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Harsha koya



Anthropology Paper 2 Plan

Anthropology has been scoring traditionally for some years. Especially paper 2
has been a bit more. The highest marks have touched 180+. This paper is more
about application of subject. There is a huge scope for increasing score here.
My approach to this paper has been…

A) My sources

For Chapter 1 to 5 – Vajiram and Ravi Anthropology sirs class notes ( sir
only taught for 2 batches -2016, now he doesn’t teach there)
For Chapter 6 to 9 –
1. Virginius Xaxa committee report ( a must for this part)
2. I made my notes referring standard books like
1. Tribal India by Nadeem Hasnain
2. PRS India for tribal related legistaltions
3. My friends hand notes

Referred websites of Ministry of tribal welfare ( Basic reading of Annual

report- just basic again)
Anthropological Survey of India ( glance at their magazine)
Some diagrams related to anthropology (I think some anthropology topper
has uploaded it some-time back)

1. B) General guidelines/ Plan

Since this is a humanities paper, writing in bullets points may not give
more marks. So idea should be to have mix of paragraphs with bullets
with some case studies + some flow charts+ some maps + and structure
This part is purely application of subject. So more focus should be given to
writing case studies and examples in presenting answers
I suggest for most questions try to present at the end a side heading saying
contemporary relevance – and write simple point of that. This gives a feel
that you are actually applying the concepts which you have studied.
Virginius Xaxa report is a must and it must be on finger tips, you can skip
other books but this is must for part B
Write practice tests for this- over time you can better understand how to
use cases and examples and in better way. Not reading will do but practice
is key.
Be creative in your answer writings. Stick to time limits, don’t try to fill
pages that will kill time.
Try to select questions which are direct and for which you have good
content. I suggest you don’t go to questions of uses of anthropology, NGO
things, etc… but again depends on your strength.
Prepare all the previous year’s questions. Last 4-5 years. Questions are
bound to repeat. This anthropology has no scope for too much creativity
and new questions. So grill the previous questions

1. C) Plan Chapter wise

1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization-Pre historic

(Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic), Protohistoric (Indus Civilization).
Vedic and post-Vedic beginnings. Contributions of the tribal cultures.

These are standard topics. Questions were mostly 15 marks. Prepare

content accordingly. With side headings like – distribution, tool
technology, food technology, tool diagrams, who discovered them, climate
etc…for periods
Prepare a 10 mark answer for Soan culture.
Prepare a 10 mark answer for each location like Birbhampur, Langhaj,
Adampur etc..
Standard answer for Indus Valley Civilization. Your GS preparation would
be sufficient.
When –ever you write any site of distribution, draw a small India map
showing distribution, tool figures, who discovered them ( This will add
more marks)
Traditionally, there were straight questions from this chapter. This is
scoring part. Never miss questions from here. Limited scope for re-
inventing questions, mostly questions get repeated. Prepare well previous
years questions

1.2 Paleo anthropological evidences from India with special reference to

Siwaliks and Narmada basin ( Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada
Questions were mostly 10 or 15 markers, so prepare proper structured
answer ( any book is fine, Brain tree is decent)
Structure should be like – Introduction: As India was assuming its present
geographical and biotic features, there evolved various species of apes
whose fossils are found in Siwaliks and Narmada basin from 15 -7.5
Who discovered the fossils and from where
What are the features of the fossils – like jaw, arms and legs…
Which climate they were in
Any other changes or specific information
Phylogenetic position of the apes, if there are any views present them
Conclusion: You can write these discoveries helped in study of human
evolution or something in this kind
Prepare for debate on Ramapithecus- write this even if they don’t ask. Will
get u marks
Attempt questions from this chapter. The examiner cannot reduce marks
since all details are static and no creativity is required.

1.3 Ethno- archaeology in India- The concept of ethno archaeology;

Survivals and Parallels among the hunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral and
peasant communities including art and crafts producing communities

There could be only one question from here/ or for any question from this
chapter, there is only one answer. Mostly 10/15 marks
Answer structure be like – Introduction – what is ethno archaeology –
Challenges – Survivals example ( Juangs /Keonjhar) – Parallels ( Onges of
Andaman) – Nolia tribes of Andhra Odisha Boarder – Limitations of this
method – contemporary relevance- conclusion
Contemporary relevance: In MP, Indira Gandhi Rastriya Manav
Sangrahalaya , under guidance of KK Basa the director took up some
ethno archaeological studies in caves of Bhimbetka region. They try to
study the local artists, crafts man, in the mountains and try to understand
the connection with prehistoric rock painting and contemporary tribal
artists. The results are soon to be published.
You can conclude like this: Though this has some limitations, if used
properly this ethno archaeology can throw light on many unanswered
questions of pre history.
The examples are must. With-out examples you will not get marks (
Juangs, ongs, Nolia)

2. Demographic profile of India – Ethnic and linguistic elements in the

Indian population and their distribution. Indian population – factors
influencing its structure and growth.

