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Possible Cause and Effect of Smoking Cigarette to the Student of


Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades (INCAT)


Presented to:
Reading and Writing Skills (RWS Teacher)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English 2

Presented By:

Remigio D. Baldoza

JUNE 2023


We are writing this to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported and

encouraged us throughout the course of our research. Without your help and guidance, we could

have completed this project successfully.

First and foremost, we want to thank my academic teacher in RWS MS. EMELY M.

ASUNCION, whose constant support and invaluable guidance helped us to navigate the various

challenges that arose during our research. Her feedback and insights were instrumental in shaping

the direction of our study and in refining our research methodology.

I would also like to thank our family's and friends, for their unwavering support,

encouragement, and motivation throughout our research project. Their support kept us focused

and motivated us to succeed.

Finally, we want to acknowledge the respondent's of our study, who willingly gave their time

and energy to contribute to our research. Without their participation, our findings would not have

been possible.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement throughout our research journey.


Baldoza, Remigio


This research study, which is a product of our sacrifice and sleepless nights is for our parents, friends, teachers,

and most of all to our Almighty God who blessed us with courageous hearts, mind, and soul.

To our parents who are supportive, loving, and caring, we humbly dedicated this to you. And to our Teacher,

whose affection, love, guidance, patience, and encouragement that helped us to finish this study and to get such honor and



Baldoza , Remigio


Awareness to the possible reason and effect of smoking cigarette as

Perceived by Senior Highschool Student of Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades,

Reading and Writing Skills.

Teacher : Ms. Emely M. Asuncion

The objective of a research paper about the cause and effect of smoking cigarettes is to provide an in-depth

understanding of the reasons for smoking and the various harmful effects it has on an individual's health.

The research paper will primarily focus on identifying the contributing factors that lead people to smoke

cigarettes, such as peer pressure, stress, curiosity, addiction, and social influences. Additionally, the paper will provide

insight into the consequences of long-term smoking and the risk of developing severe health complications, including

various cancers, heart disease, lung disease, and compromised immunity.

Moreover, the research paper will analyze the economic and social impact of smoking, including healthcare

expenses, increased mortality rates, and decreased productivity. The research aims to raise public awareness and develop

better policies and initiatives that can prevent and reduce the prevalence of smoking.

Overall, through comprehensive research, the objective of this paper is to emphasize the dangers of smoking and

create a better understanding of its effects on individuals and society to influence public health policies effectively.

Table of Contents


Title page




Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter II: review of related literature

Chapter III: research methodology

Research design

Population and Sampling Technique

Tool for Data Gathering

Statistical Tools For Data Gathering

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation of Data Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation




Chapter 1


Background Of Study

Smoking cigarette is a major public health problem worldwide, with an estimated 1.1 billion people being
smokers. Among the smoking population, young people, including students, are especially vulnerable to the harmful
effects of smoking. Smoking has numerous negative effects on the health of students, including an increased risk of
lung and other types of cancers, respiratory disease, heart disease, and pregnancy complications. Additionally,
smoking has adverse impacts on the mental health, cognitive function, and academic performance of students.

The causes of smoking among students are complex and interactive. Peer pressure, the influence of family
members and friends, and the availability of tobacco products are among the primary factors that increase the
likelihood of smoking initiation for students. Additionally, cultural norms, socioeconomic factors, and mental health
issues have also been found to contribute to smoking behavior among students.

This research paper will investigate the causes and effects of smoking cigarettes among students, with a
particular focus on the relationship between smoking and academic performance. The study will use quantitative and
qualitative research methods to explore the factors that contribute to smoking initiation and patterns of use among
students, as well as the ways in which smoking affects the academic performance, mental health, and overall
wellbeing of students.

The findings of this study will provide insight into the causes and consequences of smoking among students
and help inform policy and programming aimed at reducing smoking prevalence and supporting the health and
wellbeing of students. Educators, parents, and healthcare professionals can use this research to develop evidence-
based interventions and strategies to address smoking among students and promote healthy behaviors. In conclusion,
this research paper is significant in providing a comprehensive understanding of the cause and effect of smoking
among students, and it can be beneficial in reducing the prevalence of smoking among the young generation.



Backgroundofthe Study.................................................................................................................................................4
















Chapter IV: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATARespondent’sProfile..............25

Perceptionsof SeniorHighSchool StudentstotheROTC................................................................................................28

BenefitsofJoining ROTC.............................................................................................................................................30

Chapter V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONSSummary............................32






AccordingtoCollins(2022)ReserveOfficersTrainingCorpsisamilitaryorganization that trains people to

become officers in the armed forces, so that they are ready to join a military operation if they are needed.

