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3 — SCADA’s role in Industry 4.0, manufacturing applications

6 — Aclara automatic meter reading (AMR) units rely on

Tadiran Batteries

7 — Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

17 — Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize

efficiency and reliability

26 — ScadaFest 2024 - Early Bird Registration is Open

28 — The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be

Your Mission

36 — Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

46 — More answers about overcoming limits of outdated HMI

hardware and software

51 — HMIs work in rugged, low-temperature outdoor


SCADA’s role in Industry 4.0,
manufacturing applications  Back to TOC

Data plays a vital role in the digitalization of industrial facilities and supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems will be at the center.

S upervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems as we knew them are
gone. The traditional automation pyramid has collapsed, and IT/OT convergence
is rising. The next generation of solutions has arrived, paving the way for advanced

We are in the age of industrial digitalization, and control and monitoring software has
never been so ubiquitous. Before understanding the purpose of SCADA in Industry 4.0
journeys, we need to understand how the technology is changing. It has shifted from
being a monitoring and data capture tool to the technology shaping the smart facto-
ries of the future. One of the crucial ways this is achieved is the use of platforms with
open system architecture.

Open system architecture describes eliminating vendor dependence often associated

with early and proprietary SCADA systems. In practice, an available system is not limit-
ed to operating with one original equipment manufacturer (OEM) product or a limited
number of communication protocols.

This level of flexibility is critical to ensuring modern systems are fit for purpose in mod-
ern factories. Moreover, providers of future-proof SCADA systems must be willing to
continually adapt and embrace new standards to keep up with the growing scale of in-
dustrial Internet of Things (IIoT) device networks. When specifying a software platform,
SCADA’s role in Industry 4.0, manufacturing applications

guaranteed updates are one the one hand a necessity, however vendors do also need  Back to TOC
to ensure Long-term support (LTS) for up to ten years.

IT and OT convergence
Another consideration is the integration of information technology (IT). Some mod-
ern platforms are capable of integrating data sets that were previously limited to the
IT space. For instance, they are capturing data from enterprise resource management
(ERP) or manufacturing execution systems (MES) for consideration alongside opera-
tional technology (OT) data from the factory floor.

Data collected by IT systems can be used to streamline production processes, fix criti-
cal issues faster and make better-informed decisions – but only if it is collected, trans-
mitted and processed effectively and securely.

The most effective systems will be able to operate across both technology spheres. In
addition, a software platform not only gathers data from different hardware and IT sys-
tems but also needs to provide data in an open format and accessible for third parties.
Modern SCADA can operate like a data hub or as an operation technology integration
layer (OTIL).

So, how do engineers use this technology in their digitalization journey? On its most
basic level, a SCADA system lets an operator verify that its machinery is operating
correctly. However, modern systems should enable an operator to use SCADA data to
determine how to make improvements or adjustments to equipment to maximize pro-
ductivity or efficiency.

SCADA’s role in Industry 4.0, manufacturing applications

At the beginning of any project, a manufacturer should consider its data sets and use  Back to TOC
them to determine smart goals. Is achieving better energy efficiency a key company
goal? The platform should be capable of identifying areas of high energy usage, and
this is where that organization should start its process. Is improved capacity to produce
customized projects a goal? In this case, data on equipment availability will be key. For
the company to make informed decisions on digitalization, having access to an entire
facility of data sets is key.

Without a clear visualization of all the data produced from a facility – whether related
to energy usage, productivity, downtime or something else – it is impossible to embark
on an informed Industry 4.0 journey. Proper investment in data collection technology
should come before any other smart factory investment, including any hardware.

There is no doubt that Industry 4.0 is transforming the way manufacturers operate, but
it is also changing how SCADA systems work and what businesses should expect from
them. Long gone are the days when straightforward data capture is enough. To fulfill
Industry 4.0 goals, SCADA systems must be much more advanced.

Stefan Reuther
Stefan Reuther is a member of the executive board at COPA-DATA.

Aclara automatic meter reading (AMR) units rely on Tadiran Batteries

 Back to TOC

Aclara automatic meter reading (AMR) units
rely on Tadiran Batteries
Twenty-five years ago, Aclara™ (formerly Hexagram,Inc.) installed
hundreds of thousands automatic meter reading (AMR) devices for
the utility market. Powered by a Tadiran TL-2100 AA-size lithium
thionyl chloride battery, virtually all of these decades-old devices
are still operating on their original battery, validated by laboratory
tests confirming that these cells have retained nearly 25% of their
original capacity.

Remote battery- Demand is exploding for remote wireless sensors
that communicate bi-directionally using ultra-
long-life lithium batteries
powered devices
are redefining T he future of the IIoT is wireless, spearheaded by a dra-
matic growth in the use of remote battery-powered de-
vices that are capable of two-way wireless communications.

the IIoT Battery-powered devices provide freedom from the power

grid, a cost-effective solution that enables real-time data
and reliable connectivity to extend throughout the IIoT.
Common applications include asset tracking, system con-
trol and data automation (SCADA), environmental monitor-
ing, AI, M2M, machine learning, and more.

Battery-powered solutions are especially valuable for use in

challenging environments and hard-to access locations: plac-
es where hard-wired power is either prohibitively expensive
or impossible. Basic math dictates the choice between a con-
sumer grade or industrial grade battery. Use of an industrial
grade battery generally makes sense if the added investment
delivers long-term value by improving product reliability, data
integrity and extends product operating life by reducing or
eliminating the need for future battery replacement.
Sol Jacobs
VP and General Manager
For example, if a wireless device is easily accessible, oper-
Tadiran Batteries ates within a moderate temperature range, and a temporary
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

loss of data continuity is acceptable, then a consumer grade alkaline or Lithium-ion (Li-ion)  Back to TOC
rechargeable cell may often be recommended. Conversely, remote industrial applications
designed for long-term deployment typically require the use of an ultra-long-life lithium
battery to maximize service life and thereby deliver a higher rate of return on investment.

Low-power device save energy to extend battery life

Remote battery-powered devices intended for long-term deployment require low-pow-
er design to maximize battery operating life. There are two basic types of low-power
devices: the vast majority of which draw average current measurable in micro-Amps
with pulses in the multi-Amp range, generally requiring the use of a primary (non-re-
chargeable) lithium battery; and a smaller subset of devices that draw average current
measurable in milli-Amps with pulses in the multi-Amp range, consuming enough av-
erage energy to prematurely exhaust a primary cell. These niche applications typically
require the use of an energy harvesting device in conjunction with an industrial grade
rechargeable Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery to store the harvested energy.

Low-power remote wireless devices utilize one of several primary (non-rechargeable)

chemistries, including iron disulfate (LiFeS2), lithium manganese dioxide (LiMNO2), lithi-
um thionyl chloride (LiSOCl2), alkaline, and lithium metal oxide chemistry.

With numerous battery chemistries to choose from, identifying the ideal power supply
can be challenging, as each chemistry offers unique advantages and trade-offs, so con-
sulting with a battery knowledgeable applications engineer is highly recommended.

Multiple factors need to be considered when choosing an industrial grade battery.

These factors include: the amount of current consumed during ‘active’ mode (including
the size, duration, and frequency of pulses); the amount of energy consumed during
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

‘stand-by’ mode (the base current); storage time (as self-discharge during storage  Back to TOC
naturally diminishes capacity); the thermal environment (including storage and in-field
operation); and the equipment cut-off voltage, which drops as cell capacity is exhaust-
ed or during prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures. When extended battery
life is essential, the annual self-discharge rate of the cell becomes an important con-
sideration since the amount of energy consumed by self-discharge often exceeds the
amount of energy required to operate the device.

