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2023 年 10 月 22 日 下午 8:38|54 分钟 13 秒

other charts 、 same chart 、 right chart 、 specific chart 、 divisional charts 、 few charts 、 D24
chart 、 private chart 、 horror chart 、 Hora chart 、 most charts 、 annual chart 、 Navamsa
chart、Samsung chart、default chart、lunar chart、detail chart、regional charts

说话人 1 00:00
Oh, welcome everyone.Now it's gonna be a technical session.We all are dying to know what is the
PVR style looking at Forest Force, how he uses it, how he juggles divisional charge, then Tajika
charge, whatever the stages, your speed, please share.Okay.

说话人 2 00:45
Okay, I'll set the stage in this session.I'll set the stage on what approach I normally use and what
are the techniques that I normally use, which I find reliable.So obviously I rely a lot on durational
charts as I said in a previous session, the Rassy chart as far as I'm concerned is the physical
existence and divisional charts are subtle aspects of your consciousness which are working for
example, professional environment, how is playing out on my consciousness that is shown by the
detail chart and my spiritual environment, my, based on the Sasha that I do and people that I
interact with was playing out in my consciousness visually.That's my D20 chart.And children and
interactions with children and things that are happening in the lives of children, how they're
affecting me, that is from the such art.So these are all various abstract environments that affect my
consciousness, that affect my life.So these are various aspects of life.Whereas Rassie is what is
physically there, the physical existence.Obviously any environment will have some impact on the
physical existence.In the end, it will boil down to something physically.So Razi Chart will
obviously have some, it will have some, it will show to some extent everything.

说话人 2 02:03
But like an analogy that I gave in the hashtag rasichat is like the projection onto the ground floor
of all the floors.If you have a 16 floor building, each floor has a map.There is library here, there is
kitchen here, there is study room here like that.There is a living room here, there is a bathroom
here.So you made that map after floor and you take all the floors and superimpose on one
particular picture.And that is so when there is a problem in the 4th house, you don't know whether
it's hard problem or mother or vehicle or real estate or so many things.So our peace of mind in
your career, you don't know our sense of guidance in your spiritual side.And it could be any of

说话人 2 02:46
So it is very difficult to rely on the rassy chart.So what I, my approach is, I'm a dividend chart
person.I basically say that all these divisional charts, which very, with slight changes in the time,
so people don't want to use them because then they have to know the time accurately.And my take
on that is if you want to predict, make accurate predictions without knowing the accurate time,
you're just fooling yourself.Because we know for a fact that there are twins and triplets who are
born with the same racy navam satare within 2,3 minutes.Their lives are different.So obviously
your fortune, your destiny is sensitive to the button.And if you expect that.Oh, because I'm too
lazy to find the right time and use the right divisional chart, I don't want to use it.I just want to
expect the rasishard to show everything.Well, good luck.It's like you're looking at the map of a
building, all the floor superimposed and you're trying to see what's going on particular floor.You
may can't get confused between different floors.So that's that's the risk in it.So if you want to be
accurate, use the digital charge.So my approach is not just paying lip service to the original chart
and saying that I'll see everything in the Rashi chart, just confirm it in the divisional chart.I don't
do that.I say divisional chart is the main thing.If necessary, I'll confirm it in the right chart because
it has to show to some extent in the rasi also, but it will really show very strongly in the divisional
chart.So that's my approach.

说话人 1 04:14
Quick question on this.Yes, I presume a very important one, at least for me, is see an event in the
divisional chart.Is it guaranteed to be also shown by the Rashi chart or it may not show in the rush.

说话人 2 04:33
Okay, so the thing is, it depends on whatever is happening in a particular environment.Is there
some manifestation of that in the physical domain?So suppose I have a promotion at work, I feel
happy about it and I'm physically elated.You can see physically that I'm elated about it.So there's a
good chance that you will see it in the Rassy chart also.If there is a correspondence on the physical
plane, there will be some indication on the Rassy chart also.But my main point is under Rashi, in
the Rashi, it may be a minor thing because there may be other things.I maybe suppose I got a
promotion at work and I'm excited about it, but also my wife is fighting with me, my children are
failing their exams and I'm sad about, okay, my mother has some sickness.So all these things may
play out on my mind both physically and mentally.On the, in a tangible way I maybe things may
not be that great, but still some happiness from what happened in the professional domain will
show physically.

说话人 2 05:29
So rasishart will have some showing but what I'm doing is I'm reversing the paradigm.What
people do is they lay on the Rashi and they want to find some indication in the dasansa.What I'm
doing is in the dasansa should be very strongly visible and then there should be some indication in
the Rassi chart.So I'm reversing the paradigm and then tying the things.You can use transits, but
today I will not talk about transits at all.I'll, but Dasa, I do use it a lot.And though there are a lot of
the sales that I talked about in the past that I found working most reliably, unfortunately, is just.So
even though there are Nara, the one that actually works on the ground when I want to make a real
prediction, the only thing I have found in my study sees there are other conditional DESAs.There
are 9 conditional Desas, to 3, etc.What I found is in most of the charts, half of the charts 3 works
the best but in other charts some others have works the best and I there is a research finding of
mine that was that you can find on my website it shows you exactly how to pick a specific Dasa
for a specific chart given the chart you just go to that chart and find that data and then based on
that you can make predictions for that area of life so for long term predictions I use natural the
shaft and one more tricky thing I want to mention is let me share my screen now.
说话人 1 07:04
Would you please state your web page again.

