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Performance Task #1 – Concept Plan

Goal The goal is to plan out the chosen contemporary art form.
Role You are a college applicant from Zamboanga Peninsula/Sulu Archipelago.
Audience The target audience are college instructors, department heads, and the college dean.
Situation In preparation for college applications in Ateneo de Zamboanga University School
of Design and Arts, there will be a series of evaluations on students who aspire to
be a member of the department.
Product You must create a concept plan that details your ideas for your chosen
contemporary art form, which is influenced by the art forms seen in your
community. The
document will be used in your college application.
Standard Your concept plan should…
1. …be relevant to the culture and arts of Zamboanga Peninsula and the Sulu
2. …show originality in terms of concepts and ideas;
3. …be detail-oriented which shows mastery of the planned contemporary
art form;
4. …show logical manner of presenting the ideas so that readers may simply
understand its content;
5. …observe proper grammar to make texts easier, clearer, and more
enjoyable to read; and
6. …follow instructions to effectively craft it.

1. From your response in Worksheet 2 – My Chosen Art Form, think of a possible
product/performance on your chosen contemporary art form.
2. Your plan should have objectives about the chosen contemporary art form and should include
the following:

a) Chapter I - Introduction
1. What is it about your chosen artform? (Ex. painting, singing…)
2. What inspire you to do this?
3. Are you trying out a new concept or an adaptation of a previous work of art?
4. What is innovative/new about it?
b) Chapter II – Objectives and Activities
1. What specific figure or performance are you going to perform/make?
2. How does your chosen artform reflects the culture and identity of Zamboanga Peninsula?
3. What do you want to achieve by doing this product or performing this art?
State at least three objectives.
4. How do you intend to present or communicate your chosen artform to the audiences?
5. How big will the artwork be? How long will the performance be?
c) Chapter III – Materials/Medium and Techniques
1. Describe the materials/medium and techniques you are going to use/apply.
d) Reference/s

4. Write your concept plan using the following format

below: a.) Font style: Times New Roman
b.) Font size: 12
c.) Double Spacing
d.) Justified

- Initial draft of your Concept Paper must be submitted until 4pm on August 25, 2023, HARDCOPY.
- At the end of your Concept Paper attached the rubric for the grading assessment.
Name/s: Date Submitted:
11-STEM Saccheri PT Title: Concept Plan

Racy Caz S. Filoteo

Carlos Miguel L. Omboy

“Product/Performance Title”




5 4 3 2
Excellent Proficient Average Developing
The concept plan
The concept plan The concept plan The concept plan The concept plan
does not present
excellently presents presents a form of somehow presents a nearly presents a
RELEVANCE form of integrated
a form of integrated integrated form of integrated form of integrated
(x6) contemporary art
contemporary art contemporary art contemporary art based contemporary art
based on
based on Zamboanga based on Zamboanga on Zamboanga based on Zamboanga
/30 Zamboanga
Peninsula and the Peninsula and the Sulu Peninsula and the Sulu Peninsula and the
Peninsula and the
Sulu Archipelago. Archipelago. Archipelago. Sulu Archipelago.
Sulu Archipelago.

The concept plan

The ideas on the The concept plan is
NOVELTY shows substantial The ideas on the
The ideas on the concept plan are a repeat of other’s
(x5) originality, and the concept plan are
concept plan are new somewhat novel, yet idea and shows
ideas are presented somewhat new and
and interesting. several appear to be very little effort at
/25 in an exceptional and interesting.
duplicates of others. original thought.
interesting way.

The discussion of the

The discussion of the The discussion of
MASTERY OF The discussion of the The discussion of the contemporary art
contemporary art the contemporary
contemporary art form contemporary art form form in the concept
CONTENT form in the concept art form in the
in the concept plan is in the concept plan has plan has enough
(x4) plan is supported concept plan lacks
rich in details and sufficient details and details, however
with bountiful details details and is
shows relevance to the shows relevance to the some do not appear
/20 and shows strong irrelevant to the
plan. plan. to be relevant to the
relevance to the plan. plan.

The concept plan is The concept plan is

COHERENCE highly presented in a The concept plan is The concept plan is somewhat presented Concept plan
(x3) logical manner and presented logically somewhat presented logically, yet there presented is
may be readily and easy to logically, yet it is still are several points illogical and very
/15 grasped at a single understand. understandable. that are difficult to hard to understand.
glance. understand.

All sentences are

well constructed and
Some of the
have varied structure Most sentences are Some of the sentences Sentences are not
sentences have
length. The author well structured and have varied structure well thought of.
CONSTRUCTION varied structure and
makes no errors in have varied structure and length. The author The author makes
(x1) length. The author
grammar, length. The author makes at least 1-3 more than 12 errors
makes at least 4-6
mechanics, and/or makes no errors in errors in grammar, in grammar,
/5 errors in grammar,
spelling that grammar, mechanics, mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or
mechanics, and/or
interferes with the and/or spelling. spelling. spelling.
meaning of the

All of the
Some of the The instructions
INSTRUCTIONS instructions listed All of the instructions Most of the instructions
instructions listed listed about the
(x1) about the concept listed about the listed about the concept
about the concept concept plan
plan making even concept plan making plan making are
plan making are making are not
/5 the smallest details are well-followed. followed.
followed. followed at all.
are well-followed.

/ 100 TOTAL

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