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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

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The magmatic history of the Vetas-California mining district, Santander Massif,

Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
Luis C. Mantilla Figueroa a, *, Thomas Bissig b, Víctor Valencia c, Craig J.R. Hart b
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), AA. 678. Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU), Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
School of Earth and Environmental Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Vetas-California Mining District (VCMD), located in the central part of the Santander Massif
Received 1 August 2012 (Colombian Eastern Cordillera), based on UePb dating of zircons, records the following principal tectono-
Accepted 15 March 2013 magmatic events: (1) the Grenville Orogenic event and high grade metamorphism and migmatitization
between w1240 and 957 Ma; (2) early Ordovician calcealkalic magmatism, which was synchronous with
Keywords: the CaparonensiseFamatinian Orogeny (w477 Ma); (3) middle to late Ordovician post-collisional calc
ealkalic magmatism (w466e436 Ma); (4) late Triassic to early Jurassic magmatism between w204 and
Santander Massif
196 Ma, characterized by both S- and I-type calcealkalic intrusions and; (5) a late Miocene shallowly
Vetas-California mining district
Magmatic history
emplaced intermediate calcealkaline intrusions (10.9  0.2 and 8.4  0.2 Ma). The presence of even
UePb geochronology younger igneous rocks is possible, given the widespread magmaticehydrothermal alteration affecting all
Detrital zircons rock units in the area.
The igneous rocks from the late Triassiceearly Jurassic magmatic episodes are the volumetrically most
important igneous rocks in the study area and in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera. They can be divided
into three groups based on their field relationships, whole rock geochemistry and geochronology. These
are early leucogranites herein termed Alaskites-I (204e199 Ma), Intermediate rocks (199e198 Ma), and
late leucogranites, herein referred to as Alaskites-II (198e196 Ma). This Mesozoic magmatism is
reflecting subtle changes in the crustal stress in a setting above an oblique subduction of the Panthalassa
plate beneath Pangea.
The lower Cretaceous siliciclastic Tambor Formation has detrital zircons of the same age populations as
the metamorphic and igneous rocks present in the study area, suggesting that the provenance is related
to the erosion of these local rocks during the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous, implying a local supply of
sediments to the local depositional basins.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In this paper we provide new information on the igneous evo-

lution of the Santander Massif (Fig. 1), with an emphasis on the
The northeastern Cordillera of Colombia is a key area to un- Mesozoic intrusive evolution. In particular, we evaluate the rocks of
derstand the tectonic interactions between the South American, the Vetas-California area, which is w40 km NE of the City of
Caribbean and North American plates, and the accreted terranes in Bucaramanga in the Santander Department, Colombia. The area
northwestern Colombia, in the context of multiple subduction and hosts important porphyry and epithermal style Au and base metal
orogenic events since the Proterozoic (e.g., Cediel et al., 2003; mineralization, which is to a large part, hosted in the Mesozoic
Restrepo et al., 2011). The igneous rocks that are hosted in these igneous rocks. Therefore, an improved understanding of the
tectonic blocks are records of these plate interactions, and unrav- intrusive history will potentially benefit mineral exploration in the
elling the timing and chemistry of these igneous bodies are crucial district.
in interpreting the nature of such interactions. We present nine new UePb ages on intrusive rocks and
comprehensively discuss these in the context of the previously
published age constraints (Goldsmith et al., 1971; Ward et al., 1973;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ57 1048225503. Boinet et al., 1985; Dörr et al., 1995; Royero and Clavijo, 2001;
E-mail address: (L.C. Mantilla Figueroa). Cordani et al., 2005; Mantilla et al., 2009, 2011, 2012; Restrepo-Pace

0895-9811/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
236 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

Fig. 1. Location of Vetas-California mining district (Santander Massif, Colombian Eastern Cordillera) with respect to Chibcha terrane (Ch; in the sense of Restrepo et al., 2011) and
the triangular Maracaibo tectonic block (Maracaibo Subplate Realm, in the sense of Cediel et al., 2003), bordered by the major NNW striking Santa-Marta Bucaramanga fault and the
NE striking Boconó fault.

and Cediel, 2010; Leal-Mejía et al., 2011). In addition, we also ob- The oldest rocks in the VCMD belong to the Santander Massif
tained ages on detrital zircon grains extracted from Cretaceous (Clavijo, 1994) and comprise at least three principal metamorphic
sandstone deposited unconformably on the pre-Cretaceous igneous units. The main unit is the Bucaramanga Gneiss (Ward et al., 1973;
and metamorphic basement and discuss the paleogeographic a.k.a. as Bucaramanga Complex: Clavijo, 1994), which consists of
implications. high grade migmatitic paragneisses of early Proterozoic age (García
and Ríos, 1999; Ordóñez-Cardona et al., 2006). Peak metamorphism
2. Background and geological context has been dated at 1057  28 by UePb SHRIMP geochronology on
zircons, which emphasizes an association with the Grenvillian
2.1. Basement evolution Orogeny (Cordani et al., 2005). Pressures between 5.5 and 7.2 kbar
and temperatures from 660 to 750  C, have been estimated for the
The Colombian Andean Orogenic System is the result of Paleo- peak metamorphism (Urueña and Zuluaga, 2011). The Bucar-
zoic to the middle Miocene accretion of a series of allochthonous amanga Gneiss is overlain by the Silgará Formation; composed
terranes (e.g., Restrepo et al., 2011). Cediel et al. (2003) subdivided mainly of late Proterozoic to early Paleozoic ortho-amphibolites,
the Andean region of Colombia into tectonic realms composed of schists, phyllites, metasiltstones, meta-sandstone, meta-grey-
the Central Continental Subplate Realm, Maracaibo Subplate Realm, wackes and minor amounts of marble; and is also part of the
Western Tectonic Realm and the Guajira-Falcon Composite Terrane. metamorphic basement of the Santander Massif (Ward et al., 1973;
The study area is located in the Maracaibo Subplate Realm, in the Schaefer et al., 1998; García and Ríos, 1999; Ríos et al., 2003). This
sense of Cediel et al. (2003) and in the Chibcha Terrane, in the sense unit is not outcropping in the VCMD but present in the surrounding
of Restrepo et al. (2011; Fig. 1). The Maracaibo Subplate Realm areas (Ward et al., 1973). Upper amphibolite facies metamorphic
comprises the triangular tectonic Maracaibo block between the conditions (Schäfer et al., 1998) and early-middle Ordovician peak
major NNW striking Santa-Marta Bucaramanga fault (SMBF) and metamorphic ages; likely related to the Caledonian or more spe-
the NE striking Boconó fault (Taboada et al., 1999, 2000). The study cifically to the CaparonensiseFamatinian Orogeny; have also been
area, located in the Vetas-California Mining District (VCMD, Figs. 1 reported (Forero, 1990; Ríos et al., 2003; Ordóñez-Cardona et al.,
and 2), coincides with the southern tip of the Maracaibo Block in a 2006; Clavijo et al., 2008; Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010).
cornerback position (Tschanz et al., 1974; Van der Hilst and Mann, Meta-diorites, dated at 477 Ma by zircon UePb LA-ICPMS, have
1994). been documented for the Angostura project area within the VCMD
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 237

Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Vetas-California mining district (Santander Massif, Colombia). Geology from Ward et al. (1973), Evans (1977), Polania (1980), and this study.

(Mantilla et al., 2012) and represent the youngest rocks affected by 2.2. Late Paleozoic to recent evolution
the high grade metamorphism. These rocks are related to an
episode of mantle-derived magmatism in a subduction setting, All metamorphic rocks in the study area are older than 471 Ma
possibly emplaced during the CaparonensiseFamatinian Orogeny (Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010). Non or weakly metamorphosed
(Mantilla et al., 2012). igneous rocks coincident with or post-dating the Caledonian
238 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

orogeny, have been reported in the Eastern Cordillera (Goldsmith Turonian-Coniacian), as is supported by the preservation of the
et al., 1971; Ward et al., 1973), and are recorded in detrital zircons marine sedimentary record on some areas of the SM for this time
(see below). However, igneous or sedimentary rocks of ages be- period. However, the positive tendency of the SM resumed in the
tween 470 and 210 Ma have not been mapped in the VCMD. Tertiary (Juliver, 1963b).
Magmatism here resumed in the late Triassic and early Jurassic. On the basis of zircon and apatite fission track ages, uplift and
Previous workers (Goldsmith et al., 1971; Ward et al., 1973) docu- exhumation initiated in the southern corner of the triangular
mented tonalites and granodiorites at Páramo Rico in the south- Maracaibo block, where the study area is located, in the late
eastern part of the study area, whereas leucogranites and quartz Cretaceous to Paleogene, and a major and final uplift pulse occurred
monzonites are recognized in the central part of the VCMD (Fig. 2). in the Plio-Pleistocene (Shagam et al., 1984; Horton et al., 2010; Nie
These felsic rocks have generally been considered to be younger et al., 2010; Villagómez et al., 2011). Paleobotanical data indicate
than the more mafic rock varieties. Limited KeAr geochronology on that rapid uplift of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera took place
muscovite places the leucogranites at 195  7 Ma (Goldsmith et al., between 5 and 2 Ma (Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000). The collision of the
1971; Ward et al., 1973), somewhat younger than the age reported Panama-Chocó island arc with the northwestern margin of the
for intermediate composition rocks from Páramo Rico which was South American plate between 12 and 6 Ma (Dengo and Covey,
dated by conventional UePb on zircons at 205e210 Ma (Dörr et al., 1993; Kellogg and Vega, 1995) has been related to the deforma-
1995). The latter are considered I-type granitoids by Dörr et al. tion in the Eastern Cordillera. There is a general consensus that
(1995) as they contain hornblende and titanite (cf., Chappell and uplift of the Western and Central Cordilleras took place mostly in
White, 1974). the late CretaceousePaleocene, while the uplift of the Eastern
Sedimentary rocks unconformably cover the igneous and Cordillera mostly occurred in the PlioceneePleistocene (Gregory-
metamorphic rocks in the western part of the study area. Directly Wodzicki, 2000; Villagómez et al., 2011). At 4 Ma the Eastern
overlying the basement are the sandstones and conglomeratic Cordillera probably had no more than 40% of its current elevation
sandstones of the lower Cretaceous Tambor Formation (Mendoza (Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000).
and Jaramillo, 1979). The siliciclastic rocks are interpreted to have
been deposited in an alluvial environment in local depocenters 3. Analytical techniques
such as half-grabens (Ward et al., 1973; Mendoza and Jaramillo,
1979; Royero and Clavijo, 2001; Sarmiento, 2001), while most of 3.1. UePb (LA) ICPMS in zircons
the Santander Massif remained emergent throughout the Mesozoic
(Etayo-Serna et al., 1983; Fabre, 1985, 1987; Sarmiento, 1989; Heavy mineral concentrates of the <350 mm fraction were
Cooper et al., 1995; Sarmiento, 2001). separated using traditional techniques at ZirChron LLC at Wash-
Magmatism younger than mid Jurassic is scarce. Some published ington State University. Zircons from the non-magnetic fraction