As the lightest non-gaseous metal, lithium features a high intrinsic negative potential that
exceeds all others, along with the highest specific energy (energy per unit weight) and
energy density (energy per unit volume) of all available chemistries. Lithium cells operate
within a normal operating current voltage (OCV) range of 2.7 to 3.6V and the chemistries
are non-aqueous, therefore less prone to freezing in extremely cold temperatures.

When extended battery life is essential, lithium thionyl chloride (LiSOCl2) chemistry is the pre-
dominant choice. LiSOCl2 cells can be constructed two ways: bobbin-type or spiral wound.
Spiral wound LiSOCl2 cells can deliver higher amounts of continuous energy with the trade-
off being a higher self-discharge rate. Bobbin-type LiSOCl2 batteries deliver higher capacity
and higher energy density, plus a wider temperature range (-80°C to 125°C), and a much low-
er self-discharge rate of under 1% per year for certain cells, permitting up to 40-year battery
life. There is a trade-off, however, as standard bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells cannot deliver high
rate current due to their low-rate design, requiring a hybrid solution.

How low self-discharge is achieved

Self-discharge is common to all batteries, as chemical reactions occur to diminish
capacity even while the cell is unused or in storage. Fortunately, self-discharge can be
significantly reduced by harnessing the passivation effect.
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

Unique to LiSOCl2 cells, passivation occurs when a thin film of lithium chloride (LiCl)  Back to TOC
surrounds the anode to separate it from the cathode, thus reducing the chemical reac-
tions that cause self-discharge. Each time a continuous load is applied, the passivation
layer causes high initial resistance and a temporary drop in voltage until the applied
current starts to dissipate the LiCl layer, which is a continually repeating process.
The level of passivation can vary based on several factors, including: the cell’s energy
capacity; the length of storage and storage temperature; the discharge temperature;
and prior discharge conditions, as partially discharging a cell and then removing the
load can decrease the benefit of the passivation effect relative to a brand-new cell.
Passivation is ideal for minimizing a battery’s self-discharge rate but it must be carefully
controlled to avoid over-restricting energy flow.

The annual self-discharge rate of a battery can also be impacted by the cell’s current
discharge potential as well as the method by which it is manufactured, including the
quality of the raw materials. For example, a superior quality bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cell
can feature a self-discharge rate as low as 0.7% per year, retaining 70% of its original
capacity after 40 years. Conversely, a lower quality bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cell can have
a self-discharge rate of up to 3% per year, losing 30% of its available capacity every 10
years, making 40-year battery life unachievable.

Unfortunately, battery self-discharge can take several years to become fully measurable,
and theoretical test data can be highly unreliable, so thorough due diligence is required
to properly evaluate potential battery suppliers. Later in this article we will highlight the
various testing methods that can be utilized to predict expected battery life.

Two-way wireless connectivity demands high pulses

IIoT-connected remote wireless devices increasingly require periodic high pulses to
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

power two-way wireless communications. However, do to their low-rate design, stan-  Back to TOC
dard bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells cannot normally deliver the high pulses required to
power two-way wireless communications. This challenge can be easily overcome with
the addition of a patented hybrid layer capacitor (HLC). Utilizing this hybrid solution,
the standard bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cell delivers low-level background current during
‘standby’ mode while the HLC stores and generates high pulses up to 15A during
‘active’ mode to sample and transmit data. The patented HLC also features a unique
end-of-life voltage plateau that can be interpreted to communicate ‘low battery’ status
alerts that support proactive and predictive maintenance programs.

Supercapacitors perform a similar function for consumer electronics but are rarely
utilized in industrial applications due to serious limitations, including: short-duration
power; linear discharge qualities that do not permit full discharge of available energy;
low capacity; low energy density; and a very high self-discharge rate of up to 60% per
year. Supercapacitors linked in series also require cell-balancing circuits that are bulky,
expensive, and draw additional energy to further shorten their operating life.
Some real-life examples using bobbin-type LiSOCl2 batteries:

To simplify the transport of scientific equipment across the Artic, Oceantronics rede-
signed the battery pack for its GPS/ice buoy by replacing a huge battery pack con-
sisting of 380 alkaline D cells with a more compact, lighter, and cost-effective solution
utilizing 32 bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells and 4 HLCs. The redesigned pack achieved a
90% reduction in size and weight (54 kg down to 3.2 kg), making the GPS/ice buoy
more easily transportable by helicopter. Converting from alkaline to LiSOCl2 chemistry
also increased the device’s operating life manyfold.
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

Cryoegg  Back to TOC

Researchers studying the relationship between climate change, rising sea levels, and
deep-water channels beneath glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica utilize the Cryoegg, a
remote wireless sensor that continually monitors temperature, pressure, and electrical con-
nectivity. Use of the Cryoegg eliminates the need for bulky and expensive cables that can be
easily damaged by glacial movement. Bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells were specified due to their
high capacity, high energy density, wide temperature range, and high pulse capabilities.

Cryoegg utilizes the same 169 MHz Wireless M-Bus radio waves found in AMR/AMI
water and gas utility meter transmitter units (MTUs), where bobbin-type LiSOCL2 bat-
teries are utilized almost exclusively by all leading meter manufacturers. Ultra-long-life
bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells can reduce the long-term cost of ownership by preventing
wide-scale battery failures that could disrupt billing systems, disable remote start-up/
shut-off capabilities, and overwhelm field service crews.

Reducing product size and weight can be highly beneficial to utility line crews who are in-
stalling line/connector sensors at highly remote locations. These line/connector sensors are
utilized to monitor temperature, catenary, and line current on utility power lines to warn if a
transmission line goes down. By using bobbin-type LiSOCl2 cells, Southwire was able to de-
liver a more compact and lightweight (3.5 lbs.) solution that works in extreme temperatures
(-40°C to 50°C) and provides months of back-up power if no line current is detected.

Industrial grade Li-ion rechargeable cells support energy

Devices that draw milli-Amps of average current can quickly exhaust a primary lithium
battery, which may require the use of an energy harvesting device in tandem with an
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

industrial grade rechargeable Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery to store the harvested energy.  Back to TOC
Low-cost consumer-grade rechargeable Li-ion cells have a shortened service life of
roughly 5 years and 500 recharge cycles along with a limited temperature range (0 -
40°C). These consumer grade batteries are also incapable of delivering high pulses. By
contrast, industrial grade Li-ion batteries can operate for up to 20 years and 5,000 full
recharge cycles, with an expanded temperature range (-40° to 85°C), and the ability to
deliver the high pulses required to power two-way wireless communications.

A prime example is Cattlewatch, a device that combines small solar (PV) panels and Li-
ion batteries to form wireless mesh networks that track the location, health, and safety
of animal herds. Solar/Li-ion hybrids are also used to power municipal smart parking
meters that collect parking fees and are equipped with AI-enabled sensors to identify
open parking spots to reduce pollution.