ROTC has been a long-established part of the educational system as a trainingground for army reserve

members. “The most prominent argument on behalf of ROTC isthe traditional “citizen soldier” rationale, which

emphasizes how ROTC can broaden themilitary’s exposure to high levels of the civilian mind. In this line of

argument, officers trained by ROTC are more likely to balance military virtues with a commitment to the norms

of civil society and the constitutional order. (Dawns, 2011)

Discontent over ROTC - its content, conduct, the competence of its training staffand the corruption that

often plagued the individual units- had been well known foryears. Casual surfing of Filipino student websites

often reveals short essays or articles about the perceived pointlessness of the program. Student groups also

occasionally took up the matter in their roster of grievances."(ARESCOM,2016)Not only was its application

deemed ineffective, but students also suffer from unjust offices who abuse their powers.

ROTC made its most controversial past in 2001 when a student of the University of SantoTomas filed a

formal complaint against his superiors exposing heavy allegations of corruption in his ROTC unit.His lifeless

body was seen floating in Pasig Riveron March18,2001. The incident triggered student groups to held

rallies ;signature campaigns for the abolition of the ROTC program and paved the way for the passage of

RepublicAct9163 better known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001 which was eventually

signed into law on January 23, 2002.(PINEDA-ALVAREZ,2022).

According to Alvarez-Pineda (2022), One of the legislations President Ferdinand “Bong bong

"Marcos, Jr. urges the law makers to pass is the mandatory Reserve OfficersTraining Corps (ROTC) for

students. This created a huge scene on the internet especially the senior high school students expressing their

thoughts not favoring it, but some stilldoes. According to Magsambol (2022), Progressive youth groups on

Tuesday, July 26 slammed President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s push to make the Reserve Officers’ Training

Corps (ROTC) and the National Service Training Program (NSTP) mandatory for senior high school

programs (grades 11 and 12). “Amid a crisis on student drop outs and mental health problems, Marcos’

solution is to add to the burden of students by forcing them to go under ROTC,” said Akbayan Youth, the

Student Council Alliance of the Philippines and the Bukluran ng mga Progresibong Iskolar in a joint


The issue has driven the researchers to study about it. The researchers aim to discover the prospected

results of joining the mandatory ROTC and how they view the said program. The researchers will select

Senior High School Students at Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades, they are chosen as they are the one

who is most likely to be affected by the proposed Reinstatement of the Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training

Corps Program for Senior High School by President Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr.


At the end of the study, the researchers aim to answer the following questions withregards to the

Perceptions of Senior High School Students in Ilocos Norte College of Arts andTradesto the Reinstatement of

Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program.

1. Whatis theprofileof the students interms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 GradeLevel

1.4 Track

1.5 Strand

2. WhatarethePerceptionsofSeniorHighSchoolStudentstotheReinstatementofMandatoryReserveOfficers’T
raining CorpsProgram?

3. WhatarethePerceivedProblemscanarisewhenROTCwillbeimplementedmandatorily?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know the Perception of Senior High School students at Ilocos NorteCollege of Arts and

Trades to the Reinstatement of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training CorpsProgram.This study is beneficial tomany

sectorslikethe following:

To the Students: The goal of this study is to increase awareness among SeniorHigh School

Students who will participate in the ROTC program, whether its mandatoryimplementation is ever made a

reality. Students can use this as a reference point to helpthemdecide whetherto join ROTC or not.

To the Parents or Guardians: They are the ones who are responsible for guidingand taking care

of their children. They can utilize this study as a reading tool whetherallowtheir children to enterROTC or


To the Teachers: It is beneficial to the teachers as they are the one who

areguidingthestudentsintheiracademics.Hence,thembeingawareabouthowtheirstudentsviewed the program

can beabasis on what advicetheycould give.

To the School Administrators: They can encourage, direct, and advise teachersin the use of

instructional approaches, principles, and tools. And to help the teacher do histaskand address issues that

comeup during hisinstruction.

To the DepEd: The result of this study can be a basis for their decision making.They can get

information that could help them in knowing what to improve and what thetaskedin chargeof theprogram

notto do whenever implementation happen.

To the ROTC Officers: They can utilize this study as a reading resource that



To the Future Researchers: They can utilize this study to assist researchers inbeing aware of and

informed about the procedures entailed in the ROTC program. Theywould become better analysts as a

result, and it would be useful as a future source ofinformationforadditional research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the Perceptions of the Senior High School students in theReinstatement of

Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps in the Philippines under PresidentFerdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr.

Administration. The respondents of the study will compose ofSeniorHigh School StudentsofINCAT.

The researchers believe that they can obtain non-bias Perceptions of Senior High SchoolStudents in INCAT

towards the Reinstatement of Mandatory ROTC, as the school is one of theleadinginstitutions in theprovinceofIlocos


Definition of Terms

 Mandatory- A compulsory, obligatory, and is required by law; something we should allfollow.Usually

mandated by the governmentto its citizens.

 Perception- the process of organizing, identifying, and interpreting sensory informationinorder torepresent

andcomprehendthe presentedinformation or environment.

 Reinstatement- to put back, to re-establish it again or the restoration of something suchasalaworcustom.