Cretaceous KeAr ages for granitic rocks are probably unreliable as were mounted in epoxy and slightly ground and polished to expose
these rocks have likely been affected by partial resetting or alter- the surface and keep as much material as possible for laser ablation
ation (e.g., Hargraves et al., 1984; Dörr et al., 1995) and these rocks analyses.
are considered part of the late Triassic to early Jurassic intrusive LA-ICPMS UePb analyses were conducted at Washington State
episodes. However, narrow dikes and, locally, up to 1 km diameter University after CL imaging using a New Wave Nd:YAG UV 213-nm
intrusions of porphyritic granodiorites, have been observed and are laser coupled to a ThermoFinnigan Element 2 single collector,
post-Cretaceous in age because they intrude the Cretaceous sedi- double-focusing, magnetic sector ICPMS. Operating procedures and
mentary rocks (Ward et al., 1973; Polania, 1980, 1983; Galvis, 1998; parameters are a modification of Chang et al. (2006). Laser spot size
Cooperación Técnica Colombo-Alemana, 1998; Felder et al., 2005). and repetition rate were 30 nm and 10 Hz, respectively. He and Ar
Recently reported geochronological data (Mantilla et al., 2009, carrier gases delivered the sample aerosol to the plasma. Each
2011; Leal-Mejía et al., 2011), indicate that these lithologies overall analysis consisted of a short blank analysis followed by 250 sweeps
span the interval between 10.9  0.2 and 8.4  0.2 Ma. Magmatic through masses 204, 206, 207, 208, 232, 235, and 238, taking
hydrothermal alteration and mineralization overprints these late approximately 30 s. Time-independent fractionation was corrected
Miocene igneous rocks indicating that gold mineralization is, con- by normalizing UePb and Pb/Pb ratios of the unknowns to the
trary to previously published Re/Os age constraints (Mathur et al., zircon standards (Chang et al., 2006). For this study we used two
2003), not Paleocene but 10.9 Ma or less in age. This Miocene zircon standards: Peixe, with an age of 564 Ma (Dickinson and
magmatism in the VCMD, temporally coincides with reactivation Gehrels, 2003), and FC-1, with an age of 1099 Ma (Paces and
and sinistral transpressional movement of the Santa-Marta Miller, 1993). Uraniumelead ages were calculated using Isoplot
Bucaramanga fault (SMBF), likely related to the accretion of the (Ludwig, 2003) and includes the systematic and analytic errors (2s).
Chocó block, and rapid uplift of this part of the Eastern Cordillera
(Dengo and Covey, 1993; Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Taboada et al., 3.2. UePb TIMS in zircons
1999, 2000; Villamil, 1999; Pindell and Kennan, 2001; Villagómez
et al., 2011). One sample was dated by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrom-
etry (TIMS) procedures following a procedure modified from
2.3. Uplift and exhumation history of the Eastern Cordillera Mundil et al. (2004), Mattinson (2005) and Scoates and Friedman
(2008). This analysis has been performed at the Pacific Center for
A positive tendency (i.e., tendency of the earth surface to stay Isotope and Geochemical Research (PCIGR), University of British
emergent) of the Santander Massif (SM), during the continental and Columbia, Canada. After rock samples have undergone standard
marine Mesozoic sedimentation in Colombia, was proposed by mineral separation procedure, zircon grains were handpicked in
Juliver (1963b), on the basis of thinner continental siliciclastic alcohol, and then annealed in quartz glass crucibles at 900  C for
Upper Jurassic Girón Formation toward the massif and the presence 60 h. Grains were chemically abraded (leached) in ultrapure HF and
of lower Cretaceous evaporitic rocks surrounding it. This positive HNO3 at 175  C for 12 h. Single grains were then dissolved in HF and
tendency continued during the Early Cretaceous as documented by nitric acids in a 10:1 ratio at 240  C for 40 h. Each sample was spiked
Etayo-Serna et al. (1983) and Fabre (1985). There is no evidence that with a 233e235Ue205Pb tracer. The resulting solutions were dried at
the SM was emergent during the late Cretaceous (at least since the 130  C and the fluoride precipitate was dissolved in 6 N HCl in high
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 239