Straight question mostly for 15 or 20 marks.

Prepare only Guha and Herbert Risley classification. You can skip others.
Present the answer in proper structure and side headings – their features-
the locations- examples –criticism – conclusion
Draw a map of India showing the distribution (will give more marks)
Prepare for linguistic classification. Structured answer. You can skip
population and factors part. Questions will not be asked. Even asked you
can write in general.

3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system —

Varnashram, Purushartha, Karma, Rina and Rebirth.

Mostly asked for 10 marks. Prepare standard opening and closing lines.
Use flow charts figures ( you can be creative here) , will get more marks.
Refer to some thinkers name for more marks. Like Kapadia,
Chatopadyaya, Prabhu etc…
Very straight questions from here. Prepare standard and previous
questions. Just mug them up and deliver in exam

3.2 Caste system in India- structure and characteristics, Varna and caste,
Theories of origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future
of caste system, Jajmani system, Tribe- caste continuum.

Important chapter (more questions). Origin theories is standard question.

Prepare it properly
While writing case system structure – Better if you start with G S Ghurye
and then M N Srinivas.
For all questions here end with some contemporary relevance or
Approaches to study of Indian society w.r.t caste and varna ( questions
expected) Or book view vs. field view should be prepared. This is actually
difference in approaches of GS Ghurye and MN Srinivas. And conclude on
these lines- both helped in the understanding.
Dominant caste: standard definition (what MN Srinivas said and how it
evolved) – case study in Rampura- characteristic features with case
studies- significance – criticism – contemporary relevance.
In contemporary relevance part you can include how it affects in village
politics in India, how factions are developed, how dominant caste groups
settle village disputes, UP polity, mid day meals food is actually decided by
dominant caste etc… you can write all these. And conclude by saying the
dominant castes has gained power and controlling social conditions and
has become more prominent in present context.
Jajmani system – structure — introduction – case study by Wiser (Hindu
Jajmani system1939) Senapur- features of Jajmani system ( with diagram)-
Debate about exploiting or not through some anthropologists views-
contemporary significance- conclusion
Pepper the answer with anthropologists names, like Biedleman +
Mazumdar + Oscar Lewis on one side of debate vs SC Dube + Kolendo etc.
on other side of debate.
Conclude by said it is decreasing in significance.
For caste mobility – write different ways of mobility with examples: like
mobility through warfare- mobility through serving rulers, mobility
through census commissioners, by polity, sanskritization etc..
For future of caste system – God only knows what happens… prepare
some content on this
Tribe caste continnum – Start with Bailey and his work and why he gave
that. Then through case studies explain this ( expect for 15 or 20 marks)
cases –
Tribal reddys – SC Dube case study
Raj Gonds – Furer Heimmendorf case study
Baigas, Mandla dist of MP= Verrier Ellwin study
Bhumij of WB- Surajeet Sinha
Bodagas of Mysore – Paul Hockings
Juangs of Odissa- NK Bose study
Mahar tribe caste tribe continuum – KS Singh ( case study is a must
for all)

3.3 Sacred Complex and Nature- Man- Spirit Complex.

Standard work by LP Vidyarthi. Write standard stuff like geo+ worship

Use work done by BN Saraswathi as well.
Contemporary relevance. Try to connect with some govt programs. I
thought of writing PRASAD scheme with this answer.
Prepare good structured answer for MNS complex. Straight forward
question. Conclusions might include- this MNS helps in better
rehabilitation and resettlement of tribes or any development activity.
(Mahar Rajmahal case is a must)

3.4 Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society.

Not difficult chapter but surprisingly questions have come from this.
Prepare standard answer for 10/15 marks.
Marks scoring tips: draw a map showing the distribution of the religion
like Buddhists, etc…try to cover both positives of the impact as well as the
negative impact. Picture the present position of the minorities and what
should be done in couple of lines.
End with India great + different religion + traditions etc…

4. Emergence and growth of anthropology in India-Contributions of the

18th, 19th and early 20th Century scholar-administrators.
Contributions of Indian anthropologists to tribal and caste studies.

