Sujit Kumar

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It is my proud privilege to epitomize my deepest sense of

gratitude and in-debtness to my guide, Er.Lakhsmi Narayan Panda,
lectured in mechanical dept. for this valuable guidance, keen and
sustained interest, intuitive ideas and persistent endeavor.His
inspiring assistant , laconic reciprocation and affectionate care
anabled me to complete my work smoothly and successfully .

I express my gratitude to Mr.Gati Krushna Dash, H.O.D. Of basic

SC department for giving me the opportunity and creating a nice
work environment for me to complete my seminar within stipulated
period of time .

I acknowledge with immense the sustained interest , encouraging

attitude and constant inspiration rendered by Er.Sunil Kumar Sahu ,
principal, GSE . His continued drive for better quality in everithing
that happens at GSE and selfless inspiration has always helped use to
move ahead .

At the nib but neap tide, I bow my head in gratitude at the

omnipresent almighty for all his kidness. I Still seek his blessing to
proceed forthere.


Section- A2, Roll No-63


I do hereby declare the seminar worked entitled “ Traffic

Rulls”submitted to department of basic SC Department, GSE

BrahmapurGanjam. Is an original work done by me. This report is
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for diploma in
basic SC, Department. The openion and conclusion arrived at, are my
own responsibility and views expressed in this report do not
represent the views of any indivisual.


Section-A2 Roll No-63


This is to certify that Mr. SUJIT KUMAR DALEI, Section-A2, Roll

No-63, of diploma 2nd semester has been found satisfactory in the
continuous internal evaluation of seminar entitled “TRAFFIC RULLS”
for the requirement of diploma program under state council for
technical education and vocational training odisha. For the
academic year 2020-2021.

Guided by: Er. Sri Lakhsmi Narayan Panda

H.O.D:- Sri Gati Krushna Dash(Basic Science Department)

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