说话人 2 07:09
I'll show it so give me a second let me share the screen so you can, you can share my screen now
forget about conditional lasers now let's just say we'll use the dividend charge suppose let's you
can see my chart here this is the birth data and I see I show three divisional charts here in south
and north formats if you have a big screen you can do that for some people they may be seeing
only two charts but it is possible to have 6 charts 3003 not so you can see the Siddharm such heart
here let's say let's see right d 24.So suppose I want to see my learning my education both Ashra
astrology as well as my regular engineering education etc.I will see the Siddhar and if you want to
see the Dasa, normally people just see the Dasa from the Rasy chart.See where is my moon?Moon
is at 29 degree, 44 minutes in Aquarius, right?You can see it here.That means he's in.

说话人 2 08:13
If you find the SA will start, most of it has already finished three fourth of it.So four years has
been left after that this and so on.Now what I do is I take the divisional longitudes.So you see for
example D24 here in D24 Moon is a 23 degree cancer.In other words, moon when he is between
28 degree, 45 minutes in Aquarius to 30 degree in Aquarius, that 1 degree 1/4 degree is mapped to
cancer in the sidhansachart.So if you divide the racy into 24 parts, which is 1 degree 25,1.25
degrees, 1 degree 15 seconds, each 1 degree 15 seconds is mapped to one particular sign.Moon at
2944 in Aquarius is mapped in the D24 chart to 2327 in cancer.

说话人 2 09:13
I think it will be clearer if I use the Navasha, right?In the Navasha, what are the navamses of
Kumba?They go as Libra Serpo Sagittarius and it ends in Germany, right?So these are the 9
Nawamsas of compressor of Aquarius Science because moon is in the last Navamsa, which is
from 20 six degree forty set minutes to 30 degrees in Aquarius, right?So he's in the last 3 degree,
20 minutes of Aquarius.So he's in Germany.

说话人 2 09:44
And now you can see that 29,44-26,40.So that is approximately 3 degrees.So he is basically 3
degrees in two, that 3.333 degrees.If you multiply that with nine, you basically get about 27.So his
exact longitude in Namasa is 27.In other words, when he just entered the Navamsa at 26:40, he
will be at the beginning of Germany.If you make the Navamsa chart, he'll be exactly at the
beginning of Germany.And as you progress, as he progresses from 26,40 to 30 in Aquarius, in the
Rasi chart, he will progress from 3,0 degree Germany to 30 degrees Germany so like this you can
find the divisional charts and if you didn't understand this don't worry because you don't need to
you can look at it in the jaganahora when you make when you go to the go to this window if you
pick all regional longitudes it will show you the longitudes in each divisional chart so now let's go
to the D24 chart suppose I want to study how my education will progress so D24 in the 24 Moon
is at 2327 cancer so that falls in astration etc in other words what I'm trying to say here is there is
only one zodiac and one set of us when we say that moon is at 2327 in cancer in the 24 Parasa did
not say there is a Rassi chart he only said you find you find the navamsas of planets using this
formula you find the sitamsas of planets using this formula so it means moon is physically in
Aquarius and his Nawamsa is in Germany he's the Samsa is in Scarpio MSA is in cancer and so on
so for each planet there is a physical position and also there is an advance abortion the Sam's
abortion and on so we could be making one master chart scroll races and showing sun moon Mars
Mercury, Jupiter Saturn etc and then Navamself Sun Nabamsa Moon Navamse Mars etc.And then
the Samsung Moon, etc.And then sedance of sun, sedansa, moon, etc.All this could be shown in
the same chart which has Ashley, etc.But what we are doing for conveniences, because it is useful
to correlate the sidansas of various planners, navamsas of various planners and see the relation
between them to interpret one area of life, we make separate charts.

说话人 2 12:14
Parasa did not really talk about making some red charts.So what I do is that moon, the Sadamsa
moon is against the assertion, etc.So you start the nakshatardasha from Ashlesha, you make the
ashlesa, in other words, you see the Nashatra from the divisional longitude occupied by Mon
instead of just the rassy longitude.And I found that this gives much better clarity in timing events.

说话人 1 12:45
Is that possible?Current?

说话人 2 12:48
Yes, absolutely.This has been there for many years.So you go to, this can be done with every
divisional charge, sorry, every.Mutual.3 is the best Dessa that you can use.This is the most
applicable Dessa.So you take sure 3, click on options and kick.Use Yamatara.In very few charts
you want to use Lagna, Sun, etc.In most charts you want to start the Dasa from moon.Again, I
have a clear procedure to find out that would be the right seed.But for now I will not go through
any details.I'll just assume that moon is the right seed for this chart.Pick D24 here.Okay, and don't
mess with anything else.If you mess things will.This is only for research and just say, okay, so you
can see that the first Asa is Mercury Dessa, right?Because moon is in, if you see he's in Astasha,
he's halfway through Astesha, right?23 degrees in cancer.So it was halfway through.