Predicting expected battery life

Properly testing a battery to determine its potential operating life can be challenging.
Here is a brief synopsis of the various types of testing methods that are commonly
used to predict long-term battery performance:

Accelerated Testing - The Arrhenius test method involves a calculated two-fold

increase in reaction rate for every 10° C in higher temperature: a method utilized to re-
duce the amount of time it takes to simulate long-term battery performance. Arrhenius
tests are run at 72°C, which is the equivalent of about 32 times the theoretical lifetime
of battery at 22°C. These tests need to be properly administered and interpreted to
generate meaningful test results, as an inferior grade cell with a low passivation rate
could potentially cause a false positive result. To minimize this possibility, the cell
needs be stored at 72°C prior to testing.
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

An illustrative example is the testing of Tadiran XOL batteries, which are stored at 72°C  Back to TOC
for one month and then tested at the one-month discharge rate (using up the cell’s ca-
pacity) while other cells are tested at two months at the two-month discharge rate, and
still others are tested at 3-,4-,5-, 6-month and 1 year discharge rates. At the one- and
two-month discharge rates, Tadiran XOL cells can demonstrate very low capacity since
they are not designed to be discharged so quickly (remember, a lithium battery can
have a high usage rate with a high self-discharge rate or a low discharge rate with a
low self-discharge rate, but NOT both). By contrast, longer life Tadiran IXTRA cells and
competing products will demonstrate higher capacity at fast discharge rates, but their
self-discharge rate will also be higher according to these tests.

Starting with month three, testing at the three-month discharge rate at 72°C (which is
the equivalent of 8 YEARS at 22°C) will show competing cells to have a higher self-dis-
charge rate, indicating how Tadiran cells can deliver longer operating life due to a
lower self-discharge rate. The longer the testing continues with a low discharge rate,
Tadiran batteries will increasingly demonstrate their longer life potential by demon-
strating a significantly lower self-discharge rate (0.7% per year vs. as much as 3% per
year). To confirm this difference, Tadiran randomly tests cells for 90 months at 72°C (the
equivalent of hundreds of years of continuous operation).

Calorimeter Testing. Calorimeters are used to test the self-discharge of a battery

by measuring any rise in temperature to the water surrounding the cell that is caused
by self-discharge. Prior to testing, the battery must be stabilized for at least one year
because the higher self-discharge rate during year 1 is not representative of subse-
quent years.

Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

Field Results – Laboratory tests should be validated by real-life results. For this reason,  Back to TOC
Tadiran closely monitors random samples of batteries provided by customers from long-
term deployments to verify that actual performance coincides with theoretical models.

Another valuable method for measuring in-field performance is to monitor the num-
ber of Failures In Time (FITs), which are measured in billions of device operating hours.
Tadiran cells historically average FIT rates ranging from 5 to 20 batteries per billion,
which is an extremely low percentage compared to the industry average.

Lithium Titration – certain applications that lack sufficient data points from compa-
rable devices operating under similar performance and environmental conditions to
enable accurate predictive modeling. These unique conditions include temperature
extremes, prolonged high current pulses, or unusually short lifetimes. In such instanc-
es, titration is utilized to measure the remaining amount of lithium under specific test
conditions (e.g. partial discharge, temperature soaking, and so on).

After a battery has been tested for several months under elevated temperature and
various discharge currents, it is then cut open to dissolve the remaining lithium. Results
from this titration procedure can be used to predict the self-discharge rate as a func-
tion of the applied currents and/or temperature, based on the premise that a higher
self-discharge rate will reduce the amount of lithium remaining in the cell.

Actual Long-Term Testing – Tadiran has been testing batteries continuously for over
30 years under different loads and test profiles. Tadiran also preforms similar tests on com-
peting batteries under similar conditions. Before running these tests, every battery is oper-
ated for one year to allow any impurities in the electrolyte to show up in the test results.
Remote battery-powered devices are redefining the IIoT

Considerations to be made when choosing a battery  Back to TOC

In addition to thorough testing, you must also understand how the device is being
used and how this might impact battery performance. For example, will the cell’s entire
capacity become exhausted in a matter of hours (i.e, an army manpack communica-
tions radio) or will it operate mainly using nominal current then periodically awaken to
deliver the high pulses required to sample and/or transmit data? What is the required
operating life? How will environmental factors such as prolonged expose to extreme
temperatures affect long-term performance? Answers to these and other questions will
help guide your battery specification process.

Remember to perform an ‘apples to apples’ comparison to ensure reliable test results.

For example, it is unrealistic to compare cells designed to draw moderate to high rates
of current against batteries designed to draw low average daily current.

If your goal is to ensure that your battery lasts as long as the device, then thorough
due diligence is required when evaluating competing suppliers. Start by demanding
fully-documented long-term test results, as well as actual in-field performance data
under similar loads and environmental conditions, and then verify these claims with
numerous customer references.

Specifying a more rugged ultra-long-life battery will reduce your cost of ownership. Let
an expert applications engineer assist you in establishing the proper evaluation and
testing protocols.

Integrating SQL databases and
SCADA to maximize efficiency  Back to TOC

and reliability
Structured query language (SQL) can help SCADA software users improve
their connectivity and ability to send and receive data.

U sing structured query language (SQL) for automation is nothing new. SQL databas-
es have been working in the background of many different systems for decades,
but even today there are some who are hesitant to mix SQL with industrial automation
software like supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). However, as more SCA-
DA software users feel the pressure of keeping up in today’s connected, data-driven
world, SQL has received more well-deserved attention.

A database can often be one of the most important components of any control system.
Over many years of development, it has become increasingly clear that control systems
integrated with databases that use open standards (such as SQL) have a major advan-
tage over systems that use proprietary databases, which is why the combination of SQL
and an industrial application platform is so valuable.

The SQL programming language

According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), SQL is the standard
programming language for managing data in a relational database management sys-
tem (RDBMS) and the one of the most widely used languages for relational databases.
It was first developed for IBM in the 1970s and has been used consistently for almost
50 years to store and manage data in SQL databases.
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

Its main function is to quickly and efficiently ask questions of small to very large  Back to TOC
amounts of data using SQL statements, or “queries,” which allow users to store, up-
date, retrieve, search or remove specific data in a database.

Software engineers construct SQL queries using various components of the SQL language,
such as identifiers, variables, and search conditions, to form the correct statement. They
can also save SQL queries for later use as “stored procedures” so users don’t have to
rewrite frequently used queries. These capabilities are part of what makes SQL so efficient;
even proprietary databases often use the same basic structure.

SQL relational databases

While all databases store data for future or continuous use, there are many types of
databases, which are differentiated by their structure. The most widely used type are
called relational databases. In a relational database, each data point is related to its
surrounding data, and its function is to organize and retrieve relational data.

“SQL databases are one of the most important technologies that are used for data storage
and access retrieval,” said Inductive Automation chief technology architect Kevin McClusky.

Users can think of a SQL database as having two main functions: access retrieval, which
is performed using SQL; and storage, which is performed using the database engine.
SQL databases organize data into files and specific storage areas on a physical hard
disk or online servers in a cloud-based SQL database.

