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=) Atm ay fh 5 Determination of Few cborce py anth fangth aa gw wire ay plotting a geoph “ Gureent veraus Potentiaal oltpporence- Apporotus $— AA wee of unknown zeurbance , battey , Vottmeter, ammeter, plug key, and Ahenstab ard meter scale. patnu’ple + ohmn's low => Electat cusvent plowing through a ‘The onal to ae unductor °A cherecttey propor te potenttol defputnce aces Ge ane +) the conductor, When he “kroperoture | Other phystal condition 4 emagr cengtont Sin Qe “Formula — fy the! wie R= ot @ | PRerictone where, 12 — veebitance the tee. m~ Glept graph ef ussent veraus potenival aAipherence. © Rextetance pe ee = a cS Ba k 2 ped WW Bar Bathny Rh kK key Oo : Rh - RRevstot i R Vo = \loHtmuter “WW A Arnaeter ()- Re ~ Rearetance wit | Obrervatton + length of the whe, 1 = proveckue fo © The Connectors are made a4 thown 8 “the faut avagson: © “The Rheostat Ps aatprated fpr a ppartecular volut 6 current T. cusvent T ard ewvaeepordl voltage Vo are note @ The Cxpertrent Ph wepeoted fpr clikberent values a uurrent T ond the cumebings ave -biou lated - Io * groph Mk tabulated ervey V and T, | cTokeng Vo en 7-aontt and EL on grants. The Slope m — of the geoph * foenal: @ The Reckpsocal of the Slope ¢4 calculates) which grows the reeéetance Rg the were, © The Lergth 5 The easetanse wire Ps rreacuredd « @ “Then -the weeketance per ange tre wive R PA colartlated. re & 2 Realt $- ace Pr pat OY & the wive ee 2m! Colutosten > Receetonce Of fhe were Re tL hn als Rewbance per cans Length as Rs precautions | O AN the Electorted connection: must be ntat and Night. D Vottrrete and Ammeter should be es prvoper on, @ The 7 Shoule be én certed onky whele taking wreadlin Oe Gra) iastonce, (ehericint . Sockey golvonometer and battery. ‘ Balanced cenclttien of! wWheotstone bat The! Wheat stone betetge RL boloanced . when Cuswent thoes the Eee PA zed A , a a ~The * five - iy | Formula 4 — : @ Reekeranwe of the wese, Ris sl where, + Stondarcd | cextttance fteoe) L - The Bolanctog bergcth fn com. © Feawextoity 6k Whe materfol ob the ustre, pe coer : de wher, R- FReelctance BR were co hergth 4 experimental were ® - wooltut G& oto. bdasemcate © The Connections are mode at Shown ?n ‘the Ctr ott ahogsmorn « ® AP subtable Standard wetttance S & Lunplaggd tm the weardtance box: @ The ceeutt es checked or eppotite eg lection by plocing, “He Joveey ab the -! +90 ends OK the whe AG cuLterraxtely. @ The word moved) on the Weve from the A mwords Gs cule wu Qolwanometer Ghows . cero def lect’on - (6) “The Balancing Length 1 Pe meekered . The veutetance oS the wotse = Colertloted caring the sporrmu la » for Sh Ctoo~ L) © The Experiment & reprobed fpr défperent volte 4 Ci ‘S' and cweroge sola o Ro or feund- “ ‘ ie ath L "eh the expertmental corve CA meaguwedl - @ The ‘RexvetPurty of moteriol a Lotte o& Colurtoted aig the fermulo . ‘firs soe OR Ge oe B s7 na 7 Ba- Battery = 4 + Ke kay Pe Enperimente a4 vote Slt 5 — veakeron ce. bot - Golvonomett oy oe + Cc = Obeervation +_ @ Fracktus ef exputmentol were, (given) 7 = cm @ Aength 5 Experémentol wr, Le om. . — | Tabutar wlumn j- Taal | PRevtaronce Bolonetng (ce dD | R- Sh y Rae" ge [Mon ie [ 4. ee | | fe | | | | 3. : 4 | | | 5 | aS GE gree = Reautt o- Rectatovtty bf the materol of the were, f = _ am: IL Precaut rons }— © The Connections Should be reat, Cleon and tight : ® —Tockeyy should be geotly eubbedl- ® plugs ehould be tightly Mnnected to aonmitance bmx: SOULS of Creer t- © The screws of Enstrument rofaht be Looe . @® The wee megan: be ob non - Lunkporm Avoumeter + @ There moy be lacks hath exanr FO Surwo gous —lAtny | Enqerément ~ 03 COMBINATION OF _SERTES RESISTANCES | ° aS Verttcorten of low oh Combination of ees being metre betctge. Apporxotus .