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& BARA AND DET AAPL PEAR TMD HOPE OC agi 2S City Government of Addis Ababa Design 2» cet Construction Works Bureau dete AG, Joy Dol Ana ANY Whey AdtALC rn Lei amaaley RARE HRA WT PS Ade NERD RIN % 5 ne RA MON PS Ade ANAROD, RN > 0a NA WOT PT Nee ANAK, RINE 5% ANAK Rae HA WRT PS hes NRO, INAS 2 ARCH HRA MET PF hee AAEM Ri > AKA AM NEA NET PS hee NLA RIM © an ta When Ps Ae Ne ROD, HI > ArAA hea hee PS he ANEROD HINA > ANA hber RA WbeH PS Aes AnaROT, RNA > Ans Hits HEA MEY PS hee NDEROT, Lr > ANeL Inds HRA WheY PS he NLD KIM > One Aes AneARE ne > Anah non oIs Gat annAaTy > Adah NOM oe annAary 2 nae Ams nnEARE He > antag, Pay aanaeny 3 > ahh) ONS Neve ACTH AC 2 > ae Aer ncret 5 > Anan Ana heer AARC FINE Ne > ATM enes AOTC Anna > andres nanben 320 nan > aenebed nese eR f \ > aranens murens Fie HCE | ~ \ J Q parce) @® g TRINA Mar enaaicicen endsicty Atte rock Cedgnand astnigmnsicascen®grt con ANA HA ET AOA RC PUMLIG TAH. PE Oct Construction Works Bureau ‘oureet_—_ ourket © PAR $2015 NR Gow 4H Ef Goo. ensnreriiy eT LeDae #, irect cost) Lo~ahs-a DAL ACA AILPaMEOY OAD AOA NET EEE CANES TIA meee AE ANP WTC 64/2011 Aime AAT cowed OME PTY PD NewTG AMI NILE LAOH MY cour NANLIE TMS Meme Ae MITER POLLO £2015 9.9" PAF GA Gook PRINDEHTD meee MOE PD (Direct cost only) he AttARO- ANCO- KL Te some” PRIA woyrsy Praag FACE BOOK:- Addis Ababa Design and Construction works bureau ** TELEGRAM: Addis Ababa Design and Construction works bureau 2. TWITER® Ads Ababa Gesign and Construction works bureau none . = ame pas Amine phd, (AavIMICR) PrvneTIR eee ALENT TIAA TANI PD Poss INE OE asin. eo 8. 8 ® a BRIN MiP anasencon e@AaciCly Aa ADebaDeianand, cdcaignndconcton@gnal com fl UNAHAIN Rte RN Le =y — CiyGovernment of Adds Ababa Design fawn Construction Works Bureau 92015 9.9" P4a < Gat PTS NPE OPE PD (DIRECT COST) PGR map MAD MIO ET AOPRAC AMIN Me MAAK ATE MMO nn onc bhatt Ta 9oT #2 ARPRE Ocm (Orwea!) 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Supply and construct conerete pip closed Iditch with all civil assistance works. «sep sae Darel en cont poe = = leaptaesty bane or cma por 3 ma 3S an] banat avon comresoes a a ilsuptantuy baa troncmase sor a =a Sea inst Darete Woorenoes tae a a ‘Supply and construct Reinforced concrete pipe closed ditch with all civil assistance |works.

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