pressure Parr devices for 12 h at 210  C. The resulting HCl solutions hydrothermal alteration were selected for further data analysis
were mixed with 2 mL of 0.5 NH3PO4 and dried. Samples were (Appendix B). The samples were analyzed by the analytical package
finally loaded onto degassed, zone-refined Re filaments in 2 mL of 4A-4B by ICP-emission mass spectrometry following a lithium
silicic acid emitter (Gerstenberger and Haase, 1997). Isotopic ratios metaborate/tetraborate fusion and dilute nitric acid digestion.
were measured using a modified single collector VG-54R or VG- A separate sample split was digested in Aqua Regia and analyzed by
354S (the latter with Sector 54 electronics) thermal ionization mass ICP mass spectrometry for precious and base metals. The analytical
spectrometer (TIMS) equipped with an analogue Daly detector. data are presented in digital Appendix B. Two additional analyses of
Analytical blanks are 0.2 pg for U and for Pb in the range of 1e10 pg. Tonalite (sample 7-1-1-89) and granodiorite (10-1-5-89) were
U fractionation was determined directly on individual runs using compiled from Dörr et al. (1995).
the 233e235U tracer, and Pb isotopic ratios were corrected for frac-
tionation of 0.23%/amu, based on replicate analyses for the 4. Results
NBS-982Pb reference material and the values recommended by
Thirlwall (2000). Data reduction employed the Microsoft Excel 4.1. Field relationships of igneous rocks
based program of Schmitz and Schoene (2007). Standard concordia
diagrams were constructed and regression intercepts weighted The oldest Phanerozoic igneous rocks recognized in the study
averages calculated with Isoplot (Ludwig, 2003). All errors are area include meta-gabbros to meta-granodiorites that were
quoted at the 2s or 95% level of confidence. affected by regional deformation but locally cut an older foliation of
the Bucaramanga Gneiss (Mantilla et al., 2012). These rocks have
3.3. UePb (LA) ICPMS in detrital zircons generally been assigned a pre-Devonian age (Boinet et al., 1985)
and were emplaced synchronously with the early Ordovician
Detrital zircons from sample TB-CV-008 (Fig. 2), collected at CaparonensiseFamatinian orogenic event (Restrepo-Pace and
latitude 7 200 58.000 and longitude 72 560 51.100 (or local coordinates Cediel, 2010).
X ¼ 1.304.631; Y ¼ 1.124.764; Z ¼ w2020 mosl; Bogotá as origin of The most prominent and volumetrically most important intru-
the reference system; Plane Gauss Krüger projected coordinates), sive units observed in the study area are multiphase plutons and
were analyzed at PCIGR at the University of British Columbia, dikes ranging in composition from tonalite and diorite to grano-
Vancouver, Canada; using a laser ablation (LA) ICPMS technique, as diorite, quartzemonzonite and granite (Fig. 2). These are all unaf-
described by Tafti et al. (2009). Instrumentation employed for LA- fected by regional metamorphism. These intrusive rocks can be
ICPMS dating of zircons at the PCIGR, comprises a New Wave UP- classified into three groups on the basis of the observed cross-
213 laser ablation system and a ThermoFinnigan Element 2 single cutting relationships and geochronology.
collector, double-focusing, magnetic sector ICPMS. Zircons were The oldest is an igneous muscoviteebiotite leucogranite, herein
randomly separated from a concentrate comprising the entire referred to as Alaskite-I, following earlier nomenclature (Evans,
recovered populations and then were mounted in an epoxy puck 1977). Leucogranites of the Alaskite-I unit are usually medium-
along with several grains of the Plesovice zircon standard (Sláma grained and form dikes and intrusive bodies of modest size. The
et al., 2007), together with zircon standard FC-1, and brought to a dikes range in average thickness from about 30 cm to about 20 m
very high polish. The surface of the mount was washed for 10 min and their strike is dominantly WNW, dipping 80 SW (Fig. 3A), but
with dilute nitric acid and rinsed in ultraclean water prior to shallowly-dipping dikes have been recognized locally at Veta de
analysis. Portions of each grain, free of alteration, inclusions, or Barro Angostura Project (ENE, dipping 30 NW). Larger igneous
possible inherited cores, were selected for analysis. Line scans bodies assigned to this rock group can reach up to 2.5 km2 in map
rather than spot analyses were employed in order to minimize view (Fig. 2).
elemental fractionation during the analyses. A 25 mm spot size was The intermediate group of rocks are tonalite, diorite and
used for all analyses. Backgrounds were measured with the laser granodiorite and form large plutons up to 9 km2 (Fig. 2). Interme-
shutter closed for ten seconds, followed by data collection with the diate intrusive rocks locally contain centimetre-scale mafic sub-
laser firing for approximately 35 s. The time-integrated signals rounded and rounded blocks that may be enclaves, restites or
were analyzed using GLITTER software (Van Achterbergh et al., xenoliths (Fig. 3B). The intermediate group of rocks cut Alaskite-I,
2001; Griffin et al., 2008), which automatically subtracts back- as observed at about 1.2 km to the east of the town of California.
ground measurements, propagates all analytical errors, and calcu- At La Chorrera (Fig. 2), Alaskite-I forms centimetre-scale xenoliths
lates isotopic ratios and ages. Corrections for mass and elemental and meter-scale rafts within the more mafic lithologies (Fig. 3C).
fractionation were made by bracketing analyses of unknown grains The latter locally displays a weak tectonic foliation (Fig. 3D) and in
with replicate analyses of the Plesovice zircon standard. Final other places a magmatic flow alignment of mafic minerals.
interpretation and plotting of the analytical results were done using Fine-grained, equigranular igneous muscovite-bearing quartze
ISOPLOT software of Ludwig (2003). Data are listed at the 2 sigma monzogranites that are petrographically very similar to those
confidence level and plotted on standard concordia diagrams. The described above, intrude and contain xenoliths of the intrusions of
best estimate for the age of these detrital zircons is given by the intermediate composition (Fig. 3E), indicating that there are at least
Pb/206Pb age if 1500 Ma and older or the 206Pb/238Pb age if two separate episodes of muscovite-bearing granitoid emplace-
younger than 1500 Ma; these age picks are used to construct a ment separated by the intrusion of intermediate magmas. These
probability density plot. All data on this latter plot are less than 5% younger granites are herein referred to as Alaskite-II. These rocks
discordant. Only one analyzed grain was more than 5% discordant occur as dykes and igneous bodies (Fig. 3F) similar to those of
and not used. Alaskite-I and the two alaskite units can only be distinguished with
confidence in outcrop if direct cross-cutting relationships with the
3.4. Whole rock geochemistry intermediate rocks are exposed.