A SQL database is structured similarly to Excel tables with rows, columns, and cells,
which makes organizing and retrieving any amount of data easy. This structure is espe-
cially useful for real-time and time-series (or historical) data. It helps to organize data
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

that’s related to other data into  Back to TOC

tables by commonality, showing
IIoT devices run longer PROVEN

a picture of an event or data set.
on Tadiran batteries.
One of the most powerful as-
pects of a SQL database is its
ability to “query” or ask ques-
tions of data and establish re-

lationships with it. SQL queries
allow users to perform analysis,
answer complex questions, and
manipulate and aggregate data
without many steps so the data
can be retrieved from multiple
Remote wireless devices connected to the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) run on
Tadiran bobbin-type LiSOCl2 batteries. TADIRAN COMPETITORS
tables, associate records with
Our batteries offer a winning combination: common field types, leverage
a patented hybrid layer capacitor (HLC)
that delivers the high pulses required for 0.7% the relationships within the data
two-way wireless communications; the
widest temperature range of all; and the and control precisely where data
lowest self-discharge rate (0.7% per year),
enabling our cells to last up to 4 times goes and what data is excluded.
longer than the competition.
Up to 3%

Looking to have your remote wireless device complete a 40-year Tadiran Batteries For example, a company could
marathon? Then team up with Tadiran batteries that last a lifetime. 2001 Marcus Ave.
Suite 125E have two different tables for
Lake Success,
NY 11042
their employees — one for their
* Tadiran LiSOCL2 batteries feature the lowest annual self-discharge rate of any competitive battery, less than 1% per year, enabling these
personal data, such as name,
batteries to operate over 40 years depending on device operating usage. However, this is not an expressed or implied warranty, as each
address, and birth date, and
application differs in terms of annual energy consumption and/or operating environment.
input #32 at

CTL212001-MAG_Ads.indd 47 12/2/2021 12:21:42 PM

another table that contains
details about each employee’s 19
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

salary. While the employees and salaries tables exist separately within the database,  Back to TOC
their data can be associated with one another, and potentially retrieved together. This
association is accomplished by establishing a unique identifier (commonly known as a
primary key) in one table that can be referenced in the other table. For example, the
employee’s unique ID number could be a primary key in the employees table, and
that ID could be used as a foreign identifier (commonly known as a foreign key) in the
salaries table. This allows the data for an employee in the employees table to be as-
sociated with their salary data in the salaries table, all through the single value of their
unique employee ID. The ability to create this association, or relation, is the reason
these types of databases are referred to as relational databases.

By creating these relationships across tables, queries can then be written to summarize
aggregate results from multiple tables such as employee salaries by department. If the
SQL database is connected to the plant floor, users could find the average temperature
of a room or several rooms, when or if the temperature control machines went down
or how long they worked for, the standard deviation between datasets from multiple
downtime events, and much more, in real time.

SQL queries can range from being simple with just one or two lines of code querying a
single table, to extremely complex with hundreds of lines of code querying many ta-
bles together. Generally though, the shorter and succinct the query is, the better. “The
queries are really only as complex as you need them to be,” McClusky said. The range
and flexibility of SQL queries is part of what makes relational SQL databases a power-
ful and versatile tools for data retrieval, storage, and management.

Four SQL benefits

Many technology trends come and go every year. Yet after nearly five decades, SQL is
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

still going strong. Here are four principal reasons behind SQL’s continued prominence:  Back to TOC
simplicity, scalability, accessibility, and its variety of options.

1. Simplicity
SQL is highly developed and very easy to learn. There are numerous free resources for
learning SQL, and finding an IT person or engineer familiar with SQL is usually not a
problem since so many use it. Besides, users only need to understand a few basic ac-
tions to retrieve, update, remove, or aggregate data.

2. Scalability
SQL databases are not overly expensive, unlike many proprietary databases, and can
handle a large amount of data, making them easily scalable for any business. Some of
the most popular SQL databases are even free to use, like MySQL and Postgres.

3. Accessibility
Open-standard technologies like SQL databases are available to everyone and easily
accessible, unlike proprietary technologies, which are usually behind a high paywall,
and often difficult to extract or migrate data from. Users also can integrate SQL data-
bases with many other technologies, and don’t have to stick to a single vendor and use
a limited custom-built database.

4. Many options
“One other reason why I think it’s still going so strong is that there are a lot of different
options. SQL is a standard query language that multiple different databases provide
for you, and you don’t have vendor lock-in with SQL databases. You’re not forced to
use one type of SQL database. You have many options,” McClusky said.
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

What About the SQL Alternatives?  Back to TOC

At the beginning of the 21st Century, combining SQL databases with a historian was
uncommon, which led to issues when dealing with extremely large amounts of data. To
help with this scalability problem while continuing to use some of the basic structures
of the SQL database, software engineers developed NoSQL in 1998 and then NewSQL
in 2011. However, the scalability issues that NoSQL and NewSQL set out to solve are
much rarer now that storage space is more affordable and because you can couple
a SQL database with a historian to create a high-performance database. NoSQL has
grown in popularity in recent years. MongoDB and Amazon Web Services’ DynamoDB
are currently two of the most popular NoSQL databases.

Collecting and storing time-series data

Another major benefit of SQL databases is that they help users get more value out of
the organization’s time-series data. Time-series data is a sequence of data points that
are time-stamped at successive intervals. These data points can be stored, typically
in a database, and then retrieved to display in tables or charts that show any type of
time-progressive data, such as temperatures, weights, volumes, and more.

Some think that time-series data is only useful for determining the status of individual
data points at a particular point in time, tracking specific trends, and not much else.
However, time-series data is actually one of the most valuable products that comes
from monitoring machines and processes connected to a SCADA system. Time-series
data can potentially help save millions of dollars in downtime, to make more detailed
plans for improving energy efficiency, and a lot more.

However, many organizations don’t collect time-series data because they either don’t
have the means to collect it, and/or an application to store and retrieve it. There are
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

basically three options for storing time-series data: in programmable logic controllers  Back to TOC
(PLCs) in proprietary process historians or in SQL databases.

Storing data in PLCs is not a good solution. The more data a PLC stores, the less effi-
cient it becomes, inevitably slowing down the overall operation. It is also difficult to re-
trieve data stored in a PLC if there is no connection to a database because users have
to physically plug in to retrieve it.

Process historians are better than PLCs, but they can be very expensive. They also are
not as versatile as SQL databases and don’t allow users to easily upgrade their database.

“You might find a great solution that’s out there, but that solution is just inside this
locked-in ecosystem that is from a specific vendor, and that’s not going to do you any
favors in the future when you come to your next upgrade cycle,” McClusky said.

SQL databases are typically the best choice for storing time-series data. They are well-
equipped to handle large amounts of time-series data for SCADA systems, and they en-
rich time-series data by putting it into a simple format the entire organization can read.

Many large enterprise systems have used SQL databases for years. “Those databases
are sometimes IT databases that are managed and have information from other sec-
tions of the company overall. Sometimes those are tied to enterprise resource plan-
ning (ERP) software,” McClusky said. Customer relationship management (CRM) and
MES software also have a long history of using SQL databases. By connecting a SCA-
DA system or application to a SQL database, users can share this information quickly
and efficiently and make the data more accessible to other systems.
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

Once in an SQL database, time-series data can tell multi-layered stories about every  Back to TOC
aspect of their production, or reveal unseen trends that can save the organization a for-
tune. By overlaying this information, users can see how each system affects the other in
real time and find new ways to improve efficiency and increase profitability.

For example, let’s say a sheet metal manufacturer notices one of the production lines
is running out of material faster than another, even though both lines are working fine.
After checking the SQL databases connected to the material inventories for each line
and find that they receive the same amount of raw material. Then the user checks the
SQL database connected to the SCADA system collecting time-series data from the
machines’ PLCs and sensors.

After comparing the two production lines, the user notices one produces sheet met-
al a few micrometers thicker than the other. It could be a measurement problem with
the machine, the machine could be worn out and in need of replacement, or maybe
it wasn’t set up correctly. Even if the extra few micrometers are within an acceptable
range, fixing the problem will save a large amount of inventory and capital for the fu-
ture — all as a result of storing the time-series data in easily accessible SQL databases.

