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Qualities of a Good Social Studies Teacher

1. Excellent Communication Skills

- Excellent communication skills are that you can comprehend and be

understood by others if you have good communication. Effectively conveying ideas to

others, carefully listening in conversations, providing and accepting critical feedback,

and public speaking are just a few examples. Excellent communication skills is It's all

about clearly delivering and receiving signals, as well as reading your audience. It

implies you can easily offer and receive directions, learn new things, make requests, ask

questions, and communicate information. Having excellent communication skills include

being able to present information to others in a clear and simple manner, ensuring that

things are understood and completed. And effective communication skills are one of the

simplest, most important, and most valuable instruments for success. Furthermore, they

are likely the most in-demand skill among employers. So, if you're deficient in this area,

keep the following suggestions in mind. Excellent communication skills enable you to

communicate properly with others and make your presence felt by those present in a

conversation or gathering. It will also help with the development of trust, the

strengthening of professional relationships, the enhancement of cooperation, the

deployment of a feeling of belonging, and the enhancement of productivity. If you have

an excellent communication your order to adapt your communications for diverse

situations, contexts, audiences, and goals is totally dependent on how good you are as a

communicator. I think the best example of excellent communication skills is when you

are a teacher, because you need to communicate to your student and you'll be

communicating with a variety of people and groups as a teacher, you'll need a wide

range of communication skills, written, oral, and body language. You must be both kind

and powerful.
2. Superior Listening Skills

- Superior listening skills it is when you are a good listener, like for example, someone is

talking to you, and you need to listen to what they are saying, and you need to understand what

they are talking. When you have a listening skill, there is a lot of things that you can apply to

yourself. Because not every time you just listen you need to talk too. And the Important of

having this skill is to learn how to communicate to others because there are some people that

they don’t want to listen, they just want that they are the one who is talking what they want to

say. When you are listening to someone you must look them in their eyes so that they feel like

you are interested of what they try to tell you. You need to pay attention to them if they are trying

to talk to you, you just need to save some question when they’re finish what they are talking.

When they are talking stop asking a question, it’s better to finish them first before you ask a

question. And when they are talking, you can nod your head if needed to look like you are

interested of what they are talking about. The advantage of being a good listener is we learn

about things we do not know about through listening. So having effective listening skills can

make you able to communicate better. You can learn how to communicate better through

listening skills if you know the basics about listening. You should be giving you undivided

attention to the person speaking. This means you are not looking for something in your purse,

glancing around the room or doing some other tasks during a conversation. Try not to ignore

what is said and show your interest and your listening skills will come across. Knowing how to

communicate better through listening skills will make you an overall better communicator and

someone people want to talk to. Listening is a soft skill that allows people to understand the

information others convey to them. It is part of the communication skill set that includes

speaking skills, also known as verbal communication, and interpersonal skills. Listening means

paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how

the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and
non-verbal messages.

3. Deep Knowledge of and Passion for the Subject Matter

- The deep knowledge of a Passion for a subject matter is to motivates people to learn

more about it, dig deeper, and think harder about it, resulting in deeper understanding. When a

teacher is passionate about their subject, their students are more likely to be as well. Passion

spreads quickly, Similarly, if your own lessons bore you, your students are unlikely to find them

fascinating. Great teachers are those who clearly enjoy their subjects and instill in their students

a drive to learn more. When you have a passion on that subject you learn easy for that subject

because you have some knowledge about that subject. It seems identity that if you're going to

teach a subject, you should be knowledgeable about it, right? Certainly, in high schools, where

teachers frequently specialize in one or two subject areas, there is a strong emphasis on the

teacher's subject matter knowledge, which is why, according to the argument, if you want to

teach history, you should first learn a lot about history, and if you want to teach mathematics,

you should get a degree in mathematics. And every lesson is enhanced, and every student may

be inspired, when the teacher not only knows the answer to a student's question but can also

expand the discussion with vivid examples, amusing illustrative stories, and relevant facts, and