Prepare a 15 marks content for the growth of anthropology with different

phases and details about them.
Don’t run after reading too many anthropologists. Try to read only
Ananthakrishna Aiyyar, SC Roy, NK Bose, DN Mazumdar, Iravathi Karve,
MN Srinivas, SC Dube, LP Vidyarthy.
While writing about them must include things – Their works +
Contributions + any field trips + positions of responsibility. Try to cover all
aspects of them.
Prepare some standard conclusions and contemporary relevance. Like for
SC Roy – first one who worked directly with tribal societies. His worked
paved way for development of anthropology in India and also helped in
further research. (something in these lines)
For NK Bose – His works proved much useful in later anthropological
works like Structure of Hindu society by Andre Bettelle….like these you
can conclude.

5.1 Indian Village: Significance of village study in India; Indian village as a

social system; Traditional and changing patterns of settlement and inter-
caste relations; Agrarian relations in Indian villages; Impact of
globalization on Indian villages.

Significance of village studies: start with how village studies developed –

then some village studies examples – then significance like how they help
in understanding village polity + village caste system + economic life +
cultural aspect etc.. through cases – then what is contemporary relevance
(can write the need has grown because of greater focus on villages and
New India etc…) – you can conclude with MN Srinivas idea that village
studies helps as empirical reality for understanding society an growth…
Prepare significance ( most chance of coming in next exam for 15 or 20
For Indian village as social system – try to present that Indian villages are
not isolated republics, but are interlinked with each other through vertical
solidarity (caste councils) and horizontal solidarity ( caste system) and
both through jajmani system. Write some cases explaining this inter
related ness. Just present that village is connected to larger India
For changing patterns of settlements – Can start with village studies basic
intro then move to explaining
Nucleated villages – with individual owner and community space
Overlapping settlements in Kerala villages
Dispersed villages in North east
Interconnected houses in WB, Odisha and Bihar and idea of purity
and pollution
TN village of Sripuram of how Brahmins are at centre and outside
lesser castes
North east villages of Khols and fortification with each kinship group
separate inside the gates.
Conclude by saying anthropology helps in understanding them….
Impact of globalization general answer + mix with examples

5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities and their social, political and
economic status.

Simple chapter. Use Indian map to better present the distribution. Nothing
much to innovate as such

5.3 Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian

society: Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization; Inter-play of little
and great traditions; Panchayati raj and social change; Media and social

Prepare strong content for Sankritization for 20 marks. Start with how
MNS developed in his study of Mysore village. Then how it changed from
Brahminization to Sanskritization. Then characteristic features, then case
study by FG Bailey on Bisipara in Phulbari dist of Odissa + you can
mention Jatavas case study + criticism of this concept and end with
present relevance.
You can prepare some notes on westernization and modernization. Start
with MNS for everything. And write how they differ in technology,
institutions, ideology, values etc.. general stuff. But end should be cool
For little traditions and great traditions: you should include Robert
redfield ( must) how he developed this concept his works. You can use
some flow charts to show folk to urban continuum.
Prepare 5-6 points for great tradition and little tradition and their
Interface – you should write McKim Marriot village study of Kishengarh
village in UP. This is must. They write about Govardhan puja. Write work
of Veena Das in Santhoshi maata tradition. Universalization and
Parochilization with some diagram will give marks.
End with conclusion and Indian reference and works of LP Vidyarthi.
For media and social change, present some current examples of how
media in caste barrier breaking, agriculture, women empowerment etc…

6.1 Tribal situation in India – Bio-genetic variability, linguistic and socio-

economic characteristics of tribal populations and their distribution.

This is standard stuff. You can get in Nadeem Hasnain. Along with this
prepare about indigenous people for 10 marks. They can ask.

6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities — land alienation, poverty,

indebtedness, low literacy, poor educational facilities, unemployment,
underemployment, health and nutrition.

Prepare for each problem some 10-15 mark content. Start with what is
problem then why, examples and cases of how people were exploited,
what govt. has done and what it is doing, any suggestions for
improvement and present position.
You can be creative in using flow charts for representation of inter
relatedness of problems.
You can read this from Virginius Xaxa report, this has latest case studies.
Use them fully for most questions.
Again this part is mostly presentation, content will be more or less same.
Focus more to keep fit to question.
Off late direct questions from this are reducing in number and are limited.

6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and

problems of rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals.
Impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal populations.

Virginius Xaxa report is our Bible/ Geeta/ Quran here. General question.
But marking depends on number of recent and relevant case studies and
examples you put in question.
Like explain a problem and present an example. End with
recommendations and some general conclusion.
Can refer Nadeem Hasnain for basic idea. But Xaxa report is a must must

7.1 Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled Castes,

Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Constitutional safeguards
for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.