 ROTC - The Reserve Officers Training Corps is a military institution that preparesindividuals to enter the

military as officers so they are prepared to participate in militaryactionshould they berequired.

 Senior High School- SHS refers to Grades 11 and 12, the final two years of the K to 12Basic Education

Program. Students in SHS must complete a basic curriculum as well assubjectsfrom a track of their choice.

 Strand – an area of study under an academic track that senior high school students musttaketo preparefor

their chosen degreein college.

 Track- The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student willtake in Grades 11

and 12. Each student in Senior High School can choose among threetracks:Academic;Technical-

Vocational-Livelihood;and Sports andArts.



Presented in this chapter are foreign and local literatures and studies gathered from booksand online

resources used by the researchers in the pursuit of this paper in order to have a moreaccurate study. This helped the

researchers have a better understanding and a wider perspectiveon this study


Republic Act No. 9163: An act establishing the national service training program(NSTP) for the

tertiary level students, amending for the purpose RA No. 7077 PD No. 1706,andforotherpurpose

Following the passage of Republic Act 9163, an Act Establishing the National ServiceTraining Program

(NSTP), unlike the ROTC, on the other hand, lets college students to


(2) academic semesters (6) : the ROTC program, which provides military training; LiteracyTraining Service (LTS),

which provides training on teaching basic reading and math; and


ngfortheenvironment,publicsafety,health,sports,andentrepreneurship,as defined in Section 3 ofRA 9163.

InaninterviewwithRamonFarolan ofthePhilippineDailyInquirer.July8,2013

“What is needed to support the Armed Forces is a citizen army of well-trained


impetus for the build-up of our Armed Forces before World War II, let us use the threats thatcome from bullies in

the neighborhood to prepare our youth for the defense of the homeland. It istime to restore the mandatory two-year

basic ROTC military training program that existed in thepast. Whatever mistakes or abuses were committed then

should not be allowed to happen again.”Said Brig. Gen. Rolando Jungco, Commander, Armed Forces of the

Philippines Civil RelationsService(CRS).


6outof10Filipinoswant mandatoryROTC inseniorhigh school

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said Wednesday the survey he commissioned Pulse Asia toconduct has

resulted in 69 percent of Filipinos agreeing to the proposed implementation of theReserveOfficers’TrainingCorps

(ROTC)Program insenior high school.

Gatchaliansaidabout71percentoftherespondentsintheNationalCapitalRegionand78 percent in the Visayas

support mandatory ROTC in senior high school while 67 percent inBalanceLuzon and 64percent in

Mindanaoalsosay they support theproposal.

"Amongsocioeconomicgroups,supportformandatoryROTCisstrongerinClassesA,B, C (71 percent) and D

(71 percent), compared to Class E (54 percent). The survey had 1,200respondents,"Gatchaliansaid in astatement.



The problems encountered on the implementation of ROTC program in Taguig


GuidelinesandTrainingwere assessedasSerious.However,withregards toLogisticsandEquipment this was assessed as

Moderately Serious. It shows that there are several problemsencounteredin the ROTC program of TCUwhich needs

to beaddressed.

ThePerceptionsonROTCImplementationAmongSeniorHighSchoolStudentsofPhilippinePasay Chung Hua

Academy Sy. 2018 2019

The Senior High School students agreed on the implementation of mandatory ROTC butsome students

mentioned that ROTC must not be mandatory.Leadership has the most commonanswers by the respondents. The

Senior High School of Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academysaid that the ROTC can make Filipino to be more

patriotic since they will go through on how tofocusas aleader andprotect themselves, as well asthe people




EstablishmentoftheReserveOfficers’TrainingCorpsorStudentMilitaryTrainingService in different countries

has three foremost objectives namely: to allow students to graspbasic military skills and theory and enhance their

understanding of defense and consciousness ofnational security. On an article by John Chan inWorld Socialist Web

Site on the 10th day ofMay 2007- Chinese government is imposing nationwide military training for students of

thecountrytoachievenotonlythethreemaingoalsofthelatterbutalsotostrengthenthesubmission of students to

“organization” and “discipline”, as well as to instill the values of“patriotism”, “collectivism” and “revolutionary

heroism”. In this article he discussed why agovernment should call for a compulsory national military training for

students in high schoolandtertiary level and howit will affect theireducationalrecord.


Scholarship is one of the reasons why a student of the American government underwentthis course. On the

article written by David L. Leal, Students in Uniform: ROTC, the Citizen-Soldiers, and the Civil-Military Gap, it

tells in details how and when the ROTC rooted in thecountry, what are the parallel benefit if a student will

participate in the said course and the equalresponsibilityasastudent taking part of theprogram.

