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Patterned Social Interaction

Narrator: Social interaction is the mutual influence of two or more people on each
other's behavior. There are five patterns of social interaction: exchange,
cooperation, competition, conflict, and coercion. Exchange or social exchange is
our expectation that whenever we do something good, we will receive.
EXCHANGE -or social exchange is the expectation that whenever we do
something good. We will recieve something good in return.
KHERVIN: Hi guys! I am Khervin i have something to trade to all of you.
KHERVIN: you see this money? (20,,50,100)
KHERVIN: if i trade you my money you will do my assignments and do the
projects in all subject.
KHERVIN: don’t worry you will get a high amount of money if you will do my
assignments and projects this will be our secret!. (Wink)
CONFLICT -arises when people disobey rules,control of a person by force or
hurting people just to achieve their goals.
JACKY: Andy could you do me a favor can you do tha loundry?.
GEL: ofcoure!
JACKY: Andy! You are not doing the loundry properly, there are still stains!
JACKY: i will wash it again.
GEL: so why did you ask me a favor if you will complain that i didn’t do the
loundry properly!
GEL: all i did in this house was wrong!
COOPERATION -is when people or groups or people work together to achieve
something. Because without cooperation social would be unmanagegable.
DIXIE: Hi! Babe i need your help
ANDY: what is it babe?
DIXIE: could you teach me your warm up in basketball? because we have a new
routine and I am not familliar in it but i assure that you know this routines because
of basketball.
ANDY: i would love to! But could you help me also warm up and stretch my
body? Because are game is getting closer.
DIXIE: sure babe!
COERSION -happens when there is a use of treat or force in persuading others.
People usually coerse other people when they cannot achieve their goals on their
KYLA: What is going on you brian?! Your grades are failing!.
BRIAN: i’m sorry mom but i also did my best to get a high score and make you
KYLA: this is not enough! I gave everthing for your own good.
KYLA: you must study hard you will not get out in your room unless you are done
in your homework in this house you will do what i say!

COMPETITION -it is the opposite of cooperation. Instead of working together

towards common goals. FRUIT STAND # 1 (Kyla and Brian): Orange! Apples!
Our fruits are sweeter than the other fruits! You must try it.
FRUIT STAND # 2 (Andy and Dixie): Apples! Mango! Come and get your
fruits,our fruits are delicious and much sweeter than the other side of the stall!.
FRUIT STAND # 3 (Jacky and gel): Mga madam and sir! You want fruits? We
have the delicious and savory fruits from Baguio unlike in the others stalls come
and get your!
FRUIT STAND # 1 (Kyla and brian): stop with the dramas! Our fruits are
worthy to buy unlike yours that are rotten fruit!
FRUIT STAND # 3 (Andy Dixie): No that’s not true! Our fruits are always fresh
and looking good!

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