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Task 1: Choose the letter of the correct answer in each statement below.
1. A _________ is a diagram that shows the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along a
pair of axes at right angles.
A. flowchart B. table C. graph D. map
2. A ________, also called a matrix, is an orderly arrangement of quantitative data in columns and rows.
A. table B. map C. graph D. flowchart
3. A _______ uses pictures to represent a particular number of items.
A. graph B. flowchart C. diagram D. pictogram
4. A _________ shows you how numbers have changed over time. They are used when you have data that are connected, and to
show trends, i.e., average nighttime temperature in each month of the year.
A. bar graph B. pictogram C. line graph D. pie chart
5. A ________ shows you how a whole is divided into different parts. You might, for example, want to show how a budget had been
spent on different items in a particular year.
A. pie chart B. bar graph C. line graph D. flowchart
Task 2: Complete the table below by giving 3 examples of viewing materials you have watched under the identified genres.
Weather Report

Movie Trailer


News Flash

Internet-Based Program

Task 3: Read each sentence carefully. Identify whether the statements COMPARE or CONTRAST ideas.
_______________1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.
_______________2. That bike has the same color as our car.
_______________3. I was hungry, but I was reluctant to eat, since I did not like what was on offer.
_______________4. I got an A in Math, and I am doing well in other classes, too.
_______________5. I ordered steak; however, chicken was served instead.

Task 4: In your answer sheet, underline the opinion-markers used in the following sentences.
1. I do really like haiku.
2. If I am not mistaken, Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan.
3. In my experience, writing haiku is quite hard.
4. A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable count, but I think it could be
5. It is claimed that you must strictly follow the syllable count.

Task 5: Write POSITIVE if it conveys a positive message or NEGATIVE if it conveys a negative one. Write your answers on the blanks.
1. We have not been seeing a great deal of each other lately.
2. The police concluded that the security system had been working properly.
3. I think I am not doing enough.
4. You know you have something to offer. If you don’t, you would not be here.
5. If you want to change the world, you have to take the leap.

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