说话人 1 13:45
Isolated it from isolation of become.

说话人 2 13:47
That longitude, not only assessa, but from that specific longitude 23,27.So this is just the
beginning of the third path of the asterisk.This is right, so it is basically halfway, slightly more
than halfway in the business as well as half is 17/2, right?Eight and half.So it's little more than 800
years.So 1970 April, if you do the math, it is actually so 8 years of mercuses was left and then

说话人 2 14:15
The second, if you see the chart, K2 is in the fifth house of scholarship.Fifth thousand is the house
of scholarship, right?And particularly in D24 chart because it is the chart of learning.So he is in
one sign according to Parasara Scarpio is one sign of keto.So this is a chart of excellent

说话人 2 14:38
Of course I was very young then.I was only 8 years old, 80 years and 4 months when this seven
year this has started.But around 9 years of age I started taking some Hindi and Sanskrit exams,
passing Rashavasa Pravina in Hindi and Basha Kovida in Sanskrit and Basha Vishada in
Sanskrit.And these are all these 3 degree 3 exams are equivalent to BA degree in those respective
languages.So I had one BA in Hindi and two BA degrees in Sanskrit lecture before I was 11 years
old.So all this happened in the, and I was all the Sanstreet Scholarship that I got was actually in
that age.After that I focused on technical learning, math sciences, etc.I went to IATI stress studied
sciences so this was very foundational for me.And K2 being the fifth guard in the 5th House and
K2 shows traditional knowledge.

说话人 2 15:41
All my initial learning in astrology was during this time.All the Sanskrit knowledge was during
this time.This was a very important time.So you can say, you can, looking at this case, that's how
you can say that there'll be some scholarship.Okay, I, I, I.So that did happen.Yes.

说话人 1 15:56
Tier 2 is traditional knowledge.Okay, you said yes.Now, sunscreen, I see from K2 and Hindi
would be from Mercury or.

说话人 2 16:08
It could be very well could, because he's associated with Mercury, shows standing languages,
grammar, etcetera.So I studied multiple languages, correlated the grammar and then tried to form
some structure in my own mind, which was very helpful later on to understanding new
languages.And all that is from Mercury.

说话人 1 16:25
Mercury and Jotisha.What would you take as the planet Karika for.

说话人 2 16:33
Judicial?Take both K2 and Jupiter as the carcass of jotish.But the thing is the intellectual jotish
where you are learning some formulas, calculations, etc.Mercury is the carga for that.The wisdom
behind, with the wisdom behind Josesha, it is Jupiter and keto, but the mechanics of it I would say
is Mercury.So for example, whatever I am describing now, you do this D24, all this is basically
metric kind of stuff.So arriving at this knowledge is coming from Jupiter but applying this is
Mercury and at that age what I Learned was how to compare to the Dasas, how to look at the
panchanga, how to find the next session, how to find the Dasa session, how to find the Dsas, all
those things I Learned.So all the calculations, etc.Is from.

说话人 1 17:19
Brilliant.Please continue.
说话人 2 17:21
So this was the time when I Learned jotiation, Sanskrit and 85 I left home, 85 may I left
home.After that I was outside home, all the astrology knowledge, etc.Top then I was at residential
college, I was state first in my intermediate.I had some academic distinctions.I went to a top
school in India called me Institute of technology.I did beta there.So in 91987 I stood first in my
state in the 12 grade exams which are basically a big deal at 12 grade is like it's called
intermediate.You pass out of junior college and you go to technical studies then.So at that time I
was stay first and I went to this IIT and even at iad I was at the top of the class.I was either first or
second for most of the four years in my class.So all that basically academic distinctions came
during this Venus Dasha.

说话人 2 18:16
And if you see the Venus NASA Venus sees in the 9000 is exalted BA based on classical rules, any
planet associated with the 9th house or 5th house, especially if the planet is exalted, will give you
auspicious results.And if you look at the Razi chart, Venus may or may not be that great.Actually,
as a matter of fact, this Razi chart is very, it has plants in the 608000.It's not very powerful, but if
you just look at the Sidham side, it's a very powerful chart.And in the Venus, Dessa being a kendra
lord in a corner quadrant, lord in a train, it's not a rayoga, but it's kind of like a rayoga quadrant
Lord placed in a train is a auspicious combination.And also his dispository is in a Kendra again.So
this Jupiter and Venus combination, these guys are very suspicious.So during the Venus Dessa,
there was academic distinctions.

说话人 1 19:08
K2, last period, May 85 is when you left your house, right?Now, how do we see that in this chart
with the end of K 2 dasha.Why do you think that happen?

说话人 2 19:23
Separation.The thing is, I will not really go into that now because leaving the home is more from
the default chart.4 is the chart that shows you.

说话人 1 19:31
But you left it for education.

说话人 2 19:34
Right?Now, the thing is, ethos slot is also associated with keto, right?Rahu is also there.Apart
from Mercury, the planet of communication and also planet of languages, Mercury, Rahui is also
there.Rahui is the 8th Lord.So Rahul changes.So Rousho's 8 Lar shows big changes are
displacement, a change in lifestyle.So now.