Sixteen rocks samples of Mesozoic rocks were analyzed by 4.2. UePb geochronology
whole rock geochemistry at the ‘Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd’,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Out of these a subset of 11 Nine samples from late Triassic to early Jurassic igneous rocks
samples containing rocks unaffected or only minimally affected by were collected from Alaskites (I and II) and intermediate igneous
240 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

Fig. 3. Outcrop photographs of Mesozoic igneous rocks of the VCMD. A. Alaskite-I dyke cutting the Bucaramanga Gneiss (sample GE-20-M1); B. Diorite rocks containing centimetre-
scale mafic subrounded and rounded mafic enclaves, C. Centimetre-scale xenoliths and meter-scale rafts (composed of Alaskite-I leucogranite) within the more mafic litologies
(dioriteegranodiorite rocks); D. Dioriteegranodiorite rocks affected by tectonic foliation (Sample TQB-005, close to California town); E. Leucogranite of the Alaskite-II unit (dyke
covered by and FeeMn oxides on fracture planes) with granodiorite xenoliths; F. Road cut along the California-Vetas road of Alaskites-II leucogranite (sample TQB-004).

rocks (Fig. 2) and dated, following the methodologies described and has not been affected by macroscopically recognizable hydro-
above (see Table 1; Figs. 4e7; Appendix A). thermal alteration. The other two samples (GI-47-M1 and TQB-002)
were collected from stocks of alkaliefeldspar granites (Fig. 2).
4.2.1. Alaskites-I Sample TQB-002 has been affected by macroscopically recognizable
Four Alaskite-I samples were collected from dikes and stocks hydrothermal alteration.
from El Cuatro (along the La Baja Creek, Sample ALR035); Violetal Zircons from all samples are euhedral and display concentric
Hill (in the central part of the study area; sample GI-47-M1) and oscillatory zoning, indicating a magmatic origin.
along the California-Vetas road (samples GE-20-M1 and TQB-002; Sample ALR035, the only one dated by the UePb TIMS method
Fig. 2, Table 1). on zircon, presents significant inherited zircons. Three of five
Sample ALR035 is an illite/sericite-altered fine-grained equi- analyzed zircons are discordant. The two youngest grains define a
granular granite dike containing primary muscovite. Samples GI- Pb/207Pb age of 210.6  3.5 Ma. A lower Concordia intercept at
47-M1, GE-20-M1 and TQB-002 are from alkaliefeldspar granite w201 Ma defines a minimum age (Fig. 4).
but are affected by moderate quartzesericite hydrothermal alter- Samples GE-20-M1, GI-47-M1 and TQB-002 were all dated by
ation and cut by quartzepyrite veins. Sample GE-20-M1, is an al- zircon UePb LA-MC-ICPMS (Fig. 5AeC; Appendix A). The UePb
kaliefeldspar granite with biotite and muscovite from a fractured juvenile ages for these samples are: 204.3 þ 2.7/3.3 Ma for sample
dike of about 20 m thickness with a west north westerly strike and GE-20-M1; 202.2 þ 5.3/3.0 Ma for sample GI-47-M1 and;
80 dip to the Southwest. This dyke cuts the Bucaramanga Gneiss 199.1 þ 2.5/2.6 Ma for sample TQB-002. All of these samples
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 241

Table 1
Summary of zircons UePb geochronology results (see Appendix A).

Sample Coordinates Local Coordinatesb Geographic location Rock type Age

Latitude Longitude X Y Z (mosl)

ALR035a 7 220 38.700 72 540 21.1 1.307.735 1.129.357 w2496 El Cuatro (along the Alaskite-I 210.6 ± 3.5 Ma
‘La Baja’ Creek) minimum lower intercept
age of w201 Ma
GE-20-M1 7 190 00.300 72 530 56.400 1.301.027 1.130.134 w2704 California-Vetas road Alaskite-I 204.3 D 2.7/L3.3 Ma
GI-47-M1 7 210 21.100 72 540 25.800 1.305.351 1.129.222 w3113 Violetal Hill Alaskite-I 202.2 D 5.3/L3.0 Ma
TQB-002 7 200 55.600 72 560 04.600 1.304.559 1.126.193 w2171 California-Vetas road Alaskite-I 199.1 D 2.5/L2.6 Ma
TPD-71 7 190 18.600 72 540 10.900 1.301.589 1.129.689 w2622 California-Vetas road DioriteeGranodiorite 199.2 D 2.8/L2.7 Ma
TQB-005 7 200 57.100 72 560 49.200 1.304.604 1.124.824 w2037 Just outside the town of Diorite-Granodiorite 199.0 D 2.5/L2.6 Ma
California on the road to
TQB-003 7 200 55.600 72 560 04.600 1.304.559 1.126.193 w2171 California-Vetas road Diorite-Granodiorite 198.4 D 2.5/L2.6 Ma
TQB-004 7 210 01.700 72 560 16.000 1.304.746 1.125.843 w2182 California-Vetas road Alaskite-II 198.7 D 2.6/L2.9 Ma
TQB-001 7 190 55.100 72 540 56.800 1.302.707 1.128.275 w2393 California-Vetas road Alaskite-II 196.7 D 2.9/2.8 Ma
Sample dated by TIMS. All other samples were dated by LA-ICPMS.
Bogotá as origin of the reference system; Plane Gauss Krüger projected coordinates.

contain significant inherited zircon populations (Fig. 8). Out of 103 4.2.3. Alaskites-II
analyzed points, 20 are considered inherited or mixed ages because Two samples from Alaskite-II rocks were dated in this study
they yield apparent ages ranging from Proterozoic to Carboniferous, (samples TQB-004, TQB-001 Table 1, Fig. 3E and F). These rocks
whereas the remaining 83 point analyses yield ages between 245.7 are quartzeplagioclaseeKefeldspar granite with biotite and
and 187.2 (Appendix A). muscovite, very similar to Alaskite-I but distinguished from
those in that they contain xenoliths of intermediate rocks.
4.2.2. Intermediate rocks These samples were collected along the California-Vetas road
Three samples of intermediate rocks were dated. One was taken (Fig. 2).
just outside the town of California on the road to Bucaramanga Zircons are euhedral and display concentric oscillatory zoning,
(sample TQB-005, Fig. 6B), and two additional samples were indicating again their magmatic origin. The UePb juvenile ages
collected along the California-Vetas road (TPD-71 and TQB-003, obtained from these samples are 198.7 þ 2.6/2.9 Ma for sample
Table 1; Fig. 6A and C; Appendix A). These samples are unaltered TQB-004 and 196.7 þ 2.9/2.8 Ma for sample TQB-001 (Table 1;
dioriteegranodiorite rocks with quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, Fig. 7A and B).
biotite and hornblende and no muscovite (the total estimated Both of these samples also contain inherited zircon pop-
content of mafic mineral is 30%). ulations, but significantly less Grenvillian and older zircons,
Zircons are euhedral and display concentric oscillatory zoning, comparing with the Alaskite-I and Intermediate rocks (Fig. 8). Out
indicating a magmatic origin. The obtained UePb juvenile ages for of 84 analyzed points, 16 are considered inherited (or mixed ages)
these samples are: 199.2 þ 2.8/2.7 Ma for sample TPD-71; with ages ranging from Proterozoic to Permian, whereas the
199.0 þ 2.5/2.6 Ma for sample TQB-005 and; 198.4 þ 2.4/ remaining 68 point analyses yield ages between 245.6 and
2.4 Ma for sample TQB-003 (Table 1). All of these samples also 130.7 Ma (Appendix A).
contain significant inherited zircon populations (Fig. 8). Out of 118
analyzed points, 14 are considered inherited (or mixed ages) with 4.3. Detrital zircons UePb geochronology
ages ranging from Proterozoic to Carboniferous, whereas the
remaining 104 point analyses yield ages between 253.0 and A sample of quartz-rich sandstone of lower Cretaceous Tambor
119.7 Ma (Appendix A). Formation was taken from west of the town of California. This

