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Ghazi University D. G.

Khan (Statistics Department) Final Term Examination (BS STATISTICS 8 th

Semester) Session 2014-18

Course: Multivariate Analysis II Course Instructor: Muhammad Ali

BS-Statistics 8th semester Time: 20 Minutes Total Marks: 20

Objective Part

Q NO: 1 In the following multiple choice questions, circle the correct answer,

1. A factor loading is:

A. a correlation coefficient between a variable and a factor (cluster of variables).

B. empirically based hypothetical variable consisting of items which are strongly associated with
each other. C. the correlation of a variable with a whole score. D. the correlation between a binomial
variable and a variable which has a continuous distribution of scores.

2. A factor loading of 0.80 means, generally speaking, that:

A. the item correlates well with the factor, though not perfectly.
B. the variable is moderately related with the factor.
C. there is no relationship between that variable and the factor.
D. the item is poorly related to the factor.

3. An empirically based hypothetical variable consisting of items which are strongly associated with
each other and upon which individuals differ is known as what?
A. A factor loading. B. Rotating. C. Factor analysis. D. A factor.

4. Identify the correct statement.

A. In extracting factors we want to account for as little variance as possible while keeping the number
of factors extracted as small as possible.
B. In extracting factors we want to account for as little variance as possible while keeping the number
of factors extracted as large as possible.
C. In extracting factors we want to account for as much variance as possible while keeping the
number of factors extracted as small as possible.
D. In extracting factors we want to account for as much variance as possible while keeping the
number of factors extracted as large as possible.

5. Rotation usually involves _____ high correlations and _____ low ones.
A. plotting; omitting, B. minimising; maximising. C. retaining; omitting, D. maximising;

6. The amount of variance ‘explained’ by a factor is shown by:

A. the eigenvalue. B. the factor loadings. C. the name of the factor. D. the correlation matrix.

7. The most common method of rotation is called:

A. data reduction. B. varimax. C. vector. D. direct oblimin.

8. How does MANOVA handle the DVs in the analysis?

A. The DVs are entered sequentially into a model. B. The DVs are entered stepwise into an analysis.
C. The DVs are compiled into a linear combination. D. The DVs are standardized and summed.

9. What use does multivariate analyses of variance have, if any?

A. We can analyse many dependent variables in one analysis and reduce a type I error. B. It can
identify the many facets of a psychological factor. C. It does not have a need for post hoc testing. D.
It doesn’t really have any use as it is perfectly adequate to use univariate analysis.

10. Which F-value is typically reported in a MANOVA?

A. Wilks' lambda. B. Pillai's trace. C. Roy's largest root. D. Hotelling's trace.
11. Discriminant analysis is a statistical technique that _____.
A. identifies homogeneous subgroups B. identifies patterns underlying combinations of the original
variables capable of summarizing the original set C. develops a perceptual map of the locations of
some objects relative to others. D. uses two or more independent, metric variables to classify
observations into categories of a nominal, dependent variable

12. The difference between MANOVA and ANOVA is that MANOVA has the ability to handle
A. several dependent variables. B. several independent variables. C. data that are not normally
distributed. D. data with large error terms

13. What technique is used to provide a more simple and interpretable picture of the relationships
between factors and variables?
A. rotation, B. regression, C. principal components, D. residual analysis

14. How does a research analyst determine on which factor a variable is loading?
A. by the p value, B. by assessing the eigen values, C. by identifying the highest factor loading, D.
by rotating the correlation matrix

15. Statistical techniques that focus upon and bring out the structure of simultaneous relationships
amongthree or more variables are called _____ analysis.
A.bivariate, B. multivariate, C. parametric, D. nonparametric

16. Which of the following statistical techniques is appropriate when the variables to be analyzed
areinterrelated without designations as to whether they are criterion and predictor variables?
A. multiple regression, B. multivariate analysis of variance, C. discriminant analysis, D. factor

17. The researcher identifies meaningful patterns in data.' To which ONE of the following does this
A. Interpretation. B. Analysis. C. Coding. D. Clustering.

18. Which ONE of these techniques is most likely to be used in quantitative analysis?
A. Multivariate analysis. B. Sound-tape recordings. C. Transcripts. D. Videos.

19. All of the following types of techniques is useful for data reduction except _____.
A. factor analysis, B. multivariate analysis of variance, C. cluster analysis, D. multidimensional

20. Multidimensional scaling is a statistical technique that _____.

A. identifies homogeneous subgroups, B. identifies patterns underlying combinations of the original
variables capable of summarizing theoriginal set, C. develops a perceptual map of the locations of
some objects relative to others, D. predicts or explains the value for a dependent variable using the
values of independent variables

Ghazi University D. G. Khan (Statistics Department) Final Term Examination (BS STATISTICS 8 th
Semester) Session 2014-18

Course: Multivariate Analysis II Course Instructor: Muhammad Ali

BS-Statistics 8th semester Time: 30 Minutes Total Marks: 7 X 2

= 14

Short Questions

Q NO: 2 Answer the following questions briefly

1. Principle component analysis

2. Factor loadings

3. Eigen vectors

4. Communalities

5. Oblique Rotation

6. Specific Variance

7. Factor Rotation


Ghazi University D. G. Khan (Statistics Department) Final Term Examination (BS STATISTICS 8 th
Semester) Session 2014-18

Course: Multivariate Analysis II Course Instructor: Muhammad Ali

BS-Statistics 8th semester Time: 1 hr 50 Minutes Total Marks: 8 X 2


Subjective Part

Q NO: 3 Write a note on canonical correlation analysis with its properties

Q NO: 4 Explain briefly discrimination and classification with its methods

Good luck

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