when the teacher has a deep well of understanding and expertise to draw on. Having a passion

for the subject matter expert’s knowledge comes both opportunities and challenges. On the

bright side, being a subject matter expert is good for your professional development. Having a

deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter is it's all about balancing priorities when

you're a subject matter expert. You are not only in charge of your main job functions, but you

also help in other departments of the company. Subject matter expert obligations, as you might

expect, differ from company to company and role to job. Some specialist knowledge may be

required by only one department, while expertise from a different department may be required

by several.
4. The Ability to Develop Strong Relationships with Students

- When we say the ability to develop strong relationship with students it is when we have

a good connection with them. As a teacher I would respect my students in any situation. And

when we want to build a strong relationship to your students you need to communicate with

them. And we build this relationship through having a respect to each other. You need to be

friendly with them, talk to them, and be approachable to your students. Because according to

Nancy Barile, we need to talk about their family, the current events in their lives, and how they

feel about the work in my class. Students are nearly always less likely to act out in class

following these meetings because we've built a stronger bond. As teacher it’s better to talks in a

personal conversation with a student about a topic in which the student is interested. We must

ask then about their favorite foods, color, sports, instrument, music etc. because even the

smallest detail can help you to build strong relationships with your students. And you may

develop strong and lasting connections with difficult pupils by showing them that you appreciate

their extracurricular interests by learning about them and asking questions about them. And you

can share a story with your students because this is one of the easiest way to connect to your

students. because I know students love hearing about students who sat at the same desks

where they sit now. I'd rather tell jokes that I know would make them laugh, or even share a

hilarious video or photo to lighten the mood. Attending student activities is a tried-and-true way

of building relationships with them, I've discovered. Students look forward to seeing their

teacher at sporting events, debate competitions and other activities. This also provides you with

something to discuss. After their activities we can talk to them or ask them how’s their

performance if it is easy or hard. They can tell you also a story when we listen to them. Try to

talk about their lives. When they have a problem try to talk to them and comfort them give

advice to your students. And talk to them about their interests and extracurricular activities that

they participate in.

5. Friendliness and Approachability

- Friendliness and Approachability is first, I feel that a great teacher can form

relationships with students through being approachable. I believe that the most memorable and

respected teachers are those who consistently support and motivate their pupils to do their best

in the classroom by encouraging them and approaching them with any concerns or issues they

may have. This reassurance, kindness and friendliness demonstrated positive behavior and

allowed the teacher and the pupils to build a good relationship of mutual respect. Because

according to Capitaeducation, being approachable means being friendly and helpful.

Maintaining a positive relationship with a parent may be beneficial when finding ways to improve

a child's learning development. So, as a teacher, we must be pleasant to our students to make

them feel comfortable with us, as well as their parents, and we must be approachable because

that is the only way we can communicate with them. We should be approachable and friendly,

and we should respect one another. The value of friendship is undeniable. Just as having a

friend has lots of advantages, friendship is an important thing. And it is the ability to create a

warm personality that makes you approachable, easy to relate to, and free of anger is referred

to as friendliness. As teachers, we will be able to make friends with our pupils by taking an

interest in them both as a group and individually, talking to them about their hobbies, and

revealing personal but acceptable information. According to Albert, it is important that teachers

are constantly approachable, friendly, and fair to all students, as this allows kids to feel at ease

speaking with them about any concerns they may have as well as their overall learning.

According to Devlin, Kift, Nelson, Smith, and McKay, approachability is an important teacher

trait that provides a safe learning environment while also facilitating student achievement and

high-quality instruction. We can't afford a policy that says, Teachers may never be friendly with

students in an increasingly connected society, but we can help teachers and students identify

the clear limits that should be created in good teaching-learning interactions.

