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Work Power Energy

What is Work???

In Physics, a force does work when it displaces

the particle in the direction of force
Work done by constant force -
Definition of Work -

Work done by a force is fundamentally defined as dot product

of force and displacement integrated over the whole path

● Work is a Scalar Quantity.

● Unit - Joules
● It can be positive, negative or zero
● For a non zero, force and displacement, work can still be zero,
if the force is perpendicular to displacement
● Work done depends on the frame of reference
Work done by constant force -
Work done by constant force -
Work done by constant force -
Work done by constant force -
Find the work done by all forces in given case during displacement
of 4 m.

A. By applied force.
25 N
B. By Normal force. 3 kg
C. By Weight of the block.
D. By frictional force.

μ = 0.6 24 N

4 kg

μ = 0.2
25 N
3 kg

μ = 0.6
Work done by constant force -
Work done by constant force -
Find the work done by all forces in given case during displacement
of 4 m.

24 N

A. By applied force.
B. By Normal force. 4 kg
C. By Weight of the block.
D. By frictional force.
μ = 0.2
Work done by constant force -
Work done by constant force -
A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant
acceleration g/2 upward, as shown in figure. Work done by normal reaction
on block in time t is-

JEE Main 2019

A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant
acceleration g/2 upward, as shown in figure. Work done by normal reaction
on block in time t is-

JEE Main 2019

Work Done by Gravity


C zero

D 2mgh
Work done by constant force -
3 blocks, each of mass m are thrown from a tower
of height h, first vertically up, second horizontally
and third vertically down. All of them fall on the
ground. In which case will the work done be

A mgh

B -mgh

C zero

D 2mgh
Work done by constant force -
Work done by variable force -
Work done by constant force -
Mass (m) of an object is 2kg. This object undergoes variable force in direction ‘x’.
Force variation is a function, Fx = (3 + 2x) N. Determine the work done when object
moves from x = 0 to x = 5.
Mass (m) of an object is 2kg. This object undergoes variable force in direction ‘x’.
Force variation is a function, Fx = (3 + 2x) N. Determine the work done when object
moves from x = 0 to x = 5.

ANS 17.5 J
Work don in 3D
Work done by constant force -
Q: A spring of spring constant k is in initial extended state of x1. It is slowly extended to
final state of x2 by an external agent. Find the work done by the spring force.
Work done by constant force -
Force v/s Displacement Graph -
Force v/s Displacement Graph - Example

Figure shows the force-displacement graph for a moving body. What is the work done
by the force in displacing body from x=0 to x=15m?
Work done by constant force -
POV: When you learned physics on bed
What is Energy???

Energy is the ability to do work.

● Energy is a Scalar Quantity.

● Unit - Joules
● Energy can neither be
created nor destroyed but
can only be converted from
one form to another.
Kinetic Energy

The kinetic energy of an object is the energy of the body by virtue of

its motion.

● It is a Scalar Quantity.
● Unit of KE - Joule.

If an object of mass m is moving with a velocity v, then KE of that

object can be written as -

KE = ½ mv2 m
Work done by constant force -
Calculate the mass of the object moving at a speed of 40 m/s and
having a kinetic energy of 1500 J.
Work Energy Theorem

According to this theorem, the net work done on a body is equal to

the change in kinetic energy of the body. This is known as Work-
Energy Theorem.
Work done by constant force -
A block of mass 10 kg starts moving up
the incline with the 20 m/s. It reaches the
top and comes back to its initial position
and stops. What is the work done by
friction in the whole process?

A 2000 J

B 1000 J

C -1000 J

D -2000 J
A block of mass 10 kg starts moving up
the incline with the 20 m/s. It reaches the
top and comes back to its initial position
and stops. What is the work done by
friction in the whole process?

A 2000 J

B 1000 J

C -1000 J

D -2000 J
A particle of mass 500 gm is moving in a
straight line with velocity v = b x5/2. The
work done by the net force during its
displacement from x = 0 to x = 4 m is :
(Take b = 0.25 m-3/2s-1).

JEE Main 2022

A 2J

B 4J

C 8J

D 16 J
A particle of mass 500 gm is moving in a
straight line with velocity v = b x5/2. The
work done by the net force during its
displacement from x = 0 to x = 4 m is :
(Take b = 0.25 m-3/2s-1).

JEE Main 2022

A 2J

B 4J

C 8J

D 16 J
A small block starts slipping down from a point B on an
inclined plane AB, which is making an angle θ with the
horizontal, section BC is smooth, and the remaining
section CA is rough with a coefficient of friction μ. It is
found that the block comes to rest as it reaches the
bottom (point A) of the inclined plane. If BC = 2AC, the
coefficient of friction is given by μ = ktanθ. The value of k is

JEE Main 2020

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
Work done by constant force -
A small block starts slipping down from a point B on an
inclined plane AB, which is making an angle θ with the
horizontal, section BC is smooth, and the remaining
section CA is rough with a coefficient of friction μ. It is
found that the block comes to rest as it reaches the
bottom (point A) of the inclined plane. If BC = 2AC, the
coefficient of friction is given by μ = ktanθ. The value of k is

JEE Main 2020

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
A block of mass 1 kg is released from the top of a
rough incline having μ = 1/√3. The initial speed of
the block is 2 m/s. The inclined plane has unknown
length and has a spring of spring constant k=1N/m
connected at the base as in the figure. Find the
maximum compression of spring. (answer in
Work done by constant force -
A block of mass 1 kg is released from the top of a
rough incline having μ = 1/√3. The initial speed of
the block is 2 m/s. The inclined plane has unknown
length and has a spring of spring constant k=1N/m
connected at the base as in the figure. Find the
maximum compression of spring. (answer in

ANS - 2

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