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Written Work
Your written work for this lesson will be made available in class or MyEclass.

Performance Task
Title: Unfolding My Personal Journey Through Autobiography (60 points)

G The learners are expected to create an autobiography that explores and discloses his/her
personal journey, experiences, and self-discovery.

R You are both the author and the subject of the autobiography. You will share your life
story, reflecting on key moments, personal growth, and the factors that have shaped your

A Editor-in-chief/Peers/Community

S You have been allowed to write an autobiography focused on self-exploration and simple
disclosure. This autobiography will serve as a means to reflect on your life, share your
unique story, and inspire others to engage in their self-exploration journey.

P Write an autobiography that chronicles the significant events, experiences, challenges, and
personal growth moments in your life. It should provide an authentic and honest account
of your journey, allowing readers to understand your perspective, values, and aspirations.

S Your autobiography should demonstrate:

● A deep level of self-exploration by reflecting on personal experiences, emotions,
and growth throughout different stages of life.
● Incorporates simple disclosure by sharing personal anecdotes, thoughts, and
feelings, allowing the reader to connect with your story on an emotional level.
● Presents a well-structured autobiography with a clear introduction, body, and
conclusion. Demonstrates a logical flow of events and uses descriptive language
● Creativity in designing and incorporating visuals that enhance the storytelling
experience of your autobiography.

1. Individually, you are going to create an autobiography that highlights your personal
development, starting from early childhood to adolescence.
2. In writing an autobiography, you are going to follow the components below (in order):
a. Component 1 - Life Description
▪ Start by introducing yourself and your family.
▪ Some starting phrases that you can use:
My name is …
I was born in…
I was an active (or quiet, knowledge-loving, shy, curious, etc.)
I am passionate about …
My goal/s was/were …
I am grateful to my parents (or teachers, friends, etc.) …
My role model was …
▪ Share your early childhood experiences in this part.
▪ Describe your home life, school, friendships, and other foundational facts.

b. Component 2 - Complication or Crisis.

▪ This part aims to show that you are capable of analyzing your experiences
and learning valuable lessons.
▪ Share some adolescent experiences that caused strife or conflict, such as
parents divorcing, moving out of state, dropping out of school, injuries
that ended sports careers, failed relationships, etc.
▪ Describe some major twists in your adolescent life, and pivotal moments
that eventually lead to a major life achievement or victory.
▪ Discuss whether you are happy with your life.

c. Component 3 - Conclusion
▪ In this part, you are going to establish the main lesson/s that is/are taken
from your personal story. In other words, what’s remarkable about your
3. The life story should be chronological, but it does not need to be a year-by-year
4. Format for your output: 3 to 4 paragraphs with 300 to 500 words, short size document,
TNR, font size 12, the 1-inch margin on all sides, black font, and single spacing,
paragraphs should be indented, 1 page only.
5. The autobiography must be creatively laid out.

Sample Autobiography:

My name is Sahara Desert. I was born on a cold night, when even time seemed
C to stand still, in my native Zamboanga City. I do not remember much of my
o early childhood, but my mom said I was a very active, curious, and
m communicative child. I would ask dozens of questions each minute, even
p without waiting for the answers. I suppose this is why my parents offered me
n books and educational movies as early as my fifth birthday.
n Fortunately, my thirst for knowledge did not come to an end when I was in
t grade school. I was passionate about history, science, languages, and
1 mathematics. This passion helped me gain a profound knowledge of these
areas, and I was admitted to my dream high school.

C Of course, I understand that life is not just a bed of roses, and challenges and
m hardships are an integral element of life. Since my parents could not help me
p cover my high school expenses in full, paying off my student loan has become
n an important challenge for me. I combine a part-time tutorial job and full-time
e study to earn my living and my education. I feel triumphant at the beginning
t of every month when I receive my salary and plan how I will spend my money.

2 I have come to believe that two main factors determine success. The first is a
person’s determination and will to succeed. Are you ready to make sacrifices
C to achieve your goal, like working and studying at the same time? Are you
o prepared to recover after failure and proceed to your goal again? Without
m strong internal motivation, it is nearly impossible to become successful.
n Equally important is the support of people around you. Being determined to
e succeed does not mean alienating everyone and stepping on other people to
n achieve your goal. On the contrary, success is about recognizing your
t weaknesses and accepting support from people who genuinely want to help
3 you. For instance, if it were not for my parents’ support, I might not be
successful as I am today.


Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Fair (1)

Author’s The purpose of the The purpose of the The purpose of the The purpose of the
Purpose writer was clearly writer was sufficiently writer was somehow writer was not evident.
(x3) conveyed all throughout conveyed all throughout conveyed all throughout
the autobiography. the autobiography. the autobiography.

Content The autobiography The autobiography The autobiography The autobiography

(x3) provides comprehensive provides moderate provides a few insights, shows little to no
insight, understanding, insight, understanding, understanding, and evidence of insight,
and reflective thought. and reflective thought. reflective thought. understanding, or
reflective thought.

Organization Details are placed in Details are placed in Some details are not in a Many details are not in a
(x2) logical order and the logical order, but the logical or expected logical or expected
way they are presented presentation style order, and this distracts order. There is little
effectively keeps the sometimes makes the the reader. sense that the writing is
reader’s interest. writing less interesting. organized.

Point of The autobiography is Most of the parts of the Some of the parts of the Little to no attempts of
View clearly written from a autobiography are autobiography are writing an
(x2) first-person point-of- written from a first- written from a first- autobiography in first
view (I, me, and mine). person point-of-view. person point-of-view. person point-of-view
were made.

Word The autobiography The autobiography The autobiography The autobiography does
Choice reflects the author’s reflects a bit of the reflects almost no not reflect the author’s
(x2) unique personality author’s personality personality and little personality and word
through expressive and through word choices attempt is made to use choice does not bring
carefully selected word that attempt to bring the effective word choices the topic to life.
choices that bring the topic to life. to bring the topic to life.
topic to life.

Conventions No grammar, spelling, Few grammar, spelling, Several grammar, Many instances of
(x1) & punctuation mistakes & punctuation mistakes spelling, & punctuation incorrect grammar,
mistakes spelling, & punctuation.

Format (x1) The student was able to The student was able to The student was able to The student was able to
follow the format follow most of the follow some of the follow the format
provided. format provided. formats provided. provided.

Graphics & Selects and inserts high- Selects and inserts Selects and inserts many Does not insert any
Multimedia quality graphics and graphics and multimedia low-quality graphics graphics, or uses only
(x1) multimedia to enhance that are mostly high and multimedia that do low-quality graphics
the content’s visual quality which enhances not enhance the content. and multimedia, which
appeal and increase the content’s visual do not enhance the
readability. appeal. content.

TOTAL (60 points)


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