The Pendulum Swing: The Fall and Return of ROTC to Elite Campuses, and Why ItMatters

In the United States of America there was a time that this course was banned mainlybecause of lack of

academic standards and some instructors and students believed that this is justa dummy for the military during the

Vietnam War last 1960. Universities that banned thisprogram include the most notable institutions in the United

States like Harvard, Yale, Princeton,Brown, Dartmouth, Stanford and Columbia, also known as the elite schools in

higher education.In the article “The Pendulum Swing: The Fall and Return of ROTC to Elite Campuses, and WhyIt

Matters” by Donald Downs, the author/writer give the good standing why the ROTC is neededto be reinstated in the

elite universities and how this program can be beneficial with the schooland tothestudents.

MakingCitizen-Soldiers:ROTCand theIdeologyofAmericanMilitaryService

Who will be best fit to enter the ROTC in America? Young fitted men or women? Thiswas the question

answered in the book of Michael S. Neiberg entitled: Making Citizen-Soldiers:ROTC and the Ideology of American

Military Service. In this book, it focuses the discussion onthe history of ROTCin

America;itscreationandevolution,who foundedthe programandwhere

the concept came from. It also gives a short review on the pathways that the course had gonethroughover theyears.

Doesthe Probabilityof CompulsoryMilitaryTrainingPose aProblemfor the PublicSchools?

During the time of the Pres. Roosevelt, those young boys aged 16 to 19 are put in trainingwith the

compulsory in nature. There are several records showing the rise and fall of the numberof young boys who entered

the said course. The best place to have this training was in a publicschool. This has been justified in the article of

Lewis Paul Todd, “Does the Probability ofCompulsoryMilitary TrainingPoseaProblem forthePublic Schools?”



Tayfun Sonmez, “Bidding for Army Career Specialties: Improving the ROTC BranchingMechanism”, this

study gave a reasonable solution on how to increase the number of participantsof the training corps. It tackles on

modifying the merit and incentives system so that it


sisonthe“priority-basedsystem”whichismosteffectiveinthesaid program.


Developing Leaders through High School Junior ROTC: Integrating Theory with



training dubbed as JROTC. The author viewed that it would enhance the knowledge of thestudent in leadership

skills, their understanding of their part as a citizen of the country and theirpersonalgrowth.


Since its inception, ROTC has aimed to instill in young people a sense of nationalism andpatriotism

through appropriate instruction, preparing them to become disciplined leaders andcitizens who can join the militia to

defend the nation. As per the history of ROTC in the


hattheycanprovide.TheobjectivesofROTCareentirelynationalistic in nature, despite issues that have arisen during

their execution in the past and in thepresent. The objectives of ROTC in other nations, meanwhile, focus more on

helping students tounderstand military theory and skills as well as increasing public awareness of defense

andnational security. In contrast, they are more militaristic in nature and pay less attention to howROTC might help

students develop their leadership and sense of self. Although American studiesinvestigated strategies to expand the

number of students who enroll in ROTC and proposedalterations to the program’s operation to encourage more

students to engage and develop theirleadership abilities. All the literatures have shown information about ROTC that

could give thereaders a motivation as a determining factor for them whether to enter or not to the ROTCprogram.

Local studies have shown that students do agree on the ROTC program but there areseveral problems that needs to

be address to as per seen to the previous implementations atTaguig City University. While the given foreign studies

focus on giving the information that tiesto the benefits a person can attain upon joining ROTC. The studies given in

general, reflects themotivations of ROTC implementation in schools across many nations, demonstrating if they

aremorepatrioticormilitaryinnatureandengageintheself-developmentofthestudents.Furthermore, the acquired

information can be utilized as guide to help ROTC in the


incorrect implementation of the program. Moreover, all the given literatures and studies gives theresearchers a basis

and an additional knowledge in conducting the study entitled; Perceptions ofSenior High School Students in Ilocos

Norte College of Arts and Trades to the Reinstatement ofMandatoryReserveOfficers’Training Corps Program.



This Chapter presents the procedure and processes employed in the conduct of the


g and datacollection.


The researchers will conduct this study using Case Study research design. A case study is aresearch method

used to develop an in-depth, multifaceted understanding of a difficult subject inits real-world context. It is a well-

established research design that is widely utilized in manyfields, particularly the social sciences. (Crowe et al.,

2011). The researchers believe that thisresearch design is appropriate in conducting the study as they are to obtain

insights from therespondents as to their Perception in the Reinstatement of Mandatory Reserve Officers’

TrainingCorps Program.Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depthunderstanding

of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" ratherthan the "what" of social phenomena

and relies on the direct experiences of human beings asmeaning-makingagentsintheireverydaylives. (Universityof

UtahCollegeofNursing, (n.d.).)


The researchers will conduct this study at the Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Tradeslocated along P.

Gomez St. 5 San Pedro, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte. In 1908, Ilocos Norte Collegeof Arts and Trades was founded as

the Laoag Provincial Trade School. In the year 2021, theschoolwasopenedforacompleteelementaryandtwo-


Elementary Department was phased out in 1934 due to the increase of the number of enrollmentand retaining the

Secondary Trade Curriculum which now include Home Economics for


nas“IlocosNorteCollegeofArtsandTrades”,andthecurriculumincludes twotradetechnical courses in1954.

