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Predestination is a concept that is far more complex and very hard to understand. The first
attempt to understand it can be started through an understanding of the survival instinct laws of
nature. Every living thing by default has that, and it is a built-in setup to crave for living and see
the next moment unfold even though we do not have control over it.

The craving to live is the driving force that is prominent in nature and governs the way we live,
think, understand, react, act, and behave accordingly based on the stated law that governs. Then
comes another law named the cause-and effect law. this law bases it principle on nothing
functions by its own there is always an action for the reaction this law govern the way we
administer the craving we have to live every decision we make alters our future so we always try
to mitigate the outcome based on the decision we make now so the interaction we have is
determined by what is our goal in life the goal we have in life Is derived from the society that we
came from and then the character, attributes, norm, culture, way of thinking, way of valuing
things, way of standard setting, of the society that we originated from is then derived from where
and how they live that is sated by the geographical nature of their living area then comes another
law The biggest dominates the smallest. The hierarchy in nature also defines the outcome of
things in life; it is always known that the one who is up on the food chain decides the fate of the
one at the bottom. Then, ultimately, the last and highest hierarchy is God, who defines
predestination. There is a principle that governs the whole universe—the well of God, the
ultimate plan of God—that was sated long before anything came into being. The source of every
single thing is God. Based on that, to understand the concept of predestination, we first must
understand the question of God. In the Bible, there is a principle called "will" You may call it
free well or whatever. Any of them who cannot stand by themselves can only function in the
presence of choice (it functions under the law of cause and effect).

God did not create a robot that functions on preinstalled instructions. But this dose not mean that
there is no preinstalled instructional function in our bodies. For example, if we touch fire, we
will burn this functionality dose not came through our life it is a law of the nature we are
predestined to be burned if we play with fire. But we have a choose not to play with fire because
there are lots of option to choose from for us to play with based on our will.

Even though there functionality is operational it puts free well in an illusion kind of place.
because we only have the ability to choose from what we have on our hand. we dose not have the
ability to choose what we choose from the start

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