion between academic freedom and free speech, despite the
fact that the underlying concerns associated with both concepts can diverge.
 One could argue that it is justifiable to impose certain limitations on freedom of
expression, with the exception of hate speech, privacy infringement, defamation,
dissemination of false information, and risks to national security.
 The issue of academic freedom, within the framework of knowledge acquisition,
presents a challenge when attempting to advocate for any form of limitation on it.


Best Coaching Institute for UPSC (IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS) APPSC (GROUP 1, 2, 3, 4) Call to 9000022478, 9182061841
Best Coaching for Coc
 The act of engaging in hate speech, disseminating falsehoods, and compromising the
integrity of national security cannot be seen as a genuine endeavour to acquire
 Undoubtedly, instances of ambiguity have a tendency to unexpectedly encroach onto our
circumstances; nonetheless, this occurrence does not diminish the steadfast dedication to
upholding the principle of academic freedom.

 The contemporary discourse surrounding the concept of academic freedom:

 The current discourse surrounding academic freedom in India primarily centres around
its application within the recently established private universities. These institutions
often self-identify as "liberal arts" universities, which encompass disciplines beyond
medicine, engineering, law, and accountancy, commonly referred to as "the professions."
 However, is it possible to engage in liberal arts without the presence of academic
 The university can be conceptualised as an institution dedicated to the acquisition and
advancement of knowledge, with the principle of freedom playing a pivotal role in this
endeavour, regardless of the specific field of study or subject.
 Nevertheless, there are occasions where we may contemplate the reaction to the
concepts put out by the renowned astronomer Galileo Galilei or the esteemed biologist
Charles Darwin. Both individuals encountered formidable resistance from religious
factions inside their respective cultures, with the former facing particularly menacing
opposition. This highlights the profound importance of freedom, not only from an
academic standpoint but also within the broader societal context.
 It is an undeniable fact that universities lacking academic independence are not always
destined for failure.
 In certain sectors of an economy, the significance of critical thinking in driving
performance may diminish once operational processes have been routinized and
standardised protocols are in place for all activities.
 Currently, only business factors hold significance. Consider the role of financial
management with the allocation of funds towards investment activities inside the stock

Best Coaching Institute for UPSC (IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS) APPSC (GROUP 1, 2, 3, 4) Call to 9000022478, 9182061841
Best Coaching for Coc
 The objective at hand is not to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the world's
operations, frequently excluding those pertaining to the economy, but rather to ascertain
the stock that is expected to be most appealing to other speculators.
 When colleges are involved in the process of preparing a labour force for employment in
normal economic activities, it is improbable that they would face significant challenges
pertaining to the concept of academic freedom.
 Indeed, given that professions constitute a significant portion of the economy, colleges
can sustain themselves without devoting considerable attention to this matter. The
assurance of their continuity is evident. However, the establishment of universities also
serves as a means to envision and shape our collective trajectory.

 In conclusion, it can be inferred that:

 Academics are compelled to undertake the endeavour of visualising a superior future

unless they have the conviction that the current state of affairs represents the optimal
manifestation of all conceivable universes.
 If the concept of academic freedom is understood as the unrestricted pursuit of
knowledge, it is imperative for a society to establish mechanisms that safeguard this
principle within universities. Universities can be conceptualised as institutions
established by society to serve as a reflective apparatus.
 The act of providing individuals with resources at the cost of the public and thereafter
confining them in a manner that restricts their freedom can be regarded as a
manifestation of distorted reasoning.


Best Coaching Institute for UPSC (IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS) APPSC (GROUP 1, 2, 3, 4) Call to 9000022478, 9182061841

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