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Adapted from HEART’s CPES (2003) Learner’s Guide

Instructor: Erica Bent Contact:

• Explain the importance of self-

• Identify two (2) self-assessment tools

• Recall the steps for solving problems
• Discuss the importance of feedback
in identifying entrepreneurial
• Apply creative solving problem
• Write a personal action plan
At the end of this lesson trainees • Assess personal entrepreneurial
should be able to:
• Value feedback to effectively
manage personal strengths and
3 Prepared by E. Bent 4


Taking on the challenge and responsibility of starting and
running your own business venture is a mammoth task that
involves, among other things:
Is an evaluation of your actions and attitudes. Self-  input of your personal financial resources
assessment tools help potential entrepreneurs determine  time
whether entrepreneurship is the right path for them; it may  energy
also assist entrepreneurs better define the ideal size and
scope of the business before it even begins, by You do not want to start something for which you do not have
integrating their personal financial, family and other the requisite skills, knowledge, resources or support. It is very
personal goals into the mix. important that you are sure that you have what it takes to stand
a good chance of succeeding in the business before you start.
5 6

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Prepared by: E Bent 1

Self-assessment tools provide feedback and feedback is any
comment made by the recipient of a message to the sender of
the message. Feedback from self-assessments:
 encourages introspection IDENTIFYING ENTREPRENEURIAL
 increases the individual’s chances of becoming a successful
 Changes any existing negative perception of self
 Improves the individual’s work performance

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Most self-assessment tools on four (4) main categories. Namely:

Real interests
Personal qualities/characteristics
Personal finance
Business skills, attitudes & experience

9 10

Personal Research shows that most

Real Qualities & Traits, entrepreneurs share similar
Real interests refer to activities personality traits - i.e.
that you are passionate about Interests Aptitude & distinguishing features or
and willing to work long hours, Abilities characteristics of a person that
without knowing how much are genetically determined.
money you will eventually
Being able to identify your personal and entrepreneurial
earn. It would be your  What is your motivating force –
characteristics, helps in determining your strengths and weaknesses.
motivating force -an inner inner drive that makes you willing
to exert high levels of effort in order To determine your aptitude-natural ability, inclination or potential
drive that makes you willing to
to reach specified goals on the that a person has, to perform certain tasks or activities well- and
exert high levels of effort in
basis that you will satisfy some ability-what you can do, as observed in your actual performance of
order to reach specified goals individual need. a task, job or skill-it is imperative that you examine your human
on the basis that you will
relations/people skills, self-concept, self-esteem, personality,
satisfy some individual need 11 12
character, motivation & creativity.

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Prepared by: E Bent 2

Personal Qualities & Traits, Personal Qualities & Traits,

Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d
Self-concept - refers to how we see ourselves physically, psychologically,
emotionally and socially. The term self may be defined as ‘the sum total of
Human Relations/People Skills – the art of understanding people
your life experiences: past, present and future, positive and negative,
and their behaviour and dealing with them successfully. which you regard as uniquely you’ – Learner’s Guide.
“Process of dealing with people in such a way to accomplish
the goals of both the motivator and those being motivated”. The concept of ‘Self’ is influenced by the environment, heredity and culture;
which may be broken down in three dimensions:
 The physical or material self – this includes the individual’s physical
Do you have the interpersonal competence – the ability to work
structure and the material possessions that they own.
well with others, understanding their needs, motivate them and
 The psychological self - the inward feelings, thoughts, ideas, including
negotiate with them and delegate responsibilities to them? the individual’s self-concept, self-esteem and what motivates him/her to
pursue particular goals.
13  The emotional self - how the person thinks and deals with their emotions. 14