— wo chifferent we arratord , Metve ba i plug Fey, oretttance bor, focky , + gpdvonometer ara bot tuy. =jprnctple te Ob Ulheatatore’s Bolonced conc’ t’en bevetge Cretworls). ~ a4 Foernula 1 : SL REREEE @ PReeretance » Re = (ivo-L) whet, S$ - Stonclerd ceatetance L- the alanctng length @ Equrtvolent eeeltane th Sertes, ere Rs = rani . where, RG Ry — MdPvicrol weuretanc @ The connections are mode as Shown fo the Usutt Avagwarn © 4 Suttobk Standwd werstance S fy Unplugaed Un fhe eakitance bre. (© The C&aew’t e6 checteeol fpr oppowrte cf 2e-ton by placing the Jockey ar the two. ends of i | the metve brtcige wive AG oe © The forbey fe mdued on “the weve fen the end A towardy CG tril the gel vanomew Shows zero cleplec tron. ® ~The Bolanung dang, 2 © Pe meneuured « The egtrivalent weetetanct ‘Of The cerled Combenatior PA calanlated cetiing the formule, = st. Rs Cieo~ L) | |© ~The Experiment v5 pepearted fe dippers | vols ef Sond owurcage value of R, Pa | | cotertated = Real {- i | The Theoweteal value Ok RAMAN CRs) | Pe equral or nearly eoprsh to exputmnental | | vole Of Texetance (I.) + Hence Low of Lerwot notion % Werfitantres TH Serves 0% af 4 vert ocd: 5 a 9 a. GG 7 xD 100 —L + Ba k - =) eee Ba - Botte) Km bey Ry & Ro ~ Trdltvittuc Veavetors S - veatatance boxy G- Gotvanometer , — Obeervatisn 9 - O Freamtone, Re -2 @ Retetane, Ry =_ 9. Fatal =!) le: St { Nb. S'’n 2 oH tam (eo ‘o_| a. Qe 3. de Muon, Ry = 2 =} Coludotien a The “Theoretical vole of equrvolent eetatonce R= RFR = =o2.", ‘ erefirrd+ 3 @O ~The ‘Tnstourmenb Ger mua be Looe ® Unrowatlabelity of thee connecting were. peecanr’ons ,— © ~Enaure ‘the connect®onk Pe neat and “hight © Gneert the key while toterng Cbeervations @ mpue “the Socky gently - Exputmut — 04 COMBINATION OF PARALLE) RESISTERS —_— Am 3- - To veregtotton Os for qeacatancee . 'n poral using meter brfebe combinobon of Bp Meter bo! , two Uppent orrbetook, plug key geetrtonce bom, fovees , gobeano-mee and lottery - paoceple - . Baloned conditton of wheatstone loatcdae ethe Whantétones betel boalancech when quavrent though The gotvenems#r CA “Z8Y0. thn, BB = x 5 Cioo-L) Formuta. 4 — n | FReetatoree , = —St 2 “ * Ctoo-L) S- Standard’ cececrarce | where , L- cthe Boloneing Length . ® Eqprvoalert — ruretance to (parea.ttel Rp ce RR» , R, TR, R & Ry Ore Tht v'cdirol Tertetas CRA. vohere, 1 | =e frealt dtogram tp, =. 3° + t 7 o —— £0 (ie 1) !¢ ea: kK oot GBa- Bottery h- RK Ri §& Row Trctturdal Seah dors, | S — Reatetonce box | __J Obeervatiton + 97 Getvonomerer. |, ® . PReatetonce, R= aa Dy © Reroetanw . Ras = Tabuior wlumy ; a Tato!) Reetctance | Balanun G oo-L) “ ~| Sth OD te a i gin tb | wh om Y Cloo~L) Pn" oF op ps =—y Procedure ae ©The connect ons are moacte as chown fn Coot cbfogrrore + as : © A Suttoble Standard seaekdance, S Pe unplegasd ’n qeafctance box: © The cevurtt % checked fpr +e Asplecttons by placing the fours ot ‘the soo endé 8 “the mater batdige ube ACG Attexmocte by (D “The forty — & moved on the Lotae fraom sthe end A towords C tll the golvanomeser Shows zerd depleotion, @ ~The pared Lengeth, Lc rea. ; The Equu'valen EEN Ob the parallel Combtnation tA coludtated ating the la R= sh Cto0-2) © ~The ExperPment eA “repeated! jer Abgigreny — voLuee of, Stand oy value 5 Rp t& colustated . 