Fig. 4. Zircon UePb TIMS age from sample ALR035 (Alaskite-I from a dyke cutting La Bodega). The two youngest grains define a 206Pb/207Pb age of 210.6  3.5 Ma. A lower Concordia
intercept at w201 Ma defines a minimum age for this sample.
242 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

Fig. 5. Zircon UePb LA-MC-ICPMS ages for Alaskite-I rocks. Concordia and distribution diagrams, respectively, for the samples: A. GE-20-M1; B. GI-47-M1 and; C. TQB-002.

sedimentary unit unconformably overlies the Bucaramanga Gneiss 4.4. Geochemistry

and the igneous Mesozoic rocks. Sixty-three detrital zircons grains
were analyzed (sample TB-CV-008, Fig. 2), out of these only a single Given that rocks in the Vetas-California district are commonly
analysis was discordant and is not further considered. The affected by hydrothermal alteration due to proximal hydrothermal
following age populations are recognized (Fig. 9AeD; Appendix A): mineral deposits, the geochemical data were evaluated using a
1) nine analysis define an early to middle Proterozoic age group number of standard alteration evaluation diagrams (e.g., Davies and
from 1810 to 1338 Ma; 2) twenty-six points yielded middle Pro- Whitehead, 2006; not shown here) to check for the degree of
terozoic ages of 1298e939 Ma; 3) one zircon was dated at mobility of the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) which include
756.6 Ma; 4) six zircons have ages between 494 and 473 Ma; 5) mainly K, Na and Ca. The geochemical data and petrographic ob-
twelve analyses fall between 466 and 436 Ma and; 6) nine analyses servations in 5 out of 16 analyzed samples indicate hydrothermal
represent ages from 209 to 195 Ma (Appendix A). The most alteration, mainly the destruction of plagioclase and replacement
important groups of ages are represented in the probabilistic age by muscovite  quartz assemblages, silicification and the addition
peaks shown in Fig. 9B. of iron from pyrite. Elevated P2O5 and TiO2 in one specimen was
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 243

Fig. 6. Zircon UePb LA-MC-ICPMS ages from Mesozoic intermediate igneous rocks. Concordia and distribution diagrams, respectively, for the samples: A. TPD-71; B. TQB-005; C.

also an indication that these elements may not have been immobile In the Aluminum saturation index diagram by Maniar and
during alteration in some samples. The altered samples are not Piccoli (1989), all Alaskite rocks (I and II) plot in the per-
further discussed below. Widely used classification plots readily aluminous field, whereas the five intermediate rock samples
identify the Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Santander Massif as (Appendix B) are metaluminous (Fig. 10B).
subalkaline (Fig. 10A) and as high-K calcealkaline rocks. The in- Chondrite normalized patterns for rare earth elements (REE) for
termediate late Triassic to early Jurassic rocks have dioritic com- the Alaskite-I and -II units (Fig. 10E), display relatively flat HREE
positions with SiO2 contents of 54.9e60.4 wt.%. The Alaskites all patterns although some scatter in the degree of HREE enrichment
plot as alkali granites and granites but no distinction between relative to chondrite is evident, especially in Alaskite-II samples.
Alaskite-I and -II can be made. The immobile trace element dia- However all Alaskites show a pronounced negative Eu anomaly
grams Zr/TiO2 vs Nb/Y and SiO2 vs Zr/TiO2 (Winchester and Floyd, which is indicative for plagioclase fractionation. The late Triassic to
1977; Fig. 10C and D) also identify the intermediate rocks as sub- early Jurassic diorites are more enriched in heavy REE relative to
alkaline diorite whereas the alaskites plot in the monzonite/ chondrite and their negative Eu anomaly is less pronounced when
quartzemonzonite fields. compared to the Alaskites (Fig. 10E). The Ta vs. Yb diagram (Pearce
244 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

Fig. 7. Zircon UePb LA-MC-ICPMS ages from Alaskite-II rocks. Concordia and distribution diagrams, respectively, for the samples: A. TQB-004 and B. TQB-001.

et al., 1984) reveals that all rocks plot as a tight cluster within the geochronologically, although some age overlap exists between
volcanic arc field, although the granites have slightly higher Ta them. Besides the significant inherited age component, crystalli-
contents and straddle the border to the syn-collisional granite field zation ages of Alaskite-I are between 204.3 þ 2.7/3.3 Ma and
(Fig. 10F). 199.1 þ 2.5/2.6 Ma. The w210  3.5 Ma 206Pb/207Pb TIMS age of
sample ALR035 is possibly an inherited component but the mini-
5. Discussion mum age estimate of 201 Ma for this sample is consistent with the
age range for Alaskite-I established by LA-MC-ICPMS geochro-
5.1. Juvenile UePb zircons ages from late Triassiceearly Jurassic nology. The intermediate igneous rocks are slightly younger and
Igneous rocks have UePb zircon ages from 199.2 þ 2.8/2.7 Ma to 198.4 þ 2.4/
2.4 Ma although the errors overlap with the Alaskite-I and -II
The UePb LA-MC-ICPMS zircon geochronology shows that units. The latter has ages of 198.7 þ 2.6/2.9 Ma and 196.7 þ 2.9/
Triassic to Jurassic magmatism occurred over a relatively restricted 2.8 Ma. The late Triassiceearly Jurassic magmatism reported here
time interval between w210 and 196 Ma. The three intrusive units for the VCMD is the volumetrically most important igneous episode
Alaskite-I, Intermediate and Alaskite-II can be distinguished recognized in the Colombian eastern Cordillera. Rocks of this age

Fig. 8. Zircon UePb LA-MC-ICPMS age distribution in Alaskites-I, Intermediate and Alaskites-II rocks, from a total of 305 analyzed points (103 in Alaskites-I; 118 in intermediate
rocks and; 84 in Alaskites-II rocks). Inherited Grenvillian and older zircons are significantly less abundant in Alaskite-II rocks, than in Alaskite-I and Intermediate rocks.
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 245

Fig. 9. Ages of detrital zircons from the lower Cretaceous siliciclastic Tambor formation. A. Concordia diagram. B. Probability density plot of UePb ages. C. Close-up of Concordia
diagram showing early Ordovician UePb ages of detrital zircons derived from early Ordovician orthogneisses. D. Late Triassiceearly Jurassic UePb age population, derived from
detrital zircons from Mesozoic igneous rocks.