说话人 1 19:57
Mercury is strength Lord of away from home.And also.

说话人 2 20:01
Third Lord also is quite possible because the Eighth Lord and 12th Lord are associated with k
two.So some displacement for this is possible.And I will not go through it now.I will go through it
in more detail later.But you can correlate the divisional charts.Like I said, D4 and D24 are not
existing.Isolation, Sedanza, Moon, Sedanza of keto, all these are in the same zodiac.So they all
interact.So there is an interaction between the setamsa of keto and also of keto.So we can see the
correlations between regional charts in a future the session that will be an overload today.But the
bottom line is you can you can see the instructions on this key to who are the planners that he's
associating with.He's with Mercury and Rahu.So there is some language learning and traditional
learning because of K2 and scholarship and recognition because he is the fifth guard in the fifth
House and because he's also with the Athena there is a displacement and also when I went to
college there's a big change of there is a big shock.For example, I Learned everything in Telugu
medium and when I went to 11th grade to a residential college everything was English medium so
I had to learn everything in English and then luckily I manage everything and in the 12 days to
stay first but the thing is there was a big shock and again Rahul 8 lot will show the shark in the
beginning everything there was Greek and Latin to me I knew all the Telugu terms for technical
things for example instead of jeans I'll say genuine and I didn't know what gene was like that all
math, physics, chemistry everything was basically in a different language for me so that ten the
that foreign language learning and all that relating to learning can be shown by Rahul here but the
thing is that this K2 could have given some distinction but Vina is being the 4th guard in the 9th
House he can give distinction and here I'm leaving out arudabadas the fact that Venus has aspect
on the Yale and A5 I will talk about arduous in a totally different session but there are other
aspects which show some tangible recognition but I was straightfirst and I had I was doing well at
a good school in India so all that happened during the Venus Dasa and if you look at the Sundesha
sun is the second Lord second Lord of speech in the also is the second host is considered the house
of Georgia, 2nd and 11th Houses and eighth host, these are considered the houses of Jotisha.So the
being the second Lord in the eighth host, expecting the second host, he will give.And also he is an
Aquarius.Aquarius is the sign of philosophy and research.So this Dasa was a Dasa lot of
research.And during the sundasha, I did a lot of Josh research.

说话人 2 22:49
And now Moon Dasa, which is running right now.Moon is the Lada, Moon is the lagnalad in
Lagna.Always one thing we say is any, in any divisional chart, lagnalad will give new beginnings,
right?He will, if you haven't started anything, it'll give you a new start.If you have already started
it, it'll make you a, give you a new beginning you to fresh start.And in this data, it was actually in
this period 2011 end or early 2012 that I said, forget about all this Suri, Sidanta, etc.Go back to the
sidanta and let me reject, start fresh all the pushes, and then redefining all the parameters like for
example, the idea of using the divisional and defining the calculations of these divisional
charts.All this happened basically, this was a Dasa of reboot and restart.And also because he's the
lagnalad in Lagna, there's a chance that he will also give some recognition in the remaining 3,4
years.It's possible that there will be some recognition just like Venus gave some recognition, K2
gave some recognition in the past.Moon is capable of giving some recognition.So that is a
possibility.But, but, and then there is.

说话人 1 24:04
So you would have also faced, in this moon, Russia, you would have also faced some flag for
changing the whole parity for you, what you have been doing.I present this because of the faster
area of Saturn mass.

说话人 2 24:21
Well, that is one thing.There is a Pavgar 3 of Saturn, Mars, and also effectively, Rahu, the 8th
Lord, has a close aspect on the.Rao has the 9th of aspect.He has an aspect on the, and moon.And
also moon is an astracha.He's in an evil Nakshatra, Sarpa, Snake Nakatra.So that also has an
impact on what happens in Mundesha.But moreover.

说话人 1 24:44
Take it as a churning, churning.

说话人 2 24:46
Turning, oscillation, influence of surpassed and also effect of Rahu, debilitated Rahu, Ehilard,
expecting the moon, and also is an inimical aspect.Rahul is not a friend of moon.So this will
basically give some churning, some disrepute, etc.So these things happen.But irrespective of
those, the fact is he's in lagna, lagna lad in lagna.So he shows a new beginning, a new auspicious
beginning.So in Sunday side, there will be a lot of questions because even though he's in the ethos
of research, he is basically in an inimical sign and this sunset and Saskra is not auspicious so there
was a lot of research but it wasn't conclusive whereas in the moon Dasa there is some clarity there
is I know what I what is working for me and I'm formulating everything finally.I wasn't updating
people on a continuous basis I was writing some things but I to myself I was clarifying a lot of
things and figuring out what works.I tried rassy chart only visual chart only and using the dasas
from the Rasi chart applying in the divisional charge but what I found working is find the design
the divisional chart itself and then basically things will things will really make good sense so this
is one finding right using the divisional charge the assess and the dividend charge directly so this
is one thing and then there are some some cases where I said winshotti doesn't apply so I'll show
you my website it is basic slash articles so when you go there there is an article
called you.