6. Preparation and Organization Skills

- The first step in how to teach organizational skills to students is to sit down with them

and let them own the process as well. This will look different based on where you are and what

kids you are working with. If you are a teacher who is teaching your students how to be

organized, you can hold a class meeting to talk about it. Organizational skills are important

because they will follow children throughout their lives. They may not turn in their homework if

they don't know where it is, and if they don't turn it in, they will not receive the grades they

require. This might be the case for many years if kids don't master organizational skills, and it

could damage their grades throughout school. You may not know how to teach organizational

skills to pupils, but it does not negate the importance of these skills, which I shall demonstrate in

this essay. For example, they lose their homework more and how that affects their learning. This

allows the kids to own the process which is something that kids enjoy now. They believe they

should be invited into a conversation and not just be told what to do. They are more likely to

stick to the organization plans if they had a part in putting them together, which makes this one

of the greatest activities to teach organizational skills. Organizational skills are some of the most

important proficiencies you can have as an employee. Being organized will allow you to meet

deadlines, minimize stress and carry out your duties more efficiently. To learn how improving

your organizational skills can affect your work performance, you need to know what this skill set

entails. In this article, we look at different types of organizational skills, suggest what you can do

to improve your skills and discuss how to highlight organizational skills on a resume or in a job

interview. Organizational skills are skills that allow you to use your resources efficiently and

effectively. Being organized means you manage your time, energy and workspace well and can

accomplish all your assigned tasks successfully. Organizational skills can take different forms

depending on your particular workplace and job title, but they typically involve maintaining an

orderly workspace, meeting deadlines and communicating well with your team.
7. Strong Work Ethics

- Work ethic is a belief that work, and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent

ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities. It is a set of values

centered on importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Social

engrailment of this value is considered to enhance character through hard work that is

respective to an individual's field of work. It is a set of moral principles a person uses in their job.

People who possess a strong work ethic embody certain principles that guide their work

behavior to develop and process a strong work ethic will inevitably result in the production of

high-quality work which is consistent. So now what is strong work ethics? strong work ethic

could also have received major awards and recognition at their previous place of employment.

Whether it's the employee of the month or salesperson of the year award, these are the types of

individuals you want to look out for. When someone have a good work ethic when they are hard-

working, reliable, dependable, and motivated to provide consistent quality work. These

individuals are generally led by set values and morals. having these qualities, employees with a

strong work ethic don’t shy away from taking responsibility for their actions and they honestly

admit whenever they make a mistake or fall short of expectations. They are not into the habit of

playing the blame game and whole-heartedly focus on the solutions whenever the organization

faces a challenge. In short, ethical employees make all possible efforts to do the right things. A

strong work ethic enables others to give their trust and respect, believe in your vision, and

accept your judgment as sound. Perhaps most importantly for teachers, our individual work

ethic buys us the freedom to deviate from traditional pedagogical paths and try something new.

To that end, teachers must intentionally exercise professional audacity. We must dare to

recognize ideas that may benefit our classrooms then have enough intrepid boldness to try

them out. A negative work ethic is a behavior of a single individual or a group that has led to a

systematic lack of productivity, reliability, accountability etc.

8. Ability to Build Community

- When we talk about the ability to build communication it is the way that we can talk to

others. And as a teacher we need to be friendly to our students or ask them anything

about their life or what is their favorites. And we can build communication when we know

how to listen to our students or other person. The ability to build communication is

important in order to understand what you and other people might be conveying beyond

words. Pay attention to someone’s body language and facial expressions and listen to

their tone. What they are saying and what they are doing could be conveying different

things. Eye contact is also an important part of non-verbal communication. When we say

Ability to build communication, it is when we are communicating with others, we often

focus on what we should say. However, effective communication is less about talking

and more about listening. Because listening well means not just understanding the

words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the

speaker is trying to convey. To build a communication it appears to be a natural urge. But

all too frequently, something goes wrong when we try to communicate with others.

Whether you’re trying to improve communication with your spouse, kids, boss, or

coworkers, learning these skills can deepen your connections to others, build greater

trust and respect, and improve teamwork, problem solving, and your overall social and

emotional health. By communicating in this way, you’ll also experience a process that

lowers stress and supports physical and emotional well-being. If the person you’re

talking to is calm, for example, listening in an engaged way will help to calm you, too.

