Beginner To Advance Excel Course Practice File

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Instagram 320 Excel Shortcut Keys

200 Word Shortcut Keys


120 Power Point Shortcut Keys

Get Microsoft Office 365

Telegram File & Home Menu Explained in



Instagram AUTOSUM




Telegram COUNT




Instagram H LOOKUP







Pivot Table Pivot Table

CHAPTER 1-Pivot Table Creation CHAPTER 8-Calculated Items

CHAPTER 2-Pivot Charts CHAPTER 9-Pivot Table From Multiple


CHAPTER 3-Slicers
CHAPTER 10-Pivot Table From Table

CHAPTER 4-Timeline

CHAPTER 5-Grouping

CHAPTER 6-Custom Grouping

CHAPTER 7-Calculated Field




SMALL Formulatext


MAXA Proper

MIN Upper

MINA Lower












Shortcut Keys
Arrow Keys
Ctrl+Arrow Keys
Page Down/Page Up
Alt+Page Down/Page Up
Ctrl+G then type e.g. A50
Ctrl+G then type e.g. G1

Shortcut Keys
Shift+Arrow Keys
Shift+Page Down/Page Up
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys
Ctrl+A with empty cells around
current cell
Ctrl+A with filled cells around
current cell


Shortcut Keys
Shift+Space, then Shift+Arrow
Down/Arrow Up
Shift+Space, then Shift+Page
Down/Page Up
Shift+Space, then Shift+Arrow
Right/Arrow Left
Shift+Space, then Shift+Alt+Page
Down/Page Up

Shortcut Keys
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+-
Shift+Space, then Shift+Arrow
Up/Arrow Down, then Ctrl+-
Shift+Space, thenCtrl+Shift++
Shift+Space, then Shift+Arrow
Up/Arrow Down, then Ctrl+Shift++
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+-
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+Shift++
Ctrl+Shift++ with row(s) in
clipboard and a row selected
Ctrl+Shift++ with column(s) in
clipboard and column selected
Shift+Arrow Down, F2, then
Shift+Arrow Up, F2, then

Shortcut Keys
Shift+Space, then Ctrl+D
Ctrl+Space, then Ctrl+R



Shortcut Keys
Press and hold Ctrl, then click or
click and drag


Shift+F8, then click on cells or
click+drag cell ranges
Shift+F8, then Arrow Keys, then 2x
Shift+F8 on a single cell
Shift+F8, then Arrow Keys, then
Shift+Arrow Keys, then 1x Shift+F8
selected range.


Shortcut Keys
F2, then Shift+Home
Arrow Keys
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow Right
Shift+Arrow Keys
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right
Ctrl+; and Ctrl+Shift+;


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Right/Arrow Left
Arrow Keys with active Selection


Shortcut Keys
Alt+F, O
Alt+F, O + 1...9
Alt+F, O, Y1...Z
Alt+F, O, K
Alt+F, A
Alt+F, A, K

Shortcut Keys
Alt+F, P
I in Print Menu
Alt+P if Key Tips disappear
V in Print Menu
G in Print Menu
N in Print Menu


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Page Down/Page Up
Alt+H, IS
Alt+H, DS
Alt+H, OR
Alt+H, OM
Alt+H, OT


Shortcut Keys
Shift+F10, then U
Alt+W S
Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+1, then Ctrl+Tab
Alt+HB, them M
Alt+HB then O
Alt+HB then P
Alt+HB then L
Alt+HB then R
Alt+HB then N
Alt+HB then A
Alt+HB then A
Alt+HB then T
Alt+HB then B
Alt+HB then H
Alt+HB then C
Alt+HB then U
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+;, then Space, then Ctrl+Shift+;


Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Alt+V, then T and Enter


Shortcut Keys
Alt+HH, Escape, Enter
Alt+HH, then N

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys
Alt+H, AL
Alt+H, AR
Alt+H, AC
Alt+H, AT
Alt+H, AM
Alt+H, AB


Shortcut Keys
Alt+H, W
Alt+H, MM
Alt+H, MU
Alt+H, MC
Alt+H, MA


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+A with formula present


Shift+F3 with empty cell

Shortcut Keys
Shift+F3 with formula present
Alt+H,FD, U

Ctrl+Shift+Enter with array formula



Shortcut Keys
=LEFT (text, num_chars)
=RIGHT (text, num_chars)
=MID (text, start_num, num_chars)
=CONCATENATE (text, text2, …)
=FIND (find_text, within_text)

=SEARCH (find_text, within_text)

=LOWER (text)
=PROPER (text)


Shortcut Keys
=SUM (value1,value2, …)
=COUNT (value1,value2, …)
=COUNTA (value1,value2, …)
=MAX (number1, number2, …)
=MIN (number1, number2, …)
Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Alt+Arrow Down
Arrow Down/Arrow Up and Sace
Alt+Arrow Up

Shortcut Keys
Alt+Arrow Down in header
Type over any field with the value
Type over any field with another
field in same table
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right
Alt+Shift+Arrow Left


Shortcut Keys
Alt+Enter outside edit cell mode


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Alt+V, then V, Enter
Ctrl+Alt+V, then T, Enter
Ctrl+Alt+V, then E, Enter
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Alt+V, then W, Enter
Ctrl+Alt+V, then U, Enter


Shortcut Keys
Alt+Tab, or Ctrl+F/H when losing
* in search option
? in search options


Shortcut Keys
Alt+R and Alt+Y
Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Shift+Alt+Right Arrow with cell or
cell range selected
Ctrl+Space, then Shift+Alt+Arrow
Shift+Space, then Shift+Alt+Arrow
Shift+Alt+Arrow Left
Alt+A, then H
Alt+A, then J

Shortcut Keys
Shift+F10, then 2x I, then Enter
Shift+F10, then R


Shortcut Keys
1x Escape when in Comment, then
Arrow Keys
2x Escape when in Comment
Shift+F10, then M


Shortcut Keys
Page Down/Page Up
Ctrl+Page Down
Ctrl+Page Up


Shortcut Keys
Alt+F, IE


Shortcut Keys
Navigate one cell at a time in any direction
Move to the edge of data region (cells that contains data)
Move one screen down/ up
Move one screen right/ left
Move one cell to the next/ previous cell in worksheet
Move to beginning of row
Move to the beginning of worksheet
Move to the last cell with content of worksheet
Display the GoTo dialog box
Go to line 50, Column A
Go to column G, Line 1 in Excel
Set focus back to active cell after e.g. scrolling away from it

Extend selection by one cell
Extend selection one screen down/ up
Extend selection to next non-blank cell
Extend selection to beginning of the row (unfortunately, there is no Shift+End equivalen
Select all

Select all cells in data-containing area. Press twice to select everything

Extend selection to first cell of the worksheet
Extend selection from current cell to all cells with data on the worksheet
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu.


Select current row
Select current row, then expand selection by one row down/ up

Select current row, then expand selection by one page down/ up

Select current column
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left

Select current column, then expand selection by one screen right/ left


Select single row; then delete
Select multiple rows; then delete
Select single row; then insert one row above

Select multiple rows; then insert the same number rows below

Select single (or multiple) columns, then delete

Select single row, then insert row below. Select multiple rows to insert multiple rows
Paste Insert - paste row(s) from clipboard and shift existing content downward

Paste Insert - paste column(s) from clipboard and shift existing content to the right
With cells that are not complete rows/columns - Open insert cell/ row/ column menu
With cells that are not complete rows/columns - Open delete cell/ row/ column menu
Fill single cell content down to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down

Fill single cell content up to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down

Duplicate cell or line above (Duplicate Down)
Duplicate cell or line above (Duplicate Right)
Duplicate content from row above of selection
Duplicate column content from column to the left of selection
Duplicate single cell from above during editing a Cell. Similar to Ctrl+D, but on single c
applies to when editing. This also allows e.g. amend text from above to the current cell c


Add non-adjacent cells to a selection. While continue to hold Ctrl, click on selected cells
ranges to de-select.
Extend selection from current cell; same effect as pressing and holding Shift. There is an
Selection' texts at in Excel Status Bar. Press Escape to exit Extend Selection Mode
Enter Locked Selection Extend Mode. Now you can add non-adjacent cells to a selection
'Add or Remove Selection' text at bottom of Excel Window
Add non-adjacent cells or ranges to locked selection

Add non-adjacent single cells to locked selection

Add non-adjacent cell ranges to locked selection


Edit cell. Press Escape to cancel
Select Cell Content. Selects from current end of cursor to beginning
Jump to beginning/ end of cell
Navigate by one character left/ right or one line up/ down
Navigate by one word left/ right
Select one character to the left/ right (or one line up/down)
Select from the insertion point to beginning/ end of cell
Select or unselect one word to the left/ right
Delete one character to the right/ left of cursor
Delete from cursor to end of cell
Start a new line inside cell
Complete cell entry and move one cell down/ up
Complete cell entry and move one cell right/ left
Complete cell entry and don't move selection
Duplicate value from Cell above into current cell at cursor position
Insert current date at cursor position and Insert current time at cursor position


Move active cell right/ left in selection
Move active cell down/ up in selection
Select only the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Show active cell within selection; helps with large selections when active cell is off scre
Move clockwise between the four corners of a selection
Move to the right/ to the left between non-adjacent selections (with multiple ranges selec
Cancel Selection


Open Workbook via 'new' open box to access additional locations
Open file via classic open dialog window
File Open via Excel file manager
Open recent file (1 thru 9)
Open recent file (10 upwards)
File Open from OneDrive Link
Save File with current file name
Save file as via standard save dialog box
File Save as via Excel file manager
File Save to OneDrive Link
Exit open/ save menu

Print. This won't offer Key Tips/ Options. To continue with shortcuts, use the new Key O
Open File Print menu
Select printer
Return Print key tips/ options
Focus on View pane; use arrow keys to forward/ backward preview pages
Page setup
Set Number of copies


Move to the next/ previous worksheet in current workbook
Insert worksheet (Home - Insert Sheet)
Delete worksheet Home - Delete Sheet
Rename worksheet (Home - Format - Rename worksheet)
Move worksheet (Home - Format - Move worksheet)
Worksheet tab color, continue with mouse or arrow keys (Home - Format - Tab color)


View - Freeze or unfreeze; unfreeze works for any Freeze Setting
View - Freeze first visible Row on screen
View - Freeze first Column on screen
Hide selected rows
Unhide hidden rows within the selection
Hide selected columns
Unhide selected columns (Ctrl+Shift+0 not working in Excel 2010, 2013, or 2016)
Split or unsplit Worksheet at current position
Apply border on all sides of cell
Remove all borders from selection


Open Border Menu
Open Border Menu
Toggle Bottom border (in border menu)
Toggle Right border (in border menu)
Toggle Left border (in border menu)
Toggle Outline order (in border menu)
Toggle Inside border (in border menu)
Toggle Horizontal interior border (in border menu)
Toggle Vertical interior border (in border menu)
Toggle Upwards diagonal border (in border menu)
Toggle Downwards diagonal border (in border menu)
Remove/ Neutralize all borders (in border menu)
Bottom border
Top border
Left border
Right border
No borders
All borders
Outside borders
Thick outside borders
Bottom double borders
Thick bottom borders
Top and thick bottom border
Top and double bottom border
Insert static date
Insert static time
Insert static date followed by time
Insert todays date as formula
Insert todays date and time as formula
Apply date format to selection as dd-mmm-yy
Apply time format to selection as h:mm AM/PM


Access Format Number menu (press Ctrl+Tab if tab Is not in focus, press Tab or Ctrl+T
access number format)
Month as single digit (e.g. 1/23/2020)
Month as double digits (e.g. 01/23/2020)
Month abbreviated 3-letter (e.g. Jan/23/2020)
Month as full name (e.g. January/23/2020)
Month as abbreviated 1 letter (e.g. J/23/2020)
Day as 1 digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020)
Day as 2 digit number (e.g. 1/01/2020)
Day as 3-digit abbreviation (e.g. 1/Wed/2020)
Day as full name (e.g. 1/Wednesday/2020)
Year as 2 digit number (e.g. 1/1/20)
Year as 4 digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020)


Access Format Number menu (press Ctrl+Tab if tab Is not in focus, press Tab or Ctrl+T
access number format)
Hours without leading zero
Hours with leading zero
Minutes without leading zero
Minutes with leading zero
Seconds without leading zero
Seconds with leading zero
Display AM or PM
Time elapsed in hours (Hours in 24-hour format)
Time elapsed in minutes
Month abbreviated 3-letter (e.g. Jan/23/2020)
Month as full name (e.g. January/23/2020)
Month as abbreviated 1 letter (e.g. J/23/2020)
Day as 1-digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020)
Day as 2-digit number (e.g. 1/01/2020)


Copy a cell via Ctrl+C, then via Paste Special, paste format of that cell to current cell
Repeat a previous cell format action on current cell
Open Format Cells dialog with last selection active
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active


Assign current fill color to selected cell color via Home Higlight Cell. While escaping th
drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color.
Set to No fill color

Apply the general number format (e.g. 1000)
Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator (e.g. 1,000.00)
Apply the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM
Apply the date format with the day, month, and year
Apply the currency format with two decimal places (e.g. $1,000.00)
Apply the percentage format with no decimal places (e.g. 10%)
Apply the scientific number format

Align Left
Align Right
Align Center
Align Top
Align Middle
Align Bottom


Wrap or unwrap text (Home - Wrap Text)
Merge cells – Merge
Merge – Unmerge
Merge and Center
Merge Across (merge all columns, but not rows in selection)