说话人 1 26:26
Like to share the screen once again you have to stop sharing and sharing once again to this or.

说话人 2 26:31
Refresh the window.I see I see I.

说话人 1 26:33
Didn't realize you like to stop sharing and now go back into show browser senator.

说话人 2 26:42
Do you see yes so you use the you go to the website arc slash articles there is an article called
Unified Approach.So I won't obviously go into the details of it, but if you open it, it's a free
article.You don't have to register or anything.You can, any material on my website is free.You
don't need to register, you just download it and you're all set.I don't need to know how many
people are downloading it.

说话人 2 27:10
So that's my approach to giving any spiritual or geotish knowledge.So this will basically, what it
will do is there are 9 conditional dasas.For each data, there is a condition of applicability and there
is a seed nashatra.So what I did was for each nakatra, there is a corresponding devata.And
correspondingly, I found a particular controlling planet and I explain the philosophy below.So the
principle is if a particular nashatra Dasa applies and the corresponding controlling planet is strong,
either exalted or onsi or ajitrassi, then that does, I will override.And if there are multiple
conditional assets applicable, see which controlling planet is the strongest.

说话人 2 27:53
So I gave some clear rules and I gave a lot of examples.So I won't obviously go into the details of
it, but I'll just give one example to show what I'm talking about.Let's take one example.Let's say
I'm sharing again.I stop sharing and share again.Can you see it?Yes.So let's see.Let's say 0 by
ambanious chart.So this is the chart of a very successful businessman who founded the Reliance
Industries in India.If you see his chart, horror chart by the way, is the chart of finances, money,
wealth, horayam.

说话人 2 28:33
And there are different, there are controversies on how you interpret Hora because Parasa talks
about basically going two cycles after starting from Aries and going two cycles, but also he said
cancer and Leo, moon and Sanat, the rulers of the to Horus.So there is some controversy, but I'm
hundred percent sure of what the correct calculation is.So it goes as the first two halves of Aries
go as Aries status.The next two halves of tares go as cancer.In Germany, instead of Gemini and
cancer, it is cancer in Germany.And when parasra said the first half of our sign and the second half
of event sign are owned by sun, is talking about Art Science.Art signs are sun, event signs are
moon.So this puzzle is real, completely solved.So I won't go into the calculation again.Forget
about calculation, whatever I said.

说话人 2 29:22
Now if you're confused, leave it.Just click parameter, take the D2 chart and use the parasara with
pariverty and even sign reversal.It's called Omasam Hora.That's just a name I gave.And if you do
preferences related to calculations, if you say restore default calculation options, it will do what
people normally do.This is the mainstream astrology.But instead if you do set calculation options
as recommended by authors, you'll get the calculations as I calculate.So then you'll get this
particular horror chart.So I to, I believe that this is the right dividend, right horror chart to be used.

说话人 2 30:02
And here in delhiba and Banis divisional chart again, if you see D2 chart, if you see the Hora chart
and make the divisional chart, you will see that Jupiter does that ran from 1964, August till 1980
and see his chart.
说话人 2 30:21
Jupiter is the 8th Lord in the 8th host.He's very strong.Any planet in one sign will be very
auspicious.That is one thumb rule right when you use the right Dasa and the right chart you can
use the thumb rules so he is strong and secondly there is Gadget Yoga Moon and Jupiter are in
Parasfer Kendra there is a Fame yoga and secondly the Eighth Lord and the Twelve Guard are on
the eighth host axis so that's that's basically unexpected sudden growth so because of this you can
see that Jupiter Dessa is a terrific for this person and and in fact in I don't know if you know about
his history but in late 19601964 or early 1965 he got out of the partnership that he had with
somebody who's very cautious they were doing some textile related GA GA garment related yarn
etc they were dealing with that partner he was very cautious they were getting from Turkey etc.He
independently started a business he started taking more risks and storing more stock and this risk
payoff paid off and this industry became really big and instead of just supplying garment yarn he
got into garments business and the Viml brand became a big hit and released textiles became a
huge company and in 1977 he had public issue and here he went public and a lot of people flocked
to buy his dog and he was a star.He was a he built a big empire all that happened exactly in this
data and this is the data yoga and the ethos.So you see that this is a terrific data for him just based
on the horror chart.And if you look at Rashi, I won't go through that now, but you may see that
there may be other indications.You may be having a lot of tensions because physically he may be
suffering, he may be in bad health or he may be worried.But financially speaking, his finances are
just taking off.And that's what this shows.