3 Si Reenlh t- ~The. “Theoretical = volue o, wentatonce (Rp) re eqror or neorly equal sto pert vole ed batance (Rp) » Hence ot fib comb?rotton o% extaranter en vertgfed. Porallel —jCataation 3 “The Theoretical vedhur oH gt violent meutitam ¢ Np E Ry Ry - | K+, Rp = oh oo ee ee Looe. @r . “The Cnet tument Scvew murt ‘be © Unowartlobelity Oh, ~Théds eonniciog ewrve a precautions t- 24 reat and tiyht @ Snene cthe connectton ® Lnert Ree on wohele “pole @ Meve fowry gently - Ob_eer vation | Expertment - 0s" INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF A CELL = 4 Piro - Determoratton 645 frternal cectctance Of ou gro coll Latin gy potentiometry : =| Apporotus }— potenitignute battery, gen cll, no - miter reer ctonce box, end wo Keys - fnple 4- r prnu'p le of potent’ometer :- Wher a Study current plows TTrryarh a motertal sole Oh Unifesm thicene ss potential Aifberence between OF uso potots | en ets tA Aerrec tly prepertrenal to “the sLeretth of Uwlee between the potrts. _\ Foomuta + TInternol mectetance Of the cell. og a R Chi 7 Ls) to Where, - Reevercence un plugged fr Hhe Standard qealetance bod: 4 - Bolancing Lengrth per give call de ~ Balancing length fpr Aven cell Udhen a weeetance f° &%& wennectet try perelel to bt. Aroult degra 5. Po, Br | E pee | ga LH Obrervat ten f— 1 » ain Rh > o | Ba k pA Wy paran T.,. Oftuuit a. Secondary Cree Ba - Batter KL & Fao, Bays Rh - Rktostot PQ ~ potentiometer vofae E = Cell G- Golvondmeter A Anmeder FR Reatutanee topx. Bolenung Length Cry te chow ana te, open), 4, a im —,Pooredure _ - © The Connections are made ae shown Pn cérouts © ceapting Fey K, cored and Rey Be epened , the oxurtt eA checked fr eppoatte Arp lecttons ky placing the fockey at -the two ends Oh “the weve PA arterrotely @ “The Jo | P towards olvanometer Shousa fection. ~The balanets deng th 4, ft measured: & moued on the wreoe the end Q tril the “e2r0 @ A Suttoble seartone Ro & unplugged | Cn peatatance box: beeping both ¥, &@« and Kh, om closed . “the balancing length dy ® The value Enternal eatetance 7 A ¢purd EN \CAch CaLe- © Trrernod reettarncr cell & Cobeuloted wage fornia = Chak) | 2 @ The Experiment m% mepeated tor ds values 0 — and Abservatoens are tabeloted, 3 Rent The value ef Prternod ~ceetetance ob gever coll ites between 2 to —_ 2, =a 4 Grophtco! method 3 - | Gpoph we plotied her zp weraus a Alegottue Prtercept ‘ (6A 6p yrants & Noted x whith vel gers a From Ll Caine todidubote°Y v y 1 Y q / hl / ae “ A PRR ALEC F- O For 1 Set Of Abeervat ton ammeter nocting 6hould be cencbant + (D Tockey Should te wuibbed agounct potenttormuter wele- @ Curt Should be paned fpr Shoot tre. pSourees Of, evaee i @ There may be thongt tn wertatance Are to heating of wee. @ Wire Shoutd not be vnofpenly three and Length eatimation can be WFQ. | rosrula i. Experiment -06 ____ OF GALVANOMETER PLGURE Fe Air y- | Deter minatten ok AP LON Co of golvanpmeter by Halh- cleklectio method and 40 ftnd tA Raw of meret » Apparatus 4- Potnter golvcnn meter , coll, rvectatance boxes ond two Keays . —jprinc’ple :- Deplection th O golvanonvter ts eed es proport’onal tp ceroent trugh ‘the gelvanometer - T= ko where, = Called pgore Oh merte of the : gelvanometer. re gure a merlt ob gotvano meter ed CRG) 0 wher, E- Em& ef the cell R- aeuttone Cn kepte, COmh Vanoweter, 6- Galvano meter Ve TON, | oa Deflection th the goLoann meter, | = j| Sp Stet cltageon ¢= _ | e R k, po SAR | E> cell Be & Bao kes | | oe ae | &~ Galvanomete i RE S~ Resectancy ‘oo Ss ' hg boxes ye 1 5 Obrervetion +_ Em eb. Barteny , —= oy (4 Tooter colar ¢. | = = }] |reeah agen tel a sie |e. 8 Tye Nov) a aS CR+G)8 mr n Dew in -9. poet oa py a. ; | a | a | | a | > 5. | "i | q 4 Avevoge Ge 2 Average, = 4 /De { y | procedure }- © The Connect®ons are mace as Shown Pn Clyro t crayon - The Suttable sechatane R Pe unplugged to gee wen apletion © th Qrlvonoruter . @ & &% Cloed and Suttable eeumtann 8 % Unplugged So “that clef fection becomes 8 @ ky Fh, & opened and ae cLozed . we colerrloted eating “ir formula. - Fees @ “The Expertmenr [4 vmpeated for chtbherent voluse Of @ and ewerage vatue of G 1% spend: ® The Em & Of, the cell %& measured Uuung ~the voltmeter - © ~The pignt 5 mente 4 galwanometer & Caluuloted My each cue vetrng the formula, Es ** Caraye @ Exper PF cepted P07 disyrent vebros oR and value oh Be spurl. Reeutk 3 - 4 The Reatetorue of golwanometer = 2 The Fegure 66 marth of potter gedvann enter = A atu: 1) Pvecouttens § ~ J PvecorsVOnns © All Connection Should be Neat and Hight OP aie Erof ef cell &heuld be constont - gona G5 Srabh br ~The Seance OC the Progtenement moy be loots @ ~The gelvanometer drvewen may not be equal Seee Expertment -(F _—£ CONVERTION OF GALVANOMETER TO VOLTMETER Atm 3- To Convert =the grew olvanomebr — &nto vottmeter — 6k the roequrved range (0-3v) and) vert} ‘the Same. Apparatus }- porter gobronometer , bottey , voltmeter , oeesatane bor, keyg and Rheostok- =|prnutple ;- Golvers meter con be’ cenverted nto voltmes —% | by wnnacting sustable high wee beton ce fn Seytes wety Ct- Formuda %- © Curent cequrved for full Seale deplection, J ga Ne wher, Al- neembu & Aev'a!ens GY eShor Side of cero ek golwanometer, | Figure a mente ob galvanp meter, © Hég> Revtatance to be connected tn sents woth the golpenometer (R= wv -6 where, G- Goalvanornreter ea%tance Vo marten voltage to be rusacuured. a ‘Obeervak’On 4 ~- M Peautatanrce a gewanometer, G (given) ei @ Fe ; of merit of galvonnmeter, : K Cgfuen) = ye si eras Bele a ok gevanometer Scofe, N= dry. @ current watviaed or Proctttuing full def fecktor aN dtutctons , Ty = NA = |p © Mawr voltage to be meaguereal V Céoy av) Sy, © The vole Of meakitance Kk colerated ating the fyrrmulo. , Qe) vo _ 4 made as drown tn the ett Atogeon, © ~The Cotuctated hag Tmartonce, TR ex unplugged PN the Standard roeatrance bex and she PRhepStat es actpusted SO thot Volrtoyge Shown hy -the voltmeter copes] to the deat zed) “range CSay Bv). la Rewetonce Beem the weakitance box adlfusrd such “thor Gawonomerer Shops full Scale oleplect on . Thy §—! bers “the rreetatance box Pk Npted- @® Th Cereust ComnecH ens, are © Re % eyed wr marty tqpal toh. | Henee converter — px vertredt . [Rett | * The Value of the collated Aen ee ereattance , fQ= ao | * The value OH ObLerved Serv'eg oenkebancey , | REE aw I Excper®ment - 09 FOCAL LENGTH OF CONVEX LENS ite | Deternenateon Speco length of convex Lens by plotting ce groph Bh Uk verkus Ve =} Apparatus ge optrcol bench, two Sharp - wpe pm, conver ders of kes than ao om - fool dangth, +Hhvee. upwgnts weth clamps ancl metwe Scole- =aprinciple 3 ipo Length Pe the dhtonce — beteween opttcot centre and prnepot fpeus Oo the conver lars. The Object chectance meet by areorer “then eco Length oh convex deny, = Formula }- Focol length ok conven Lens , 4* oA + OB 4 Lohere, | On: - fraope APetance OB - Ob fect clérance,. nl 7 Ir Bn BRST pip ti Beng ings po [ Vi = oF if T ~ Tmoge L= Oonven Lens - cocture 3 — : | the gran convex Lens & moved forward aval baveward +o Obtain the Sharp mage of the Afetant toe 