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1. Cuusa ekitundu kino okiize mu lusoga.


Mugabi was eager to return home .Four years in foreign land is not a short time to be away
from one’s loved ones .He had worked hard at his studies and his precious degree was now safely in his
briefcase. He always longed for the day he would meet and reunite with his family. While in the plane,
he tried to draw pictures in his mind of how his mother and father looked like and of course he expected
them to have white hair. He later dozed off.

After the plane touched down at the airport, Mugabi was shocked and utterly disappointed not
to find his parents or friends waiting to receive him. After looking around for a half an hour, he decided
to proceed home on his own. He had started walking towards the tax bay when he had a familiar voice
calling him.

`Mugabi welcome home’ the voice rang out. It sounded like his mother`s but the caller`s face
looked different.

`It is your mother Mugabi,`She reassured him.`I know I look younger and vibrant,`She continued
confidently.`It is the drugs that you sent for us,do you my son?Those that make people look younger.`

`Oh mother! you mean they work so well?`Mugabi asked in disbelief .


`Where is my Dad?`

`Here he is,`looking a bit comfortable. She was pointing at a small boy baby,``Explained the

Mugabi could not believe his eyes.He sat down and started weeping for he was older than his
father.He started wondering how he could address the little boy as his father.Immediately,his father
started jumping around and asked him to carry him.It was ashock but there were no drugs to erase the

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