Mission. To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete

basic education where: Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-


stewardsoftheinstitution,ensureanenablingandsupportiveenvironment for effective learning to happen. Family,

community, and other stakeholders areactivelyenjoyed and shareresponsibilityfordevelopinglife-long learning.

Vision. We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values andcompetencies

enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to buildingthenation.


The target population of this study is the Grade 11 and 12 students both Academic andTechnical Vocational

and Livelihood Track from the Ilocos Norte College of Arts and

Trades.TheresearcherswillchoosetheirrespondentsusingaQuotaSamplingTechnique.Quotasampling is a non-

probability sampling method in which researchers select a sample of



useful in data collection. These samples are representative of the overall population. Fleetwood(n.d.)

The researchers will determine their total number of samples using the Slovin’s Formula.Slovins’s formula

is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a population. Glen,












n=94.37 or94





Ayala 42 2
Sy 41 2
Caktiong 44 2
Gokongwei 38 2

Carino 45 3
Carandang 48 3
Castillo 47 3
Corona 47 3
Canlas 47 3
Concepcion 47 3

Sison 33 2
Daza 27 2
Gatcalian 36 2
Hallden 32 2
Mariott 34 2
Ford 41 2
Edison 47 3
Franklin 46 3
Daichi 51 3
Robert 40 2
Strauss 38 2


Ernst 40 2
Gorres 39 2
Sycip 41 2
Velayo 39 2
Young 42 2

Bernas 39 2
Briones 43 2
Monsod 43 2
Ocampo 42 2
Salonga 39 2
Santiago 42 2

Ramsay 46 3
Sentosa 44 2
Hyatt 48 3
Altis 35 2
Vios 35 2
Ohms 50 3
Alcaraz 30 2
Gates 42 2
Palafox 26 2


The researchers will use a survey questionnaire and interview to gather the necessary data.The questions are

designed to know the Perception of the Implementation of Mandatory ROTCforSenior High School studentsofIlocos

NorteCollegeof Arts and Trades.

The questionnaire is divided into three parts. The first part is used to determine the profileof the

respondents. The variables needed were determined and asked for in the profile part of thequestionnaire. The second

part was the questions designed for obtaining the Perceptions of theSenior High School Students to the

Reinstatement of Mandatory Reserve Officers’ TrainingCorps Program. The third part is used to determine the

perceived problems if ROTC will beimplemented mandatorily. Open-ended types of questions will be used in the

questionnaire.Open-ended questions are questions that do not provide participants with a predetermined set




Thischapterpresentsdetailedevaluationofdataanalysisandtheresultsofthisstudy.The researchers interpret the

results thoroughly from the 94 respondents’ answer from the surveyquestionnaire given which aims to determine the

Perceptions of Senior High School Students inIlocos Norte College of Arts and Trades to the Reinstatement of

Mandatory Reserve OfficersTrainingCorps Program.

A technique known as narrative analysis was used in this study. The purpose of

narrativeanalysisistoexploreandconceptualizehumanexperienceasitisexpressedinliterature.Researchers could employ

this strategy to work with small groups of participants to collectdiverseandopen-

endedspeechinordertoachieveabettergraspofthemeaningspeopleattachtotheir experiences (Salkind, 2019).

First, the researchers thoroughly organized the responses gathered. The study of raw dataresulted in the

initial identification of the relevant codes. The researchers then evaluated thesecodes throughout time, noting

similarities and differences in order to group them. Based

ongroupsofcomparablecodes,thecategorieswereconstructedandstructuredtoaddresstheresearch'smajor questions.

First Section: Respondent’s


Profile Frequency Percentage

AcademicTrack 48 51.06%
TechnicalVocationalLivelihood(TVL)Track 46 48.94%
AccountancyBusinessandManagement 18 19.14%
HumanitiesandSocialScience 30 31.91%
AutomotiveServicing(ATS) 8 8.51%
BeautyCare(BC) 2 2.13%
ComputerSystemsServices(CSS) 4 4.26%
RefrigerationandAir-conditioningServicing(RAC) 3 3.19%

ElectricalInstallationandMaintenance(EIM) 6 6.38%
FoodProcessingServices(FPS) 5 5.32%
ElectronicProductsAssemblyandServicing(EPAS) 3 3.19%

HospitalityandRestaurantServices(HRS) 9 9.57%
TechnicalDraftingandAnimation(TDA) 4 4.26%
(GT) 2 2.13%


Moving on to the second section which contains the main questions for the study,



Thefirstthemethatwasgeneratedisitmobilizedstudentsformilitarydefensepreparedness and disaster

preparedness. Respondent 9 “highlighted this by stating that thisprogram will include basic military training to

motivate, train, organize, and utilize students fornational defense preparedness.” Respondent 41 also added, “for its

benefits, we can learn aboutthe basic self-defense, and it will teach us to not rely on anyone but yourself. It also


said “to be prepared for possible service in the defense establishment during the event of


thecountrybutalsoduringattimesofemergencysuchas disasters. The involvement of universities and colleges in the