Toggle show formulas on/off
Start a formula
Insert the AutoSum formula
Edit formula in formula Bar
Expand/ collapse formula bar
After typing cell reference (eg =E4) makes reference absolute (=$E$4). Repeat if you w
from absolute reference to partial or complete removal ($E$4 -> E$4 -> $E4 -> returning
Display the 'insert function; dialog box
Edit arguments of formula at cursor position
Select all Formulas (Home - Find – Formulas
Enter a formula as an array formula. Formula bar will show this as e.g. {=SUM(A1:A3*
which is the sum of A1*B2+A2*B2+A3+B3. This is an easy and concise method. Reme
time editing the formula will require the Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Some keyboards seem to dist
between left and right Shift key
Show/ hide all formulas. This will automatically extend all column widths which reverse
pressed again
Duplicate formula from cell above
Paste named range in formula


Return X number of chars of text from left
Return X number of chars of text from right
Return X number of chars of text from middle
Returns length of text
Concatenates/ combines multiple cells or text fragments
Case-sensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start position as optiona

Case-insensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start position as option
Remove extra spaces from beginning and end of text
Convert text to all upper case
Convert text to all lower case
Convert text to all proper case (first letter capital, rest lower case)


Sum values
Count cells
Count cells with content
Maximum value
Minimum value
Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
Calculate the active worksheet
Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have change
Recheck dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, includ
marked as needing to be calculated

Create auto Table from selection
Select table column
Select table row

Turn Autofilter on or off. Select table as necessary but many times Excel figures out wh
On the field with column head, display the AutoFilter list for the current column. Press E
Select the next/ previous item in the AutoFilter list
Close the AutoFilter list for the current column
Select the first item/ last item in the AutoFilter list

Insert PivotTable after selecting data range. Follow up with Alt+E for existing workshee
Tab, and type the cell reference where it should go (e.g. C1)
Refresh PivotTable
Hide selected item
Unhide item(s) by opening header drop-down and using Arrow Keys and Space to unhid
Unhide item(s) (assume you have two fields 'color', and 'size' and you hid 'color'. Go into
and type 'color' - this will unhide the 'color' field
Flip current field value with the value typed
Select the entire PivotTable report
Group selected PivotTable items
Ungroup selected PivotTable items when on group header
Expand all fields
Collapse all fields
Insert pivot formula/ calculated field
Create Pivot Chart in same Worksheet
Create Pivot Chart in new Worksheet


Redo (after undo) or Repeat (e.g. when applying formats)
Undo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend undo range.
Redo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend redo range.
Repeat last action. E.g. try to set a cell bold with Ctrl+B, then go to a different cell and p
Alt+Enter; great to cascade formatting across multiple cells


Cut cell(s) to clipboard
Copy cell(s) to clipboard
Paste cell(s) from clipboard
Insert Paste - Paste cell and push content downward or rightward. Works great for entire
Open Paste Special Menu (requires a prior copy to Clipboard)
Paste Values
Paste Formats
Paste Transposed
Paste Column Width
Paste Values and Number Formats
Paste a defined name into a formula


Display the Find and Replace dialog box (with find selected)
Display the find and replace dialog box (with replace selected)
Close the find and replace dialog Box (with focus on dialog box)
Find next (with search box closed)
Find previous (with search box closed)
Toggle focus between find/ replace dialog box and worksheet
Find next with find dialog box active
Find all with find dialog box active
Use as Asterix for searching multiple characters
Use as wildcard for searching any single character, Use '~' before '?' when searching spe
~* searches for *
~~ searches for ~
~? searches for ?


Minimize/ restore Excel ribbons
File Ribbon
Home Ribbon
Insert Ribbon
Draw Ribbon
Design Ribbon
View Ribbon
Review Ribbon and Help Ribbon
Formula Ribbon
Data Ribbon
Adobe Ribbon (if installed)
Developer Ribbon (if activated)


Group selected cells with option to group as Row- or Columns Group

Group columns

Group rows
Ungroup rows or columns
Hide group (Collapse) via Data - Hide group
Show group (Expand) via Data - Show group*
Hide Outline Symbols

Open hyperlink
Remove one or multiple hyperlink(s)
Insert or edit hyperlinK (for complete cell only)


Insert/ edit a cell comment
Move comment
Escape comment editing and return to cell
Select all cells with comments
Delete single comment (or multiple with multiple comments selected)


Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Move to the first field in the next/ previous record
Move to the same field 10 records forward/ back
Move to a new record
Move to the first record
Move to the beginning/ end of a field


Display the thesaurus dialog box
Display the spelling dialog box
Enable Editing for protected view (File Info Enable Editing)
Close Excel
Style dialog box
Define a name or dialog
Create names from row and column labels


Create and insert chart with data in current range as embedded Chart Object
Create and insert chart with data in current range in a separate Chart Sheet
Open VBA editor window
Scroll between open workbooks
Display macro dialog box
Shortcut Keys
Alt+W, Q, then tab in Zoom dialog
box to the value you want
Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Shift+F8, and then press an
arrow key

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Alt+Q, then enter the search term


Shortcut Keys
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow
Alt+Shift+Plus Sign
Alt+Shift+Minus Sign
The slash (/) key on the numeric


Shortcut Keys
n (n is the page number you want to
go to), Enter


Shortcut Keys
F8, and then press Left Arrow or
Right Arrow

F8 (press once to select a word,

twice to select a sentence, and so on)
Shift+Right Arrow
Shift+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Shift+Down Arrow
Shift+Up Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Shift+Page Down
Shift+Page Up
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Down
Ctrl+Shift+F8, and then use the
arrow keys; press Esc to cancel
selection mode
F8+arrow keys; press Esc to cancel
selection mode


Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Press Alt+H to move to
the Home tab, and then press F,O.
F2 (then move the cursor and press
Shift+F2 (then move the cursor and
press Enter)


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Equal Sign
Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign


Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk on numeric
keypad does not work)

Shift+F1 (then click the text with the

formatting you want to review)


Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+0 (zero)


Shortcut Keys
Select all
Decrease font size 1 point
Increase font size 1 point
Center text
Left align text
Right align text

Get Help or visit
Move text or graphics.
Repeat the last action.
Choose the Go To command (Home tab).
Go to the next pane or frame.
Choose the Spelling command (Review tab).
Extend a selection.
Update the selected fields.
Show KeyTips.
Go to the next field.
Choose the Save As command.

Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
Copy text.
Change the case of letters.
Repeat a Find or Go To action.
Move to the last change.
Go to the previous pane or frame (after pressing F6).
Choose the Thesaurus command (Review tab, Proofing group).
Reduce the size of a selection.
Switch between a field code and its result.
Display a shortcut menu.
Go to the previous field.
Choose the Save command.

Expand or collapse the ribbon.
Choose the Print Preview command.
Cut to the Spike.
Close the window.
Go to the next window.
Insert an empty field.
Maximize the document window.
Lock a field.
Choose the Open command.

Insert the contents of the Spike.
Edit a bookmark.
Go to the previous window.
Update linked information in a Word source document.
Extend a selection or block.
Unlink a field.
Unlock a field.
Choose the Print command.

Go to the next field.
Create a new Building Block.
Exit Word.
Restore the program window size.
Move from an open dialog box back to the document, for dialog boxes that support this
Find the next misspelling or grammatical error.
Run a macro.
Switch between all field codes and their results.
Display the Selection task pane.
Display Microsoft Visual Basic code.

Go to the previous field.
Choose the Save command.
Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results
Display a menu or message for an available action.
Choose Table of Contents button in the Table of Contents container when the container

Display Microsoft System Information.
Choose the Open command.


To use Backstage view, open the File page.
To use themes, colors, and effects, such as page borders, open the Design tab.
To use common formatting commands, paragraph styles, or to use the Find tool. open H
To manage Mail Merge tasks, or to work with envelopes and labels, open Mailings tab .
To insert tables, pictures and shapes, headers, or text boxes, open Insert tab.
To work with page margins, page orientation, indentation, and spacing, open Layout tab
To type a search term for Help content, open “Tell me” box on ribbon.
To use Spell Check, set proofing languages, or to track and review changes to your docu
the Review tab.
To add a table of contents, footnotes, or a table of citations, open the References tab.
To choose a document view or mode, such as Read Mode or Outline view, open the Vie
also set Zoom magnification and manage multiple windows of documents.


Promote a paragraph.
Demote a paragraph.
Demote to body text.
Move selected paragraphs up.
Move selected paragraphs down.
Expand text under a heading.
Collapse text under a heading.
Expand or collapse all text or headings.
Hide or display character formatting.
Show the first line of text or all text.
Show all headings with the Heading 1 style.
Show all headings up to Heading n.
Insert a tab character.


Go to beginning of document.
Go to end of document.
Go to page n.
Exit Read mode.


Turn extend mode on.
Select the nearest character.

Increase the size of a selection.

Reduce the size of a selection.

Turn extend mode off.
Extend a selection one character to the right.
Extend a selection one character to the left.
Extend a selection to the end of a word.
Extend a selection to the beginning of a word.
Extend a selection to the end of a line.
Extend a selection to the beginning of a line.
Extend a selection one line down.
Extend a selection one line up.
Extend a selection to the end of a paragraph.
Extend a selection to the beginning of a paragraph.
Extend a selection one screen down.
Extend a selection one screen up.
Extend a selection to the beginning of a document.
Extend a selection to the end of a document.
Extend a selection to the end of a window.
Extend a selection to include the entire document.

Select a vertical block of text.

Extend a selection to a specific location in a document.


Delete one character to the left.
Delete one word to the left.
Delete one character to the right.
Delete one word to the right.
Cut selected text to the Office Clipboard.
Undo the last action.
Cut to the Spike. (Spike is a feature that allows you to collect groups of text from differe
and paste them in another location).


Open the Office Clipboard
Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.
Cut selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.
Paste the most recent addition or pasted item from the Office Clipboard.
Move text or graphics once.

Copy text or graphics once.

When text or an object is selected, open the Create New Building Block dialog box.
When the building block — for example, a SmartArt graphic — is selected, display the
that is associated with it.
Cut to the Spike.
Paste the Spike contents.
Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document.


Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.
Change the case of letters.
Format all letters as capitals.
Apply bold formatting.
Apply an underline.
Underline words but not spaces.
Double-underline text.
Apply hidden text formatting.
Apply italic formatting.
Format letters as small capitals.
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).
Remove manual character formatting.
Change the selection to the Symbol font.


Open the Font dialog box to change the font.
Increase the font size.
Decrease the font size.
Increase the font size by 1 point.
Decrease the font size by 1 point.

Copy formatting from text.
Apply copied formatting to text.


Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned.
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned.
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.
Left align a paragraph.
Indent a paragraph from the left.
Remove a paragraph indent from the left.
Create a hanging indent.
Reduce a hanging indent.
Remove paragraph formatting.


Display nonprinting characters.

Review text formatting.

Copy formats.
Paste formats.


Single-space lines.
Double-space lines.
Set 1.5-line spacing.
Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph.


Preview a mail merge.
Merge a document.
Print the merged document.
Edit a mail-merge data document.
Insert a merge field.
Helpful Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys
Save a presentation
Print a presentation
Open a presentation
Create a new presentation
New slide
Undo (last action)
Redo (last action)/repeat
Select all
Close active presentation
Close PowerPoint

Moving In a Presentati
Shortcut Keys
First slide
Last slide
Next slide (depending on Zoom)
Previous slide (depending on Zoom)
Move from pane to pane

Moving Around In Tex

Shortcut Keys
One character to the left
One character to the right
One line up
One line down
One word to the left
One word to the right
To the end of a line
To the beginning of a line
Up one paragraph
Down one paragraph
To the end of a text box
To the beginning of a text box
To the next title or body text
To repeat the last Find action

Formatting In a Presenta
Shortcut Keys
Align left
Align right
Bold text
Insert hyperlink

Creating and Selecting Text an

Shortcut Keys
Draw a perfect shape (constrain)
Show/Hide ruler
Show/Hide gridlines
Show/Hide guides
Select one character to the right
Select one character to the left
Select to the end of a word
Select to the beginning of a word
Select one line up
Select one line down
Select multiple objects
Select an object
Select all objects (slide view)
Select all slides (slide sorter view)
Select all text (outline view)
Deleting and Copying Text an
Shortcut Keys
Copy a shape
Copy a shape and align with original
Delete one character to the left
Delete one word to the left
Delete one character to the right
Delete one word to the right
Cut selected object
Copy selected object
Paste cut or copied object
Undo the last action

Working In an Outline
Shortcut Keys
Switch between Outline and Slides
pane in Normal View
Promote a paragraph
Demote a paragraph
Move selected paragraphs up
Move selected paragraphs down
Show heading level 1
Expand text below a heading
Collapse text below a heading
Show all text or headings

Running & Navigating

Shortcut Keys
Run a slide show from beginning
Run a slide show from current slide
Run a slide show with Presenter
Advance to the next slide
Return to the previous slide
Go to slide <number>
Return to the first slide
Go to last slide
Open the Slide Selector
See all slides
Stop or restart an automatic slide
End a slide show
Go to next hidden slide

Displaying & Annotatin

Shortcut Keys

Display a black screen, or return to

the slide show from a black screen

Display a white screen, or return to

the slide show from a white screen
Change the pointer to pen
Change the pointer to arrow
Change the pointer to eraser
Change the pointer to highlighter
Erase on-screen ink
Change to laser pointer
Show/hide ink markups
Hide the pointer and navigation
Zoom in on a slide
Zoom out/display slide navigator
Turn subtitles on/off
Presenter View
Shortcut Keys
Start Presenter View (even with
single display)
Cycle between regions
Cycle through tools
Read the elapsed time
Down one screen in Notes pane
Up one screen in Notes pane
Read the next line in Notes pane
Read the previous line in Notes pane

