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Tools and Processes

To develop critical thinking and reasoning skills.
To identify which are simple, serious, and deep
To know the difference between Socratic and
Dialective Methods.
To distinguish if the certain question is deductive
or inductive reasoning.
The only true wisdom is in
knowing you know nothing.
Uses reason to arrive at a certain
knowledge of truth.
At the onset the greek
philosophers gave us a hint on
how to use our intellect to
understand realities around us.
The tools that they frequently
utilize are the following.
1.Philosophical questions
+ Philosophy was born because of
+ If a person is ignorant, he asks questions and if
he keeps questioning the more knowledge he
• Once a person stops questioning, he ceases to
become a philosopher.
In our daily struggles, one
needs to ask questions, which
are simple, serious, and deep
Simple Questions - influenced by
curiosity and sense of wonder.
1. What is this?
2. What does this do?
3. Why does the sky far away?
Serious Questions - influenced by
experiences and circumstances.
1. Why do I have to study?
2. What do I need to get better grades?
3. How do I deal with difficult people?
Deep Questions - influenced to search
for meaningful answers
1. Where can one find true happiness?
2. What can we do to make world better
3. Is love worth giving up anything?
Let us analyze if the following item is a Simple, Serious, or Deep question.
1. Do you like listening to music?
2. Are we alone in the universe, or are there other intelligent
civilizations out there?
3. What does it mean to be happy?
4. What is your favorite food?
5. If you had to choose between financial stability and a job
you love, which would you prioritize?
+ He is considered the
foremost philosopher of
ancient times. He is known
for the Socratic Method.
Socratic Method
Also known as the method of
elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic
It is a form of cooperative and
argumentative dialogue between
individuals, based on asking and
answering questions to stimulate
critical thinking and to draw out ideas
and underlying presuppositions.
Zeno of Alea
A Socratic philosopher who
invented Dialectic, the
dialogues of Plato's
examples of the Socratic
Dialectical Method.
Dialectic Method
It is a method of philosophical argument
that involves some sort of contradictory
process that happen when two opposing
things are true at once
It is a discourse between two or more
people holding different point of views about
a subject but wishing to establish the truth
through reasoned arguments
Logical reasoning
In philosophy, reasoning is the process
of thinking about something logically
in order to form a conclusion or
Deductive Reasoning
Begins with the General Argument
to Specific Argument.
Premise 1 :
All human being are mortal
Premise 2 :
But the president of the philippines is a
human being
Conclusion :
Therefore the president of the
Philippines is mortal
Inductive Reasoning
Begins with Specific argument to
General argument
Premise :
Student A, B, C, D ,E, F....are wearing
school ID
In conclusion :
Therefore, all students are wearing ID
Analyze if the following is Deductive or inductive
1. Ilocano's are known to be stingy.
Eric Is an Ilocono.
Therefore, eric is also stingy.
2. Two residents in barangay in tondo is positive in covid 19
Therefore, it is not generally safe to go to Tondo.
3. The item that Jenny brought from an online store easily got
broken, it was made in China.
Threfore,the items made in china are known to be defective.
4. Students from La Salle are known to be rich kids,
Vincent is a student from La Salle.
Therefore, Vincent must be a rich kid.
Thank You
for listening!

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