Personal Qualities & Traits, Personal Qualities & Traits,

Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d
Personality: Encyclopedia Psychology defines personality as
Self-esteem - the degree to which a person likes or dislikes individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling
themselves; they perception of how they ‘measure up’ against and behaving.
another person regarding their performance or capabilities.
In other words, our personality accounts for the distinctive manner
Most successful entrepreneurs have a positive self-concept in which we behave, think and feel.
and high self-esteem. The five main factors which shape our personality are:
Ideal Self - how you would like other people to view you and 1. Character: moral & ethical codes by which you live by
behave towards you; the things you would like to do; the 2. Values: entrenched principles or standards
social, as well as career roles that you would like to perform. 3. Morals: socially accepted set of principles and beliefs
4. Attitudes: tendency/position about something or someone
15 16
5. Temperament: way of thinking, feeling and behaving

Personal Qualities & Traits, Personal Qualities & Traits,

Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d
Creativity - the ability to bring something new into existence or
make improvements to something already in existence. People
who are creative/think creatively, think differently from the
Motivation - refers to a person’s willingness to exert high norm/outside the box and are usually open to new experiences,
levels of effort to reach specified goals on the basis that observant, curious and independent.
these will satisfy some individual need.
Creativity helps you to find novel solutions to problems, recognize
new needs and generate new business ideas.

Small business persons who are able to find creative solutions for
problems encountered in their business, will survive in business, 18
while others, less creative or flexible will be left behind.

ES Wk 3 Notes
Prepared by: E Bent 3

Personal Qualities & Traits,

Aptitude & Abilities Cont’d FINANCE

Creativity Continued - A problem is an opportunity and an As a prospective entrepreneur, you must also examine your personal
opportunity can become a business. Creative persons are usually: financial status and recognize the kind of lifestyle and family structure
• open to new experiences and will seek out and thoroughly that you wish to achieve and/or maintain. This means considering
enjoy new activities questions such as:
• observant, able to analyze things in unusual ways  How thrifty am I?
• curious to know more about why things are the way they are  What is my credit rating?
• independent in their way of thought, judgement and action  How much of my own money am I able to put into the venture?
 Do I have the support of my family? My spouse?
Persons who excel at creative thinking develop or generate new  Do I have alternative sources of income/savings to maintain my
ideas-which are the core of change and progress; they have the standard of living until the business is established?
ability to easily find workable solutions to problems in our everyday  Are my business goals compatible with my family and lifestyle goals?
lives. 19  Is my personal house in order? 20


As a prospective entrepreneur, you must also evaluate your ability to handle

the demands of running a business. Much of this ability relates to your attitude
towards work (i.e. your work ethic), and your work-related experiences. Ask
 Have I worked in a business like the one I want to start? For how long? What were
my responsibilities? Was I good at it?
 Do I know the business environment in which my business will operate?
 Do I have, or know how to obtain, the basic survival skills needed to be successful?
 Can I communicate effectively with all types of people?
 Can I set realistic goals?
 Can I successfully balance risks with reality?
 How good a reader am I?
 How effectively do I manage time?
21 22
 Am I prepared to work long hours?


♦ One-to-one discussions done in a frank, honest and constructive
manner ♦ Johari Window Model – psychological model developed to help
♦ Group discussions with mature, sensitive individuals who know you individuals understand their relationship with themselves and others. It
well and whom you trust. aims to develop trust with others by disclosing information about
♦ Personal checklists, quizzes, etc. for you to use and rate yourself in themselves and also to know what others feel about them.
different areas. ♦ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator –
♦ Questionnaires given to persons (friends, family, boss customers) who ♦ Keirsey Temperament Sorter –
know you well. ♦ BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) – entrepreneurial
potential self-assessment questionnaire.
You need to ask them to give you truthful feedback on questions
related to your personal qualities, characteristics, etc. and to indicate
to you their views regarding your strengths and weaknesses.
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Prepared by: E Bent 4