Shortcut Keys
Set new timings while rehearsing
Re-record slide narration and timing

Working with Hyperlin

Shortcut Keys
Next hyperlink on slide
Previous hyperlink
Run selected hyperlink
Run mouse-over behavior of
selected hyperlink

Working with Media

Shortcut Keys
Media: Play/pause
Media: Stop playback
Media: Volume down/up
Media: Skip backward/forward
Media: Mute/unmute
Getting Help
Shortcut Keys
Help during slide show
View task bar
Display the shortcut menu
Helpful Shortcut Keys
CTRL+Y or F4
CTRL+Q or ALT+F4 *

Moving In a Presentation

Moving Around In Text


CTRL+Left Arrow
CTRL+Right Arrow
CTRL+Up Arrow
CTRL+Down Arrow
CTRL+F or F4

Formatting In a Presentation

Creating and Selecting Text and Objects

Hold SHIFT while dragging/drawing
ALT+F9 *
SHIFT+Right Arrow
SHIFT+Left Arrow
CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow
SHIFT+Up Arrow
SHIFT+Down Arrow
Hold SHIFT and click
TAB or SHIFT+TAB until the object you want is selected
Deleting and Copying Text and Objects
CTRL+D or hold CTRL while dragging the shape
Hold CTRL+SHIFT while dragging

Working In an Outline
ALT+SHIFT+Up Arrow *
ALT+SHIFT+Down Arrow *

Running & Navigating


ALT+F5 *
Right Arrow, Down Arrow, N, ENTER, SPACEBAR,
PAGE DOWN (or click the left mouse)
Left Arrow, Up Arrow, P, BACKSPACE, PAGE UP
HOME or 1+ENTER or
press both mouse buttons for 2 seconds

Displaying & Annotating


(press any key to return to the slide show)

(press any key to return to the slide show)
CTRL+click (and hold)
+ (plus)
- (minus)
Presenter View


Working with Hyperlinks

ENTER (while hyperlink is selected)
hyperlink is selected)

Working with Media

or ALT+UP *
Getting Help
(or right-click)
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089 Chapter 01 Inserting Pivot Table: Your task is to bring up the pivot table.
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908 Chapter 01 Inserting Pivot Table: This time bring up the Pivot Table using Key
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
g up the pivot table.

p the Pivot Table using Keyboard Shortcut keys.

Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089
Chapter 02 Inserting Pivot Chart: You will create a pie chart from the dat
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
pie chart from the data in this problem.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089
Chapter 03 Inserting Slicrs: You will need to create a slicers on Region a
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
e a slicers on Region and Client Field.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089
Chapter 04 Inserting Timelines: You will need to insert a time line using
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
QTR and Year in the timeline.
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
nsert a time line using the date column and also create a view of
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089
Chapter 05 Inserting Grouping: You will need to insert a Grouping usi
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
nsert a Grouping using the date column.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089
Chapter 06 Custom Grouping: You will need to insert a Custom Group
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
of Days, Month, QTR and Year.
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
sert a Custom Grouping using the date column and bring the group
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089 Chapter 07 Calculated Field: You will need to find the GST which is 15% of t
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
e GST which is 15% of the total sales using the calculated field.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089 Chapter 08 Calculated Items: You will need to calculate the calculated item
₹ 514,989 additional GST which is 5% of the total sales using the calculated items.
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
ate the calculated items additionally for East & South Regions and find the
e calculated items.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Date Client Region Month Year Quarter
15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089 Chapter 09 Pivot Table From Multiple Sheets: You will need to bring up the
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
₹ 1,741,089
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
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₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
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₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
ill need to bring up the Pivot table from Different sheets or different areas.
Excel Pivot Table Practice Exercises

