CV Choirun Nissa Ramadhani Suryana

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Choirun Nissa Ramadhani Suryana

Bandung | +62 813 1914 3784 |

I am excellent in working with other to achieve a certain objective on time. My main strenght are
adaptability and determination to get a job done. I try to learn something new from every
experience because i improvement both personal & professionality.

Universitas Padjajaran (2016-2020)
S1 Fisheries and Marine Science - GPA 3,76

MAN 1 Kota Bandung (2013-2016)

Major: IPA

KOL Management Staff (Mei 2022 – Present)
PT. Una Brands Indonesia (Dept. Jiera Visi Berkarya)
• Source and review for the right ambassador / influencer match for each vents and
• Reach out, manage and negotiate with influencers, KOL’s, and agencies to ensure a
mutually beneficial agreement
• Reaching and building a KOL network for different categories on social media
• Build long term relationship with valuable KOLs
• Monitor and optimize each KOLs performance
• Selecting, dealing and reminding on each influencers to execute the campaign
• Develop content planning and review creative content
• Compile reports and collaboration result from influencers, KOL’s, and agencies
• Do all administrative work such as making authorization letters, MOU letters, and listing
shipping address KOL
• Build and maintain strong relationships with external partners
• Negotiate and manage contracts and commission structures for affiliates and networks;
• Develop the affiliate marketing strategy with the aim of recruiting new affiliate partners
and delivering sales volume
• Identify and create innovative programs that expand reach beyond core partners and
current affiliate relationships
• Strategize and proactively collaborate with team to implement affiliate programs that are
tailored to each assigned client partner’s goals.
• Liaising with the marketing team to create and coordinate marketing strategies that work
across different channels
• Research relevant industry experts, competitors, target audience, and users;

2016 – 2017
• Staff Public Relation BEM KEMA UNPAD
• Staff Fasilitator PMB (Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru)
• Staff Field Commando Think Green (Penanaman 1000 Mangrove)
2017 – 2018
• Staff Public Relation PMB (Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru)
• Staff Media Informasi HIMIKAN (Himpunan Mahasiswa Perikanan)
2018 – 2019
• Staff Public Relation PKKMP (Pelatihan Keprofesian dan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa
• Internship at Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar (Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah
Perikanan Air Tawar) Cijeruk, Bogor
• Training ESQ Character Building Training 1 & 2
• Laboratory Assistant (courses Budidaya Pakan Alami, Ikhtiologi, Biologi Perikanan, Parasit
dan Penyakit Ikan, Nutrisi)


▪ Microsoft Office ▪ Teamwork
▪ Editing content ▪ Good Communications Skills
▪ Negotiation and Lobying ▪ Leadership
▪ Administration

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