ROTC program is essential

insupportingtheimplementationoftheprogram.Theeducationalinstitutionswillbeabletoobserve how students will

contribute to the country’s peace, security and national developmentprogram. More so, the program provides

students with significant opportunities and benefits. Theyoung-

moldedcadetscanacquiretacitknowledgeonleadershipandnationaldefensepreparedness allowing them to become

scholars and be among those to participate in the ROTCCulturalUnderstandingLanguageProgram, The Freeman


For the second theme namely, good head start or training ground to immerse yourself inpursuing a military

career, respondent 62 said that “people seeking for military career in thefuture can have a head start and apply the

skills they obtain in college.” Given that ROTC entailsmilitary training, it can be an edge for those individuals who

will partake in a military careerjourney in college. Likewise, respondent 43 states that “it benefits me since I’m

planning topursue a military career in college.” Respondent 43 viewed this program as an opportunity forhim. He

believes that entering this program may help him to attain prior knowledge before goingtocollege andtake

amilitarycourse.Prior knowledge haslongbeenconsideredthe mostimportant factor influencing learning and student

achievement. The amount and quality of priorknowledge positively influence both knowledge acquisition and the

capacity to apply higher-ordercognitive problem-solving skills, Mrsstrickey, (2021)

In connection to that, another theme was revealed in this study namely, it provides


leadershipdevelopmentaswellaspossibilitiesforteambuildingandnetworking."Tocorroborate her answer, here’s an

article of Montesi published in 2018, The ROTC programprovides world-class leadership development, as well as

valuable team building and networkingopportunities. It also opens the door to specialized training with your local

unit, which couldinclude airborne, air assault, medical training, and other technical skills. If you’re interested

inmilitarylife, the accessto high-level trainingprovided by ROTCis unparalleled.

The theme threat to safety as fraternity and Sorority is prone to arise with this kind ofthings. Respondent 6

highlighted that “the process of joining these groups is unbearable and

isterriblywrong.HazingandAbusebetweencadetsandcommandermayarisewhichisdetrimental to the core purpose of

reinstating Mandatory ROTC to Senior High Schools whichPresident Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr. stated.”

Respondent 18 added that “hazing has been ahuge issue in military schools, thus hazing might arise during the

mandatory ROTC program.”Also, respondent 51 said that “hazing and abuse is one of the potential issues that might

arise.Some instructorsmight be harsh tothe students,althoughithasnot happened,itisa bigpossibility.” The reasons of

the respondents for why they disagree aboutROTC’s reinstatementis mostly due to their safety, given that fraternities

and sororities have high possibility to arise.Hazing includes, but is not limited, to any form of initiation "rite of

passage" or congratulatoryact that involves physically striking another in order to inflict pain; piercing another’s

skin in anymanner; forcing or requiring the consumption of excessive amounts of food, alcohol, drugs, orother

substances; or encouraging another to engage in illegal, harmful, demeaning or dangerousacts. Soliciting or coercing

another to participate in any such activity is also considered hazing.Hazing need not involve physical contact among

or between military members or employees;


ceremonies or similar military "rites of passage." However, it may also happen in day-to-daymilitary settings. It is

prohibited in all cases, to include off-duty or "unofficial" celebrations orunitfunctions, (AR 600-20 Army Command


As for the theme unbearable intense training and will just add unnecessary burden tostudents. Respondent

3 addedthat “many of thestudents will complain about their time

beinguseinROTCinsteadofhavingsomerestafteralongweekday”;also,thestatementofrespondent 18 that “he does not

feel comfortable with the suggestion of reinstating ROTC sincesuch journey might be unbearable due to intense

physical training. However, he recognizes stillthat it is essential for the protection of the country.” The training a

student receives in ArmyROTC provides leadership development, military skills and career training, Today’s

Military,(n.d.). Intensive training will be held at a military camp in Bagacay village, Hinabangan

Samar.Aftertherigidtraining,theywillbeenlistedintothePhilippineArmywiththerankofprivate, Meniano S. (2019).

Those two articles are relevant to the answers of the highlightedanswers of the two respondents. Given that, the two

are hesitant due to unbearable journey ofintense training, these two articles confirmed it that ROTC training entails

training like a militaryskillstraining;thesecond onestatesthat amilitarytraining hereinthePhilippineswasintense.