Connecting OT and IT
At this point, SQL may sound like a dream come true, but not everyone in the auto-
mation industry was originally on board with SQL databases. OT professionals, and
SCADA users in particular, were skeptical of using SQL for time-series data, preferring
proprietary databases specifically designed for the task. However, IT professionals
typically view proprietary databases with their proprietary code and code translators
as another hurdle to getting at valuable data and communicating effectively with other
parts of the business.
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA to maximize efficiency and reliability

It’s never easy to get experts on opposite sides of a problem to see eye to eye, but  Back to TOC
fortunately, tools like Ignition and SQL can get both sides of the OT-IT divide working
together again. Connecting the SCADA system to a SQL database is a big step toward
a mutual understanding between IT and OT departments.

“The SCADA system is going to acquire that data. It needs somewhere to put that
data, and if you put it in a SQL database, you have all the advantages of the SQL data-
base,” McClusky said.

By integrating these technologies, there would be no need to worry about connecting

proprietary databases that could cause problems and hinder the rest of the system.
In addition, most IT staff are familiar with SQL, so for those modernizing their SCADA
systems with SQL databases and industrial automation platforms such as Ignition, it’s
usually not necessary to teach staff how to use it.

Although some reluctance to pair SQL with SCADA remains, SQL and other open stan-
dard technologies are becoming much more popular.

“I’d say for folks who are modernizing their infrastructures and used to have an older
setup with their manufacturing and they’re moving over to Ignition, absolutely SQL is
increasing and it should be increasing,” McClusky said. This is because SQL databases
are compatible with any new technology or application that uses these open standards.
Integrating SQL databases and SCADA offers many advantages as technology is chang-
ing very quickly, and SQL can keep up with the demand because of its interoperability.

Inductive Automation
ScadaFest 2024 - Early Bird Registration is Open

 Back to TOC

ScadaFest 2024 - Early Bird Registration
is Open
Our annual VTScada users’ conference in Orlando, Florida has a
new name but is still the same event you know and love. Explore
the world of industrial automation through the powerful lens
of VTScada software. Speak directly with the people who keep
it on the leading edge and connect with professionals from
around the world. Here are a few highlights from 2023.
The Cost of Explore the conditions that allow gaps to emerge
in the most hardened process control systems

Failure - Why W ith many things in life, we are on the brink of fail-
ure and not even know it. This is never truer than

Mission-Critical in mission-critical control systems like SCADA (Supervisory

Control and Data Acquisition). If you are reading this, you

Should Be Your
probably think a lot about how to keep your system online.
Rather than deep diving into technical best practices, let
us look at how blind spots develop even when smart peo-

Mission ple are actively looking for them.

“I’m your friendly neighborhood sinkhole

detector,” said no one, ever.
The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

Sinkholes are excellent examples of how potentially disastrous gaps emerge unno-  Back to TOC
ticed. They seemingly appear without warning yet develop over long periods and leave
plenty of clues. In 2016, a sinkhole erased a major intersection in Fukuoka, Japan.
Remarkably, no one was injured. Staring into the massive hole, one could clearly see
a variety of infrastructure that would have possibly shown signs that something was
amiss. In the lead up to the collapse, water and gas utilities may have experienced
losses of pressure. Telecoms may have noticed intermittent signal losses. The city may
have filled more pavement cracks than usual. The problem was that there was no one
who’s job it was to unify all this information. There was no friendly neighborhood sink-
hole detector.

The opposite of a sinkhole is… an iPhone?

When Steve Jobs appeared on stage at the Macworld Conference & Expo in 2007, the
audience was already expecting to see the world’s first iPhone. Most assumed it would
simply be a flip phone grafted onto an iPod music player. Instead, what Jobs pulled
from his pocket was a single unified platform that brought together Internet, email,
accelerometer, microphone, camera, and a full app marketplace, all with centralized
quality control of hardware and software. All features can be counted on to work to-
gether over time, with little involvement by the end user.

Why Systems Fail - Architecture

Single Points of Failure – This is one of the most common reasons systems go down.
This may be a single hard drive, server, PLC, office location, or network. Trace the path
from I/O, to the PLC, to the HMI, out to thin clients and alarm notifications. Identify
individual components that can take down your whole system.

The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

Limited Levels of Redundancy – SCADA specifications typically require server  Back to TOC
failover. The problem is that not all redundancy is equal. Most platforms only support
two redundant servers. Worse, most use third-party Historians which require their own
methodology for failover and synchronisation.

Virtual Redundancy – Virtualized servers are an important tool for IT departments to

manage systems. Developers can create multiple server instances, each with its own
OS, running on a single physical computer. The obvious problem is that the physical
computer is a single point of failure. Complex virtualized designs can also make it
harder to spot points of failure. Make sure there is at least one backup physical server.

Why Systems Fail - Cyber Attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) – For this common strategy, the attacker floods
the target’s network with meaningless requests. One solution is to employ Virtual Pri-
vate Networks (VPNs) between servers and remote I/O devices and to avoid using pub-
lic IP addresses. You can also configure your firewall to reject excessive requests and
accept requests from whitelisted computers at specific times.

The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

Ransomware – By tricking users into opening email links or inserting infected USB  Back to TOC
drives (beware that nice camera you found in the parking lot), attackers encrypt a com-
pany’s data and sell them the decryption key. Avoiding ransomware requires training
and vigilance. There is always a “first time” for new exploits.

Assume Bad Guys are Already In – You can then begin to develop ways to limit the
damage intruders can do once they are past your security. Recently, a company that
provides IT solutions to American businesses and governmental organizations dis-
covered that their software had been compromised. Hackers were able to access the
networks of over 18,000 customers for weeks before being discovered.

Why Systems Fail - Underestimated Cost of Data Recovery

What happens if something does fail? In addition to the loss of real-time monitoring
and control, what is the cost of recovering lost data? This can be hundreds of times
more than the cost of the systems itself.

a. Manual Syncing of Data - Assuming that there are backups to work from, it is
often a long and cumbersome process to manually synchronize secondary com-
puters or backed up databases.

b. Data Loss - Data may be permanently lost, resulting in inaccurate reporting. This
may have a knock-on effect, as these reports may be assumed to be correct lead-
ing to operational inefficiencies for years.

c. Complexity of Procedures - The complexity of the restoration process itself can

lead to errors in the re-inputting of data. This has a similar effect as that listed above.
The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

Building Resilience into Your System  Back to TOC

System-wide redundancy - Many software platforms are limited in to a primary and a
backup server. Look for a product that can provide unlimited levels of redundancy. En-
sure that there is robust failover for all components like alarm notifications (email, SMS
text message, voice-to-speech call out), thin clients, networks, etc. Also, if you have a
redundant network is there an alarm to inform you if it fails?

Real-time System Backup and Bi-directional Synchronization - Traditionally, SCADA

systems are backed up offline or online. The former involves shutting down the system
leaving operators blind and unable to manage alarms. The later can corrupt data during
the process. Additionally, few platforms automatically sync historical data after failover.
Often a separate backup methodology is required for third-party historians. Automating
backups may require custom scripting. Manual backups are easily forgotten.

The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

Systems that support bi-directional synchronisation provide real-time synchronisation  Back to TOC
of all the services that make up SCADA systems. In addition to the historian, this in-
cludes events, alarms, security, and application settings. This means each SCADA serv-
er can be an up-to-the-second copy of your whole application. No missed backups.