说话人 2 32:23
But let me show another example where doesn't apply.Let's take Bill Gates, the famous billionaire
Bill Gates.And here is his but data.So if you look at his chart, I won't explain the rationale, but in
his horror chart, applies and the ruling DT Sun controlling planet is actually in so satabica will
dominate over you won't get good results you sorry I won't explain why the rationale but like I
said if you go to my article you will see a clear procedure using which you can always find the
right Dasa for a given chart unfortunately I haven't automated this yet in Jehora but it is possible
because all the rules are very clearly defined I want people to spend some time becoming familiar
with it because it's not really a big deal when I see a chart within a if I look at the divisional
longitudes within a minute I know exactly which the size the right the size so for him the best
design, the chart and you see here 8,1983 to 2013 is the satin the sand this was indeed a terrific
suffer him in 198, late around 1985 or so, 84,85 he started this company me and then the windows
started taking off and I think in Saturn Venus period, this was the period because there's a rayoga
in the 9th house of fortune between the 9th Lord and the fifth large fifth and ninth last together in
the ninth is a really terrific ragioga he's also the dispositor of the Lagnalad and Nagnalar, fifth lad
and ninth lad, Darren Mutual Candas so Saturn Venus is a really even Saturn Mercury, but more
soul Saturn, Venus, this is really like fortune taking off.So this Dessa was really a terrific Dessa
for him.If you do any other Dessa, you won't get the same clarity.But because you pick the right,
and you're doing it in the horror chart, see this is calculated from moon and D2.So because of that,
you see the right Dasa, that really works wonders.

说话人 2 34:28
So this is one thing that I do.I find the right divisional chart for the area of life of interest.And
based on the previous life events, I may change the lagna a bit to the previous sign or the next sign
to explain known past.And I will give examples of that in a future session.And once I am
confident with that, going through the rules, I find the right Dasa and in that divisional chart from
moon of the divisional chart, I use that data.And in rare cases where moon is in deep Gandanta are
very weak, I may have to use Lagna.And in rare cases where LAGMA is also weak, I may have to
use sun.But I have clear rules in that particular article that I mentioned.So this is one thing that I,
that works for me using the conditional r vimshow 3.In the half the charts it is vimshow 3.In the
other half it is the some other Dessa, but there is always one or one of the nine based on the nine
planners and secondly, one thing that they really use a lot especially for short term things because
people are not asking when is my grades are coming in profession or finances they are asking how
is the next year will I lose my job in the next month or will I get a job in the next six months so I
use or even if they ask when will I get a child I look at the Tajika chart, solar return chart for the
next few years and that gives me a good idea so Tajikai is another chart that I use a lot.And you
don't need to know about the calculations.Just go to tajikah and click the ear and you get the
chart.There you go.

说话人 2 36:03
Suppose, let me take a specific example.Suppose let's go back to my chart in two thousand in
2008.Let's say in 2000,13, I was, I got a promotion at work.So let's see.And that was before my
birthday.So April 4th is my birthday.So in February end timeframe, I got promotion.So that was
the previous year.

说话人 2 36:31
When the tajacha is basically the solar return chart, when some comes back to the same position
he occupied in the bird chart, you make a chart and you use that chart to see how the next year
is.And there is a whole literature coming from yalkanta and other sun specific picture techniques
used for that chart.I don't do all that.I don't do all those special yogas, etc.For me this is just like
metal chart except that it is applicable just for one year.So I just use it as a standalone chart just to
give I inside into that particular year.And the only tricky thing you have to remember is of course
if you use user author recommended calculations, you'll get it automatically.But in calculation
options, you will see that in Tajaga calculation options, there is an option here, use tropical solar
rate years which is 365.24 to 19 days are sidereal Solar Air which is 365.256364 days so normally
if you use the people sometimes people use sidereal ears so if you use sidereal here let's go back to
the nettle chart see where my son is he's at 22 degree 1 minute in Pisces right?

说话人 2 37:41
So when I do 19 sorry not 19232012 two thousand because 2003 I got promoted sorry 2012 troll
troll sorry 20122013132014 is when I was promoted 2014 February is the promotion so let's take
2013 so if you do that pay attention to Son's longitude 22 pieces one when you do this it comes on
April 4 evening 6:30 April 42013 evening six thirty three PM and sun is exactly at 22 degree 1
minute pipe.This is so this is what most basic charges to today and if I look at the Samsung I don't
really see strong indications of promotion because for promotion for career you see the Samsung
you see that Asam SA one good thing is 9th Lord Rahu is in lagna but the fifth Lord and Lagnalad
is in fifth but the 5th Lord is in the 8th house and he is combust with sun so it's not really very
clear but now let's see the other and the thing is this is not this conclusion is not made based on
one example.

说话人 2 38:57
Oh sorry let me go back to the.Let me explain what I meant in the last talk by combining tropical
with siderel tropical for years.So if you say use that tropical solar air, and you do the tajikashad
again, okay, if we still use the pushback, but the time found is not April 4 evening 6:30.It is
actually 351 early in the morning.So it is basically way off.It is many hours before.And if you
look at sun's longitude, it is actually 21 degree 25 minute species earlier.Remember what it was 22
degrees 1 minute species.Instead it is now 21 pisis 25.

说话人 2 39:40
So if you look at the lung, if you look at the Inam set, if you add the INOMSA to it, a difference in
the inamsa between the two dates compensates for it.

说话人 2 39:49
If you look at inamsa here, it is 20 to 54, right?If you look at the nettle chart, what is the
INOMSA?It is 20 to 18.So there is a difference between these two of 54-18.And that's exactly the
difference between these two.