6n -the White Sherb 5 paper Kaper vertetally behind the Lem. “The Deetonce | between the fers and white Sheet Of payer °& meoeured. “Thea 0s The app wrenabe fowl ~ bength fo cthe bony. @ The Uprights mountec! wet Conver bens, Oefect per P, and frgge pin Py are placed On BNE Side O Yhe optecol Cees | ag ahoion ty $eguure: | OThe hafgrr« oO the bfece pls P, and & p's Py are onyucted Such that ~thepy a de ons Per epol anes of fhe fens, @ The Potton OB the Ob fect pen Pi, ex | aakfusted SUth that @t wll be ata Aectane, ‘a! Wwhtun ve Grete then “bok the Lens. ® een whe énverted and erhorged Fenage of cthe Obeyect peo Phe the postion oo the ¢ ph Py & usted | 60 “thet ie, Tp wenude, with the tl of the image Wethous Porollex, Then tha chestance between tne - (nue feng | and Srnage pen P, become, Prange cLeetance a Codustotions *~ a 7 —— = ) © Exper?mant P% repented Br altbpprent verte, ok and crenalings ar toabuloted- @ A graph fs plotted beurwen u and, is Ue" On M-arPe and vo6n yo ants - “The angutor beector O02 & drawn: and CA 8 OB Or mequtred- @® Fool Aength Bh the Convex lers i colurtotecdt Uttng the fprmolo.. = on + ©B 5 4 =) Result 3- i “The focal Length Of the conver Jens, : b= _—.™ =| precaution «e @ All -the Uprights mutt be verttcad. ® The powcillan Should be wemored corepuliy frm ttp to tip - @ The ndex covsectron Shoulel b “ Pesper Sian. * opplied!’ wit, 4, SOURS RWIS te © The Up aights may net be vertical. @ The parallax mos net be remove Pergectly © Pereonol ervor: Experiment - M_ EEE _ oF ANGLE OF MINIMUM DEVIATION _ Altra _$- [ Dutrmtnatton of, angle fs outntinum duvtakion or a glax poem by plotting a graph between the cngle of cleveation | and angle O — Oncedence - Apporotus He Deowoing board , tetongulor glows pram, rowing prs and white Pope Sheets. p2tnv’ple Vs | The angle bf dlevtation P& -Hhe congle betuotey tho enceclent wou ond “the tmar gent wou At mintmum deviation, “the Legit way paues ‘though the — palim Sgromerniaallyy, Hence , ongle of tnuidente = angle of ume ce. code 1 een trate Lire te XY 05 dian Or th Gheet of the white pape frre on -the droweng boord- @® ~The poents 01, 09:03, Oy, Os oe marked on XY at dékanceA 4 cout loom apart. @ 6 normotl 0, & drawn to XY at 0, ond | a Strat ght Line D,0, & drown “fo wepeeeent coy of, thutdante whith enokes on orale 25° | Q@) weth n,0, J @ The pote ABC Pk placed on! the pope as Shown ery Bgere and ets boundary &s drown. § ® Two pens Pp, and @ are vertteally fered about Som apart an the FY ok Pnetelence DQ: © While Seeing the Praggee oh pins BP, and @, “th veugh Bo, +WwO mare pena Rand 8, ore fered on the Side S BL. So thet & & ps 6 pena Py and a>» R and S, well lee cof L2neor. 46 Ye PHS are aemovued and they pres eon encircled. 4 Shar, Ane @ obrawn “Phrough pe petcks ® Ry and 8, tp ‘Obtarn roy || Rays eb cnetoence and emergence ane extended as Bhawn tn Sere kend | Oungle a clviation (a). [4 @ Expertment 4 repeated fer bth pyrent values *% cng of nekcance 40", 50", 60", tO". and seooln ore “tabulated + A geoph PA plotted between cun, oF Bnetelence C8) and ang!e Bf delat? Cd), taking & on wants and d Oo Yrans. The angle of reénimum deotatron dan & he ound frm “the arp: Tebulor column $- Total Le le of No. mead ce) ae (Aa) fn clegree tn: degaee jn oF oye =} Reet 3 US Angle o minimum cleveatedn, de, = ==> PRE COLE HONS” 61a © Argle ob Mnetdence shoul be grate thon 30° @ The posttfen of potam thould we net be cltsturbed for 0 ative Set Bf, Sbervarions, —Acouree oh Urword §- Experfment - 19 @ REFRACTIVE