Similarly, if the person is agitated, you can help calm them by listening in an attentive

way and making the person feel understood. According to Master Class staff, knowing

how to listen well and communicate clearly will help you express yourself in job

interviews, business meetings, and in your personal life as well. Being able to

understand the feelings of those around you is an integral part of building

II. Skills of Teacher

1. Patience

- Patience is important because when you are a teacher you need to be patient to your

students especially when you are an elementary teacher. And like for example they don’t pass

their assignment or activities on time because they have a problem so you must wait that they

can comply their assignment. Patience is important because you need to stay calm in every

situation because waiting is not easy at all. It is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness

or annoyance when confronted with delay. Example, you and your friend are going to the mall,

and you are the one who finished or done doing everything, while your friend was dressed up, in

this situation you need to wait for her/him without any complain. Patience is the level of

endurance one can have before disrespect and it is the level of endurance one can have before

disrespect. It may involve perseverance in the face of delay, tolerance of provocation without

responding in disrespect or anger. Especially when you faced with longer-term difficulties or

being able to wait for a long amount of time without getting irritated or bored. Also, patience is a

form of self-control that demonstrates your ability to handle life when times get difficult, to look
outside of yourself, and to tolerate criticism when necessary. When you have a patience, it is

easy for you to understand other people when they are too slow. And another example of

patience is when the little as two seconds while waiting for their chosen video to start playing,

example when you are watching a vlog in you tube you need to wait in 3sec advertisement

before playing the video. And when you must go in another city or you want to go to the mall

and there is a traffic light, you need to wait the traffic light when you are allowed to go already.

So, I think it’s better to have patience to any situation because it is the way how can you

manage your anger. If you don’t have patience, you got irritated in small kind of waiting. You

never know how your level of patience when you don’t know how to wait. Having a long

patience, lot of people wants to be with you because they know that you wait for them when

they are not finish what they are doing.

2. Adaptability

- When we say adaptability, it is the ability to adjust to different conditions or

circumstances. Adaptability is an excellent soft skill for employees in a variety of industries and

jobs to develop. It's important because it brings several benefits to both the adaptable individual

and the organization for which they work. The teachers must always be ready to adapt a lesson

to the needs of the students. Very few lessons happen the way that the teacher envisions. Many

times, they have had to postpone a lesson because there was something happening that

needed to be addressed so the students could either deal with it or understand it. People with

adaptability are both flexible and versatile. Of course, our level of adaptability can be stronger in

some situations than others. For example, we tend to be more adaptable at work with people we

know less, and less adaptable at home with people we know better. In addition, research shows

that people view themselves as more flexible and versatile than they are. That’s because we all

aspire to those behaviors, and we judge ourselves on how we intend to act as well as on how

we do act. According to Andrew J. Martin, A person’s capacity to be adaptable is important

because it enables successful adjustment to life’s inherent changing circumstances. Indeed,

emerging research has shown that adaptability is associated with important academic and non-

academic outcomes among adolescents and employees. According to Collie & Martin, we

contend that adaptability is also highly relevant to teachers given that teaching work involves

responding to and managing constant change. To me adaptability is neither based on past nor

future, it is dependent entirely on present. The ability to change oneself based on the current

situations and making the best of the current opportunities is what I call Adaptability. As a

teacher you must know the needs of your students and be able to adapt the lessons to their

needs. However, in doing so, you try to ensure that there is no compromise in the goal of the

lesson let alone its content.