Date Client Region Month Year Quarter

15-Jul-2019 ABC Corporation South July 2019 Q3
19-Jul-2019 Bridges Company East July 2019 Q3
26-Jul-2019 Timefall Inc. East July 2019 Q3
11-Aug-2019 Chiral Corporation North August 2019 Q3
15-Aug-2019 Titan Industries West August 2019 Q3
22-Aug-2019 Eagle Security South August 2019 Q3
24-Aug-2019 Sol Company South August 2019 Q3
15-Sep-2019 Eagle Security East September 2019 Q3
17-Sep-2019 Titan Industries West September 2019 Q3
16-Oct-2019 Titan Industries South October 2019 Q4
25-Oct-2019 Timefall Inc. East October 2019 Q4
5-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
19-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. East November 2019 Q4
27-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. West November 2019 Q4
25-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. South November 2019 Q4
29-Nov-2019 Timefall Inc. North November 2019 Q4
25-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
27-Dec-2019 Titan Industries North December 2019 Q4
30-Dec-2019 Titan Industries East December 2019 Q4
15-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
25-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
29-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
1-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries East January 2020 Q1
2-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
3-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries North January 2020 Q1
9-Jan-2020 Titan Industries South January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
11-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
12-Jan-2020 Eagle Security West January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security South January 2020 Q1
13-Jan-2020 Eagle Security East January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
16-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
17-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
23-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation West January 2020 Q1
24-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Eagle Security North January 2020 Q1
26-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation South January 2020 Q1
28-Jan-2020 Chiral Corporation East January 2020 Q1
1-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
2-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
3-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
10-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation West February 2020 Q1
14-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
15-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
17-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
19-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
21-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
22-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
25-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation East February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation North February 2020 Q1
26-Feb-2020 Chiral Corporation South February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 Eagle Security East February 2020 Q1
27-Feb-2020 ABC Corporation North February 2020 Q1
1-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
2-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
4-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
7-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation West March 2020 Q1
11-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
13-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
15-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
16-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation South March 2020 Q1
17-Mar-2020 ABC Corporation East March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Eagle Security South March 2020 Q1
19-Mar-2020 Sol Company West March 2020 Q1
21-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
22-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
24-Mar-2020 Sol Company North March 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
3-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
5-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
6-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
9-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
10-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
11-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
12-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
14-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company North April 2020 Q1
18-Apr-2020 Sol Company South April 2020 Q1
20-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
24-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
26-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
27-Apr-2020 Eagle Security South April 2020 Q1
28-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
30-Apr-2020 Bridges Company South April 2020 Q1
1-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
2-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
4-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
5-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
6-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
8-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
10-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
13-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
14-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
16-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
20-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
21-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
22-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
23-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company South May 2020 Q2
24-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
26-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
27-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
28-May-2020 Eagle Security North May 2020 Q2
29-May-2020 Bridges Company West May 2020 Q2
1-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
6-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
7-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
9-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
10-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
13-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
16-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company South June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Eagle Security West June 2020 Q2
19-Jun-2020 Bridges Company West June 2020 Q2
20-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
26-Jun-2020 Eagle Security North June 2020 Q2
28-Jun-2020 Bridges Company North June 2020 Q2
2-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
2-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
7-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
8-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
9-Jul-2020 Eagle Security South July 2020 Q3
10-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
19-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
20-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
22-Jul-2020 Eagle Security North July 2020 Q3
23-Jul-2020 Bridges Company South July 2020 Q3
29-Jul-2020 Bridges Company North July 2020 Q3
1-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
2-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
6-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
7-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security North August 2020 Q3
9-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
10-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
11-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
15-Aug-2020 Bridges Company South August 2020 Q3
16-Aug-2020 Eagle Security South August 2020 Q3
17-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
21-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
22-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
24-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
27-Aug-2020 Bridges Company East August 2020 Q3
30-Aug-2020 Eagle Security East August 2020 Q3
1-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
2-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
3-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
6-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Eagle Security East September 2020 Q3
8-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
9-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
11-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
15-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company South September 2020 Q3
16-Sep-2020 Bridges Company East September 2020 Q3
18-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
20-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company West September 2020 Q3
24-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
25-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
26-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Bridges Company North September 2020 Q3
27-Sep-2020 Eagle Security North September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
28-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
29-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
30-Sep-2020 Eagle Security South September 2020 Q3
7-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
7-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
8-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
9-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
10-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
12-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
14-Oct-2020 Bridges Company South October 2020 Q4
15-Oct-2020 Eagle Security South October 2020 Q4
18-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
22-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Bridges Company North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security North October 2020 Q4
24-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
26-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
28-Oct-2020 Bridges Company East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
29-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
30-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
31-Oct-2020 Eagle Security East October 2020 Q4
1-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
4-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
5-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
11-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
13-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
14-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
15-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
17-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
19-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Eagle Security South November 2020 Q4
25-Nov-2020 Bridges Company South November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
29-Nov-2020 Eagle Security East November 2020 Q4
5-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
7-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
8-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
10-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
12-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
13-Dec-2020 Eagle Security South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
14-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
15-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
17-Dec-2020 Bridges Company East December 2020 Q4
18-Dec-2020 Eagle Security North December 2020 Q4
20-Dec-2020 Eagle Security East December 2020 Q4
21-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
22-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
28-Dec-2020 Bridges Company South December 2020 Q4
3-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
4-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
6-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
7-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
9-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
12-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation South January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
15-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
16-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
18-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
19-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
21-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
23-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
24-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
25-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
26-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
27-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
28-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
31-Jan-2021 ABC Corporation North January 2021 Q1
1-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
5-Feb-2021 ABC Corporation North February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
7-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
14-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
17-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
19-Feb-2021 Eagle Security North February 2021 Q1
22-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
23-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security South February 2021 Q1
24-Feb-2021 Eagle Security East February 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
2-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
3-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
4-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
5-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
7-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
10-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
13-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
14-Mar-2021 Eagle Security East March 2021 Q1
17-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
19-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
22-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
25-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
26-Mar-2021 Eagle Security South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
28-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation North March 2021 Q1
30-Mar-2021 Chiral Corporation South March 2021 Q1
1-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
2-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
3-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
4-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
5-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
6-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
7-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation South April 2021 Q1
9-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
10-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
12-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
14-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation East April 2021 Q1
15-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
16-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
17-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
19-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
22-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
23-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
24-Apr-2021 Chiral Corporation North April 2021 Q1
26-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
27-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries West April 2021 Q1
28-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
29-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
30-Apr-2021 Titan Industries North April 2021 Q1
2-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
4-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
5-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries East May 2021 Q2
8-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
9-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
10-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
11-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
15-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
16-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
19-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
26-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
27-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
28-May-2021 Titan Industries North May 2021 Q2
30-May-2021 Titan Industries South May 2021 Q2
1-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Titan Industries North June 2021 Q2
3-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
4-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
6-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
11-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
14-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
15-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
17-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
20-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company South June 2021 Q2
21-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
24-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
26-Jun-2021 Sol Company West June 2021 Q2
27-Jun-2021 Sol Company North June 2021 Q2
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
2-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
3-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
8-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
16-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
17-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
18-Jul-2021 Sol Company North July 2021 Q3
19-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
21-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
22-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
28-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
29-Jul-2021 Sol Company West July 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
1-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
6-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
7-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
8-Aug-2021 Sol Company North August 2021 Q3
9-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
10-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
11-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
13-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
14-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
15-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
16-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
18-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
20-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
21-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
23-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company South August 2021 Q3
24-Aug-2021 Sol Company West August 2021 Q3
28-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
31-Aug-2021 Sol Company East August 2021 Q3
3-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
4-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
5-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company East September 2021 Q3
7-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
15-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
17-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
18-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
21-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
22-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
24-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
25-Sep-2021 Sol Company North September 2021 Q3
3-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
6-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
9-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
11-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
15-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
16-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
18-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
22-Oct-2021 Sol Company East October 2021 Q4
23-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
24-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
28-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
29-Oct-2021 Sol Company North October 2021 Q4
2-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
4-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
5-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
6-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
8-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
9-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
11-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
12-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
13-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
14-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
15-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
18-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
20-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
22-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
23-Nov-2021 Sol Company East November 2021 Q4
24-Nov-2021 Sol Company North November 2021 Q4
25-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
26-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
29-Nov-2021 Sol Company West November 2021 Q4
8-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
9-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
10-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
14-Dec-2021 Sol Company North December 2021 Q4
18-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company South December 2021 Q4
20-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
22-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
24-Dec-2021 Sol Company East December 2021 Q4
26-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
28-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
29-Dec-2021 Sol Company West December 2021 Q4
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
4-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
12-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
14-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
15-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
16-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
18-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
21-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
27-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
28-Jan-2022 Sol Company West January 2022 Q1
29-Jan-2022 Sol Company South January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
30-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company North January 2022 Q1
31-Jan-2022 Sol Company East January 2022 Q1
1-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
2-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
5-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
6-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
7-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
10-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
11-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
13-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
14-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
15-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
17-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
20-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company East February 2022 Q1
21-Feb-2022 Sol Company West February 2022 Q1
22-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
24-Feb-2022 Sol Company North February 2022 Q1
25-Feb-2022 Sol Company South February 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
2-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
4-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
5-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
6-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
7-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
8-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
9-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
10-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
12-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
14-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
15-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
16-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
17-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
18-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
20-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
21-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
23-Mar-2022 Sol Company North March 2022 Q1
24-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
25-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
27-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
28-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
29-Mar-2022 Sol Company West March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company South March 2022 Q1
30-Mar-2022 Sol Company East March 2022 Q1
3-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
4-Apr-2022 Sol Company West April 2022 Q1
5-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
7-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
11-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
12-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
14-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
20-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
21-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
23-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
24-Apr-2022 Sol Company East April 2022 Q1
28-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company South April 2022 Q1
30-Apr-2022 Sol Company North April 2022 Q1
4-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
4-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
6-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
7-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
10-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
11-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
12-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
16-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
17-May-2022 Sol Company West May 2022 Q2
18-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
20-May-2022 Sol Company North May 2022 Q2
21-May-2022 Sol Company South May 2022 Q2
22-May-2022 Sol Company East May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
24-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
26-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
27-May-2022 Titan Industries West May 2022 Q2
28-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries North May 2022 Q2
29-May-2022 Titan Industries East May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
30-May-2022 Titan Industries South May 2022 Q2
1-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
2-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
3-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
5-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
8-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
9-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
12-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
13-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
14-Jun-2022 Titan Industries North June 2022 Q2
15-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
17-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
18-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
21-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
22-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
23-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
27-Jun-2022 Titan Industries East June 2022 Q2
28-Jun-2022 Titan Industries West June 2022 Q2
29-Jun-2022 Titan Industries South June 2022 Q2
2-Jul-2022 Titan Industries North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
4-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
8-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
9-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
12-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
13-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
15-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. North July 2022 Q3
16-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
19-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. East July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
25-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
26-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. West July 2022 Q3
31-Jul-2022 Timefall Inc. South July 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
2-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
5-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
6-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
10-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
11-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
13-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
14-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
15-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
17-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. West August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
23-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. North August 2022 Q3
24-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
26-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
29-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. South August 2022 Q3
31-Aug-2022 Timefall Inc. East August 2022 Q3
1-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
2-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
7-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
11-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
12-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
13-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
15-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. North September 2022 Q3
16-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
18-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
20-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
21-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
28-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. West September 2022 Q3
29-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. South September 2022 Q3
30-Sep-2022 Timefall Inc. East September 2022 Q3
1-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. West October 2022 Q4
2-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
4-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
5-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
6-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
7-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. North October 2022 Q4
8-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
9-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
11-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. East October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
13-Oct-2022 Timefall Inc. South October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company North October 2022 Q4
15-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
19-Oct-2022 Bridges Company East October 2022 Q4
20-Oct-2022 Bridges Company South October 2022 Q4
23-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
24-Oct-2022 Titan Industries West October 2022 Q4
25-Oct-2022 Titan Industries South October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries East October 2022 Q4
27-Oct-2022 Titan Industries North October 2022 Q4
29-Oct-2022 ABC Corporation North October 2022 Q4
30-Oct-2022 Chiral Corporation North October 2022 Q4
Click Here for The Solution
₹ 1,741,089 Chapter 10 Pivot Table From Table: You will need to bring up the Pivot tabl
₹ 514,989
₹ 230,071
₹ 1,148,912
₹ 405,991
₹ 191,708
₹ 1,757,908
₹ 1,209,282
₹ 1,581,662
₹ 376,043
₹ 1,978,299
₹ 914,785
₹ 1,711,222
₹ 1,257,231
₹ 407,874
₹ 589,765
₹ 485,286
₹ 467,422
₹ 1,838,220
₹ 1,958,181
₹ 1,370,705
₹ 1,683,109
₹ 564,927
₹ 239,424
₹ 774,500
₹ 1,096,869
₹ 1,862,557
₹ 1,437,017
₹ 1,848,717
₹ 1,933,018
₹ 1,987,908
₹ 1,264,058
₹ 1,750,150
₹ 1,495,289
₹ 391,699
₹ 877,778
₹ 1,366,272
₹ 1,766,994
₹ 1,718,743
₹ 538,621
₹ 184,900
₹ 1,598,219
₹ 969,025
₹ 1,988,680
₹ 1,520,170
₹ 756,093
₹ 1,635,914
₹ 1,704,629
₹ 925,137
₹ 1,246,174
₹ 576,222
₹ 953,291
₹ 1,593,038
₹ 1,784,478
₹ 1,493,958
₹ 1,509,042
₹ 1,445,703
₹ 1,219,313
₹ 1,378,458
₹ 812,267
₹ 1,473,799
₹ 1,085,955
₹ 1,822,041
₹ 942,170
₹ 1,771,632
₹ 790,962
₹ 1,148,983
₹ 1,233,631
₹ 1,107,658
₹ 1,498,380
₹ 226,445
₹ 407,754
₹ 322,835
₹ 667,093
₹ 1,257,419
₹ 1,289,709
₹ 344,951
₹ 1,326,360
₹ 1,863,118
₹ 1,153,948
₹ 752,850
₹ 1,649,721
₹ 1,014,259
₹ 849,261
₹ 1,716,438
₹ 1,862,963
₹ 1,454,907
₹ 207,300
₹ 536,469
₹ 1,230,645
₹ 153,011
₹ 1,697,736
₹ 281,074
₹ 1,125,999
₹ 1,541,895
₹ 1,607,715
₹ 824,127
₹ 500,931
₹ 343,248
₹ 238,885
₹ 223,896
₹ 1,425,288
₹ 949,953
₹ 1,122,767
₹ 1,506,717
₹ 842,817
₹ 1,389,693
₹ 563,256
₹ 1,893,271
₹ 688,034
₹ 1,612,228
₹ 350,572
₹ 1,083,441
₹ 1,945,477
₹ 340,954
₹ 166,600
₹ 1,675,768
₹ 140,361
₹ 1,671,316
₹ 1,968,717
₹ 393,879
₹ 1,489,957
₹ 156,636
₹ 343,043
₹ 153,941
₹ 1,725,603
₹ 661,441
₹ 1,225,116
₹ 1,542,829
₹ 1,297,497
₹ 1,950,030
₹ 1,438,207
₹ 1,122,487
₹ 297,267
₹ 364,278
₹ 731,138
₹ 1,558,700
₹ 130,451
₹ 1,798,005
₹ 956,910
₹ 1,973,431
₹ 922,236
₹ 945,055
₹ 1,500,441
₹ 1,246,308
₹ 1,009,099
₹ 466,491
₹ 1,193,385
₹ 625,849
₹ 796,233
₹ 1,820,445
₹ 1,813,892
₹ 164,169
₹ 512,670
₹ 651,065
₹ 718,481
₹ 1,447,439
₹ 1,780,271
₹ 1,045,298
₹ 892,802
₹ 423,820
₹ 1,046,614
₹ 1,043,729
₹ 1,922,617
₹ 1,423,294
₹ 1,852,090
₹ 1,725,787
₹ 1,441,497
₹ 833,493
₹ 521,666
₹ 1,577,468
₹ 1,067,087
₹ 1,317,235
₹ 1,643,988
₹ 1,924,235
₹ 573,419
₹ 1,091,814
₹ 1,897,685
₹ 1,216,179
₹ 460,067
₹ 1,343,979
₹ 138,386
₹ 1,288,399
₹ 1,715,151
₹ 719,167
₹ 1,033,758
₹ 135,507
₹ 767,926
₹ 844,112
₹ 957,901
₹ 1,480,514
₹ 258,649
₹ 207,556
₹ 1,872,294
₹ 627,691
₹ 763,764
₹ 1,450,975
₹ 666,926
₹ 607,578
₹ 263,657
₹ 459,636
₹ 1,857,433
₹ 613,065
₹ 320,320
₹ 1,984,820
₹ 1,915,029
₹ 1,185,740
₹ 190,228
₹ 854,982
₹ 1,796,239
₹ 1,543,421
₹ 885,070
₹ 1,430,813
₹ 1,493,035
₹ 627,891
₹ 1,299,104
₹ 187,737
₹ 1,495,932
₹ 1,262,023
₹ 502,801
₹ 394,071
₹ 804,016
₹ 215,991
₹ 1,570,949
₹ 1,220,013
₹ 1,469,859
₹ 1,353,627
₹ 556,058
₹ 853,969
₹ 963,277
₹ 131,530
₹ 1,617,203
₹ 1,011,247
₹ 1,204,392
₹ 1,274,084
₹ 1,892,281
₹ 835,570
₹ 666,449
₹ 892,634
₹ 695,542
₹ 1,702,209
₹ 1,791,580
₹ 347,363
₹ 827,703
₹ 523,321
₹ 382,282
₹ 1,194,439
₹ 1,491,139
₹ 474,648
₹ 1,892,480
₹ 1,145,606
₹ 1,464,846
₹ 1,948,107
₹ 1,428,796
₹ 940,449
₹ 477,764
₹ 1,318,642
₹ 1,704,016
₹ 544,052
₹ 1,353,314
₹ 700,516
₹ 375,582
₹ 1,288,724
₹ 1,109,243
₹ 244,146
₹ 1,346,386
₹ 679,070
₹ 917,273
₹ 971,479
₹ 221,856
₹ 1,297,881
₹ 1,306,013
₹ 1,721,224
₹ 1,179,789
₹ 301,911
₹ 1,309,375
₹ 1,156,815
₹ 1,273,013
₹ 152,871
₹ 1,741,256
₹ 965,094
₹ 1,368,470
₹ 613,889
₹ 221,918
₹ 1,279,544
₹ 922,087
₹ 1,747,049
₹ 1,626,404
₹ 1,788,068
₹ 716,115
₹ 965,181
₹ 1,919,674
₹ 710,460
₹ 1,159,050
₹ 1,553,537
₹ 867,425
₹ 867,440
₹ 449,075
₹ 1,832,972
₹ 1,813,286
₹ 1,490,096
₹ 317,729
₹ 550,392
₹ 391,155
₹ 1,019,828
₹ 653,125
₹ 653,310
₹ 704,506
₹ 310,953
₹ 237,671
₹ 923,332
₹ 552,682
₹ 845,410
₹ 473,634
₹ 742,897
₹ 1,931,479
₹ 342,611
₹ 1,208,575
₹ 1,057,025
₹ 1,721,828
₹ 635,510
₹ 741,781
₹ 775,601
₹ 750,053
₹ 772,157
₹ 1,616,031
₹ 501,597
₹ 342,694
₹ 1,471,375
₹ 1,447,654
₹ 1,138,550
₹ 126,557
₹ 1,338,180
₹ 1,482,245
₹ 1,483,781
₹ 1,291,426
₹ 494,077
₹ 244,270
₹ 202,651
₹ 1,194,863
₹ 985,177
₹ 1,612,172
₹ 362,308
₹ 1,637,925
₹ 1,112,967
₹ 236,582
₹ 690,844
₹ 1,755,000
₹ 402,346
₹ 1,960,974
₹ 1,693,451
₹ 348,204
₹ 1,603,278
₹ 1,342,342
₹ 935,490
₹ 1,598,325
₹ 1,430,846
₹ 214,411
₹ 791,424
₹ 394,061
₹ 272,760
₹ 1,639,657
₹ 577,852
₹ 597,433
₹ 264,551
₹ 1,324,711
₹ 554,702
₹ 208,368
₹ 1,816,220
₹ 1,746,236
₹ 1,683,489
₹ 591,696
₹ 1,908,492
₹ 1,649,849
₹ 1,081,699
₹ 680,075
₹ 1,957,975
₹ 969,416
₹ 1,203,365
₹ 1,172,620
₹ 1,835,094
₹ 836,312
₹ 263,474
₹ 1,413,232
₹ 919,477
₹ 226,279
₹ 1,295,300
₹ 524,387
₹ 1,508,451
₹ 1,584,122
₹ 184,898
₹ 1,979,686
₹ 453,584
₹ 1,635,219
₹ 547,110
₹ 934,991
₹ 1,527,508
₹ 639,256
₹ 142,216
₹ 738,240
₹ 706,781
₹ 458,322
₹ 1,391,712
₹ 692,970
₹ 308,741
₹ 1,365,868
₹ 1,286,518
₹ 1,716,666
₹ 814,289
₹ 1,030,173
₹ 1,380,984
₹ 154,041
₹ 1,663,102
₹ 375,259
₹ 278,132
₹ 269,577
₹ 1,321,245
₹ 1,615,558
₹ 310,439
₹ 1,497,241
₹ 556,276
₹ 1,532,238
₹ 420,324
₹ 532,194
₹ 1,757,686
₹ 1,557,016
₹ 531,649
₹ 175,455
₹ 1,100,820
₹ 1,655,034
₹ 1,187,393
₹ 762,023
₹ 1,132,099
₹ 492,619
₹ 415,572
₹ 1,624,960
₹ 1,706,175
₹ 1,863,812
₹ 1,305,768
₹ 693,940
₹ 1,456,477
₹ 677,163
₹ 192,766
₹ 1,501,306
₹ 728,012
₹ 154,888
₹ 319,150
₹ 1,785,872
₹ 491,015
₹ 679,174
₹ 831,388
₹ 1,301,370
₹ 956,612
₹ 1,566,826
₹ 1,871,003
₹ 1,538,943
₹ 149,317
₹ 1,835,071
₹ 428,155
₹ 1,479,869
₹ 455,008
₹ 857,548
₹ 1,698,152
₹ 1,538,034
₹ 431,646
₹ 1,613,353
₹ 1,891,735
₹ 1,287,970
₹ 172,298
₹ 140,917
₹ 651,020
₹ 1,707,982
₹ 1,093,090
₹ 768,195
₹ 753,790
₹ 597,968
₹ 1,975,800
₹ 401,833
₹ 484,032
₹ 997,894
₹ 1,797,272
₹ 653,332
₹ 172,372
₹ 1,152,230
₹ 202,460
₹ 1,248,770
₹ 890,440
₹ 699,946
₹ 231,825
₹ 1,345,108
₹ 208,248
₹ 1,368,251
₹ 1,766,857
₹ 362,392
₹ 1,376,384
₹ 303,946
₹ 1,446,936
₹ 1,693,881
₹ 1,162,971
₹ 332,072
₹ 1,509,100
₹ 1,816,733
₹ 1,904,892
₹ 1,844,904
₹ 769,203
₹ 1,451,234
₹ 548,582
₹ 560,067
₹ 1,379,309
₹ 342,741
₹ 681,756
₹ 619,416
₹ 1,229,004
₹ 1,025,294
₹ 485,770
₹ 540,529
₹ 1,020,997
₹ 991,075
₹ 1,909,906
₹ 867,097
₹ 1,403,980
₹ 1,528,172
₹ 619,639
₹ 621,829
₹ 774,735
₹ 849,848
₹ 1,322,622
₹ 1,192,453
₹ 740,388
₹ 741,779
₹ 1,882,278
₹ 1,599,567
₹ 163,305
₹ 1,002,596
₹ 1,190,683
₹ 1,051,637
₹ 264,522
₹ 412,015
₹ 1,614,571
₹ 254,514
₹ 1,444,944
₹ 216,677
₹ 792,194
₹ 1,068,878
₹ 1,045,898
₹ 488,346
₹ 1,931,891
₹ 365,633
₹ 1,960,330
₹ 1,549,591
₹ 1,396,686
₹ 598,158
₹ 1,128,891
₹ 1,831,381
₹ 974,375
₹ 187,578
₹ 1,671,909
₹ 1,049,303
₹ 255,056
₹ 1,013,527
₹ 1,409,749
₹ 613,870
₹ 1,733,091
₹ 350,793
₹ 861,955
₹ 1,713,238
₹ 1,219,629
₹ 1,489,196
₹ 1,567,746
₹ 1,485,483
₹ 1,210,891
₹ 1,939,148
₹ 1,263,558
₹ 633,445
₹ 1,293,856
₹ 1,794,560
₹ 530,477
₹ 1,482,817
₹ 543,637
₹ 793,983
₹ 1,736,583
₹ 1,366,036
₹ 1,695,853
₹ 499,256
₹ 1,559,663
₹ 1,038,488
₹ 630,073
₹ 1,243,853
₹ 717,738
₹ 1,886,401
₹ 381,940
₹ 1,922,753
₹ 766,953
₹ 1,436,558
₹ 359,238
₹ 935,260
₹ 1,170,290
₹ 1,399,111
₹ 1,246,102
₹ 1,349,313
₹ 1,216,686
₹ 1,613,825
₹ 553,592
₹ 1,151,530
₹ 1,505,763
₹ 1,654,795
₹ 145,397
₹ 162,687
₹ 1,015,528
₹ 1,695,801
₹ 1,493,683
₹ 299,988
₹ 633,604
₹ 986,904
₹ 1,721,416
₹ 768,191
₹ 1,678,538
₹ 1,482,479
₹ 1,360,610
₹ 1,327,948
₹ 470,519
₹ 1,614,083
₹ 1,545,186
₹ 443,420
₹ 1,517,230
₹ 1,051,248
₹ 873,882
₹ 754,301
₹ 369,331
₹ 1,998,763
₹ 1,183,220
₹ 798,923
₹ 747,931
₹ 936,508
₹ 580,939
₹ 1,156,733
₹ 648,732
₹ 1,929,643
₹ 1,967,857
₹ 259,975
₹ 1,374,309
₹ 1,430,419
₹ 1,648,652
₹ 608,773
₹ 1,752,206
₹ 678,100
₹ 1,681,097
₹ 615,129
₹ 1,982,446
₹ 1,953,112
₹ 1,334,216
₹ 923,297
₹ 1,060,035
₹ 1,213,464
₹ 1,441,704
₹ 509,308
₹ 795,151
₹ 970,001
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 218,240
₹ 1,793,709
₹ 881,630
₹ 1,579,357
₹ 1,881,690
₹ 425,145
₹ 170,272
₹ 1,340,840
₹ 1,731,924
₹ 1,030,957
₹ 247,066
₹ 250,567
₹ 1,186,037
₹ 1,537,340
₹ 552,073
₹ 686,369
₹ 953,560
₹ 1,135,057
₹ 774,526
₹ 1,015,942
₹ 1,993,520
₹ 259,226
₹ 500,000
₹ 480,000
₹ 1,323,102
₹ 1,719,288
₹ 545,305
₹ 1,100,065
₹ 1,178,486
₹ 725,587
₹ 1,682,112
₹ 1,283,815
₹ 1,728,548
₹ 1,184,509
₹ 1,403,679
₹ 1,182,590
₹ 789,000
₹ 302,000
₹ 102,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 720,000
₹ 70,000
₹ 50,500
₹ 63,900
bring up the Pivot table by creating a table and then bring up the pivot table.
Chapter 01. Inserting Pivot Table
ABC Corporation
Bridges Company
Chiral Corporation
Eagle Security
Sol Company
Timefall Inc.
Titan Industries
Total Result

