Writing Part 3

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Can halus/galus candidates write an article in SPM 1119/2? The answer would be “Yes”. For sure,
their ability to write the article mainly depends on the question which they get. If the article focuses
on a topic which is unfamiliar or less familiar to the weak candidates, then, they may not be able to
write it well. However, if they get a familiar topic and they do have ideas for the content, definitely,
the galus/halus candidates would be able to attempt writing the article.

The three model essays shared below are composed based on three topics which I believe even the
weak candidates have some ideas to write about. At this final stage of making preparations for SPM
examination, I hope MELICA can still assist the candidates to continue making their preparations till
the finishing line. The least thing to do is to read and understand each sample question and examine
each model answer. Critical examinations of the model answers in terms of ideas, cohesive devices,
paragraphing and elaborations, can reinforce candidates’ good preparations for the writing paper.
The following are the model answers which teachers can adopt and adapt to suit their realities;
needs, context, learning and teaching styles, availability of time and pupils’ readiness.
Part 3

Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in
an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at the top of the
answer space.

Question 3

You see this notice on the board outside the school library.

Articles Wanted!

Teens and Entertainment

· What are the popular entertainment choices among teens?

· What is one choice of entertainment that most teens love?

· Why is it important for teens to have some entertainment?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in the school magazine.

Write your article.

Part 3

Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in
an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at the top of the
answer space.
Teens and Entertainment

By Vivien Tan

All people need entertainment. Old people need entertainment. Young people need
entertainment too. Everybody has his or her own choice of entertainment.

Surely, teens need entertainment. There are some popular choices of entertainment among
teens. Some teens play online games for entertainment. They play Mobile Legend. Besides, teens
listen to songs. They love Korean songs. Some watch movies. They love to watch movies. Some teens
love Hollywood movies. However, many of them love Bollywood movies.

I think, one choice of entertainment that most teens love is to watch YouTube. They watch
many YouTube videos. YouTube has millions of videos. They get entertainment. They are happy.
Moreover, they have fun. They watch Korean dramas in YouTube. Besides, teens also watch box-
office music videos. They sing along. Furthermore, they dance too.

It is important for teens to have entertainment. Teens are students. It is not easy to be
students. Students have many challenges. Moreover, they are stressful. Entertainment makes teens
happy. In addition, they feel good. They smile. With entertainment, teens feel relaxed. They also feel

In conclusion, entertainment is important for teens. Entertainment is important for other

people too. [188 words]

Part 3

Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in
an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at the top of the
answer space.

Question 3

You see this notice on the board outside the school library.

Articles Wanted!

Anger Management

· What are the common reasons for people to be angry?

· What should one do when one is angry?

· Why is it important to know how to control anger?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in the school magazine.

Write your article.

Anger Management

By Alissa Mastura

Angry, angry, angry. Nobody is perfect. Everybody gets angry. Sometimes, our friend is
angry. Sometimes, our teachers are angry. Most of the time, our parents are angry with us.

Why do people get angry? Are they crazy? No. People get angry because of different
reasons. Maybe, a mother is angry because she is tired. Mother cooks food, washes toilet, sweeps
the floor and does many other chores. Sometimes, a child is angry because she or he has to do many
house chores to help mother. In school, teachers are angry, maybe because the pupils do not do
their homework. Moreover, pupils also make a lot of noise. Moreover, the class is also very dirty.

I think when we are angry, we can do a few things. First, we must keep quiet. Do not say
anything. We must relax and take a deep breath. This can help us to relax. Moreover, we can do
yoga too. When we do yoga, we feel good. Besides, we feel great. We can control our anger better.
Muslims can pray when they are angry. In addition, they can read Quran.

We must know how to control our anger. First, when we can control our anger, we do things
correctly. We will not make mistakes. Next, when we control our anger, we control our blood
pressure. Furthermore, we also control our stress level.

In conclusion, it is good that we learn how to control our anger. There are many effective
and practical ways to control our anger. We choose what we like. [256 words]
Part 3

Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in
an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at the top of the
answer space.

Question 3

You see this notice on the board outside the school library.

Articles Wanted!


· What are the characteristics of a true friend?

· What are the practical ways to maintain friendship?

· Why do you think having true friends is important?

Write us an article answering these questions.

The best article will be published in the school magazine.

Write your article.

True Friendship

By Fatimah Hamzah

Rosmah, Halimah, Salmah, Normah and Shimah are my friends. I am Fatimah. I am the
leader of “Mah Group”. I love my friends. They love me too. They are my true friends.

In my opinion, a true friend is kind. A true friend always helps us when we need help.
Moreover, a true friend is loving. He or she loves us even though we are not smart or poor. I believe
a true friend must also be supportive. He or she always supports us when we have problems.
Furthermore, a true friend should always support us to do our best and not to give up easily.

We can maintain our friendship in many ways. For example, we must always respect our
friends. Then, if we make a mistake, we must quickly say sorry. It is fine to say sorry. If we can, we
should buy a gift on our friend’s birthday. If we have little money, we can buy a simple and cheap
gift. Finally, we must always say ‘Thank you’.

All of us should have true friends. First, they make us happy. We can also enjoy life more
when we have true friends. We can shop with them. Moreover, we can have fun with them. Next,
we will always have someone to talk to when we are down. We can share our problems and worries
with them.

In conclusion, our friends are important to us. We must always do our best for our friends.
[245 words]

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