3. Imagination

- Imagination is the way how can we think something. Trough imaginary you can do

whatever you want because no one can stop what are you thinking about. According to Stefan

Szczelkun, as the fabrication of mental experiences, which can be re-creations of previous

events, such as vivid memories with imagined adjustments, or wholly fabricated and possibly

amazing settings. Also, in imagination it is the act or power of forming a mental image of

something does not present to the senses or never wholly perceived. Inside the mind,

imagination allows you or allow us to experience an entire universe. It allows us to observe any

scenario from a new perspective and mentally go back and forth in time. The ability to create

and simulate unique objects, sensations, and thoughts in the mind without the use of the senses

is known as imagination. In your imagination, you can travel anywhere in the speed of light,

without any obstacles. It can liberate you from tasks, troubles, and unpleasant conditions, even

if only temporarily and in your head. Imagination is more than just seeing pictures in your head.
A strong imagination does not make you a daydreamer and impractical. On the contrary, it

strengthens your creative abilities, and is a great tool for recreating and remodeling your world

and your life. As a teacher imagination is important because it makes us think of the things, we

need our students to do. imagination describes where we can do things we don't do in real life.

Like when we want to be fairy, we just do it in our imagination. We're just enjoying the

imagination, because it's just the things we can't do in real life but too much imagination can

make you crazy. Also, you need to imagine something to be a creative one. Like in your

classroom, when you are a teacher, you can imagine first what design you want in your room so

you can apply it in real life. Being a teacher, you need to improve your imagination, and to

improve your imagination, try doing things outside of your comfort zone, like reading fantasy

novels if you usually read non-fiction, to spur your imagination in new and different directions.

fabricated and possibly amazing settings.

4. Teamwork

- What is teamwork, teamwork is define as the combined action of a group, especially

when effective and efficient. Teamwork is one of the most important because without teamwork

you can't achieve the things you want to do. And it may be found in any situation when a group

of individuals is collaborating to achieve a common goal. This means that members of a group

work together to overcome each other's weaknesses and attain a goal that would otherwise be

impossible. Because more individuals are taking the responsibility, cooperation promotes

efficiency. It also improves accountability and morale, as well as lowering the chance of a

project being derailed if one team member is unable to contribute. It also allows team members

to learn from one another as projects grow and develop new abilities. Without teamwork can

lead to failure, because when you are the one who make to project or something, I think its hard

for you so it can lead to failure. According to Bhaumik Karia, when it comes to the importance of

teamwork, there are more than a few reasons why it’s significant in a team success. When a
group of people work together in a healthy and positive environment, they’re more likely to bond

and develop friendships. Such is the social behavior of human beings. When it comes to

teamwork, we need a communication. Because within teams, communication is key for clearly

defining the team's purpose and achieving a common goal. Another important aspect of

teamwork is communication. To overcome challenges, manage conflict, and avoid confusion,

members must be able to communicate effectively with one another. Communication improves

teamwork. Having a same aim increases unity because everyone is working toward the same

goal and will help each other achieve it. We can communicate in a good way, if someone can

give a suggestion, we must listen to them because it is a teamwork. Also, we need a

commitment when it comes to teamwork because commitment is another important

characteristic for teams. It occurs when members are focused on achieving the team's common


5. Risk Taking

- When we say risk taking it is the act or fact of doing something that involves danger, or

it is when you do something It's the thing you did that even if you didn't know what was going to

happen in the end, but you did. You don't know if you're going to be a success or not, but you're

still taking risks for it that you're doing. According to Beck, Current societies have been

characterized as risk societies were dealing with risk is a normal experience of everyday life.

And according to Zinn, even when risk-taking might deviate from expert advice, people have

some awareness that they are exposing themselves to possible harm. And this is central to the

interpretivist understanding of risk-taking which underpins this article and differs from risk-taking

as risk behavior which does not require a minimum level of awareness on the behalf of the risk

taker. We all know that people love risk-taking because it provides them or us with the good

feeling of pursuing a challenge and successfully mastering that difficulty. The goal is to test

one's limits and affirm one's talents and abilities, resulting in increased feelings of autonomy,
self-worth, meaning, and confidence. There are many authors have suggested that better

understanding of risk-taking requires attending to the practices and dynamics of risk-taking in

everyday life, and how these are embedded in larger social dynamics. As a teacher, when we

teach, taking risks is important because it is how we learn what works and what doesn't. It also

communicates to students that we are not scared to make mistakes and learn from them. And a

teacher must be willing to attempt new things to create a classroom atmosphere that

encourages pupils to take risks. We show that not everything goes as planned and that we can

bounce back from any scenario by taking risks and, in some cases, failing in front of our pupils.

