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Creative Print TO PLAN


1 Review support proposal and update JWS on decision ST 26/11/10

2 Pull together 5 year fixed installation and PAT records into HS filing ST 03/12/10
3 Locate / collate waste transfer notes for Biffa / Hales (in file are last years) ST 03/12/10
4 Locate / collate waste paper transfers and self bill information ST 03/12/10
5 Locate / collate waste transfers for Saxon and or J&G ST 03/12/10
6 Check if Thames Water consent to discharge was renewed ST 03/12/10
7 Purchase 4 HS posters from HSE website ST 03/12/10
8 Purchase and display Appointed Person and Fire Marshal signs ST 03/12/10
9 Purchase a ‘Gas/Flammables’ cage and site outside ST 03/12/10
10 Arrange for annual boiler service last cert in file expired 21.10.10 ST 03/12/10

1 Complete details on HS Posters and display ST or MG 10/12/10

2 Print 3 sets of policies on current letterhead and display ST or MG 10/12/10
3 Complete or arrange for the completion of review of current fire signage and exits ST or MG 28/02/11
4 Complete or arrange for the completion of a review of all First aid kits and contents ST or MG 28/02/11
5 Complete or arrange for the completion of Fire Risk Assessment ST or MG 30/03/11
6 Complete or arrange for the completion of Fire Plan ST or MG 30/03/11

1 Review training matrix to ensure correct people listed ST & MG 10/12/10

2 Set up system to transfer information from these reports onto a spreadsheet for analysis ST & MG 10/12/10
3 Create an effective and easy to use complaint, defect, incident and accident reporting mechanism ST & MG 10/12/10

1 Generate new support contract proposal to include HS MG 19/11/10

2 Print 2008 -2010 Rev 2 System Diary and file MG 03/12/10
3 Print 2011 -2013 system Diary and file MG 03/12/10
4 Print last NQA report and place in file MG 03/12/10
5 Update legislation register, print and file MG 03/12/10
6 Update EMS register, print and file MG 03/12/10
7 Update Objectives register, print and file MG 03/12/10
8 Update COSHH register, print and file and update emergency information folders MG 03/12/10
9 Establish monitoring levels and methods for Thames Water discharge consent MG 03/12/10
10 Complete audit started on the 17 Nov MG 17/12/10
11 Complete system review started on 17 November MG 17/12/10
12 Print and file updated training matrix MG 17/12/10

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