Integrated Software Platforms - As we learned from the story of the sinkhole, gaps
emerge overtime when disparate pieces are cobbled together. Many platforms use
third-party products for core components such as Historians, alarm notifications, thin
clients, and scripting. A single product ensures that everything works together seam-
lessly with new software versions. It also eliminates the risk that components are al-
tered or discontinued by their manufacturers. Best of all, a unified approach means,
one install, license agreement, training track and support contract.

Application Version Control - Many system failures are the result of malicious acts by
disgruntled workers or the unexpected consequences of innocent configuration. When
things go wrong it is vital to identify who did what and to roll back to the last known
working version immediately. While some SCADA providers support third-party version
control, there are benefits to this being a native component such as the ability to auto-
matically distribute the encrypted change list across all servers.

Fast Response to Vulnerabilities from the Vendor – Software platforms regularly

release new versions and features and often connect to devices developed long after
applications are deployed. This ensures that security gaps will appear over time. The
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) regularly con-
ducts vulnerability analysis on products used in critical infrastructure. When they iden-
tify a potential security exploit, they contact the vendor who then has time to patch the
The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

vulnerability and distribute the solution before the vulnerability (and hopefully the fix)  Back to TOC
is made public.

This graph, published by Trend Mi-

cro, shows the number of days for
common SCADA software vendors
to patch security issues once noti-
fied by ICS-CERT. Note that many
of these vulnerabilities are publicly
announced before the respective
vendors have provided a fix.

Dependency on third-party compo-

nents increases the length of time
to find a solution to these issues. Pick a software company with a record of responding
to threats in a timely fashion.

See the full report here:

VTScada – Built to Power the Largest Critical Systems in the World

In the graph above, the software vendor with the fastest patch time Trihedral Engineer-
ing, the makers of VTScada. This award-winning software has been making complex
infrastructure easy to configure for over thirty-five years. Its unique unified design elim-
inates the gaps that plague other software platforms and allows systems to easily scale
from two to over two million I/O. VTScada helps to eliminate downtime by supporting
The Cost of Failure - Why Mission-Critical Should Be Your Mission

any number of redundant servers with automatic failover. The native Enterprise Histori-  Back to TOC
an supports bi-directional synchronisation across all servers to keep your priceless data
safe and available when you need it. Advanced Version Control is part of every ap-
plication. VTScada is highly secure and has been used in some of the largest systems
in North America for decades in industries such as power generation, broadcasting,
water and wastewater, manufacturing, and oil & gas.

VTScada continues to set the standard for mission

critical software development. In 2022, VTSca-
da’s Development Environment was certified to
be compliant with IEC 62443-4-1 Maturity Level
2 Security for Industrial Automation and Control
Systems. This defines secure development life cy-
cle (SDL) requirements for products used in industrial automation and control systems.
Trihedral was also awarded the 2022 Global Technology Innovation Leadership Award
for SCADA and HMI systems from Frost & Sullivan, a research and consulting firm spe-
cializing in recognizing excellence in the field of industrial systems.

Try the Free Industrial Version of VTScada

VTScadaLIGHT is perfect for applications with up to 50 I/O. Individuals, businesses,
and non-profits can install it on up to 10 PCs. There is even a step-by-step video tu-
torial. Download VTScadaLIGHT here:

Contact Us
North America (toll-free): 1.800.463.2783, Worldwide: 1.407.888.8203,,
Control Engineering Career and
Salary Survey, 2023  Back to TOC

Leading-edge automation technologies are helping solve workforce

shortages and economic challenges by adding efficiency. Automation salaries
increased more than bonuses fell. Worker shortages were cited as a threat by
nearly half of respondents in 2023.

C ontinuing manufacturing workforce shortages and the economy were cited as the
biggest threats to manufacturing; threat of worker shortages was cited by 48%
of respondents, down from 57% in 2022, but still up significantly from 37% in 2021.
Leading automation technologies are helping resolve those issues. Salaries increased
7% from last year to $111,345. These were among the key findings in the 2023 Control
Engineering Career and Salary Survey and Report.

Click here to download the 2023 Career and Salary Survey and Report.

This year, the economy, cited among biggest threats by 43%, was within the 6-percent-
age-point margin of error for the research, making it a statistical tie with workforce
shortages as the biggest perceived threat to manufacturing. Economy was third in
2022 at 31%. Supply chain concerns eased: “Lack of necessary materials,” backed off
to 30%, down from 42%, which was second in 2022 and about even with 27% in 2021.
Energy concerns also fell (see more below).

More engineers expect to receive a salary increase in the coming year: 71%, up from
67% in 2022 and 62% in 2021; while 29% expect benefits to increase, compared to 26%
in 2022 and 23% in 2021.
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

While Control Engineering subscribers answering  Back to TOC

the survey differs from year to year, salary and
benefits increased with the strong demand for au-
tomation, controls and instrumentation talent to
help fill the labor market skills gap. Average an-
nual salary for survey respondents was $111,345,
up 7% from $104,071 last year. Average salary in-
creased more than bonuses decreased, however.
Non-salary compensation decreased to $15,929,
for those receiving bonus or profit-sharing, down
16.9% from $19,162. Leading criteria for
Figure 1: 71% of respondents expect a salary increase
bonuses were 55% company profitability in 2023. Courtesy: Control Engineering research, CFE
and 43% personal performance, similar to Media and CFE Technology
last year.

Help from a stunning diversity of

automation-related technologies
In results reflecting Control Engineering’s diver-
sity of controls, automation and instrumentation
coverage, subscribers placed double-digit value
on all 23 technologies listed in the new question:
“What technologies are most likely to help you in
the coming year? Check all that apply,” with four
replies in a statistical dead heat for the top spot:
32% Process optimization; 31% Automa- Figure 2: 29% of respondents expect an increase in
tion applications/upgrades; 28% Automa- 2023 bonuses. Courtesy: Control Engineering research,
CFE Media and CFE Technology 37
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

tion: Robotics, collaborative robotics, mobile robot-  Back to TOC

ics; and 27% Analytics: Data analytics. Interestingly,
no technology on the list of 23 was separated from
any other by more than 3 percentage points, except
“other” at 2%, at the bottom, well below the lowest
11%, representing a nine-way statistical tie for last,
but still in the double digits. (See “What technolo-
gies” table.)

Job satisfaction, skills, hours for those

working with automation, controls
Three factors with greatest impact on job satisfaction
were technical challenge and financial compensation
tied at 30% and feeling of accomplishment at 25%.

Top three skills to get ahead were 72% engineering

and communication/presentation and project man-
agement virtually tied at 62% and 61%.

Hours worked increased among respondents, with an

8-percentage point increase of those working 50 or
more hours in 2023 compared to 2022.

9% worked fewer than 40 (11% in 2022)

42% worked 40 to 44 hours (43% in 2022)

Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

24% worked 45 to 49 hours (29% in 2022)  Back to TOC

14% worked 50 to 54 hours (9% in 2022)

3% worked 55 to 59 hours (same)

8% worked 60 or more (up from 5%).

How to advance skills in automation, controls

A new question asked the best ways to advance skills in automation, controls and in-
strumentation: 84% said hands-on experience, 68% said continuing education and, in a
three-way virtual tie for third:

• Being mentored

• Reading industry publications, sites, email newsletters, digital guides, vendor, re-
search and association sites and materials

• Networking at conferences, memberships in industry organizations, participation in

standards bodies and other industry groups.