Risk-taking is hugely important when we teach because this is how we find out what works and

what doesn’t. It also sends a message to pupils that we aren’t afraid to make mistakes and learn

in the process.

6. Constant Learning

- When we say constant Learning it is your self-motivated persistence in acquiring

knowledge and competencies to expand your skill set and develop future opportunities. It is the

forms part of your personal and professional development to avoid stagnation and reach your

full potential. According to Alexandra Cain, that teachers need a constant learner by keeping on

top of technology trends is a priority for teachers’ professional development, given the switch to

online learning. At the same time, they must keep investing in their emotional intelligence skills,

given the caring nature of their roles. And she says that, so it is important for teachers to also

have these qualities, to equip them for the classroom of the future. In many instances, it is just

as important for teachers to be able to build relationships with parents as it is for them to build

effective relationships with their pupils. Because of shifting economic conditions, constant

learning is becoming increasingly vital to the organization's performance. And In today's

business world, businesses must be able to learn on the go to keep up with the changes and,

ultimately, to survive. And learning is about expanding the ability to learn by regularly updating

skills and increasing knowledge. Good learning skills are required to successfully adapt to

changing work and life demands. Learning in the workplace involves viewing all experience as

potential learning and checking assumptions, values, methods, policies, and practices. And

constant learning will be a place for students to not only share their knowledge, but also to be

inspired to explore and uncover various creative ideas within themselves. Students will be able

to effortlessly acquire and apply knowledge by using clear and precise training methods for

each class. And students can see their progress after each module by using constant learning's

complete and thorough approach. constant learning is now an important aspect of developing

critical thinking abilities and exploring new methods to interact with individuals from various

cultures. It's impossible to imagine a life without constant learning.

7. Communication

- As a teacher, communication is an important part of your job as an instructor. Everyone

benefits from effective communication. It aids in the improvement of relationships, increased

comprehension, and the modeling of constructive interactions. If everyone has respectful

communication builds trust, which, in turn, allows people to be open about their thoughts and

feelings. According to Alice Stott, communication is the skills that needed to speak in front of an

audience and hold a room are different from those needed to solve a problem or engage in a

group discussion. Students’ ability to clearly communicate with others in conversation is a

critical literacy skill. While goals for speaking are a part of elementary school standards,

beginning in kindergarten, teaching talk can feel tricky; it’s often hard for students to know

where to begin or the next best place to go when responding to someone. Communication is
like when you have a family in abroad and you need to talk to them through call then you are

communicating. Communication is when you are talking to someone. According to Brown,

Communication is transfer of information from one person to another, whether it elicits

confidence. But the information transferred must be understandable to the receiver. According to

McFarland communication is, “a process of meaningful interaction among human beings. More

specifically, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and understandings are reached

among human beings.” Newman and summer defined communication as “an exchange of facts,

ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” And as a teacher we need to have a

communication specially to our students. Because when we don’t communicate to them, we

can’t teach them. Communication is giving, receiving, or exchanging ideas, information, signals

or messages through appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek

information, to give information or to express emotions.