are present across the entire Santander Massif (SM) as batholiths, the absence of documented upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in
stocks and dykes (Ward et al., 1973; Clavijo, 1994; Fig. 1). Limited the study area, we interpret the oldest zircon population as derived
age equivalent stocks, dikes, lava flows and volcanoclastic materials from the Bucaramanga Gneiss. The single 756.6 Ma zircon recorded
have also been reported west of the SMBF in the Magdalena River in the Tambor Formation cannot be related to a specific mapped
Valley domain. geologic unit in the district but is here interpreted as derived from
The late Triassic to early Jurassic magmatism in the SM includes the post Grenvillian Silgará formation. An early Ordovician age
both, peraluminous rocks with a large crustal component and population of 494e472 Ma can readily be matched to the meta-
metaluminous intermediate-mantle-derived intrusions in tempo- morphosed meta-diorites documented by Restrepo-Pace and
ral and spatial proximity. Cediel (2010) and Mantilla et al. (2012). Magmatism of late Cale-
donian age (Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010) can be matched to
5.2. Detrital and inhered UePb zircons ages detrital zircon ages of 466e436 Ma, whereas the detrital age pop-
ulation of 209e195 Ma matches the late Triassic to early Jurassic
The detrital zircons of the Tambor Formation record all previous magmatic episode documented above well. Overall, the detrital
known igneous and major metamorphic events in the Santander zircon data indicate that all igneous and metamorphic units pres-
Massif previously documented by mapping and igneous geochro- ently exposed in the study area were already subject to erosion in
nology (Goldsmith et al., 1971; Ward et al., 1973; Dörr et al., 1995; the lower Cretaceous, as previously suggested by Juliver (1963a, b);
Cordani et al., 2005; Mantilla et al., 2012). These include Proterozoic Fabre and Delaloye, 1983), and Sarmiento (2001).
zircons, most importantly dated at w1300e940 Ma, but also some Inherited zircon grains from Mesozoic igneous rocks record, in
older grains between w1810 and w1340 Ma. The younger of these broad terms, the same pre-Mesozoic age populations as the detrital
two episodes can readily be related to the Grenvillian orogeny and zircons of the Tambor Formation. The oldest zircon ages from 1740
includes the age of the peak metamorphism of the Bucaramanga to 1334 Ma (8 analyses) recorded by studied Mesozoic igneous
Gneiss (Cordani et al., 2005), whereas the oldest group of ages are rocks, are interpreted as inherited from the host Bucaramanga
probably inherited from the protolith of the Bucaramanga Gneiss Gneiss and likely correspond to its protolith age; as was interpreted
which, on the basis of SmeNd model ages, has been estimated at in previous studies (Cordani et al., 2005; Ordóñez-Cardona et al.,
1760e1710 Ma (Ordoñez-Cardona et al., 2006). An alternate 2006; Mantilla et al., 2012). Inherited zircon ages of 1240e
explanation for this Paleoproterozoic age population would be that 958 Ma (5 analyses) are also interpreted as derived from the host
these zircons may have been derived from upper Paleozoic sedi- Bucaramanga Gneiss, and likely corresponding to the Grenvillian
mentary rocks, shedding off the Amazonian craton, after the metamorphic peak (Cordani et al., 2005; Mantilla et al., 2012). The
Chibcha Terrane accretion (Restrepo et al., 2011). However, given older ages within the age group from 920 to 500 Ma (8 analyses),
246 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

Fig. 10. Geochemical classification diagrams for Mesozoic igneous rocks of the VCMD. A. Irvine and Baragar (1971) discrimination diagram; B. Al/(Ca þ Na þ K) vs. Al/(Na þ K)
diagram from Maniar and Piccoli (1989) which readily identifies the Alaskites-I and -II as peraluminous, whereas the intermediate rocks fall into the metaluminous field; C and D.
Zr/TiO2 vs. Nb/Y and SiO2 vs. Zr/TiO2 classification diagram after Winchester and Floyd (1977); E. Chondrite normalized REE spider diagram. Chondrite normalization values from
Sun and McDonough (1989). F. Ta vs. Yb tectonic discrimination diagrams for granitoid rocks, after Pearce et al. (1984). Empty squares: Intermediate igneous Mesozoic rocks; filled
squares: Mesozoic Alaskite-I rocks; filled triangles: Mesozoic Alaskite-II rocks.

may correspond to late metamorphic events of the Grenvillian metamorphic events, mixing ages or alternatively (?) may be
orogeny as documented by Cordani et al. (2005) and Restrepo-Pace related to undated diabase (dolerite) dikes outcropping in the SM,
(1995), the latter using 40Ar/39Ar hornblende from amphibolite. The which have been interpreted to have intruded during the opening
younger ages in the range, may also be related to post Grenvillian of the western Iapetus Ocean (Pisarevsky et al., 2008).
L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249 247

