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Engels speech


I want to begin with a small introduction to my subject.

Today I’m going to talk about the difference and advantages
and the disadvantages of private schools and why you should
choose for a private school or a public one.
Public schools we have all around the world but the last
couple of years there has come more and more private
schools and they are getting more and more famous.

What’s the difference:

Lets start with public schools that we al know. Public schools
are the most common schools that almost everyone goes to.
You are in classes of around 30 people and as parents it
almost cost you nothing, because it is provided by the
government. On the other hand you have private schools.
There is a complete difference between these 2. In fact you
are mostly in classes of around 3 to max 13 people. But the
biggest difference is the cost, private schools aren’t provided
by the government. So as parents or if you pay it by your self
the cost will rise very easily. The average is around 25
thousand euros a year, and this will depend in wich country
you go to. So because of this difference there are a lot of
discussions about wich one is better. But you have to keep in
mind that not a lot of people can afford a private school.

Arguments for private schools

I think there are a lot of advantages if you decide to go to a
private school. Lets start with the concentration problems, it
is a very common phenomenon that kids at the age of 15-18
lose concentration very easily. When you are in a class of
approximately 30 people who most of them are your friends
the chance that you pay good attention isn’t very big. But
when you go to a private school you will be with just a few
people in a class, in this way the environment around you is
very quiet and it is more easy to concentrate and actually
study during the lessons.
Secondly because there are less kids at the school the
guidance is way more productive. They will set you up with
someone who will help you trough the whole year and if you
ever need any help they can help you solve your problem
much quicker.

Arguments against private schools:

Lets start with the number 1 con of a private school for most
parents, the cost. Even though there are a lot of advantages
simply not everyone can go to a private school because they
cannot afford it, so they will never get a chance to see what
they prefer. Is it fair? Absolutely not but there is not a lot that
you can do about it. A second disadvantage is the amount of
people that you will learn. Private schools are much smaller,
in that way you wont meet as many people as you would in a
public school. And also because of the long days at the private
schools you wont have as many time to spend with your
friends who aren’t on a private school. The last point is
diversity, racial diversity looks a lot different in private schools
compared to public ones. In private schools is almost 70%
white wich in public schools is around 43%. Also in this way
you will meet less people from different countrys or cultures.
My opinion:
I think its hard to give really my opinion because I went to
both schools a private one and a public one. I noticed that I
needed a lot more guidance than I first had at my public
school. So for me yes I prefer a private school, I concentrate a
lot better I do my homework and my personal teacher is
helping me with planning and getting everything done. But I
think it is not faire to say that private schools are better
simply because not everyone has a chance to go to one. For
me you can only give advice over something if everyone can
try it.

so to put everything together in private schools you will have
the chance to concentrate a lot better, you get personal
guidance wich will defenitly lead to improving grades.
At the other hand it will cost you a fortune, around 25k, you
will meet less people because off the long hours and smaller
classrooms and lastly the diversity is a lot smaller so you will
meet less different people from different cultures on a private

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