Perceptions of Senior High School Students in INCAT to the Reinstatement of MandatoryROTC

Withthegathereddata,majorityoftherespondentsagreedtotheReinstatementofMandatory ROTC Program

given that it can enhance their abilities both physical and social skillsor capabilities. The respondents believe that

implementing the ROTC program will benefit theirphysical and character development, such as alertness, bravery,

being more skilled, disciplined,andrespectful.Asrespondent69said,“itmayimprovemyself-confidence,physicalbody,

endurance,staminaandhelpyoudisciplineyourself”;Respondent71,“thisprogramhelpstudents to be more brave, skilled,

to be well-disciplined, and also respectful”;

andrespondent83,“itenhancesone’smentalskillstobuildconfidence,concentration,andcomposure.”According to the

various perspectives of senior high school students, the ROTC Program can“mobilize students for military defense

preparedness and disaster preparedness.”Respondent 66said that “I agree to its reinstatement as its sole objective is

to train and mobilize students fornational defense preparedness”; Respondent 77,“Like South Korea, our country

need this aswell, in order to immerse the youth to be ready to any emergency or disaster in our

country.”Additionally, the respondents recognized that “ROTCinstills nationalism and patriotism” andcan be “an

advanced practice to those who will take military-related courses in college.” Therespondents believe that ROTC is

seen to promote a culture of discipline and responsibility;provides opportunity to inculcate the values of patriotism,

nationalism, and character-building;and provides training that will develop students' leadership skills. However,

contrary to the givenperceptions that are mentioned, there are alsorespondents who disagreed some of themnotedthat

“joining can yield to brotherhood within but it should be voluntary.” They also stated that “itshould not be

mandatory but voluntary instead since not all have the same health

conditions”.Respondentsalsonotedthatthesaidprogramcan“addburdentostudents’sincethereisalreadya lot of work to

do in school and is giving stress and pressure to them.And last, some of thestudents said that it shouldn't be

mandatory because not everyone seeks to be in a military careerand the journey might be unbearable and a brutal act

is highly possible to appear if ever theprogramis implemented.

Benefitsof JoiningROTC

According to the data acquired, respondents list common advantages of joining the ROTC.First on the list is

learning the basics of self-defense, which, by joining it, not only enables themto defend themselves but also others.

Additionally, training aids in their emotional and physicalfitness. Being able to defend yourself raises your

confidence and sense of self-worth. Theseadvantagesare onlya few ofthe manyadvantagesoflearningself-


studentshowtocarryanddischargeagunwhenROTCisaschoolrequirement. The ROTC teaches valuable values that will

shape young people into responsiblecitizens, such as discipline, voluntarism, and compassion for others.

Respondents believe thatjoining the ROTC program will be a good head start or training ground to immerse

themselves inpursuingamilitarycareer.ROTCprovidesthemwiththetrainingneededtosucceedintomorrow's competitive

world while pursuing a military career and a rewarding future. Preparingfor a lifetime of success in the corporate

world begins with ROTC, which enables them todevelop leadership and management skills that give them a

competitive edge. Respondents alsonoted that the said program can provide world-class leadership development.

Leaders inspireothers inside and beyond the chain of command to pursue actions, concentrate thinking, andshape

decisions for the benefit of the organization by enlisting in the ROTC. Giving orders isonly a small part of what it

takes to be a leader. There are several ways you can have an impacton people. And lastly, respondents said that it

would improve patriotism. The purpose of theROTC program is to lay a strong foundation for instilling nationalism

and patriotism in youngpeoplesotheycangrowuptobevaluablemembersofsocietywhohavetheabilities,



If mandatory ROTC is implemented, the respondents assume that "physical abuse



medicalissuessuchasasthmaandotherhealthproblems.”According to the various respondents of Senior High School

students, the ROTC program can"unbearable intense training and will just add unnecessary burden to students" as

the statement ofrespondent 18 goes “he does not feel comfortable with the suggestion of reinstating ROTC sincesuch

journey might be unbearable due to intense physical training. However, he recognizes stillthat it is essential for the

protection of the country.” Additionally, "Sexism to the LGBTQmembers is also one of the perceived problems"

because they believe of due to its contempt andlack of compliance with the actual gender that is eligible for ROTC,

many respondents oppose itand don't agree with it. As noted in respondent 64’s answer, “it only promotes

discrimination andsexism especially to gay students.” Sexism refers to discrimination or prejudice based on

genderor sex, typically against women. Stanford Student Affairs (n.d.) Lastly, the respondents also saidthat it gives

"Threat to safety as Fraternity and Sorority is prone to arise with this kind of thing".Since other gangs like these just

want conflict due to their fighting prowess and expertise.Respondent 76 said that “haze and abuse by cadet has a big

possibility to happen.” Fraternitiesand sororities, more importantly, have serious issues that need to be talked about

more. Sexualassaulthappensofteninfraternitiesandracism,whichiseasilyexcused.Oneofthemost

dangerous things in Greek life is hazing, known as the process of joining a sorority or fraternity.Bruen,(2022).



This chapter presents an overall summary of the research work undertaken, the conclusionsdrawn, and the

recommendations made as an outgrowthon thePerceptions of Senior HighSchool Students in Ilocos Norte College of

Arts and Trades to the Reinstatement of MandatoryReserveOfficers trainingCorps Program.