Chapter 02. Insert a Pivot Chart

ABC Corporation
Bridges Company
Chiral Corporation
Eagle Security
Sol Company
Timefall Inc.
Titan Industries
Total Result

Chapter 03. Insert a Slicers

Total Result
Chapter 04. Insert a Timline
Sum of Amount
ABC Corporation
Bridges Company
Chiral Corporation
Eagle Security
Sol Company
Timefall Inc.
Titan Industries
Total Result

Chapter 05. Grouping

Sum of Amount
₹ 748,130,981

Chapter 06. Custom Grouping

Sum of Amount
₹ 748,130,981
Chapter 07. Calculated Field
Total Result

Chapter 08. Calculated Items

Total Result
Chapter 09. Pivot Table From Multiple Sheets/Table
ABC Corporation
ABC Corporation
ABC Corporation
ABC Corporation
Bridges Company
Bridges Company
Bridges Company
Bridges Company
Chiral Corporation
Chiral Corporation
Chiral Corporation
Chiral Corporation
Eagle Security
Eagle Security
Eagle Security
Eagle Security
Sol Company
Sol Company
Sol Company
Sol Company
Timefall Inc.
Timefall Inc.
Timefall Inc.
Timefall Inc.
Titan Industries
Titan Industries
Titan Industries
Titan Industries
Grand Total

Chapter 10. Pivot Table from Table




Total Result
nserting Pivot Table
Sum of Amount
₹ 40,882,304
₹ 78,601,479
₹ 54,004,604
₹ 141,877,636
₹ 263,379,609
₹ 90,238,331
₹ 79,147,018
₹ 748,130,981

nsert a Pivot Chart

Total ABC Corpora-
Sum of Amount Bridges
₹ 40,882,304 Company
Chiral Corpo-
₹ 78,601,479 3%
5% ration
₹ 54,004,604 9% Eagle Secu-
₹ 141,877,636 50% Sol Company
₹ 263,379,609 18%
Timefall Inc.
₹ 90,238,331 5%6% Titan Indus-
₹ 79,147,018 tries
Total Result
₹ 748,130,981

3. Insert a Slicers
Sum of Amount
This shape represents a slicer.
₹ 80,533,752 Slicers are supported in Excel
₹ 62,064,183 2010 or later.
₹ 62,435,933
₹ 75,775,723 If the shape was modified in
₹ 71,219,861 an earlier version of Excel, or
if the workbook was saved in
₹ 66,298,531
Excel 2003 or earlier, the
₹ 48,857,452 slicer cannot be used.
₹ 72,765,423
₹ 61,764,374
₹ 68,102,981
₹ 43,175,886
₹ 35,136,882
₹ 748,130,981
. Insert a Timline
East North South West
₹ 1,609,263 ₹ 21,414,908 ₹ 14,802,461 ₹ 3,055,672
₹ 6,584,260 ₹ 15,036,749 ₹ 41,033,343 ₹ 15,947,127
₹ 15,032,381 ₹ 12,923,434 ₹ 23,861,622 ₹ 2,187,167
₹ 50,395,897 ₹ 28,971,896 ₹ 55,383,322 ₹ 7,126,521
₹ 62,912,867 ₹ 70,495,221 ₹ 74,494,717 ₹ 55,476,804
₹ 27,650,994 ₹ 20,034,646 ₹ 32,909,876 ₹ 9,642,815
₹ 15,371,309 ₹ 29,190,554 ₹ 24,110,018 ₹ 10,475,137
₹ 179,556,971 ₹ 198,067,408 ₹ 266,595,359 ₹ 103,911,243

05. Grouping

Custom Grouping
Calculated Field
Sum of Amount
₹ 179,556,971
₹ 198,067,408
₹ 266,595,359
₹ 103,911,243
₹ 748,130,981

Calculated Items
Sum of Amount
₹ 179,556,971
₹ 198,067,408
₹ 266,595,359
₹ 103,911,243
₹ 748,130,981
From Multiple Sheets/Table
Region Sum of Amount
East ₹ 6,437,052
North ₹ 85,659,632
South ₹ 59,209,844
West ₹ 12,222,688
East ₹ 26,337,040
North ₹ 60,146,996
South ₹ 164,133,372
West ₹ 63,788,508
East ₹ 60,129,524
North ₹ 51,693,736
South ₹ 95,446,488
West ₹ 8,748,668
East ₹ 201,583,588
North ₹ 115,887,584
South ₹ 221,533,288
West ₹ 28,506,084
East ₹ 251,651,468
North ₹ 281,980,884
South ₹ 297,978,868
West ₹ 221,907,216
East ₹ 110,603,976
North ₹ 80,138,584
South ₹ 131,639,504
West ₹ 38,571,260
East ₹ 61,485,236
North ₹ 116,762,216
South ₹ 96,440,072
West ₹ 41,900,548
₹ 2,992,523,924

vot Table from Table

Client Sum of Amount
ABC Corporation ₹ 1,609,263
Bridges Company ₹ 6,584,260
Chiral Corporation ₹ 15,032,381
Eagle Security ₹ 50,395,897
Sol Company ₹ 62,912,867
Timefall Inc. ₹ 27,650,994
Titan Industries ₹ 15,371,309
ABC Corporation ₹ 21,414,908
Bridges Company ₹ 15,036,749
Chiral Corporation ₹ 12,923,434
Eagle Security ₹ 28,971,896
Sol Company ₹ 70,495,221
Timefall Inc. ₹ 20,034,646
Titan Industries ₹ 29,190,554
ABC Corporation ₹ 14,802,461
Bridges Company ₹ 41,033,343
Chiral Corporation ₹ 23,861,622
Eagle Security ₹ 55,383,322
Sol Company ₹ 74,494,717
Timefall Inc. ₹ 32,909,876
Titan Industries ₹ 24,110,018
ABC Corporation ₹ 3,055,672
Bridges Company ₹ 15,947,127
Chiral Corporation ₹ 2,187,167
Eagle Security ₹ 7,126,521
Sol Company ₹ 55,476,804
Timefall Inc. ₹ 9,642,815
Titan Industries ₹ 10,475,137
₹ 748,130,981
ABC Corpora-
Chiral Corpo-
Eagle Secu-
Sol Company
Timefall Inc.
Titan Indus-
Total Result

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

Timeline: Works in Excel 2013 or higher. Do not move

or resize.
Timeline: Works in Excel 2013 or higher. Do not move
or resize.

Total Result
₹ 40,882,304
₹ 78,601,479 Timeline: Works in Excel 2013 or higher. Do not move
₹ 54,004,604 or resize.
₹ 141,877,636
₹ 263,379,609
₹ 90,238,331
₹ 79,147,018
₹ 748,130,981
Syntex: Adds all the numbers in a ran

Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
North 2888 1380 1721 3581 2154 2383 4882
South 2131 2765 4952 2485 4288 1030 1298
East 4496 3549 3938 3119 2242 3203 4094
West 2243 1777 1823 3267 2129 2312 3452
Total 11758 9471 12434 12452 10813 8928 13726
Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
North 3336 2738 3831 2923 1424 3045 3710
South 4982 1525 1729 2866 4417 1364 3892
East 2761 4905 4526 3858 2062 2547 3369
West 1105 2681 2771 3514 2732 2248 3193
Total 12184 11849 12857 13161 10635 9204 14164
mbers in a range of cells.

