Sofiia Liemieshova, IA-02, Essays

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Sofiia Liemieshova, IA-02

Representative of what generation you are? Why are generations different from each
I belong to Generation Z. The first association everyone has with this generation
is probably the dependence of the generation on gadgets. I would rather say that my
generation has developed the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies. Among
other things, my generation is characterized by great tolerance. We understand and
accept people's differences more easily than previous generations. Fun fact, my
millennial brother once said that my generation is more prone to mental illness.
However, I believe that my generation is more prone to detecting them, but not getting
sick with them. And all generations get sick about the same, but the previous
generations simply did not consider it necessary to worry about their mental health.
I think the main reason generations are different from each other is because the
world is constantly changing. Each generation grows under the influence of different
factors. If the boomer generation had no media other than TV, the zoomers have the
whole Internet, in which they read different opinions of people from all over the world.
As a result, Generation Z is less inclined to reject new information and opinions. The
difference in generations is affected by both the development of technology and the
decline of the global economy, and so on. Globally important events also affect an
entire generation. For example, the Great Depression or World Wars.

Have you ever had experience to work with people of different ages? Find
some suggestions how to reach agreement
I rarely had to work with people whose age was very different from mine.
However, I once happened to work with people who were a little older than me.
Basically, the experience of working with them did not differ in any way from the
experience of working with my peers. Therefore, if there were any disagreements, we
were able to quickly come to a compromise. In general, this was an interesting
experience, since they shared with me the experience that came after years of work. I
also told my colleagues about useful new features and tools. It should be noted that if
disagreements arose, then they were connected not so much with age, as with my lack
of experience. From this, I can conclude that with whomever you work, the key to
mutual understanding is the ability to accept your mistakes, explain other people's
mistakes and make compromises.
Write a letter to future or younger you
Dear younger me,
I know that sometimes it's not easy and you want to quit everything. Trust me, you're
doing well. You won't believe how much your life will change in just a few years.
There are a lot of changes ahead, and you will have to quickly adapt.
I can give you some advice. Try to get out of your comfort zone more often. I know it's
not easy, but the results are worth the effort. Also try not to be afraid to look for
yourself. Even if not all of your surroundings understand you, the main thing is that
you understand yourself. Good luck!

How do mass media influence us with propaganda?
Actually, many people underestimate the influence of media propaganda on us. In our
age, the media has become the main source of information for most people. Propaganda
can be used to manipulate our emotions and change our beliefs. Through propaganda
in the media, it is very easy to force people to love or hate anything. What is very
frustrating is that a person may not even realize that their opinion or choice has been
influenced by the media. Propaganda is not always obvious, sometimes there are whole
strategies for quality implementation of propaganda.
A vivid example of propaganda is what is currently happening in the occupied
territories of Ukraine. Narratives that are convenient for Russia, however absurd, are
widely propagated there. And it is easy to talk about the falsity of these facts when you
can check them. However, when people are in an information vacuum and this media
is the only source of information, it is much easier to be influenced by propaganda. So,
you have to realize that the media now has a huge influence. Therefore, it is important
to be able to detect fake information and be media literate.

Do you believe in hoaxes in news (snowman, aliens etc.)?
People like to discuss all kinds of mysterious and obscure topics. Some people
believe in myths such as the existence of the yeti or aliens, while others are skeptical
of such claims. Those who believe in myths may base their beliefs on personal
experience or on information they have read or heard from others. Others may view
myths with skepticism, relying on scientific evidence, logic, and reason. I rather belong
to the second type, because nowadays it is very difficult to verify the truth of
information. What I am saying is that even if I am shown a photo of the ghost, it will
most likely just be photoshopped.
It is important to check the reliability of sources before assuming a claim to be
true. While some myths may be interesting or fascinating, it is important to consider
the possible consequences of believing them without sufficient evidence. Making false
claims about medical treatment or medication can be dangerous and lead to serious
health consequences In conclusion, it is important to treat myths with critical and
rational thinking, check the sources of information and prove their authenticity.

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