English 9 - Prince

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Prince Ritch R.

Uson 9-Mendeleev

Process Question:


2. Their references and evidences are the two factors I evaluate before making my decision.

3. My advice to listeners is to look up their references and the author's credibility.


Clara Mario

Learning Task 2


Guide Question:

1. C.- Covid -19 Inter-Agency Task News approved resolution to slow down the rise in COVID-19
cases or the Resolution no.104
2. C.- to persuade
3. A.- It provides factual information
4. D.- All of the above
Source Bulacan--Cavite--Laguna--Rizal-revert-to-GCQ-until-
Details Under Resolution 104 approved by IATF
Author Zian Arkangel
Supporting Sources CNN Philippines
Date March 22 2021

V. Assessment





Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP

task task task task
Number 1 / Number 2 / Number 3 / Number 4 /

English 9, Q4 Week 2
1. I agree with statement number one since it is objective or generic. The signals he
described are accurate indicators of an imminent rain or storm, however statement 2 is an
2.Opinion 1 is objective
D. Development
1. It is about Angelina Jolie seeing the population and people suffer as a result of world wars.
While working for the United Nations Refugee Agency.
2.Anecdotal Evidence and Statistical Evidence
3. Yes, since Angelina Jolie has enough experience to give an opinion on the subject, having
previously worked for the United Nations Refugee Agency.
Evidence 1: Average Participation spends at least 61 minutes on social media in a day
Type of Evidence: Testimonial Evidence

Evidence 2: The people who mostly check their social media were actually found to be 2.7 times
more likely to develop depression than the average
Type of Evidence: Testimonial Evidence

Claim: The impact of the social media is having on us at an individual levels.

1. It is because that he actually provided a necessary information that proves the impact of
the social media on the actual person.
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

IV. Learning Phases and Activities

The recent crisis had a major impact on jobs and national growth. Furthermore,
Democratics and Republicans should collaborate to create a proper budget for the peoples and
to repair the immigration system as well as a new farm bills.
Type of Evidence: Testimonial Evidence

V. Assessment
1. Statistical Evidence
2. Statistical Evidence and Testimonial Evidence
3. Testimonial Evidence
4. Statistical Evidence
5. Anecdotal Evidence
6. Testimonial Evidence
7. Anecdotal Evidence
8. Testimonial Evidence
9. Anecdotal Evidence
10. Statistical Evidence

English 9 Q4 Week 3

Opinions Argument
Travelling is an interesting experience since it .
is an opportunity to widen one’s horizons by Attending online classes is enjoyable
meeting other people and emerging in other because you get to virtually interact with your
cultures. classmates and teachers.
The storybook is interesting due to the
colorful illustrations and mysterious plot. The artist’s performance is commendable
Hiking is an enjoyable activity. Keeping a since there is precision in his every move.
journal is ideal as it helps me document
moments in life worth remembering. Answering modules is a fruitful learning
That actress has been brilliant since her experience
beginnings in the industry.
Writing an essay is laborious.
The novel we were assigned to read is
somewhat boring.
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

Learning Task 2:
1. A. Hasty generalization
2. C. Slippery slope
3. D. Appeal to authority
4. A. Hasty generalization
5. A. Hasty generalization
6. A. Hasty generalization
7. C. Slippery slope
8. B. Post hoc
9. B. Post hoc
10. C. Slippery slope

Learning Task 3:
1.Premise: The enforcement of the shifting scheme in classes in Luis Palad Integrated High
School is aggravating and hampers the progress of the class. It has raised considerations and
Conclusion: More than 6 hours of studying is overwhelming for students to catch up on all of
their lessons and shape their learning experiences.
2.. Premise: Having a senior high school in Tayabas City is advantageous for parents and
students as it provides a reasonable option, saves on expenses for tuition and transportation,
and delivers quality education.
Conclusion: The LPIHS senior high school program offers a whole new experience of learning
and meets the educational needs of Paladian students.
3.Premise: Casa Comunidad de Tayabas is a historic attraction with a rich history and serves as
the office of the city mayor, municipal library, museum, and events hall.
Conclusion: Opening Casa Comunidad for the public allows people to see its beauty and serves
as a history lesson in plain sight.
4.Premise: Luis Palad Integrated High School being nominated as "Best School-Based
Management Implementor" and recognized for its Reading Program reflects the competence of
the school's staff and their efforts to enhance every learner's capacity and competency.
Conclusion: These achievements mirror the improving education system of Luis Palad
Integrated High School.
5.Premise: Tayabas City has implemented RA 9003, the Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act, to ensure proper waste management and protect public health and the environment.
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

Conclusion: The collection system in Tayabas City needs improvement, as the garbage, both
biodegradable and non-biodegradable, gets mixed up during collection despite segregation

Learning Task 4
Argument 1: Human activity has raised the concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide and methane in the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, human activities contribute to
global warming and climate change.
Argument 2: Rising global temperatures are causing polar ice caps and glaciers to melt. As a
result, rising sea levels and the loss of critical habitat for a range of species are direct
consequences of climate change.
Argument 3: Hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves are becoming increasingly frequent and
severe. As a result, climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather
events, putting people's lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems at risk.
Argument 4: Variations in precipitation and temperature affect agricultural productivity and food
security. As a result, climate change endangers global food production, potentially leading to
rising food prices, famine, and hunger.