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Region Jan
2274 1613 3243 1100 3990 31209 North 2888
4003 1353 1353 1679 3962 31299 South 2131
1490 3889 1898 2261 2783 36962 East 4496
2336 2289 1881 3767 3741 31017 West 2243
10103 9144 8375 8807 14476 130487 Total
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Region Jan
3413 3040 1590 3951 1086 34087 North 3336
3376 1909 3556 2445 4923 36984 South 4982
1088 3720 1615 4825 3349 38625 East 2761
3932 2662 2239 4677 3388 35142 West 1105
11809 11331 9000 15898 12746 144838 Total

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
1380 1721 3581 2154 2383 4882 2274 1613 3243 1100
2765 4952 2485 4288 1030 1298 4003 1353 1353 1679
3549 3938 3119 2242 3203 4094 1490 3889 1898 2261
1777 1823 3267 2129 2312 3452 2336 2289 1881 3767

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
2738 3831 2923 1424 3045 3710 3413 3040 1590 3951
1525 1729 2866 4417 1364 3892 3376 1909 3556 2445
4905 4526 3858 2062 2547 3369 1088 3720 1615 4825
2681 2771 3514 2732 2248 3193 3932 2662 2239 4677
Dec Total

Dec Total
Syntex: SUBSTRACT all the numbers in a

Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
North 374 170 387 237 435 433
South 302 392 210 270 143 275
Total 72 -222 177 -33 292 158
Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
East 224 341 304 424 176 290
West 324 458 240 178 493 207
Total -100 -117 64 246 -317 83
he numbers in a range of cells. GO T

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
365 494 204 451 181 430 North 374
170 465 373 104 185 325 South 302
195 29 -169 347 -4 105 Total
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
126 296 129 193 171 241 East 224
219 292 299 364 258 229 West 324
-93 4 -170 -171 -87 12 Total

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
170 387 237 435 433 365 494 204 451 181 430
392 210 270 143 275 170 465 373 104 185 325

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
341 304 424 176 290 126 296 129 193 171 241
458 240 178 493 207 219 292 299 364 258 229
Syntex: DIVIDE all the numbers in a ra

Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
North 374 170 387 237 435 433
South 302 392 210 270 143 275
Total 1.23841 0.43367 1.8429 0.8778 3.042 1.57455
Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
East 224 341 304 424 176 290
West 324 458 240 178 493 207
Total 0.69136 0.74454 1.2667 2.382 0.357 1.40097
numbers in a range of cells. GO T

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
365 494 204 451 181 430 North 374
170 465 373 104 185 325 South 302
2.1471 1.06237 0.5469 4.3365 0.9784 1.32308 Total
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
126 296 129 193 171 241 East 224
219 292 299 364 258 229 West 324
0.5753 1.0137 0.4314 0.5302 0.6628 1.0524 Total

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
170 387 237 435 433 365 494 204 451 181 430
392 210 270 143 275 170 465 373 104 185 325

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
341 304 424 176 290 126 296 129 193 171 241
458 240 178 493 207 219 292 299 364 258 229
Syntex: DIVIDE all the numbers in a ra

Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
North 374 170 387 237 435 433
South 302 392 210 270 143 275
Total 112948 66640 81270 63990 62205 119075
Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
East 224 341 304 424 176 290
West 324 458 240 178 493 207
Total 72576 156178 72960 75472 86768 60030
numbers in a range of cells. GO T

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
365 494 204 451 181 430 North 374
170 465 373 104 185 325 South 302
62050 229710 76092 46904 33485 139750 Total
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Region Jan
126 296 129 193 171 241 East 224
219 292 299 364 258 229 West 324
27594 86432 38571 70252 44118 55189 Total

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
170 387 237 435 433 365 494 204 451 181 430
392 210 270 143 275 170 465 373 104 185 325

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
341 304 424 176 290 126 296 129 193 171 241
458 240 178 493 207 219 292 299 364 258 229
What Does th

Counts the number of cells in

S. No Name
1 Emily Davis
2 Theodore Dinh SOLUTIO
3 Luna Sanders Coun
4 Penelope J 14
0 Austin Vo
0 Joshua Gupta
0 Ruby Barnes
0 Luke Martin
0 Easton Bailey
0 Madeline
11 Savannah Ali
12 Camila Rogers
13 Eli Jones
14 Everleigh Ng
What Does this formula Do ?

mber of cells in a range that contain numbers

Count Count
What Does this formula Do ?

•The COUNTA function counts cells containing any type of information

For example, if the range contains a formula that returns an empty st
value. The COUNTA function does not count

S. No Name
1 Emily Davis
2 Theodore Dinh
3 Luna Sanders SOLUTION
4 #N/A CountA
5 #Error 14
6 ""
7 Ruby Barnes
8 Luke Martin
9 Easton Bailey
10 Madeline
11 Savannah Ali
12 Camila Rogers
13 Eli Jones
14 Everleigh Ng
t Does this formula Do ?

any type of information, including error values and empty text
hat returns an empty string, the COUNTA function counts that
function does not count empty cells.

What Does this f
This function calculates the ave

If the cell is blank or contains text, the cell w

If the cell contains zero 0, the cell will be

Temp Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Condition 1 30 0 20 29 26 28 27
Condition 2 30 20 29 26 28 27
Condition 3 30 No 20 29 26 28 27

Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3

What Does this formula Do ?
tion calculates the average from a list of numbers.

ntains text, the cell will not be used in the average calculation.

zero 0, the cell will be included in the average calculation.

Average Average

ndition 3

What Does this f

Returns the average (arithmetic means) of its a

arrays, or references th

Months Values
Jan 14461
Feb 11043
Mar 8332

Apr text

May 0
Jun 11167
Jul 7429
Aug 6368
Sep 12194
Oct 8450
Nov 9741
Dec 9225
What Does this formula Do ?

means) of its arguments, which can be numbers or names,

references that contain numbers

AverageA AverageA
What Does this formula Do ?

•Returns the k-th largest value in

•For example, we will extract the First

First Highest 56550


Second Highest 48480

Third Highest 34650

First Highest

Second Highest

Third Highest
What Does this formula Do ?

k-th largest value in a data set.

will extract the First largest number

Sales Person Region Products Quantity Price Total Sales

Shubham East Orange 371 50 18550
Vivek East Mango 242 80 19360
Deepa West Mango 245 80 19600
Tarun North Orange 356 60 21360
Suraj South Apple 216 160 34560
Deepa West Apple 231 150 34650
Shubham East Apple 377 50 18850
Vivek South Apple 303 160 48480
Shubham West Mango 404 80 32320
Suraj South Mango 377 150 56550
Total 3122 1020 304280
What Does this formula Do ?

•Returns the k-th smallest value in

•For example, we will extract the first, second &


First Smallest 17000 17000 1


Second Smallest 18550 18550 2

Third Smallest 19360 19360 3


First Smallest

Second Smallest

Third Smallest
this formula Do ?

allest value in a data set.

first, second & third smallest number

Sales Person Region Products Quantity Price Total Sales

Shubham East Orange 371 50 18550

Vivek East Mango 242 80 19360

Deepa West Mango 245 80 19600

Tarun North Orange 356 60 21360

Suraj South Apple 216 160 34560
Deepa West Apple 231 150 34650

Shubham East Apple 377 50 17000

Vivek South Apple 303 160 48480

Shubham West Mango 404 80 32320

Suraj South Mango 377 150 56550

Total 3122 1020 302430
What Does this formula D

•Returns the largest value in a set of values.

Sales Jan Feb Mar

North ₹ 5,000.00 ₹ 6,000.00 ₹ 4,500.00
South ₹ 5,800.00 ₹ 3,000.00
East ₹ 3,500.00 ₹ 2,000.00 fhfhfh
West ₹ 0.00 ₹ 1.00 ₹ 6,000.00
hat Does this formula Do ?

set of values. Ignores logical values and text.


MAX Sales in Q1 MAX Sales in Q1

₹ 6,000.00
₹ 5,800.00
₹ 3,500.00
₹ 6,000.00
What Does this formula Do ?

• MAXA function evaluates TRUE as 1, FALSE as 0 and any Te



Values :- 1 0 0


Does this formula Do ?

FALSE as 0 and any Text value as 0. Empty cells are


What Does this formula Do ?

•Returns the smallest value in a set of values. Igno



Values :- 1 0 0

Sales Jan Feb Mar

North No Sales ₹ 6,000.00 ₹ 4,500.00
South ₹ 5,800.00 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 3,000.00
East ₹ 3,500.00 ₹ 2,000.00 ₹ 10,000.00
West ₹ 12,000.00 ₹ 4,000.00 ₹ 1.00
t Does this formula Do ?

a set of values. Ignores logical values and


MIN Sales in Q1 MIN Sales in Q1
₹ 4,500.00
₹ 3,000.00
₹ 2,000.00
₹ 4,000.00
What Does this formula Do ?
• MINA function evaluates TRUE as 1, FALSE as 0 and
cells are ignored.


Values :- 1 0 0


this formula Do ?
FALSE as 0 and any Text value as 0. Empty
re ignored.







What Does this for

• This function creates a rand

Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May

North 0.29 0.33 0.49 0.27 0.05

South 0.99 0.18 0.78 0.82 0.39
East 0.91 0.49 0.97 0.39 0.12
West 0.84 0.59 0.33 0.34 0.39

Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May


North -0.05 -0.50 -0.98 -0.55 -0.21

South -0.56 -0.16 -0.62 -0.61 -0.34
East -0.30 -0.05 -0.32 -0.15 -0.13
West -0.53 -0.40 -0.57 -0.72 -0.68
What Does this formula Do ?

creates a random number >=0 but <1.

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0.63 0.13 0.12 0.16 0.56 0.98 0.66
0.95 0.28 0.51 0.10 0.82 0.30 0.32
0.52 0.70 0.09 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10
0.46 0.11 0.72 0.90 0.74 0.76 0.53

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

-0.26 -0.32 -0.33 -0.08 -0.14 -0.55 -0.07
-0.25 -0.50 -0.58 -0.91 -0.05 -0.02 -0.09
-0.15 -0.20 -0.04 -0.59 -0.98 -0.47 -0.50
-0.20 -0.78 -0.15 -0.20 -0.00 -0.23 -0.25

Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


• This function produces a ran

Sales Jan Feb Mar

North 6,992 11,783 13,882

South 12,992 10,239 14,360
East 10,857 13,691 13,828
West 12,416 10,973 14,979

Sales Jan Feb Mar


North -1,459 -1,389 -1,716

South -1,641 -1,370 -1,752
East -1,167 -1,535 -1,708
West -1,294 -1,185 -1,368
What Does this formula Do ?

nction produces a random whole number between two specified numbers.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
14,211 10,995 14,163 10,091 12,921 13,959
11,114 13,802 14,181 10,103 12,260 14,181
14,722 10,665 10,698 13,194 11,963 14,618
11,042 13,565 14,153 12,885 12,551 12,368

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

-1,360 -1,553 -1,632 -1,875 -1,308 -1,541
-1,199 -1,052 -1,111 -1,560 -1,466 -1,498
-1,073 -1,616 -1,922 -1,104 -1,913 -1,261
-1,751 -1,066 -1,899 -1,526 -1,648 -1,664

fied numbers.

Oct Nov Dec POSITIVE NUMBERS Sales Jan Feb Mar
11,828 10,306 10,958 North
14,300 10,596 12,665 South
11,821 14,683 12,311 East
13,045 10,831 10,383 West

Oct Nov Dec Sales Jan Feb Mar


-1,852 -1,945 -1,951 North

-1,135 -1,577 -1,548 South
-1,596 -1,236 -1,851 East
-1,560 -1,784 -1,731 West

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


• Proper:-Con
• Upper:-Con
• Lower:-Con

Sales Proper
alan jones Alan Jones
bob smith Bob Smith
caRol wILLIAMS Carol Williams
cardiff Cardiff
ABC123 Abc123
What Does this formula Do ?

• Proper:-Converts text to Proper case.

• Upper:-Converts text to Upper case.
• Lower:-Converts text to Lower case.

Upper Lower
ALAN JONES alan jones
BOB SMITH bob smith
CAROL WILLIAMS carol williams
CARDIFF cardiff
ABC123 abc123
Do ?

to Proper case.
to Upper case.
to Lower case.

Proper Upper Lower

•The FORMULATEXT function returns

Sales Proper
alan jones Alan Jones
bob smith Bob Smith
caRol wILLIAMS Carol Williams
cardiff Cardiff
ABC123 Abc123
What Does this formula Do ?

TEXT function returns what is displayed in the formu

referenced cell.

Upper Lower Proper
ALAN JONES alan jones =PROPER(B14)
BOB SMITH bob smith =PROPER(B15)
CAROL WILLIAMS carol williams =PROPER(B16)
CARDIFF cardiff =PROPER(B17)
ABC123 abc123 =PROPER(B18)

the formula bar if you select the

Upper Lower

The CONCATENATE function in Excel is used to join differen

First Last
Name Separator Name
Suresh . 123
Mahesh . 456
Sukesh . 789
Rakesh . Rawat
Ajay . Joshi
Pradeep . Pandey

First Last
Name Name
Suresh . 123
Mahesh . 456
Sukesh . 789
Rakesh . Rawat
Ajay . Joshi
Pradeep . Pandey
What Does this formula Do ?

Excel is used to join different pieces of text together or combine values fr

@ Domain Email ID

@ Domain Email ID

combine values from several cells into one cell.

Email ID

Email ID
What Does this formula Do ?

• This function scans across the column headings at the top

specified item..

Product Item K Item J Item K Item L
Mon 115 228 307 335

Days Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F Item G Item H Item F
Sun 61 104 87 150 114 126 126 126 126
Mon 56 63 122 100 54 137 137 137 137
Tue 60 116 121 89 132 128 128 128 128
Wed 63 133 70 122 95 115 115 115 115
Thu 101 63 81 98 75 69 157 296 292
Fri 70 53 101 91 135 146 146 146 146
Sat 146 110 56 50 85 93 93 93 93
Do ?

ings at the top of a table to find a


Item A Item N Product
101 344 Mon

Item J Item K Item L Item M Item N Days Item A Item B Item C

126 126 126 126 126 Sun 61 104 87
137 137 137 137 137 Mon 56 63 122
128 128 128 128 128 Tue 60 116 121
115 115 115 115 115 Wed 63 133 70
228 307 335 347 344 Thu 101 63 81
146 146 146 146 146 Fri 70 53 101
93 93 93 93 93 Sat 146 110 56

Item A Item J Item K Item L Item A Item N

Item D Item E Item F Item G Item H Item F Item J Item K Item L Item M
150 114 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
100 54 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137
89 132 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
122 95 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
98 75 69 157 296 292 228 307 335 347
91 135 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146
50 85 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93
Item N
What Does this formula Do ?