The age groups from 475 to 302 Ma (27 analyses) may be inherited zircons indicate that limited crustal contamination must
interpreted as inhered from the early Ordovician meta-igneous have occurred. The early Jurassic intermediate rocks are followed
rocks (ages >470 Ma) present in the study area (Mantilla et al., by peraluminous granitic rocks (Alaskite-II) with similar charac-
2012) and also from igneous rocks without regional meta- teristics to those which pre-date the intermediate rocks indicating
morphism (470e370 Ma in age) that were emplaced in different a return to a similar tectonic configuration as prior to the
areas of the SM, as has been documented by Restrepo-Pace and emplacement of the intermediate rocks. Magmatism probably
Cediel (2010). The latter magmatic event has not been docu- ceased in the region after w190 Ma, potentially due to initiation of
mented but may be represented by scarce granitic pegmatite dykes rifting related to the opening of the Proto-Caribbean Ocean and
observed in the study area. Younger ages (<370 Ma), likely repre- westward retreat of the subduction zone, as also suggested by
sent mixed ages, but in cannot be excluded that they represent Bayona et al. (2006).
presently unknown rocks units. The reported geochemical data from late Triassiceearly Jurassic
The two Permian ages of 287 and 270 Ma reported for zircons in Magmatic rocks support continental margin magmatism, but the
Alaskite-II rocks, are also interpreted as mixed ages although they sedimentary succession from this time interval indicates deposition
may also represent inhered zircons from unknown Permian in an extensional setting (Bayona et al., 2006). Restrepo et al. (2011),
igneous rocks, which, however, have not been reported from the supported by zircon UePb SHRIMP ages, obtained from Nechí
Santander Massif. Gneiss (Tahami Terrane, core of the Colombian Central Cordillera),
pointed out that the metamorphism of this terrane has likely taken
5.3. Paleotectonic implications place in an Andean-type orogenesis (about 226 Ma age in the late
Triassic), on the western side of Pangea (not by the collision of
The existence of a proto-Andean Orogenic system during the Laurentia and Gondwana to form Pangea).
Grenvillian (1.0 Ga) and Famatinian (0.47 Ga), have been reported The late Triassiceearly Jurassic magmatism in the SM is
for the SM (Restrepo-Pace et al., 1997; Cordani et al., 2005; Chew consistent with an oblique supra-subduction setting, as proposed
et al., 2007; Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010). The granitoids by Aspden et al. (1987) and documented by Bayona et al. (2006) on
emplaced during the CaparonensiseFamatinian Orogeny the basis of paleomagnetic data. The tectonic changes required for
(Restrepo-Pace and Cediel, 2010), are related to mantle-derived the shift from peraluminous to metaluminous and then again to
magmas emplaced in a supra-subduction paleotectonic setting, peraluminous magmatism, reported also for other areas affected by
are affected by a regional metamorphic foliation and have been oblique subduction (e.g., Collins and Hobbs, 2001) is here inter-
dated at 477  2 Ma in the study area (Mantilla et al., 2012). The preted as a function of crustal residency time during ongoing
Mesozoic leucogranites of the Alaskite-I and Alaskite-II units are subduction. In this scenario, peraluminous magmatism would be
geochemically similar to each other despite the fact that they can be the result of a more extensive interaction between the mantle-
distinguished by cross-cutting relationships and are separated in derived magma and the metasedimentary material of the crust
time by the intrusion of intermediate rocks. The Alaskites are per- during episodes of contractional tectonics and crustal thickening in
aluminous as they contain magmatic muscovite and their subduc- the upper plate. Metaluminous granite magmatism, in contrast,
tion signature in the trace elements is subdued. The Alaskite-I unit may be explained by some degree of relaxation of the crust and the
is interpreted to have been emplaced in a relatively continent-ward subsequent ascent of mantle-derived magmas. These tectonic shifts
position during late Triassic eastward subduction of the Pan- are interpreted to have taken place in the context of an oblique
thalassa oceanic plate (or Paleo-Pacific; Farallon Plate) beneath subduction of the Farallon Plate and episodic reactivations of the
Pangea (Fig. 11). A slight tectonic change, potentially related to the Paleo-SMBF which controlled the basin evolution to the west of the
initial rifting of the central Atlantic Ocean may have provided a Santander Massif. Deformation during the emplacement of the
locally more extensional setting for the emplacement of the inter- metaluminous intermediate rocks is also evidenced by the weak
mediate rocks. The latter are not peraluminous and exhibit no foliation and alignment of mafic minerals of some of these igneous
geochemical evidence for major crustal assimilation although some bodies.
Magmatic activity in the Santander Massif resumed in the late
Miocene (Mantilla et al., 2009, 2011). The late Miocene intrusions
A in the study area are narrow granodiorite porphyry dikes and,
locally, up to 1 km diameter intrusions. The generation of these
melts was probably related to the subduction of the Caribbean
plate beneath this part of the northern Andes and coincided with
the collision of the Baudó-Panama terrane (Dengo and Covey,
B 1993; Kellogg and Vega, 1995). The presence of even younger
igneous rocks cannot be ruled out, since magmaticehydrothermal
Study area alteration, presumably related to intrusions at depth, post-dating

the late Miocene granodiorite porphyries has affected the area.

Late Pliocene volcanism has been documented locally at the Paipa
volcano some 180 km south of VCMD in the eastern Cordillera
Magmatic Arc
(Pardo et al., 2005).
Subduction margin
Bucaramanga Fault 6. Conclusions
Volcano-plutonic arc
of the Santander Massif.
Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic The Vetas-California Mining District (VCMD) records a series of
tectono-magmatic events that took place during Proterozoic and
Fig. 11. A. Simplified map of late Triassiceearly Jurassic Pangea showing the approx- lower Paleozoic. All pre-Devonian rocks have a regional meta-
imate location of the Colombia Territory (modified from Lucas and Tanner, 2007). B.
Simplified geotectonic reconstruction of the study area, in which the oblique late
morphic foliation related to the Grenvillian and Famatiniane
Triassiceearly Jurassic subduction margin is shown (modified from Bayona et al., Caparonensis orogenies. A limited number of age determinations
2006). on inherited zircons in the late Triassic and early Jurassic igneous
248 L.C. Mantilla Figueroa et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 45 (2013) 235e249

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We express our thanks to the Industrial University of Santander implications. Sedimentary Geology 163, 29e66.
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ology. We would like to thank Sara Jenkins, Arne Toma, Karie Smith, 187e194.
students and colleagues at the Mineral Deposit Research Unit Etayo-Serna, F., Barrero, D., Lozano, H., Espinoza, A., González, H., Orego, A.,
(MDRU), at the Earth and Ocean Sciences Department (University of Zambrano, F., Duque, H., Vargas, R., Núñez, A., Álvarez, J., Ropaín, C.,
Ballesteros, I., Cardozo, E., Forero, H., Galvis, N., Ramírez, C., Sarmiento, L., 1983.
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surrounding areas, for their permanent kindness and cooperation. Colombia, p. 43. U. S. Geological Survey.
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