Fold the sheet of paper in half and then
in half again. Label each quadrant:
Open, Blind Hidden, Unknown. Choose
 Each person is represented by OPEN QUADRANT
Displays information that you who will go first and then each member
the Johari model through four Includes information
know about yourself and which of the group will state one thing they
quadrants or window pane. others also know about you, in
known to others, but

regards to your behaviour,

unrecognized by know about that person. The individual
 Each four window panes motives, attitudes, knowledge &
ourselves. will note the information in the
signifies personal information, skills. corresponding quadrant. Game ends
feelings, motivation and FOR AN ACTIVITY when everyone has been in the ‘hot
whether that information is Shows information that we know, Contains information seat’ and at least 3 quadrants have
known or unknown to oneself but do not wish to share with unknown to ourselves information. 15 minutes
or others in four viewpoints. others (our secrets - you do not and unknown to others
have to note this on paper).
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Myers-Briggs -
Keirsey Temperament Sorter -

27 Created by E. Bent 28


Obtaining feedback is vital to assessments and readjustments;

whether the focus is on identifying personal strengths or
weaknesses or the efficacy of a decision made. APPLYING CREATIVE THINKING
 reinforce strengths
 change any existing negative self-perception
 increase your chances of becoming a successful entrepreneur

Created by E. Bent 29 Created by E. Bent 30

ES Wk 3 Notes
Prepared by: E Bent 5

 A problem is a situation
Small businesses are faced with in which business
problems of varying magnitudes on a ventures have failed to
regular basis, and so, entrepreneurs meet established goals
must know the steps to follow in or guidelines.
making and implementing decisions  Problem-solving is part
in response to the problems of the decision-making
How can knowing help solve process and the
purpose of making
your strengths and problems in a decisions is to
These decisions should be made in a
weaknesses creative way? timely and systematic way if the determine the best
financial health of the business is not alternative for solving a
to be jeopardized. particular problem.
31 32


It is generally agreed that the most effective problem-solving process
has seven (7) steps, namely: Brainstorming is a technique by
which a group attempts to find a
solution(s) to a specific problem by
and amassing ideas spontaneously
Develop a
chosen outcomes (Osborn, 1953); also ideal in
Decide plan of determining which solution is most
on/ select action
Develop best
possible alternative
Determine alternatives
possible /solutions
Identify/ causes of
define the problem
problem or
Created by E. Bent 33 Created by E. Bent 34

Here are a few steps that you can follow:

With your knowledge of the positive characteristics and ● Identify the critical attitudes and behaviours which affect your
personal traits that are necessary for you to succeed in any performance
entrepreneurial venture, you can now examine how to go ● Set minimum standards for yourself
about making the adjustments that are necessary for you ● Analyze the factors that contribute to performance and their
to succeed with your ambition by applying some of the consequences
creativity and problem-solving techniques that you have
● Conduct your own self-assessment
● Get others to assess you
Every individual needs to strive to be the best that he or she ● Compare your self-assessment with the assessment done by
can be in every area of life. This commitment towards self- others
improvement should be everybody’s goal. It pays great ● Take appropriate action
dividends, especially in business! Begin working on yourself. ● Ask yourself if you have the personal aptitude for business or
35 36
Created by E. Bent
entrepreneurial potential.
Created by E. Bent

ES Wk 3 Notes
Prepared by: E Bent 6

You may consider the following questions:

• am I a self-starter?
Special Assignment
• can I communicate effectively with others? Reflect on the questions below and then complete the
• can I take responsibility? Action plan.
• can I make sound decisions?  am I a self-starter?
• am I a good organizer?  can I communicate effectively with others?
• am I able to translate ideas into concrete tasks and  can I take responsibility?
outcomes?  can I make sound decisions?
• can I persist when faced with major obstacles?  am I a good organizer?
• am I willing to make sacrifices to gain long-term rewards?  am I able to translate ideas into concrete tasks and
• am I in good health outcomes?
• Complete the action plan template - adopted from ILO Start  can I persist when faced with major obstacles?
Your Business Manual  am I willing to make sacrifices to gain long-term rewards?
Created by E. Bent 37 38

Action Plan
Adopted from ILO Start Your Business Manual
My characteristics & situation What will I do to strengthen them?

My Skills What will I do to strengthen them?

Environmental Concerns What will I do to strengthen them?

Real Interests What will I do to strengthen them?

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Prepared by: E Bent 7

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