V. Assessment
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. No

Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP

task task task task
Number / Number / Number / Number /
1 2 3 4

English 9 Q4 Week 4
D. Development
Guide Question:
1. The man in the photograph demonstrated a giving and sharing his blessings with street
children, as well as a sense of accomplishment in that he respects these homeless
individuals without expecting anything in return.
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

2. The cartoonists chose this theme since it is currently relevant in our country. It is now
taking place, with many Filipinos expressing their love and goodwill to their community
through the Community Pantries.
3. On the contrary, as seen in the photo behind the main figure, the family is not concerned
about what is going on around them.
4. Yes, since this issue serves as a wake-up call to everyone that helping others is more
than just a duty; it is a big issue that requires us to commit to sharing, and caring for the
county's living resource. However, we must aid not via persuading, but through our own
free will.
5. We can help our leaders understand the significance and benefit of blessing others by
bringing this vital topic up with them. And to show that not only those in public service,
but also those who care about people, such as Filipinos, can make a difference.

Learning Task 2
Processing the information
1. We can reduce the transmission of the virus Covid 19 if we wear face masks to protect
ourselves from you and me, and when you wear some face mask, you cannot inhale the
virus due to the filtering of the mask.
2. The CDC advised guidelines to avoid the transmission of covid 19.
3. For me, the answer is yes, because covid 19 is a dangerous virus that spreads quickly
over the world. And some protocols or standards are required to prevent the covid 19.
Face masks were effective in preventing Covid 19 because they prevented the virus
from being breathed in the air.

Learning Task 3
The School Uniform Question
1. “Individualism is Fundamental”
2. The issue in public schools is school uniforms. We know that they have money problems
that are difficult for them to afford, and some are removing their uniforms for hot reasons.
As a student, I should follow a simple rule for a proper look and comfort for the visitors to
3. Paragraph 2 they would no longer have to decide what to wear every morning.

Paragraph 3 Uniforms send the idea to students to the school that is a particular place
for learning.

Paragraph 4 school uniforms may help all the students to feel the equality.

4. "People sometimes forget that school is a place to get on education, not to promote a
fashion show".
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

5. The Paragraph 5, Because they said these in the paragraph "School is a place to learn,
not to flaunt wealth and fashion".

6. Because, wearing a uniform may considerably form a lot of help, to encourage to wear a
uniform and to form a respect for the regulations of school and can boost your proper
clothing look to everyone.

7. Students shows that when they wear uniforms, they study better and act more
responsibly. Public schools should have law about uniforms in order to benefit both
students and society as a one.
8. I think public school pupils should be able to choose their own clothing, or should all
students be obliged to wear uniform or school uniforms are the best option to wear.

Learning Task 4


“Would you give your consent to be vaccinated?”

Vaccines is a modern medicine by effectively combating a wide range of infectious

diseases and it significantly reducing their impact. Vaccinations have resulted in the action of
diseases such as smallpox and an occurrence of polio, measles, and a range of other diseases.
However, I am sure that vaccination is not only a personal obligation, but also an important step
in preserving your health. So, in this essay, I will represent evidence that supports the benefits
of vaccination for us.

Vaccines have played an important role in preventing and controlling the spread of
infectious diseases. According to the World Health Organization immunizations prevent 2-3
million “deaths per year”. Vaccines strengthen the immune system, allowing it to recognize and
fight specific viruses, protecting humans from serious disease.

Immunization is a key component of primary health care and an indisputable human right. It’s
also one of the best health investments money can buy. Vaccines are also critical to the
prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks. They underpin global health security and
will be a vital tool in the battle against antimicrobial resistance.1

Yet despite tremendous progress, vaccination coverage has plateaued in recent years and
dropped since 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated disruptions over the past two
year have strained health systems, with 25 million children missing out on vaccination in 2021, 6
million more than in 2019 and the highest number since 2009.1

World Health Organization. 2020. “Vaccines and Immunization.” World Health Organization.
2020. https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization#tab=tab_1.
Prince Ritch R. Uson 9-Mendeleev

To summarize, deciding to be vaccinated is an important decision that not only protects

individual health but has far-reaching implications for public health and global society.

V. Assessment



3.B-Counter Argument

4.A-First Paragraph

5.A-Topic Sentence

VI. Reflection
Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP Learning LP
task task task task task
Number / Number / Number / Number / Assessment /
1 2 3 4

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