INDEX OF GLASS Stab Aim $- Determination of the Refaactive tndex 6 plows using a ghows Alob ond srrowelling malurod cope « = Apporotus 8. Troe (Ling, meUD ABE , gio slab. Sjprutple +. The oygract eve Enodex oh glows with eepert to ably “4 the satio Bf al let to the opparent depth. Reproctive tndee ~ Zea chypth Apparent, depth Formula +— © Rekracttve tnden 65 gto weth creepect” qo alt: Ry Ry oF RR whue, R- Renkin g & microccope Wher Roursced on the whA mark thectgh ate. Ry - Readitre of mieroacope cohen fpaued On “the (nb mark through Glas Slob. R - Reading oe mecwO, Taeweltong MECIOSCH) | G- Glow slob Sal O.- wk mow T - virtual & 7 Ok tink cet co ---9f Gm Chalk powocter G 2 9 -=-9 Ry 3 “77>, | Obervatton %- © Value o One mSD, S= chy @ Number of chfvervons on the vere &wA a @ heat cour o “the trowelling, ewterosceope oe ee ae oat N «cm Se = =, 5 i ® Total reaching of ™, R= msr+(evn x10) whee, MSR - Man scale meockis CVD - cotnudde vernter Arokuron Lo Leak count « ococlure 3 - © The feast count 6, the Proxe ing mec roccope & colukated: @® A Sheek gq, white pope | bare of; ieetelaae meoroScope and Pink mark & made en tt © “The meoroscope v’& adfucted to goes On sthe fhe mork On the pope: MSR and CVD are noted ON vertical scole and “seacting Ry PS colortoated aang the formula , R= mer + Cevd x20) laced on the | © Glow slob ploced on the mecrascope bs waked to focus On the @ok mars though glows Slob and oaeepending eeocking R, fpund - ® Chalks due & Sprykled 00 -the Upper Surge 6 the Glau Slob and cafere Scape A oh) 6 wataed = to focus On “the chalk Aust “and epareeporin reaching R, ea found © Repoactive frden 4 alas e& colurloted user the fPrmule, ng = Ra- Be Pe - Ry = Tebulor cplumn 3- Trtol |! Reach Randiing Pesrrere tee tnrdex No. |Re orem) Ay fm om! Re etm] O gles, As-R, "8" RR a. 2. 3. 1 @ The — eeperiment we poriteon 4 ob qtas oepracteue Pndex PA 4 Rett - “The weactive Pnden | precantions a he Scvews ured tr Should ke moved wy slob and cureroge fpend. of, gars ® focustn the metcwoscope Aerection Gne 4o averd black ~harsh evap. Sources of erwr + . =a Experiment - 11 REFRACTIVE TNDEX OF WATER |! | Determination SS mUyracttve Frolene of Wwaoter Gering On@ue “utter. = Apposotuc tH Concoue micro, water, O& pty and a meter Scale —| petne’ple t- : @ TThe ways of Light f7om the Plopect Pnotdent normally en “the concone mewror, 60 thor troge s Ob feck prs by the Side & othe Orpfect - oetrorce «thelr paths © The Bottom 6 concwe mPswr Contain) watu, appears to be vated) up Because A, wetywactcen Of Urge areal water, =} formula oo . Refroctive Uriclex 8 Water wlth coeepect toot, ny = RR R' where, Q- Radeus 6 Curvature Of Concave — ' nate | R - Apporwntr wads ob Curvatuze concoue Musas, with water, | — Oburvation §- | DIA MOLLON Oo Radwus Of | Curvature R= @ Radius Of Cervoture 6 cencoue measpr weth waty, Ris as Coy at Colurlotion 5. Refractive Orchen of Water wd Tweepect tD ats, Rit = x R' rocecuure $- © The Cncove mesaor &% piocect on “the bare of folocorvotony Stand a4 Shown & Baw: © -A Sharp edged bertght pir APB & placed Hov’zontally foe Above “the pole of the mesvor and chompedt - @® Reeutt 4 - | The Refrracttue Endex of water, hw = 4 Precont ens $- |D the Bqusd edcen phould be transparent © only a fe rope of wotes Hrould be 480 Cea Loppers A nt thie. |® ~The povallax Should be wemoved tip to tp SOUS ofp ree t- a Lequed may net be quit han, parent - © porollo may net oe, ply emoved | © Crrlesnres 6h eapenmimanter,

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