8. Mentoring

- Mentoring is a procedure in which a qualified person provides advise, support, and

guidance to an individual or a group to aid in their learning and growth. Mentoring is a good way

to provide both the mentor and the mentee with a rewarding and maybe life-changing

experience. It is one of the most important things a person can do to advance in their work. It

takes time and dedication, but the work is well worth it. Mentoring is a reciprocal and

collaborative at-will relationship that most often occurs between a senior and junior employee

for the purpose of the mentee’s growth, learning, and career development. Often the mentor

and mentee are internal to an organization, and there is an emphasis on organizational goals,

culture, career goals, advice on professional development, and work-life balance. Mentoring can

take two forms: formal and informal. Mentees create goals in an informal setting, but they are
frequently unmeasurable, and the relationships are unstructured. There are actionable and

measurable goals specified and set with determined parameters for a formal mentoring

relationship. Mentoring is important because when you are a good mentor you can assist the

mentee in being more productive at work, learning new skills, gaining confidence, and making

better career decisions. A mentoring partnership can be rewarding to both people, personally

and professionally. It's an opportunity to develop communication skills, expand your viewpoints,

and consider new ways of approaching situations. And both partners can advance their careers

in the process. According to Brian Morten, mentoring is an appropriate way to help individuals

without experience grow and develop in a particular career path or profession. As a teacher as

mentoring program can have a significant impact on a teacher's values, beliefs, and teaching

abilities. It has the potential to have a significant impact on their conduct and job choices.

Orientation, training and guiding, personal support, and offering feedback are all roles of

mentoring. Mentors can help new teachers improve teaching skills, increase resiliency, enhance

communication skills, and boost self-confidence.

III. Attributes of an Outstanding Teacher

1. Passion

-Passion can push you through difficult times because you don’t care what it takes to

become better. According to Day, passion is identified with hope, loyalty, care, and

enthusiasm, which are key features of effective teaching. Passion is an important factor

in inspiring teachers and motivating them. We all can create whatever kind of life we

want. The secret to living the dream is hidden in our passions and what we do because

of them. Finding what you are passionate about is a journey. Don’t be frustrated if you

don’t feel like you know yet. Keep trying new things. It will come even if you must build it.

If you find your passion, or find yourself hot on its trail, don’t give it up. Because passion
is a motivator, there is a critical need for high-quality learning and instruction. Passion is

the desire to learn and experience new things. Effective teaching is founded on passion.

Passion, who is essential for learning and teaching, enhances learning by instilling a

sense of want and enthusiasm. Passionate teachers strive to maximize their students'

learning potential by establishing effective learning environments. According to

Vallerand, passion encourages teachers to act as it is source of motivation. Passionate

teachers cooperate with their students about classroom decisions to involve them in the

learning process. They help their students produce quality work and endeavor to enable

them to develop good habits of work. Passionate teachers focus on the needs of

students and take great responsibility to prepare the students for the future. The love

passionate teachers have for teaching motivates them to make difference in the lives of

their students. The emotional attachment to their profession enables them to reflect on

their goals and beliefs in their job. Passion sustains their commitment to the profession

and aids them to contribute to the learning of their students.

2. Leadership

- when we say leadership, it is the teachers that are must be role models for their

students. It is crucial for teachers to have leadership abilities since it is a necessary component

for improving the instructional quality of instructors both within and outside the classroom.

Leadership is the way how can you manage your groups or your students. As a teacher we are

the leader in our room, so we need to handle our students by doing good things. We also

encourage them to be a good students. Teacher leaders possess excellent class management

skills and are more capable of driving students toward academic success. The purpose of this

study is to explore in depth the entire concept of teacher leadership in the classroom and its

relationship to student performance and achievement. The findings reveal that teacher leaders,

whether outside or within the classroom, are driven by the desire to improve student learning.
Students taught by teacher leaders have a high probability of succeeding academically as well

as other areas of growth as compared to those taught under teachers who lack leaderships

within and outside the classroom. Teacher leadership is at its best when the leadership is

organic, the teacher leader is respected but not feared, and they collaborate and nurture instead

of enforcing. And teachers have always taken on informal leadership roles in their schools and

communities, now it’s more important than ever that teacher leadership is defined and

encouraged. Leadership should come from those who are still involved in the daily grind of

classroom instruction, according to many studies. Roles in teacher leadership vary greatly. All

teacher leaders, whether designated as a leader through certification and job title or simply

making a difference in their school a community, drive education forward. Becoming a teacher

leader starts with loving to educate others. You must also be willing to take that love outside of

the classroom to share what you know with colleagues and the community. They need to have a

passion for learning continually. Most importantly, great teacher leaders earn the respect of

many parties, from fellow teachers to parents to political leaders.