Again exploitation and deprivation present with examples only then you
get marks. Virginius Xaxa report is again our go to.
For constitutional safeguards – standard things. But Xaxa report has some
good stuff
Get up to date with latest legislative bills etc…PRS can help here.
Same time prepare for denotified tribes as well ( there in xaxa report)
5th and 6th schedule, PESA, present status… (basic + xaxa report)

7.2 Social change and contemporary tribal societies: Impact of modern

democratic institutions, development programmes and welfare measures
on tribals and weaker sections.
Nadeem Hasnain has good content. Put that in proper structure and
relevance. You will form decent answer. Try to link with contemporary
relevance and conclude well. You can make flow charts for better
For impact of development programs, I suggest go with schemes of govt
and their impact ( first holistic view then specific schemes) Ministry
website and annual report (selective reading) helps here.
Very standard and general questions will be from here.

7.3 The concept of ethnicity; Ethnic conflicts and political developments;

Unrest among tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for
autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism; Social change among the tribes during
colonial and post-Independent India.

Prepare 10 mark answer for what is ethnicity.

Then try to list down reasons for ethnic conflict and present some
examples for each of them. That will make answer complete. without
tribal examples from north east your answer will be a general studies
These questions are very general. You start with using standard material
of Nadeem Hasnain add examples, improvise with latest news and others.
Mention impacts of them and them solutions of sort. Can end like general
studies answer here. ( You can look for e-PG website for better info- but
again its organizing info and presenting relevant one)
Social change – direct use cases studies from Nadeem Hasnain. But use
India map to point out the location.

8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions

on tribal societies.
Hinduism – your answer should start from ancient days – include tribes
and their own Ramayana- sanskritization- kshtriazation- case studies –
introduction to caste studies- what is impact both positive and negative-
conclude by current issues.
For Buddhism- start with map – why Buddhism was in that region – what
is special in their buddism, and its impact.
For Islam – see how it came some map and arrows, which tribes follow
them – areas of spread- impact positive and negative – and conclude.
For Christianity- start with geographic spread- how it started- why –
evangelical work- british policies- case studies of Mizo mother deaths-
other cases studies how they impacted- negative impact of dormitories
gone, traditions gone and then contemporary relevance of what is
happening now and conclude.

8.2 Tribe and nation state – a comparative study of tribal communities in

India and other countries.

You can refer Brain tree material and make concise notes on this.
Prepare for what is nation state definition
Then have notes for how different nation states treated the indigenous
people- a comparative study
Like how Germany dealt with Serbs, How Portuguese dealt with Muslims
in 9th century, How Americans with natives, How Russians with people
from tundra regions. Try to bring out their approach like assimilation,
violence, exterminations, persecution and expulsion.
End with India’s approach of integration. Then with constitutional and
legislative framework.
End with something like- Though India has lot of tribes, unlike other
nation states it is doing well for their betterment.
In case you want you can skip this chapter. There is very less chance that
question comes from this chapter.

9 History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans,

programmes of tribal development and their implementation. The
concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups), their distribution, special
programmes for their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribal development.

For history of administration in tribal areas- Virginius Xaxa report has

some quality content. You can use them directly.
Use internet and websites of ministries for government programs and
their status. Again Virginius Xaxa report is the go to book here.
PVTG – Virginius Xaxa report has good current status and their position
and solutions. You can use directly.
Use websites and GS knowledge to develop good answers and examples.
For NGO part- you can start with how they have been in ancient times,
some during independence struggle, general advantages of NGOs, then
identify some good NGOs in health and education and their work (use
internet and other websites) prepare quality examples and content, what
are problems, how they should be resolved, and any programs related to
them, and conclude by saying NGOs play a prominent role in this.. but
they should be managed well.

9.1 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.

Standard stuff of how this helps in policy formulation. Some examples

(Nadeem Hasnain)
Then application anthropology, etc… one way is to go through entire
syllabus and present them as points. For example economic anthropology
– helps in understanding simple societies and their economic significance.
This can be used for R&R and tribal compensation while displacement.
You can write general answer.
I could not get any better answer than this. So left and thought would not
attempt or create an answer based on need

9.2 Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism,

communalism, and ethnic and political movements.

You can skip this chapter. I skipped this one. Thought if question comes I
can write with general understanding and some general examples.


I will upload my answer scripts and some pics of my notes soon…

All the best …..


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Anthropology Paper 1 My Anthropology Notes How to Select Optional

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