• Looks for a value in the leftmost column in a table, then returns a value i
specify. By default, the table must be sorted in an asc

ID First name Last name Title DOJ ID
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018 101
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 105
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 108
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023 111
es this formula Do ?

le, then returns a value in the same row from a column you
must be sorted in an ascending order.

First name Last name Title DOJ ID First name Last name
Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023 120
Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 111
Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020 105
Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 101
Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

Title DOJ ID First name Last name Title DOJ
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018
What Does this formula Do ?

• Looks for a value in the leftmost column in a

value in the same row from a column

ID First name Last name Title DOJ ID
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018 101
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 105
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 108
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 111
oes this formula Do ?

most column in a table, then returns a

w from a column you specify.

First name Last name Title DOJ ID First name Last name
Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023 120
Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 111
Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020 105
Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 111
Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

Title DOJ ID First name Last name Title DOJ
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018
What Do
• Asterstick (*) Help


Sales Person 2020 2021 2022
Aaliyah Mai 318,902 196,606 170,386
Aaron Garza 126,867 168,306 114,482
Aaron Maldonado 314,279 150,664 100,614
Abigail Garza 172,622 318,052 266,112
Abigail Mejia 287,727 161,333 128,946
Adam Nelson 305,685 335,115 216,799
Thomas Do 161,836 265,864 333,133
Addison Mehta 148,735 156,878 323,458
FORMULA Scenario-1
What Does this formula Do ?
• Asterstick (*) Helps to Remove the extra space.

Vlookup With Wild Card
Sales Person 2021

Vlookup With Wild Card
What Does th
• Asterstick (*) Helps to


Sales Person 2020 2021 2022
Aaliyah 318,902 196,606 170,386
Aaron 126,867 168,306 114,482
Aaron 314,279 150,664 100,614
Abigail 172,622 318,052 266,112
Abigail 287,727 161,333 128,946
Adam 305,685 335,115 216,799
Thomas 161,836 265,864 333,133
Addison 148,735 156,878 323,458
FORMULA Scenario-2
What Does this formula Do ?
ck (*) Helps to Remove the extra space.

Vlookup With Wild Card
Sales Person 2021

Vlookup With Wild Card
FORMULA Scenario-3
What Does this formula Do ?
• Question Mark (?) Helps to Rem

Year Invoice No.
2022 INV22087 ₹ 18,210 Invoice Number
2022 INV18804 ₹ 14,881 19835
2022 INV19835 ₹ 15,083 21895
2022 INV17353 ₹ 13,932 16879
2022 INV22520 ₹ 12,789 24895
2022 INV21895 ₹ 18,698
2022 INV16879 ₹ 14,691
2022 INV18359 ₹ 16,987
2022 INV17882 ₹ 14,766
2022 INV18334 ₹ 14,917
2022 INV24895 ₹ 17,185
2022 INV23153 ₹ 16,492
2022 INV21869 ₹ 12,474
ORMULA Scenario-3
What Does this formula Do ?
rk (?) Helps to Remove the text.
Vlookup With Wild Card Vlookup With Wild Card
Sales Amt Sales Amt
₹ 15,083
₹ 18,698
₹ 14,691
₹ 17,185
What Does this formul
• Question Mark (?) Helps to
Year Invoice No. Invoice Amount

2022 22087-INV-2022 ₹ 18,210

2022 18804-INV-2022 ₹ 14,881 Invoice Number
2022 19835-INV-2022 ₹ 15,083 19835
2022 17353-INV-2022 ₹ 13,932 21895
2022 22520-INV-2022 ₹ 12,789 16879
2022 21895-INV-2022 ₹ 18,698 24895
2022 16879-INV-2022 ₹ 14,691
2022 18359-INV-2022 ₹ 16,987
2022 17882-INV-2022 ₹ 14,766
2022 18334-INV-2022 ₹ 14,917
2022 24895-INV-2022 ₹ 17,185
2022 23153-INV-2022 ₹ 16,492
2022 21869-INV-2022 ₹ 12,474
MULA Scenario-4
oes this formula Do ?
?) Helps to Remove the text.
Vlookup With Wild Card Vlookup With Wild Card
Sales Amt Sales Amt
₹ 15,083.00
₹ 18,698.00
₹ 14,691.00
₹ 17,185.00
What Does this formula D
• Asterstick (*) & Tilde (*~) Helps t


Sales Person 2020 2021 2022
Aaliyah Mai** 318902 196606 170386
Aaron Garza? 126867 168306 114482
Aaron Maldonado 314279 150664 100614
Abigail Garza 172622 318052 266112
Abigail Mejia???? 287727 161333 128946
Adam Nelson*** 305685 335115 216799
Thomas Do~~ 161836 265864 333133
Addison Mehta 148735 156878 323458
FORMULA Scenario-5
What Does this formula Do ?
) & Tilde (*~) Helps to Remove the symbols.

Vlookup With Wild Card
Sales Person 2021
Aaliyah Mai
Abigail Garza
Thomas Do
Adam Nelson

he symbols.

Vlookup With Wild Card
What Does this fo

• Looks for a value in the leftmost column in a table, th

you spec

2 3 4 5
ID First name Last name Title DOJ
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
ROM Multiple Column" FORMULA
What Does this formula Do ?

in a table, then returns a value in the same row from a column

you specify.

ID First name Last name Title DOJ
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

a column

ID First name Last name Title DOJ
ID First name Last name Title DOJ
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018
What Does th

• Looks for a value in the leftmost column in a table, then

• Returns the numbers of co

ID First name Last name Title DOJ ID
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018 101
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 105
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 108
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020 111
What Does this formula Do ?

olumn in a table, then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify.
rns the numbers of column in an array or reference.

First name Last name Title DOJ
Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

you specify.

ID First name Last name Title DOJ




ID First name Last name Title
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep.
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep.
111 Michael Patten Manager
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr.
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep.
"IF" FORMULA "IF" Formula in Excel
What Does this formula Do ?
• This function tests a condition.
• If the condition is met it is considered to be TR
• If the condition is not met it is considered as FA

=IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do something else)
` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

Employee Overtime
Sursh Yes
` Mahesh Yes
Sukesh No
Target 10000 Good Job Keep It Up Rakesh Yes
` Ajay No
Tarun No
ula Do ?
a condition.
nsidered to be TRUE.
considered as FALSE.

=IF(Something is True, then do something
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

Example 1 Example 2
Sales Overtime Target
Amt Met/Not
17000 1,000.00 Good Job
13000 1,000.00 Good Job `
9800 - Keep It Up
11000 1,000.00 Good Job Target 10000 Good Job
9700 - Keep It Up `
13055 - Good Job

, then do something, otherwise do something else)
` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

Employe Example 1 Example 2

e Overtime Sales Overtime Target
Amt Met/Not
Sursh Yes 17000
Mahesh Yes 13000
Sukesh No 9800
Keep It Up Rakesh Yes 11000
Ajay No 9700
Tarun No 13055
` ` ` `
What Does thi

• This function tests tw

• If the condition is met it
• If the condition is not me

Target 10000 Good Job Keep It Up

"IF (AND)" Formula
What Does this formula Do ?

• This function tests two or more conditions.

the condition is met it is considered to be TRUE.
the condition is not met it is considered as FALSE.

QTR Jan Feb Mar
Result Sales Sales Sales

Sursh Keep It Up 7000 13678 21134

Mahesh Keep It Up 19000 9700 15355
Sukesh Good Job 16971 19343 15153
Rakesh Keep It Up 8600 17461 15380
Ajay Keep It Up 12000 9700 19309
Pradeep Good Job 16531 15400 16109
Tarun Good Job 20915 17677 21305

Target 10000 Good Job


Keep It Up Name
Result Sales

Sursh 7000
Mahesh 19000
Sukesh 16971
Rakesh 8600
Ajay 12000
Pradeep 16531
Tarun 20915
Feb Mar

Sales Sales

13678 21134
9700 15355
19343 15153
17461 15380
9700 19309
15400 16109
17677 21305
"IF" FORMULA "IF (OR)" Formula in
What Does this formula Do ?

• This function tests two or more

• If the condition is met it is conside
• If the condition is not met it is cons

Processing Customer
Processing Charges Charges Name
Cash Credit Card Wallet 0 Sursh
0.00 50.00 50.00 50 Mahesh
50 Sukesh
0 Rakesh
50 Ajay
50 Pradeep
50 Tarun
" Formula in Excel
Does this formula Do ?

ests two or more conditions.

met it is considered to be TRUE.
ot met it is considered as FALSE.

Invoice Payment
Amount Mode
5720 Cash
8792 Wallet
12098 Credit Card
11000 Cash
8955 Credit Card
7000 Wallet
13055 Credit Card

Processing Customer
Processing Charges Charges Name
Cash Credit Card Wallet Sursh
0.00 50.00 50.00 Mahesh
Invoice Payment
Amount Mode
5720 Cash
8792 Wallet
12098 Credit Card
11000 Cash
8955 Credit Card
7000 Wallet
13055 Credit Card
What Does th

• This function performs a test to see i

• If the test fails,
• If the test is met, th

High Medium Low

Full Time 15% Of Salary 10% Of Salary 5% Of Salary


Contract Flat 5% of Salary

"IF (NOT)" Formula in Excel
What Does this formula Do ?

ms a test to see if the test fails. (A type of reverse logic).

• If the test fails, the result is TRUE.
he test is met, then the result is FALSE.

e Bonus Salary Status Job
Sursh 2700 ₹ 18,000 Full Time High

Mahesh 850 ₹ 17,000 Full Time Low

Sukesh 800 ₹ 16,000 Contract High
Rakesh 2300 ₹ 23,000 Full Time Medium
Ajay 1100 ₹ 22,000 Contract Medium
Pradeep 1150 ₹ 23,000 Contract Low
Tarun 1900 ₹ 19,000 Full Time Medium

High Medium Low

15% Of 10% Of 5% Of
Full Time Salary Salary Salary

Contract Flat 5% of Salary

e Bonu Salary Status Job
s Rating
Sursh ₹ 18,000 Full Time High

Mahesh ₹ 17,000 Full Time Low

Sukesh ₹ 16,000 Contract High
Rakesh ₹ 23,000 Full Time Medium
Ajay ₹ 22,000 Contract Medium
Pradeep ₹ 23,000 Contract Low
Tarun ₹ 19,000 Full Time Medium
What Does th

• Nested IF is called when and IF formul

High Medium Low

Full Time 15% Of Salary 10% Of Salary 5% Of Salary


Contract Flat 5% of Salary

"IF (NOT)" Formula in Excel
What Does this formula Do ?

and IF formula enter in single formula multiple times.

e Bonus Salary Status Job
Sursh 2700 ₹ 18,000 Full Time High

Mahesh 850 ₹ 17,000 Full Time Low

Sukesh 2400 ₹ 16,000 Contract High
Rakesh 2300 ₹ 23,000 Full Time Medium
Ajay 2200 ₹ 22,000 Contract Medium
Pradeep 1150 ₹ 23,000 Contract Low
Tarun 1900 ₹ 19,000 Full Time Medium


High Medium Low

15% Of 10% Of 5% Of
Full Time Salary Salary Salary

Contract Flat 5% of Salary

e Bon Salary Status Job
us Rating
Sursh ₹ 18,000 Full Time High

Mahesh ₹ 17,000 Full Time Low

Sukesh ₹ 16,000 Contract High
Rakesh ₹ 23,000 Full Time Medium
Ajay ₹ 22,000 Contract Medium
Pradeep ₹ 23,000 Contract Low
Tarun ₹ 19,000 Full Time Medium
What Does this fo

• This function adds the value of items


State Product Sales
Delhi Simple Chocolate ₹ 15,913

Delhi Candy ₹ 13,998

Delhi Biscuit ₹ 16,917

Delhi Waffers ₹ 29,319

Delhi Waffers ₹ 15,000

Delhi Cookies ₹ 41,661

Delhi Donuts ₹ 44,483

Delhi Almond Chocolate ₹ 24,557

Chennai Simple Chocolate ₹ 44,701

Chennai Candy ₹ 48,828

Chennai Biscuit ₹ 21,749

Chennai Waffers ₹ 36,850

Chennai Cookies ₹ 21,780

Chennai Donuts ₹ 35,656

Chennai Almond Chocolate ₹ 27,092

Mumbai Simple Chocolate ₹ 36,619

Mumbai Candy ₹ 35,867

Mumbai Biscuit ₹ 27,466

Mumbai Waffers ₹ 38,920

Mumbai Cookies ₹ 21,710

Mumbai Donuts ₹ 39,946

Mumbai Almond Chocolate ₹ 16,565

Kolkata Simple Chocolate ₹ 12,979

Kolkata Candy ₹ 11,473

Kolkata Biscuit ₹ 20,972

Kolkata Waffers ₹ 20,945

Kolkata Cookies ₹ 23,059

Kolkata Donuts ₹ 18,988

Kolkata Almond Chocolate ₹ 17,854

"SUMIF" Formula in Excel
What Does this formula Do ?

value of items which match criteria set by the user.