说话人 2 40:03
In other words, if you find the tropical sun position at birth, and if you find tropical sun position at
this time that I found here, it will be identical.So I'm not looking at.And this will be much
clearer.Let me, if I say, suppose I'm alive till 5080.I don't expect to be, but suppose I'm alive till
5080 okay so let's go back to the previous calculation where we do what normally people do use
the sidereal solar air if I do 5000 ad sorry 50000 will be will not be accepted by software but 5000
will be so find tajga chart for 5000 daily so that comes on May 164999 sunny still at 22 degree
pieces one minute he has the same sidereal longitude but look at the date he's coming in may I was
born in spring but this is coming in summer it is coming in may and if you take another thousand
years another few thousand years later it'll come in July it'll basically keep moving with respect to
seasons and it'll come in spring, it'll come in winter, it'll just keep changing.

说话人 2 41:16
See this is the problem and I believe that this is hundred percent wrong and if you do what I said
earlier which is tropical solar air.So if you do this if you find in 5080 it will come on April
3rd5000 which is basically a few days of the spring equinox.So it is still in spring but look at
longitude of sun it's about 22 degree 1 minute pieces.It is now 9 degree Aquarius so it's way off
and if you look at Inam side it has changed a lot from around 22 degree or something it came to 64
degrees but if you add this to this is you'll find that you still get 22 pieces one 22 prices 1+ that
items here.

说话人 2 42:03
So the bottom line is now sunny is still in the same longitude in Aries.My tropical sun at birth is in
Aries 22 pieces one in sidereal correspond to plus something like 22 so it is around 12,13
degrees.You can actually find out exactly what it is.So if you do I actually forget it.If you change
the iron answer to tropical you'll find exact longitude so that is sometime somewhere around and
12,13 degrees areas.So you will get exactly the same when you do 5080 you will get exactly the
same set tropical longitude of sun and it is aligned with the seasons but in terms of the day it is
actually way off instead of May 165080 it is coming in April 3rd and even if somebody is not
alive so far even for 2013 right with other earlier it was six thirty three PM now it is 4 a.M.So this
is basically way off your Razi chart will change not just the divisional charts in easy privilege the
lunar chart when you use this approach use the tropical calendar the alignment is actually not that
much in 90% charts you'll still get the same chart in rare cases you'll get the previous month or the
next month it'll shift by a month sometimes based on this calculation, but in other cases you'll get
exactly the same calculation because it's based on the ticket and the sun longitude used to see that
lunar month.It may be it may change in border cases, but for Tajika it makes a huge difference.

说话人 2 43:38
People may remember that in the when I was teaching classes in Boston, I used to say that TT
Privilege works for me, but Tajka doesn't.I used to basically rely on TT Privilege, but not just but
now that I have refined this calculation, I find Tajka working brilliantly.

说话人 2 43:56
Tajikah shows things as effectively as the TT permission chart.For example, if you see that the
Samsung chart here, foresee the Rassy chart.In the Rassy chart, the fifth Lord of recognition
Mercury is in lagna.So you feel like you are getting recognized.And lagnalards, both the
lagnalards are in the 9000.One of them is in exaltation.Overall, it shows fortunate things, but
specifically, of course, that may be related to something else, children or wife.

说话人 2 44:26
So look at the Dasamsha chart, the Lagna Lark, he's in the 9th house, even though he's combust,
he's with the Fourth Lord, the Sakura Azyoga.But more importantly, more relevant to the
promotion, it is the fifth large fifth yard, Mercury exalted in the fifth floor.So you will see that
there is some auspicious things relating to relating to carry this year there'll be some recognition,
promotion or some recognition and carry.

说话人 2 44:56
Similarly, I said that in 1987 May I stood straight first in my state and went to a top school in India
after some interest exam.So see the D24 of that annual chart.If you go to the D24 of the annual
chart, you'll see that the Lagnala Jupiter is exalted in the 5th House of recognition.And now I
won't go through examples here, but you can also see the Dacas, the same, the best possible
Dessa.You can apply it within the year.But the thing is often we don't need that kind of
question.You just need to know this year there is a chance of danger.

说话人 2 45:32
Suppose let me take another example.Let me take 2002 in August 2002, I was laid off at my
workplace.My startup was folding so they went into hibernation mode just kept a couple of
maintenance engineers and everybody was laid off.So if you see that Tajka chart for that year, you
will see that the eighth Lord from Lagna Mercury is in Lugna.But the thing is there could also
mean that eight it is a mixture thing both 5th and 8th large mercury.But the thing is apart from that
the seventh lot of break in carry is in the 12000 Mankakestana with Rahu and one of the lagnalas
rahu is is with sun.So basically there is a combination between sun and Rahul.The marka sun is
really badly affected there with an enemy.So the Sandra who combination in the 12th House and
also lagnalar Saturn he's with a 6 star.So this is the yoga and also this is a yoga for sadness.Moon
and satin together is a yoga for sadness.So there is a yoga involving lagnalad and there is an
affliction involving another lagnard in the 12 post.