The primary objective of this study was to determine the Perceptions of Senior HighSchool Students in

Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades to the Reinstatement of MandatoryReserve Officers’ Training Corps

Program. In addition, the findings and results of this studyprovideanin-

depthunderstandingofaddressingtheirdifferentperceptionsandseekstodeterminehow they viewthe said program.

To identify their different perceptions on how they view the said program, the researchersused Snowball

sampling technique to ensure the participation of all students in their respectivetrack and strand. Moreover, the

researchers used a survey questionnaire as their data instrument,and it was distributed to 94 Senior High School

Students as their respondents in Ilocos NorteCollege of Arts and Trades. Based on a thorough analyzation of data

gathered, the following aretheresearchers’findings:

 Itwasrevealedthatthecommonreasonswhyaseniorhighschoolstudentagreeduponits implementation are: will

benefit their physical and character development, such asalertness, bravery, being more skilled, disciplined,

and respectful; Mobilize students


cetothosewhowilltakemilitary-relatedcoursesincollege;And promote a cultureof discipline and


 The reasons behind those students who disagreed upon its mandatory implementation are:it should not be

mandatory but voluntary instead since not all have the same healthconditions; Add unnecessary burden to

students; Not everyone seeks to be in a militarycareer;And intensetraining,journey might be unbearable.

 It was also revealed that the respondents recognized some of the benefits of joining

thisprogram.Thesearelearningthebasicsofself-defense,aidsintheiremotionalandphysical fitness, help foster a

culture of discipline and responsibility, good head start

ortraininggroundtoimmersethemselvesinpursuingamilitarycareeranddevelopleadershipand management


 The perceived issues that might arise if ever that Mandatory Reserve Officers’ TrainingCorps Program will

be implemented are: Physical abuse and violence; Mental healthissues may arise due to stress during

trainings; Inconsideration of physical/medical issuessuch as asthma and other health problems; Unbearable

intense training and will just addunnecessary burden to students; Sexism to the LGBTQ members; And

threat to safety asFraternityand Sorority is proneto arisewith this kind ofthing.



 The researcher concludes that the benefits of joining the mandatory ROTC namely, learnthe basic self-

defense, culture of discipline and responsibility, to be a leader, militarypreparedness.

o Learning the basic self-defense can be a benefit to the studentsof the

mandatoryROTC.Itteachesthemhowtoprotectthemselvesphysicallyandmentally.Studentscan defend

themselves in caseof emergency.

o OneofthebenefitsofROTCtostudentsisdevelopingdisciplineandresponsibility. ROTC helps the

students to be disciplined, gaining the ability to bebehave and have a controlled manner. ROTC

trains the students to be disciplinedbyimplementing somerules and theirresponsibility to follow it.

o ROTCcanalsohelpthestudentstobealeaderandhelpthemtobemoreindependent. It can help the

students to be responsible in performing their dutiestoo.

o Military preparednesswillalsothe benefitsof joiningthe mandatory ROTC.Students who are

exposed on trainings will have the opportunity to be prepared incaseofcalamities and disasters.

 The researchers conclude that the perceived problems if ROTC will be implemented thatarose with our

respondents namely, physical abuse and violence, burden to students, itaffecttheir physical and mental

health, lack of financial, threatto safety as fraternity andsorority.

o Physical abuse and violence can be one of the reasons why students can't supportthemandatory

o Burden to students is also one of the perceived problems of the students becausemany of them
have other responsibilities to work on. This problem can definitelyaffect their studies. Instead of

doing the school-works, some students spend theirtimeontraining.

o Studentsalsoansweredthatitcanaffecttheirphysicalandmentalhealth.

StudentsalsosaidthatmandatoryROTCcancausestresstosomestudents.During training it can affect

their physical healthsuch as increased heart andbloodpressurebecauseof intensetraining.

o Students also answered that lack of finance is the perceived problem if the ROTCwillbe
mandatoryimplemented. Studentsmayalsostruggle financiallysincesomeofthem havedifferent

income status.


Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following recommendations aresuggested:

 The researchers recommend the Department of Education to devise approaches in away that

accelerates dissemination of information or awareness about the frequentlyasked questions regarding

mandatory reserve officers training corps program. Theymay organize various seminars to further

informing the students about its benefits andperceivedproblems thatmight ariseandhow arethosecan


 TheresearcherssuggeststotheDepartmentofEducation,ifeverthatitsimplementationwas granted,

itshouldbeopen for bothmale and females.

 The researchers suggest to the Cadet Officers to be mindful in their actions and not tobe very abusive

and exploitative. Since one of the common reasons o those whodisagreed upon its mandatory

implementation is “physical abuses.” They must not bethatoverly tough to their studentsand bestill


 Finally, the researchersrecommendsto the future researchers to studyabout theeffects of Mandatory

ROTC if ever was granted to be implemented in Senior HighSchoolsDepartment across thecountry.




From AR 600-20 Army Command Policy 4–20. Hazing.




Bruen M. (June 7, 2022) The Lamp Online. The Toxicity of Fraternities





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