State Mumbai
Product Donuts

Sales 139073

State Product Sales

Delhi Simple Chocolate ₹ 15,913

Delhi Candy ₹ 13,998

Delhi Biscuit ₹ 16,917

Delhi Waffers ₹ 29,319

Delhi Waffers ₹ 15,000

Delhi Cookies ₹ 41,661

Delhi Donuts ₹ 44,483

Delhi Almond Chocolate ₹ 24,557

Chennai Simple Chocolate ₹ 44,701

Chennai Candy ₹ 48,828

Chennai Biscuit ₹ 21,749

Chennai Waffers ₹ 36,850

Chennai Cookies ₹ 21,780

Chennai Donuts ₹ 35,656

Chennai Almond Chocolate ₹ 27,092

Mumbai Simple Chocolate ₹ 36,619

Mumbai Candy ₹ 35,867

Mumbai Biscuit ₹ 27,466

Mumbai Waffers ₹ 38,920

Mumbai Cookies ₹ 21,710

Mumbai Donuts ₹ 39,946

Mumbai Almond Chocolate ₹ 16,565

Kolkata Simple Chocolate ₹ 12,979

Kolkata Candy ₹ 11,473

Kolkata Biscuit ₹ 20,972

Kolkata Waffers ₹ 20,945

Kolkata Cookies ₹ 23,059

Kolkata Donuts ₹ 18,988

Kolkata Almond Chocolate ₹ 17,854


State Mumbai
Product Donuts

Sales 139073
"SUMIFS" Formula in Excel

• This function adds the value of items which match c

the user.
• This Function normally used when condition is mo

` ` `

State Product Sales

Delhi Simple Chocolate ₹ 15,913 State

Delhi Candy
₹ 13,998 Product
Delhi Biscuit ₹ 16,917

Delhi Waffers ₹ 29,319 Sales

Delhi Waffers ₹ 15,000

₹ 41,661
Delhi Cookies
Delhi Donuts ₹ 44,483
Delhi Almond Chocolate ₹ 24,557
Chennai Simple Chocolate ₹ 44,701
Chennai Candy ₹ 48,828
Chennai Biscuit ₹ 21,749
Chennai Waffers ₹ 36,850
Chennai Cookies ₹ 21,780
Chennai Donuts ₹ 35,656
Chennai Almond Chocolate ₹ 27,092
Mumbai Simple Chocolate ₹ 36,619
Mumbai Candy ₹ 35,867
Mumbai Biscuit ₹ 27,466
Mumbai Waffers ₹ 38,920
Mumbai Cookies ₹ 21,710
Mumbai Donuts ₹ 39,946
Mumbai Almond Chocolate ₹ 16,565
Kolkata Simple Chocolate ₹ 12,979
Kolkata Candy ₹ 11,473
Kolkata Biscuit ₹ 20,972
Kolkata Waffers ₹ 20,945
Kolkata Cookies ₹ 23,059
Kolkata Donuts ₹ 18,988
Kolkata Almond Chocolate ₹ 17,854
ula inState
Simple Chocolate
Mumbai Biscuit

ms which match criteria set by

n condition is more than one.

TION ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
State Product
Mumbai Delhi Simple Chocolate

Biscuit Delhi Candy

Delhi Biscuit
27466 Delhi Waffers
Delhi Waffers

Delhi Cookies
Delhi Donuts
Delhi Almond Chocolate
Chennai Simple Chocolate
Chennai Candy
Chennai Biscuit
Chennai Waffers
Chennai Cookies
Chennai Donuts
Chennai Almond Chocolate
Mumbai Simple Chocolate
Mumbai Candy
Mumbai Biscuit
Mumbai Waffers
Mumbai Cookies
Mumbai Donuts
Mumbai Almond Chocolate
Kolkata Simple Chocolate
Kolkata Candy
Kolkata Biscuit
Kolkata Waffers
Kolkata Cookies
Kolkata Donuts
Kolkata Almond Chocolate

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

₹ 15,913 State Mumbai
₹ 13,998 Product Biscuit
₹ 16,917
₹ 29,319 Sales
₹ 15,000

₹ 41,661

₹ 44,483
₹ 24,557
₹ 44,701
₹ 48,828
₹ 21,749
₹ 36,850
₹ 21,780
₹ 35,656
₹ 27,092
₹ 36,619
₹ 35,867
₹ 27,466
₹ 38,920
₹ 21,710
₹ 39,946
₹ 16,565
₹ 12,979
₹ 11,473
₹ 20,972
₹ 20,945
₹ 23,059
₹ 18,988
₹ 17,854
"IF" FORMULA "COUNTIF" Formula in Excel
What Does this formula Do ?

• This function counts the number of items which match

Salesperson Invoice Description Output
Ajay 15000 Number of entries for Ajay 3
Number of invoice values less
Ajay 9000 than 20,000
Number of invoice values greater
Ajay 17000 than or equal to 20,000
Vivek 21000
Vivek 13000
Suraj 32000 Ajay
Suraj 18000
Suresh 8000
Suresh 20000
Mahesh 5000
Tarun 22500
mula in Excel
mula Do ?

which match criteria set by the user.


Salesperson Invoice Description
Ajay 15000 Number of entries fo

Number of invoice values les

Ajay 9000
Number of invoice values gr
Ajay 17000 equal to 20,000
Vivek 21000
Vivek 13000
Suraj 32000
Suraj 18000
Suresh 8000
Suresh 20000
Mahesh 5000
Tarun 22500
Description Output
Number of entries for Ajay

Number of invoice values less than 20,000

Number of invoice values greater than or

equal to 20,000
What Does thi

• This function counts the number of ite

• This Function normally used w

` ` ` ` ` `
Product Year Sales
Simple Chocolate 2013 ₹ 146,258
Candy 2013 ₹ 144,385
Biscuit 2020 ₹ 139,133
Waffers 2017 ₹ 141,815
Waffers 2017 ₹ 110,000
Cookies 2015 ₹ 123,853
Donuts 2014 ₹ 112,257
Almond Chocolate 2018 ₹ 135,933
Simple Chocolate 2022 ₹ 102,635
Candy 2012 ₹ 141,088
Biscuit 2020 ₹ 103,304
Waffers 2017 ₹ 50,000
Cookies 2013 ₹ 106,859
Donuts 2014 ₹ 138,435
Almond Chocolate 2018 ₹ 120,224
Simple Chocolate 2022 ₹ 138,359
Candy 2012 ₹ 131,956
Biscuit 2021 ₹ 122,237
Waffers 2017 ₹ 105,053
Cookies 2018 ₹ 136,190
Donuts 2014 ₹ 135,834
Almond Chocolate 2016 ₹ 114,137
Simple Chocolate 2012 ₹ 114,189
Candy 2014 ₹ 116,696
Biscuit 2018 ₹ 124,575
Waffers 2015 ₹ 122,036
Cookies 2018 ₹ 110,736
Donuts 2014 ₹ 120,583
Almond Chocolate 2013 ₹ 129,805
What Does this formula Do ?

counts the number of items which match criteria set by the user.
unction normally used when condition is more than one.

• How many times Biscuit got more than 1,00,000 sales 4

• How many times in the year 2017 Waffers got more 3

than 50,000 sales

by the user.

` `
Product Year
Simple Chocolate 2013
4 Candy 2013
Biscuit 2020
Waffers 2017
Waffers 2017
Cookies 2015
Donuts 2014
Almond Chocolate 2018
Simple Chocolate 2022
Candy 2012
Biscuit 2020
Waffers 2017
Cookies 2013
Donuts 2014
Almond Chocolate 2018
Simple Chocolate 2022
Candy 2012
Biscuit 2021
Waffers 2017
Cookies 2018
Donuts 2014
Almond Chocolate 2016
Simple Chocolate 2012
Candy 2014
Biscuit 2018
Waffers 2015
Cookies 2018
Donuts 2014
Almond Chocolate 2013

` ` ` `
₹ 146,258
₹ 144,385
• How many times Biscuit got more than
1,00,000 sales
₹ 139,133
₹ 141,815
₹ 110,000
₹ 123,853 • How many times in the year 2017 Waffers
₹ 112,257 got more than 50,000 sales
₹ 135,933
₹ 102,635
₹ 141,088
₹ 103,304
₹ 50,000
₹ 106,859
₹ 138,435
₹ 120,224
₹ 138,359
₹ 131,956
₹ 122,237
₹ 105,053
₹ 136,190
₹ 135,834
₹ 114,137
₹ 114,189
₹ 116,696
₹ 124,575
₹ 122,036
₹ 110,736
₹ 120,583
₹ 129,805
What D

•This function picks a value from a ran

` ` ` ` ` ` `

NORTH Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Bricks ₹ 28,323 ₹ 19,187 ₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860
Wood ₹ 36,761 ₹ 38,360 ₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
Glass ₹ 41,083 ₹ 43,015 ₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603
Door ₹ 36,097 ₹ 22,648 ₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
Handle ₹ 39,308 ₹ 18,479 ₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
Mirror ₹ 24,633 ₹ 48,788 ₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
What Does this formula Do ?

alue from a range of data by looking down a specified number.

` ` `

Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 for the product :
Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the Qtr :

The result "WOOD"Product is : Q3


` ` ` `

5 NORTH Qtr1 Qtr2

5 Bricks ₹ 28,323 ₹ 19,187
Wood ₹ 36,761 ₹ 38,360
19618 Glass ₹ 41,083 ₹ 43,015
Door ₹ 36,097 ₹ 22,648
Handle ₹ 39,308 ₹ 18,479
Mirror ₹ 24,633 ₹ 48,788

Qtr3 Qtr4
₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860
₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603 The result "WOOD"Product is : Q3
₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 for the product :
Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the Qtr :

The result "WOOD"Product is : Q3

What Does this formula Do ?

•This function looks for an item in a list and show

` ` ` ` `

Bricks ₹ 28,323 ₹ 19,187 ₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860
Wood ₹ 36,761 ₹ 38,360 ₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
Glass ₹ 41,083 ₹ 43,015 ₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603
Door ₹ 36,097 ₹ 22,648 ₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
Handle ₹ 39,308 ₹ 18,479 ₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
Mirror ₹ 24,633 ₹ 48,788 ₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
Do ?

ist and shows its position.

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

QTR4 5 Bricks ₹ 28,323
Wood ₹ 36,761
Glass ₹ 41,083
Door ₹ 36,097
Handle ₹ 39,308
Mirror ₹ 24,633

₹ 19,187 ₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860 QTR4
₹ 38,360 ₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
₹ 43,015 ₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603
₹ 22,648 ₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
₹ 18,479 ₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
₹ 48,788 ₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
What Does this formula

•INDEX- This function picks a value from a range of d

•MATCH-This function looks for an item in

` ` ` ` ` ` `

Bricks ₹ 28,323 ₹ 19,187 ₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860
Wood ₹ 36,761 ₹ 38,360 ₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
Glass ₹ 41,083 ₹ 43,015 ₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603
Door ₹ 36,097 ₹ 22,648 ₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
Handle ₹ 39,308 ₹ 18,479 ₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
Mirror ₹ 24,633 ₹ 48,788 ₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
What Does this formula Do ?

from a range of data by looking down a specified number.

oks for an item in a list and shows its position.

Product Mirror


Result ₹ 30,624

Bricks ₹ 28,323 ₹ 19,187 ₹ 42,657 ₹ 21,860
Wood ₹ 36,761 ₹ 38,360 ₹ 28,729 ₹ 47,725
Glass ₹ 41,083 ₹ 43,015 ₹ 45,010 ₹ 44,603
Door ₹ 36,097 ₹ 22,648 ₹ 34,579 ₹ 19,618
Handle ₹ 39,308 ₹ 18,479 ₹ 30,043 ₹ 31,779
Mirror ₹ 24,633 ₹ 48,788 ₹ 42,213 ₹ 30,624
Product Mirror


What Does this formula Do ?

• This function scans across the column headings a

specified item..

Product Item K Item J
Mon 137 137

Days Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F Item G

Sun 61 104 87 150 114 126 126
Mon 56 63 122 100 54 137 137
Tue 60 116 121 89 132 128 128
Wed 63 133 70 122 95 115 115
Thu 101 63 81 98 75 69 157
Fri 70 53 101 91 135 146 146
Sat 146 110 56 50 85 93 93
t Does this formula Do ?

olumn headings at the top of a table to find a

pecified item..

Item K Item L Item A Item N Product
137 137 56 137 Mon

Item H Item F Item J Item K Item L Item M Item N Days Item A

126 126 126 126 126 126 126 Sun 61
137 137 137 137 137 137 137 Mon 56
128 128 128 128 128 128 128 Tue 60
115 115 115 115 115 115 115 Wed 63
296 292 228 307 335 347 344 Thu 101
146 146 146 146 146 146 146 Fri 70
93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Sat 146

Product Item A Item J Item K Item L Item A Item N

Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F Item G Item H Item F Item J Item K
104 87 150 114 126 126 126 126 126 126
63 122 100 54 137 137 137 137 137 137
116 121 89 132 128 128 128 128 128 128
133 70 122 95 115 115 115 115 115 115
63 81 98 75 69 157 296 292 228 307
53 101 91 135 146 146 146 146 146 146
110 56 50 85 93 93 93 93 93 93
Item L Item M Item N
126 126 126
137 137 137
128 128 128
115 115 115
335 347 344
146 146 146
93 93 93
What Does this formula Do ?

• Looks for a value in the leftmost column in a table, then returns a value i
specify. By default, the table must be sorted in an asc

ID First name Last name Title DOJ ID
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018 101
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 105
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 108
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023 111
es this formula Do ?

le, then returns a value in the same row from a column you
must be sorted in an ascending order.

First name Last name Title DOJ ID First name Last name
Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023 120
Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022 111
Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020 105
Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018 101
Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

Title DOJ ID First name Last name Title DOJ
101 Sara Davis Sales Rep. 1/1/2023
105 Olivier Fontana V.P. of Sales 1/5/2022
108 Karina Leal Sales Rep. 4/10/2020
111 Michael Patten Manager 10/19/2018
115 Brian Burke Sales Mgr. 5/15/2020
120 Luis Sousa Sales Rep. 9/13/2018

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