3. Classroom management and

- Classroom management includes a wide range of skills and tactics used by teachers to

keep pupils organized, tidy, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive throughout

class. Classroom Management is a term teachers use to describe the process of ensuring that

classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior from students compromising the

delivery of instruction. Also, it can be defined as the actions teachers take to establish and

sustain an environment that fosters students' academic achievement as well as their social,

emotional, and moral growth. In other words, the goal of classroom management is not order for

order's sake, but order for the sake of learning. Having a good classroom management isn't

simply about keeping everyone in their seats and quiet. It's about building strong relationships

with your students, encouraging them to take part in their own learning, and sharing a little of
yourself. A classroom culture that is good for kids is good for teachers, too. Simply put,

classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to

ensure that their classroom runs smoothly, without disruptive behavior from students. According

to teacher Ben Johnson, it boils down to having a structured learning environment with clear

rules that promote learning as well as consequences that diminish or eliminate behaviors that

get in the way of learning. Classroom management skills usually improve with experience but

some teachers seem to have a gift for it right from the get-go. They seem to connect with kids

and keep them focused on the lessons, and they seem have fewer discipline problems.

Classroom management includes establishing a positive classroom community where your

students can learn and achieve. Well managed classrooms are structured environments with

focused, on-task students. As a teacher we should focus on getting to know our students on a

personal level, taking time to learn about each student’s interests, strengths, and needs.

Investing in students as individuals builds trust and positive relationships between the teacher

and students, which is critical to successful classroom management.

4. Content knowledge

- Content knowledge refers to the body of knowledge facts, theories, principles, ideas,

vocabulary– which teachers must master to be effective. Teachers should have a deep

understanding of the subject they teach and corresponding curriculum. The term content

knowledge refers to the body of knowledge and information that teachers teach and those

students are expected to learn in a given subject or content area, such as English language

arts, mathematics, science, or social studies. Our own content knowledge affects how we

interpret the content goals we are expected to reach with our students. It affects the way we

hear and respond to our students and their questions. It affects our ability to explain clearly and

to ask good questions. Content knowledge is important when you are a teacher because

teacher with better content knowledge wo know to teach the subject to a specific audience
should create student gains over a less prepared or less experienced teacher. A key point,

however, is that it is very difficult to provide enough additional training to educators once they

have begun teaching. According to Bold, several studies have found that teachers’ content

knowledge has significant positive effects on student achievement. Yet, teachers in many

countries around the world still lack part of the content knowledge necessary for their teaching.

If you want to improve your content knowledge, start discussions with other teachers about

teaching. Take the time to find someone you can share ideas with and take the time to learn to

trust each other. Exchange strategies for teaching difficult concepts or dealing with specific

types of students. Get involved in a peer coaching project in your school or district. According to

Shuman, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge allows teachers to ‘know how to

organize and present the content in a way that makes it accessible for increasingly diverse

groups of learners.

What Is Excellent Communication Skills? | Career FAQs

Listening Skills (

What are the qualities of a good teacher? - UAE (

6 Easy Ways to Build Relationships with Your Students (

What Are Organizational Skills? (With Examples) |

Strong Work Ethic (

Importance Of An Approachable Teacher - 1644 Words | Cram

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(PDF) Adaptability: An Important Capacity for Effective Teachers


What is Teamwork & Why is it Important at Workplace (

Full article: The meaning of risk-taking – key concepts and dimensions


Teachers need to be constant learners (

Teaching Communication Skills | Edutopia

What is Mentoring? | ATD

International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies ISSN 2520-0968

(Online), ISSN 2409-1294 (Print), March 2017, Vol.3, No.3 (

The Importance of Teacher Leadership Skills in the Classroom :: Science

Publishing Group

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