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Criteria for Assessment: Term Project for Econ103A

1. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The assessment of the project will be based on the following two components: a. The content of the powerpoint report: 70% The content of the report will be assessed both on the relevance of the research undertaken and the insight provided by the group. Unless otherwise indicated by the Peer Appraisal (see below), this part will be assessed on the basis of group-work i.e. all group members will be awarded the same mark. b. The presentation of the report, including the handling of the Q&A: 30% The presentation will be assessed on the basis of individual performance. The mark awarded to each of the group members could therefore vary widely. An important consideration in assessing the project will be the groups ability to prepare and present the report independently. Independent thinking is the key here and you should be able to formulate your own independent position based on the research you have done. Regurgitation will not give you a good grade

2. PEER APPRAISAL At the end of the presentation, each of you should give me a peer appraisal of the other team members' contribution, if you think there are issues to be raised. That is, you should let me know if any of the following cases holds a. the team member contributed more than his/her fair share of work b. the team member contributed less than his/her fair share d. the team member hardly contributed at all You DO NOT have to send me any peer appraisal if you think that ALL team members have done their FAIR SHARE of work and no one deserves to be singled out individually (either for good or bad reasons). In such a case, everyone in the team will get the same grade for the project. The peer appraisal is meant to ensure that the grades will be fairly awarded to every team member and that there will be no free riders.

3. DEADLINE Project outline: You should email me the outline before you start working on the project. This is to make sure you are not off the track completely.

Final report: You should send the final report to the WHOLE CLASS AT LEAST TWO DAYS before the presentation date, in order to give the other students a chance to read and understand your report. Note that late submission of the final report to the class will be penalized

4. PRESENTATION In Class Presentation Each group will be given 45 minutes to present their report, inclusive of Q&A and discussion time. The formal presentation should last for NO MORE THAN TWENTY (20) MINUTES in total. We want to ensure that there is enough time for class discussion. Submitted Copy of Presentation A hard copy of the powerpoint presentation should be submitted for grading purposes. The hard copy should be submitted to the instructor in class before the presentation. The copy should be printed in Handout form, with TWO slides per page, so as to provide sufficient space for the instructor to make comments for each slide where necessary. There should be a blank page at the end for overall comments by the instructor. The copy must include a Reference section which lists the main references used in preparing for the project.

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