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Fxpt. No. Page No.

detesemne he_Cuaen onsliudy ond the
30nSinay halisle Conaond o hallislic
alvonomele he cooy delokemmelhod

Aballisd aelwananqde a Junp_ond qealMe

gdArgement a celo Conshen m hee
ebhinq key
l@Ainou- shdp agleh and Conneckiea

ACell o{Conskont em ECmo elikle
intena eAgleunc Cornealedin doie s h
SOhghonce wxe ond PThe hallislic golwonnedod
Lonnecled allM p_cnoknSeie) sth o seisland
A`ceLOIAMg Le iSJhed *o_eeshe he
disueclion Lsent hksLLh gh he .
he Clent n he aayonomeder Cuit

Todal glenC n thegalvanomgBex_

he k he galuancmeeke

Teacher's Signature.


Expt. No. Page No.

i sisneaighlyJmala
o omod
omo ed o a 1ee

H e dellealaun hunauced duue do hi slecd
Cucn.ent hen he QuontSongliu.


R+G heeY s he entotoiP

hu i he eauakion o dcigh ne hul if kis

Naiedond he Lnepondind hoi_Q noted hen
a ble btlyreen l e n -ani_andR
Rallonq q-Ohi
0Duld e aSsaight ineath a .be
The nedcine ndedept h Une n -0u quel
|the _JuisdencpoheJalugn.emeler Cn Thu eien
Cn iso kaswnnti _Cardlnt_Qensidivilyis
Can he determinecl
ehaae Aeosiliu he lballigtu CpnslandCan
hen ehiouneo tiom uakion

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No.
Page No.

Adu the anmb ond ale groangemend go hat
hepot o ighl ebtalned on he 9alvanomeker
Ceil i l ee o meve ond he sbot in
hosiion i n 2 o o he Cae JCale .

9Moke he Connectipn _ol ghon in igwe

SToke_ol ohioh_ce3ist.ancoof he SSeder o Soco
ohm aa end Oau eisdanCeaakout 9hm
hen P. Ddjudt
hotn So ado Gel a ulLCale dledu
deeckien_enhe_ale hen Ahe eu inLebleded
ingexding the Leyk Ond onin -2gnd 3-u
irn eNOimq Note he dallecl.on.6
he Cuend y eining -u and in
he SeeNerinqRey ono oeun nobo he_detleelma
Ond eke h e mean
5ecphng PCnd Q SomeihQNe he valuLe_kn
ebsal Sce0nd note_dn he Caesponding.
deleelipng obalth he dixetktone aCutent a
akehe mea
Lepealhe chiCnladon dos et lelt J_diorent valuek
Tet dhe keu _momentered and hen_eleale
hi) e e9alangraelor O kickgnd he Cl
i i m e beLuibo T nheoben
CiCudMooue he ime fo o hkatioru 4hee
ime) ond ind hemean ime ekibel T
beloeen he OAishoMCA aang - Om
od inyede ahe dlledion
o l h l l hekAsoight neEad il e
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

Caleulake he CutLondRensliy is he chaA

Jensiliu Qa elaunod in he
ME he CellE Vot
Resiskance ChmS
Raislance cbms

Rexslance Delleeion Meon 9

Rchms) likeat Cm
Cho1 Cn

ine basaod o he 9plvonomedez

obaliu Time e ) Time beiso

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

heOudAnt_bengiuiy ol he qovememetexd
The ghog0 nsliaiy o heqaluoromekek_O

PoeCaukpnJ_ ondJouueced o Enmo

LheAoduanomelo ould be pebely leyeWLd ond
he Coi hAuldbe uncomed ond see o move
umdue 4enaion ghsuld be appieden the-usponon

4apping eusheuld _alswase Ce he

o k a n e e l Laminc ghod he unduue Stding
noiono he Coil immedi otel oeled
8AColl Cenglan m d e LaoindernouA
9OdislanCe hould lbe ukcd.
The shaudd be_Aek u_ distante o Cne
mete omhe- AakoncnmedaxmitLox
5Th_Oigtcmce K CAhQlo be Nex
o istance So hahee odtes may
nesliaibe _al_lempaseeol he ome
aluamomele iuuit ube chen_cwhile
eleteemining heime beuiwT

Teacher's Signature,

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