Subsequent articles in this section provide advice on engineering employee hiring

and retention and related engineering career topics. Articles in every issue of Control
Engineering discuss how automation, controls and instrumentation bring greater effi-
ciencies to manufacturing, often to optimize and help with manufacturing workforce
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

Survey methods, ChatGPT input  Back to TOC

Research for the 2023 Control Engineering Career and Salary Report resulted from an
emailed survey to subscribers, producing 266 qualified responses from March 10 to
April 4, 2023, for a margin of error of +/-6% at a 95% confidence level. Survey respon-
dents were invited to anonymously provide their annual compensation information
and opinions on the current state of their facilities and industries. To help update sur-
vey questions this year, on Feb. 17, ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) software was
asked to provide “20 questions to help careers of control engineers and electrical
engineers and mechanical engineers with automation, controls and instrumentation.”
Two ChatGPT responses were among existing questions, and elements of three replies
were edited and integrated into questions about skills, technologies and advice need-
ed to get ahead.

Engineering salary, bonus details

As Figure 1 shows, 45% expect a salary increase of up to 3% in 2023 equal to 2022 (51%
in 2021; 52% in 2020; 63% in 2019; 56% in 2018); 19% expect an increase of 4% to 6%
or more (up from 12% in 2022; 14% in 2021; 18% in 2020; 11% in 2019; 19% in 2018); 7%
expect more than 6% increase (down from 10% in 2022); 28% expect the same (32%
in 2022 and 2021; 30% in 2020; 25% in 2019; 23% in 2018); and 1% expect a salary de-
crease (1% in 2022; 3% in 2021; 1% in 2020 and 2019; 2% in 2018).

For base salary compensation, the minimum was $22,000 ($20,000 in 2022; $28,000
in 2021), and the maximum was $300,000, (up from $266,700 in 2022 and $250,000 in
2021), for 266 survey respondents providing this information in 2023.

For non-salary compensation (Figure 2), 29% expect and increase (26% in 2022; 23% in
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

2021); 14% expect  Back to TOC

an increase of 4%
or more (same as
2022, up from 12%
in 2021); 57% expect
about the same (62%
in 2022 and 2021);
and 14% expect less
(12% in 2022 and
15% in 2021).

For those receiving

non-salary compen-
sation (Figure 3),
Figure 3: In 2023, the average salary
average received was $15,929, down about 17% from
of respondents is $111,345, up from
$19,162 from last year’s respondents. The 2023 aver- $104,071 in 2022. In 2023, average
age across all respondents was $11,518, compared bonuses among those receiving them
was $15,929, down from $19,162 in 2022.
to $12,838 in 2021 and $11,937 in 2020. In 2023, 21%
Courtesy: Control Engineering research,
received no bonus. CFE Media and CFE Technology

Engineering bonus criteria

Two leading criteria for non-salary compensation were company profitability at 55%,
about the same as last year; and personal performance at 43%, down from 49% in 2022
(Figure 4). Much farther down the scale were new business/sales at 23%, up from 17%
last year; product profits at 19%, about the same as last year; plant or line productivity
17% about the same last year; quality metrics also 17%, safety metrics 13%, compa-
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

ny stock also 13%;  Back to TOC

11%; reducing plant
costs 10% and cus-
tomer feedback 10%,
rounding out the
double-digit replies.

job satisfac-
tion, skills
Leading factors
influencing job satis-
faction for engineers
were technical challenge, financial compensation, Figure 4: In 2023, company profits
feeling of accomplishment, relationship with col- remained ahead of personal performance
as the leading criteria for non-salary
leagues, flexible work hours, benefits, job security, compensation, after being tied in
feeling of recognition, workload, relationship with 2021. Four* criteria were added and
one** was modified. Courtesy: Control
boss, ability to work from home, location, advance-
Engineering research, CFE Media and
ment opportunities and company financial health, CFE Technology
filling out the double-digit replies. (Respondents
were asked to rank the top three.) Figure 5 shows six more factors for job satisfaction.

For skills needed to get ahead, respondents were asked to check as many as apply.
Engineering skills remained with a solid lead at 72%, down just a bit from 77% last year,
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

followed by 62% proj-  Back to TOC

ect management skills,
61% communications/
presentation skills in a
statistical tie. Computer
skills dropped to 47%
from 58% in 2022. Tying
at 41% were team build-
ing and (new to the list
of choices) system inte-
gration. Filling out dou-
ble-digit replies were
21% marketing/sales,
18% language and 12%
for finance/accounting.
See related graphics in the next article, which Figure 5: Top factors for job satisfaction are
technical challenge, financial compensation
highlights career advice from survey respondents, and feeling of accomplishment, all in
covering skills needed to get ahead and technol- statistical dead heat for the top spot.
ogies likely to help. Courtesy: Control Engineering research, CFE
Media and CFE Technology

Materials and energy are less of a concern among

respondents this year and economy and competition are more of a concern. The top
three perceived threats to manufacturing, as mentioned, are 48% lack of available
skills, 42% economy (31% last year), 30% lack of necessary materials (down from 42% in
2022), 23% competition (up from 14% in 2022), 18% inadequate management, 14% for
energy costs (down from 20% last year) as well as government/political interference,
Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

regulation codes standards  Back to TOC

and taxes and tariffs, and 13%
lack of investments for equip-
ment and software upgrades
(8% last year). (Figure 6)

Age, years at work,

Demographics help provide
context for the numbers, and
extra figures online provide more context. Figure 6: Lack of available skilled workers,
economy and lack of necessary materials are
leading perceived threats to manufacturing.
Younger workers benefit from easier to use (Economy moved up to second; it was third in
and optimize automation, controls and instru- 2022.) Courtesy: Control Engineering research,
CFE Media and CFE Technology
mentation as more experienced workers retire.

Among those taking the survey, 45% are 60 and older (up from 42% last year); 29% are
50 to 59 years of age (down from 32%), 15% 40 to 49 years of age (16% in 2022), 9% 30
to 39 years of age (up from 7%), 2% under 30 years of age (up from 1%), and 1% would
prefer not to say.

Years working for current employer, 36% 9 years or less (down from 43%), 29% 10 to 19
years (up from 26%), 29% 20 to 29 years (up from 18%) and 15% were 30 or more years
(up from 13%).

Highest level of education completed increased in master’s degree and decreased in

Control Engineering Career and Salary Survey, 2023

bachelor’s degree respondents: 3% high school diploma, 4% trade/technical school  Back to TOC
diploma, 8% associate degree, 10% college attendance, 39% had a bachelor’s degree
(down from 48%), 30% had a master’s degree (up from 23), 2% dual bachelor’s degrees
and 4% a doctoral degree.

Years in current industry: 9% 9 or fewer years; 14% 10 to 19 years; 24% 20 to 29 years;

30% 30-39 years and 23% 40 years or more.

Mark T. Hoske
Mark Hoske has been Control Engineering editor/content manager since 1994 and
in a leadership role since 1999, covering all major areas: control systems, networking
and information systems, control equipment and energy, and system integration, ev-
erything that comprises or facilitates the control loop. He has been writing about tech-
nology since 1987, writing professionally since 1982, and has a Bachelor of Science in
Journalism degree from UW-Madison.