说话人 2 46:55
So all these things basically are conducive to some problem in the carrier.Of course, I found a job
soon, perhaps because the fifth yard increase in the is in the Lagna, but it was a kind of downgrade
temporarily for a few years.So you can see in the year like this, when you see if somebody comes
to you, there is a reorganization happening in my workplace, I just go to the tajikatchart.And also I
may look at the TT private chart.See, let's take the 2002 TT private chart.There has to be
something in the TikTok chart.And when you look at the nettle chart and show three, if you look at
the answer, that something may show.But the thing is it may not be so visible because from a long
term perspective it may not be a big deal that you were laid off during that time but during that
year it's a big deal for you.So it'll be visible in a more strong way.So look at 2002.So if you see
this chart, you will see that.

说话人 2 47:56
Venus, even though he's in one side, he's in Mancarcastana is never good.But more importantly,
the eighth lot, Jupiter is in the 7th House and eighth Lord in seventh and seventh laud in eighth,
our second Lord in third and third Lord in second.These are Marca combination.So this is death
combination, right?The eighth guard in the seventh is that death combination of course this is
death in Kerry not really physically so because of this in the Samsung this marka combination
means that there will be a death like event in the carrier so a layoff happen and during the year but
the fact that lagnalad is basically even though he's he is in Mancarcastana the fact that he's still in
Mauritia template and more and Yogarka Satan even though he is debilitated he's with the 5th lot
so your car got 10th lot 9th lot Saturn the fifth Lord Mercury that together even though in the 12th
House so that Rajo guy ensured that within a month and half I got another job but because this is a
12000 I had to make some compromises for their job.So like this, I won't I will give more
examples in a future session.I have to wind up in a minute or so.I'll give more examples but my
the approach that I use is lie on the divisional charts and then use Rassie just for confirmation and
make sure that the time that you are using is accurate before you proceed further using previous
events in life.And then use the divisional chart Asa and divisional Dasa of that particular
divisional chart.And then for short term things look at the TTP chart all you have to do is pick that
here and make the, this brewest chart and lo go to the divisional chart and see if there is some,
some combination that is showing either good things or bad things.And then based on that, you
expect, suppose you see 8th yard in 7th are lagnalad efficed badly by the 8th lad and 6th lad.You
say that man, be careful during this year.You never conclusively tell somebody you will be laid
off, but you can say there are some bad indications worship that particular data during this
year.And if I see that there is a good combination, I'll say take some risks.If there is some politics
going on at workplace, take some risks.You could probably pay off so I pay a lot of attention to
the annual charge both Pravesha which is Luna return chart and Tajka which is solar return chart I
pay a lot of attention to these and and I use Gochara also but I'll go through it later and then you
may see a lot of yes, go ahead you also.

说话人 1 50:29
For any event that you want to predict you use tajaka and TT privacy both.

说话人 2 50:35
I use both and then I get more confidence if it's showing up in both I get more confidence there
has to be some indication in the nettle chart and the thing is in the nettle if it is a if it is important
enough to stand out from a whole life perspective, then it should be clearly visible in the nettle
chart.And in general, if there is a phase, what Netflix are there shows is the phase is in life.

说话人 2 50:58
Like we said, sign 0.By Ambani's case, that whole period was really great for risk taking.See, the
other thing that I did not mention was Jupiter was in 8th host in that horror chart, right?So that is
risk taking.He was a big gambler in he took chances.So it gives you long term indications of
phases in life.

说话人 2 51:14
But if you want to see what is happening during a particular month, it may or may not show really
great in the nettle chart but if it's an important event it will so I look at the nettle chart but I give
more weight to the Tajikan's the Private Chart and if the time is good this charge do work very
well for me the annual charge both these charge so this is one thing and then I use the the shares
within that year I think that's an overkill so we'll go easy but we'll do it later in a future session so
this is practically what works for me you may see a lot of researchers for me from me on my
website like the chardasa special transit techniques etc.Stationary translates I do use those but I
don't rely on those.Those are not my staple.And these are really my staple.These are the things
that I found working pretty reasonably reliably.Unfortunately, our strategy is not in a place where
we can be hundred percent confident.But obviously, this is the most reliable that I have found so
far in my take care self Judith Research.And I will shed more light.

说话人 2 52:21
I'll go through more examples.I will also bring in the transit and I will also tie in, haven't really
talked about that.Those are very important.So I will go through all those things in future.

说话人 1 52:37
No.Well, thank you very much.You have said a lot of people scrambling and open many new
doors.I'll tell you, I'm finding this fascinating.

说话人 2 52:51
I'm glad to know that.And we will pick up in a future session and we'll have more examples and I
will exactly go through what I do practically.And I suggest forget about calculations.Jehora takes
care of it for you.The only thing that you may want to learn is how to pick the right.So you may
want to spend some time time with that article and I will try to go through that in more detail in
another session.And other than that, how to find arudas, how to find tashka chart, how to find the
private chart, you don't have to worry.And we'll go through more examples and rectification is
another important thing how to change the time so that things make sense so we'll try to give you
some examples so we'll have more in future.

说话人 1 53:33
Definitely I think the maximum comments you're gonna get now is what you just said last is birth
time rectification people would want to know your style of birth and and definitely thank you so
much PVRG.

说话人 2 53:48
Okay, Phyllis and Sunil thank you very much.

说话人 1 53:51
Thank you.And we'll see station yes, take care.

说话人 2 53:57
Take care serum guys.

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