More answers about
overcoming limits of outdated  Back to TOC

HMI hardware and software

Human-machine interfaces: More audience questions are answered below
from the webcast, “How to overcome limits of outdated HMI hardware
and software.”

A udience listening live to the Control Engineering webcast, “How to overcome

limits of outdated HMI hardware and software,” asked questions after the July
13 presentation. More answers are provided below from the webcast presenter, Brian
Young, Northeast and Canada regional sales manager, Exor America.

More questions about HMI hardware and software answered

Question: We have issues with operator turnover which creates training and op-
eration problems. You mentioned useful guidance or wizards, can you elaborate?

Answer: Within Exor JMobile Software, there are various features that allow the devel-
opment of wizard-based guidance. Guidance that takes a focused walk through of var-
ious operator actions and setups. Two of these features are the “Advanced Dialogs”
and a new feature in JMobile 4.5 called the “Stack Widget.” This widget allows you to
create multiple screen layers useful for the development of wizards.

Q: Management at my company has been asking for data and reports from some
of our equipment and we’re trying to figure out the easiest, lowest-cost way of
doing it. What are your suggestions?
More answers about overcoming limits of outdated HMI hardware and

 Back to TOC

A: That’s a very common question, and many of the It is possible to upgrade outdated
human-machine interface (HMI)
clients we help are looking to get some basic data
software and hardware to address
from their manufacturing floor. Equally important is long-term needs. HMIs can scale as
doing it in a way that compounds their investment needed, according to the Control
Engineering webcast, “How to
as their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) journey
overcome limits of outdated HMI
evolves, so the solution grows with them. Once you hardware and software” presented by
start getting data and experiencing the benefits of it, Exor America. Courtesy: Exor

they always want more.

The quickest and easiest way to start is using an Exor HMIs or eXWare Gateways with
an input/output (I/O) module attached or field mounted I/O that allows you to piggy
back on existing machine sensors in a non-intrusive way. Often the thought is: “The
machine is running. We don’t want to mess with it. We just want some data.”

More answers about overcoming limits of outdated HMI hardware and

We also can communicate directly to the controllers should you want to do so.  Back to TOC

Once some datapoints are collected, you can use the free, built-in features of Exor
JMobile to analyze, filter, and visualize in a web dashboard or an Adobe PDF report.

To compound the investment as you move along the IIoT journey, JMobile can grow
with you to get data onto the network or into the cloud. Software provides native SQL
database connectivity, message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) and OPC UA Cli-
ent/Server protocols, and the Exor Corvina Cloud IIoT Platform.

Q: You said the Exor IIoT cloud is easy to connect and lower cost. We’ve looked
at other cloud services and found them to be difficult to implement and expen-
sive. How is this different?

A: Corvina Cloud is a platform of cloud tools designed for controls engineers. We have
done all the heavy lifting for you and created an environment that allows easy and
quick development of your cloud services. After a simple connection from any Exor
JMobile devices, within minutes, data is available for storage, reporting, alarming, and
visualizations in dashboards. Dashboards can easily be built using Exor JMobile soft-
ware or our web tools. You do not need to be a Microsoft Certified Cloud Developer to
use this platform of tools and get the same results.

Q: How do you migrate existing programing on newer hardware?

A: We have a large installed base, and customers that rely on us to provide forward mi-
gration of software, and mechanical cutout compatibility to make migrating easy. You
More answers about overcoming limits of outdated HMI hardware and

can drop the existing JMobile project directly into the new hardware, and it will fit the  Back to TOC
same mechanical cutout. In fact, you can even change sizes, and the project will scale

Q: Is it possible for Exor to synchronize HMI and supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems?

A: OPC UA is a great tool for getting data onto the network and into SCADA, manu-
facturing execution systems (MES), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) Systems,
and its built into and free inside Exor JMobile. We also have native connectivity to
some SQL databases and a ton of protocols inside should you decide to connect a
different way. We connect very well with SCADA.

Q: What are the best practices for secure remote access? How do you prevent
unintended actions from taking place when connected remotely?

A: Safety is an utmost concern with respect to remote access. Layered authentication

with user names and passwords and the granularity of Exor JMobile Security allows
you to dial in the exact level of remote control based on the user level. You can control
every aspect of the remote user interaction to prevent unintended operations.

Q: Please discuss benefits of modern HMI design, as opposed to pretty HMI pic-

A: A modern HMI development platform should provide the tools and widgets to
deploy meaningful and purposeful user interface (UI) experiences for all stakeholders
More answers about overcoming limits of outdated HMI hardware and

locally and remotely. A meaningful UI experience is one with features built into the HMI  Back to TOC
that help operators navigate, learn its operation, or solve common problems.

Q: Is there a competency training course on offer?

A: Yes, Exor offers training.

Q: Is a modern smart HMI available for hazardous area for monitoring and con-
trol of safety critical interlocks/a safety programmable logic controller (PLC)?

A: Yes, EXOR offers multiple hazardous location (Class 1, Division 2/ATEX) HMI fami-

Q: How do I find distributors?

A: Website provides Exor distributors, branches and support centers.

Brian Young
Brian Young, Northeast and Canada Regional Sales Manager for Exor.

HMIs work in rugged, low-
temperature outdoor applications  Back to TOC

Recycling center upgrades baling machine to an outdoor-sunlight readable

human-machine (HMI). Larger screens decreased number for used from six
to three.

A recycling center uses a human-machine interface (HMI) in its machines that con-
trols the function of collapsing the boxes and wrapping the cardboard for de-
livery and distribution to multiple locations. The facility used an older HMI that had
process faults, screen damage and poor visibility in direct sunlight. The original screen
response was sluggish in cold temperatures, the screen scratched easily and the unit
started failing 5 years after installation.

The customer also needed an HMI that could work with their current programmable
logic controller (PLC), provide flexibility and had a longer life expectancy in a potential-
ly harsh environment.

Rugged HMI has wide temperature range

An outdoor-rated HMI with screen development software has extensive connectivity
options that allow for integration with the customer’s existing control system. The sun-
light-readable 12-in. display offered improved visibility for easy-to-read screens and its
stainless-steel bezel provides outdoor ready specifications for harsh environments.

By redeveloping the screens within the new software using a larger screen size, they
were able to reduce the number of screens needed from six to three, simplifying the
process and saving time and money for the customer. Since the display is larger, creat-
HMIs work in rugged, low-temperature outdoor applications

ing a larger panel cut out is simple and allowed for a quick replacement. Beyond the  Back to TOC
screen size, having a sunlight readable solution provided better visibility and acces-
sibility for users from a distance. This unit also sustains a wide range of temperatures
from -30 to 70 °C, which is an upgrade from the typical 0 to 55 °C for an HMI unit. The
outdoor HMI also uses a tempered glass screen.

HMI includes communications, programming support

The HMI was retrofitted for a semi-outdoor environment where it would experience
a wide range of temperatures. The unit has more processing power than the appli-
cation needs, and serial DF1 communications are built in. Implementation is simple,
and there are numerous other target applications where the technology could be
used in the future.

The solution was economical and included a display, box module, and programming
support. The extensive temperature range, vibration specifications and ultraviolet (UV)
resistance for a high-quality solution at a much lower cost. Screens also can be used in
several places outside of the brand-labeled screens and remotely updated.

The project distributor was Grant Industrial, and the system integrator was Wicked
Edge Automation.

Janelle Morris and Robert Springer

Janelle Morris is Pro-face America marketing communication manager. Robert
Springer is a system integrator at Wicked Edge Automation.

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